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View Full Version : Erdogan: Turkey will not allow israel to steal jerusalem from palestinians

05-17-2018, 08:40 AM
ANKARA - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that the United Nations had "collapsed" in the face of events in Gaza where Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinian protesters on Monday as the United States relocated its Israel embassy to Jerusalem.

Turkey has been among the most vocal critics of the Israeli use of deadly force against protesters at the Gaza border and of the U.S. decision to open its new embassy in Jerusalem. It called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul on Friday.


Please, please PLEASE start some shit with Israel you stupid f-ing Turk. I got a brand new box of popcorn looking for a place to happen.

Turkey has been one of the most vocal critics of Israel for the use of deadly force against Palestinians? How about Turkey's use of deadly force against the Kurds? Turkey is one country that is LONG overdue to get its ass kicked up around its shoulders.

05-17-2018, 08:42 AM
And BTW, fuckwit Erdogan ... Israel ALREADY HAS taken Jerusalem from Palestine. Is this some kind of punchy, 70 years old delayed response? What f-ing moron.

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 09:18 AM
Bibi will play the role of Michael Corleone. Killing Turks.

05-17-2018, 07:56 PM
The new capital city of Israel is Jerusalem. Edrogan has no power to STEAL it back from Israel, and just give it to the Palestinians.
Turkey has never been trusted.....much like N.K. Remember that Turkey (suppposedly Our Ally) Wouldn't allow our aircraft to fly over their territory during the First Gulf War?
And, even I remember how Turkey played games with JOHN F. KENNEDY during the Cuban Missile Crisis...bowing down to the USSR (at the time) to remove all defensive missiles in trade for Krueshev removing the Nuke Missiles from Cuba in October of 1962.
One of the most scary times during the COLD WAR, that could have been much different.
So. If I was talking to Turkey....I'd be telling them to KISS MY ROYAL AMERICAN BUTT!

05-17-2018, 08:20 PM
The new capital city of Israel is Jerusalem. Edrogan has no power to STEAL it back from Israel, and just give it to the Palestinians.
Turkey has never been trusted.....much like N.K. Remember that Turkey (suppposedly Our Ally) Wouldn't allow our aircraft to fly over their territory during the First Gulf War?
And, even I remember how Turkey played games with JOHN F. KENNEDY during the Cuban Missile Crisis...bowing down to the USSR (at the time) to remove all defensive missiles in trade for Krueshev removing the Nuke Missiles from Cuba in October of 1962.
One of the most scary times during the COLD WAR, that could have been much different.
So. If I was talking to Turkey....I'd be telling them to KISS MY ROYAL AMERICAN BUTT!

And the rest of the story .... (from someone who lived in Turkey during the Cuban Missile Crisis) .... My dad said the Turks were spitting in the gutter behind their backs one day and after Kruschev turned around, kissing American ass the next.

THIS is how we left Turkey. We're sightseeing. There's siome Turk kids playing with a ball and one of them ran out and he hit the car harder than it hit him. We get to spend the night in a Turkish jail and the next day go before the magistrate, judge or whatever. They're suing our asses off because we're Americans and they want US government dollars. So everyone's all serious while this little "damaged" Turk kid is bouncing all over the court room.

I was almost 5 so my memory is a bit sketchy by now, but what I remember IS correct. We go back to base somehow. My grandfather, staunch, old-school Democrat that he was started ringing Henry B. Gonzales' phone off the hook. Next thing I remember we're flying Pan Am the f- outta that shithole.

There was NOTHING about that place I liked fromthe beginning of my memory as a be-bop until I was close to 5. So it's a bits-n-pieces thing. The people were hateful to us for no reason, and my mom worked part-time at the BX and I got left with a Turkish maid and we were at war the entire time. I got spanked every day for it and went right back to war the next morning, I know, I know ... you're thinking "not me" :laugh: I was a little hardass that just grew into a big one :happy0203:. Bitch shouldn't have taunted me which she did from the second my mom walked out the door until she came home.

So anyone thinking there's any love lost here? Don't.

The bigger point is Turks are and have been two-faced, back-stabbing liars from Day One. Technology has surpassed any need for them so this tip-toeing around their asses doesn't make sense to me.

