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View Full Version : Pres. Trump: Congress Should Pass Funding Bill Before August Break

05-14-2018, 09:20 AM
OAN Newsroom
May 12, 2018
President Trump is urging Congress to make a deal to fund the federal government before returning home during the August recess.
The president said the funding bill should include money to (http://www.oann.com/pres-trump-congress-should-pass-funding-bill-before-august-break/#) build a border wall, in a tweet Saturday.
He also blasted Democrats for delaying almost 300 nominations, saying they are doing everything possible to obstruct his agenda.
Congress is facing an end-of September deadline to pass a funding bill or face a third government shutdown this year.

Is Congress waiting on anything in particular on something that was due LAST Oct? This IS one of my BIGGEST pet peeves about Congress. Always has been. ONE F-ING THING Congress HAS TO DO BY LAW is pass a budget.

Congress has always pretty-much been a failure, but if they can't even do the one thing they KNOW they're supposed to, they are a complete failure. I don't see the point to paying them nor having them around.