At aboutime Turkey did at the last second allow us to use their airspace during the First Gulf War. But they made us wait until the last minute for an answer. We should have just flown over Lebanon and Syria and flipped them off on the way. They were going to send their little air forces after our pilots when most of ours were in theater? Saddam's pilots were so desperate they ran off to Iran :cuckoo:

05-18-2018, 09:42 AM
The president of Turkey is criticizing the UN for not punishing Israel after 60 Palestinian protesters were killed during demonstrations this week (http://www.oann.com/turkish-president-calls-on-un-to-punish-israel-following-deaths-of-protesters/#).
In a speech Wednesday, President Tayyip Erdogan said the Turkish government is urging the UN Security Council to condemn Israel following the fatal events at the Gaza Strip, which he described as a genocide.

He added, Turkey is working to evacuate the remaining injured protesters and promised the Palestinian people his full support in their conflict with Israel.
“Even if the whole world shuts their eyes, we will not allow Israeli cruelty,” said Erdogan. “We will continue to be with our Palestinian brothers not only with our hearts, but with all our resources.”
The Turkish government has since called for a meeting with members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Friday to discuss the ongoing conflict in the region.

I wonder if this moron realizes what a two-faced lying hypocrite he is in the most obvious of ways give his treatement of the Kurds in Syria?

But, there you have it. He has squarely aligned himself against our ally with an enemy. Even the Democrats should be able to figure the math out on this one. Maybe.

Black Diamond
05-18-2018, 09:55 AM

I wonder if this moron realizes what a two-faced lying hypocrite he is in the most obvious of ways give his treatement of the Kurds in Syria?

But, there you have it. He has squarely aligned himself against our ally with an enemy. Even the Democrats should be able to figure the math out on this one. Maybe.
Democrats know the math. Trump will call erdogan something and they will pick on trump for calling him a mean name.

05-18-2018, 09:56 AM
Democrats know the math. Trump will call erdogan something and they will pick on trump for calling him a mean name.:laugh: Probably.

Great warrior
05-20-2018, 07:26 AM
"The Israelites occupied and conquered Palestine, or Canaan, beginning in the late 2nd millennium bc, or perhaps earlier; and the Bible justifies such occupation by identifying Canaan with the Promised Land, the land promised to the Israelites by God."

"Canaan, area variously defined in historical and biblical literature, but always centred on Palestine. Its original pre-Israelite inhabitants were called Canaanites. "


05-20-2018, 09:33 AM
"The Israelites occupied and conquered Palestine, or Canaan, beginning in the late 2nd millennium bc, or perhaps earlier; and the Bible justifies such occupation by identifying Canaan with the Promised Land, the land promised to the Israelites by God."

"Canaan, area variously defined in historical and biblical literature, but always centred on Palestine. Its original pre-Israelite inhabitants were called Canaanites. "

Who write your history books? The filistens or Philistines stole the land from the Jews to start with. The Jews REoccupied the land. Don't go away crying. Just go away.

Black Diamond
05-20-2018, 09:42 AM
Who write your history books? The filistens or Philistines stole the land from the Jews to start with. The Jews REoccupied the land. Don't go away crying. Just go away.
All propaganda has some truth in it.

05-20-2018, 09:52 AM
All propaganda has some truth in it.Besides that BS, the argument is irrelevant. "Palestine" was a mandate of Great Britain following WW I. That's what happened back then when you sided with the bad guys in a war an lost. You lose your country. Prior to that, it was a state within the Ottoman Empire. As a sovereign nation, there was no such thing as Palestine. The winners (UK) gave it to the Jews.

Tough shit. I was totally against and still think it was dumb for Israel to give the Gaza to a bunch of Arabs calling themselves "Palestinians" to begin with. There's no such thing as a Palestinian anymore than there is a Palestine. Israel should have kept their asses kicked up to Beirut where they had them in 83.

You can't be nice to those ragheads Arabs. NOTHING is every going to be good enough for them. If peace was declared tomorrow on all sides, "Palestine" would swirl right down the toilet. The gross national product of "Palestine" and Hamas is Islamic terrorism and has been since 1948. You have generations of people that wouldn't know how to work a real job if you gave it to them with no strings attached. They bum off the sympathies of countries like Iran to eek out a meager existence to wage war. An existence that has no point and no purpose in the civilized world.

Black Diamond
05-20-2018, 09:55 AM
Besides that BS, the argument is irrelevant. "Palestine" was a mandate of Great Britain following WW I. That's what happened back then when you sided with the bad guys in a war an lost. You lose your country. Prior to that, it was a state within the Ottoman Empire. As a sovereign nation, there was no such thing as Palestine. The winners (UK) gave it to the Jews.

Tough shit. I was totally against and still think it was dumb for Israel to give the Gaza to a bunch of Arabs calling themselves "Palestinians" to begin with. There's no such thing as a Palestinian anymore than there is a Palestine. Israel should have kept their asses kicked up to Beirut where they had them in 83.

You can't be nice to those ragheads Arabs. NOTHING is every going to be good enough for them. If peace was declared tomorrow on all sides, "Palestine" would swirl right down the toilet. The gross national product of "Palestine" and Hamas is Islamic terrorism and has been since 1948. You have generations of people that wouldn't know how to work a real job if you gave it to them with no strings attached. They bum off the sympathies of countries like Iran to eek out a meager existence to wage war. An existence that has no point and no purpose in the civilized world.
I'm still not over Israel giving the Sinai back. Or did carter force them to give it back ?

05-20-2018, 10:04 AM
I'm still not over Israel giving the Sinai back. Or did carter force them to give it back ?I believe that was part of the peace deal between Egypt and Israel.

05-20-2018, 10:07 AM
Giving the Gaza to Hamas and the PLO was however a unilateral move of good faith on Israel's part. They didn't have to give them shit, and no one brokered any deal. It was an attempt by Israel to shut everybody, especially Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah and Iran up. Epic fail. You can't deal in good faith with snakes.

Black Diamond
05-20-2018, 10:09 AM
Giving the Gaza to Hamas and the PLO was however a unilateral move of good faith on Israel's part. They didn't have to give them shit, and no one brokered any deal. It was an attempt by Israel to shut everybody, especially Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah and Iran up. Epic fail. You can't deal in good faith with snakes.
What year did this happen approximately ? I can't see bibi doing that. (I know it wasn't this bibi term)And I agree the ragheads won't be satisfied until the Jews are driven into the Mediterranean.

05-20-2018, 10:30 AM
What year did this happen approximately ? I can't see bibi doing that. (I know it wasn't this bibi term)And I agree the ragheads won't be satisfied until the Jews are driven into the Mediterranean.83 was the year they pushed the PLO and Hamas into Beirut. I don't recall exactly which year Israel gave the Gaza to the Arabs but I think it was Sharon that did it.

Great warrior
05-20-2018, 04:12 PM
Who write your history books? The filistens or Philistines stole the land from the Jews to start with. The Jews REoccupied the land. Don't go away crying. Just go away.

All propaganda has some truth in it.

You both can complain to Encyclopedia Britannica.

I challenge you both to prove that

Children of Israel didn't invade Palestine by the sword.
The Canaanites are the earliest known inhabitants of Palestine.

05-20-2018, 04:40 PM
You both can complain to Encyclopedia Britannica.

I challenge you both to prove that

Children of Israel didn't invade Palestine by the sword.
The Canaanites are the earliest known inhabitants of Palestine.

There's nothing to prove. Buy a history book. One that isn't full of your propaganda and lies. Frankly, your 3rd grade mentality isn't worth my time. When you want to grow up, act like an adult and think for yourself and actually contribute to a conversationinstead of regurgitating lies, let me know.

And you better not piss ME off, raghead. I'm probably the only reason you're still allowed on this board.

Black Diamond
05-20-2018, 06:10 PM
You both can complain to Encyclopedia Britannica.

I challenge you both to prove that

Children of Israel didn't invade Palestine by the sword.
The Canaanites are the earliest known inhabitants of Palestine.

Thank you for citing the truth portion of your propaganda.

05-20-2018, 06:28 PM
Thank you for sharing the truth portion of your propaganda.Palestine pops up in 1250 BCE during the reign of the Roman Empire. The Romans dispossessed the Israeli's of their existence as a Nation for constantly refusing to bow to Rome and rebelling against it. Again, who originally occupied the land is irrelevant and a loser's argument.

Palestine was subjugated by one empire after another and had and have no individual identity. They're just another bunch of Arabs who have made an industry of hate. If you look at the other thread I posted about Hamas, they inherited a pretty choice piece of land. Making a go of it with that was not in their plans. They turned it into a dump of dead bodies, and terrorist camps.

Black Diamond
05-20-2018, 06:34 PM
Palestine pops up in 1250 BCE during the reign of the Roman Empire. The Romans dispossessed the Israeli's of their existence as a Nation for constantly refusing to bow to Rome and rebelling against it. Again, who originally occupied the land is irrelevant and a loser's argument.

Palestine was subjugated by one empire after another and had and have no individual identity. They're just another bunch of Arabs who have made an industry of hate. If you look at the other thread I posted about Hamas, they inherited a pretty choice piece of land. Making a go of it with that was not in their plans. They turned it into a dump of dead bodies, and terrorist camps.
I changed it to "citing"

05-20-2018, 06:54 PM
I changed it to "citing"Another tidbit of info: Canaan is the land. Not the people. The people who occupied the land are "Canaanites". Guess who the Canaanites are? The Jews AND the Philistines. They mostly peacefully coexisted on separate parts of the land.

I assume nether religion is keen on that info becoming common knowledge since no effort has been made to address it. Especially the so-called "Pali's" who would suddenly be exposed for being a bunch of rat turd Islamic extremist murderers with no other real reason to exist and waste perfectly good natural resources. They'd have to get real jobs and create a real society and contribute to it.

The only people gaining anything in this who bunch of BS are the Hamas leaders. Everyone else is expendable for the neverending cause to nowhere and nothingness.

05-20-2018, 09:24 PM
I'm still not over Israel giving the Sinai back. Or did carter force them to give it back ?

I believe that was part of the peace deal between Egypt and Israel.

Israel gave the Sinai back to Egypt in return for official recognition and peace, for which Sadat was assassinated.

IMO, Israel should have kept it. It's a nice buffer between them and the muslim savages in Egypt.

However, Egypt did learn their lesson about trying to fight Israel in open warfare - they were humiliated twice in 6 years and had to cry to the UN to stop Israel from taking Cairo. I still laugh about that - they went from "We will erase Israel from the earth!" to "Help us, United Nations, they're going to wipe us out!" within days. Good times!

There's nothing funnier than a muslim army trying to fight Israel or the USA. It's comedy gold.

Great warrior
05-21-2018, 07:28 AM
Well, right-wing extremist haters just hate because of their filthy innate evil.
They have no power nor ability to prove themselves right- as expected.

The bible records the burning of Jerusalem after fighting Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem and four other kings .

Judg 1:8 "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."

No they have 2 options

1- Believe what the author of the man-made bible told them & Admit they are arrogant ignorant liars & abide to hellfire forever.

2- Submit to Islam if they want to avoid hellfire & learn to be truthful then they can buy some real history books and they will be humble enought to educate themselves.

05-21-2018, 07:50 AM
Well, right-wing extremist haters just hate because of their filthy innate evil.
They have no power nor ability to prove themselves right- as expected.

2- Submit to Islam if they want to avoid hellfire & learn to be truthful then they can buy some real history books and they will be humble enought to educate themselves.

MAAAAAAAAAN....................... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/facepalm-hand-gesture-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

05-21-2018, 07:52 AM
Well, right-wing extremist haters just hate because of their filthy innate evil.
They have no power nor ability to prove themselves right- as expected.

The bible records the burning of Jerusalem after fighting Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem and four other kings .

Judg 1:8 "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."

No they have 2 options

1- Believe what the author of the man-made bible told them & Admit they are arrogant ignorant liars & abide to hellfire forever.

2- Submit to Islam if they want to avoid hellfire & learn to be truthful then they can buy some real history books and they will be humble enought to educate themselves.
Do you think anyone is paying attention to you? My man made Bible is is history. Your pedophile's instructions of hatred and murder aren't allowed in my house.

The fact is ... and everybody write this down because it's my once a decade use of the word -- YOU, Puny Warrior, are a liar. The Koran is a book filled with nothing but hatred and crimes against anyone thinking differently than you. THAT makes YOU the ultra-right-wing extremist.

Try twisting the Bible with someone that didn't have the Holy Bible as the first book he learned to read. You might get somewhere.

Great warrior
05-21-2018, 07:53 AM
History repeats itself

Judg 1:8 "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."

https://scontent-cai1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32590550_632925533713211_3656684230387171328_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=be6b516d206e7048b64d4eb2874c4687&oe=5B9836BC

https://scontent-cai1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32207768_630169160655515_8439024937460563968_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=536022fd5968f88e1d2e637e020a010b&oe=5B899410

05-21-2018, 08:03 AM

05-21-2018, 08:32 AM
History repeats itself

Judg 1:8 "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."

https://scontent-cai1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32590550_632925533713211_3656684230387171328_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=be6b516d206e7048b64d4eb2874c4687&oe=5B9836BC

https://scontent-cai1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32207768_630169160655515_8439024937460563968_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=536022fd5968f88e1d2e637e020a010b&oe=5B899410Yep. People used to live like that centuries ago. It was the way of the World THEN.

Islam STILL clings to their barbaric ways from the 7th century. The rest of the world got past puberty. THERE is your difference. You and your religion are unacceptable to civilized people NOW.