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View Full Version : Israeli minister lashes out at erdogan, suggests turkey coup was staged

05-17-2018, 10:20 AM
Security cabinet member Yoav Gallant (Likud) lashed out angrily at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday after he called Israel a "terrorist state" (https://www.jpost.com/International/My-condolences-to-the-martyrs-killed-in-Gaza-protests-Erdogan-says-556421) over its actions on the Gaza border.

"You're speaking about a murderer of hundreds of Turkish citizens, who staged a rebellion in order (https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Cabinet-minister-lashes-out-at-murderer-Erdogan-after-Gaza-condemnation-556459#) to arrest half of his government? He'll teach us about morality?" said the housing and construction minister in an interview with Radio 103.

"We do not need explanations from the world on what is the right thing to do," said Yoav Galant.BY JPOST.COM STAFF
MAY 15, 2018 13:42

Security cabinet member Yoav Gallant (Likud) lashed out angrily at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday after he called Israel a "terrorist state" (https://www.jpost.com/International/My-condolences-to-the-martyrs-killed-in-Gaza-protests-Erdogan-says-556421) over its actions on the Gaza border.

"You're speaking about a murderer of hundreds of Turkish citizens, who staged a rebellion in order (https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Cabinet-minister-lashes-out-at-murderer-Erdogan-after-Gaza-condemnation-556459#) to arrest half of his government? He'll teach us about morality?" said the housing and construction minister in an interview with Radio 103.
"[Erdogan] is a dangerous man and his support for our enemies does not surprise me. We do not need explanations from the world on what is the right thing to do," he added.

The Turkish president said Monday that Israel had been carrying out "genocide and occupation" since 1948.

Those killed, Erdogan said, were civilians practicing their democratic rights. He gave his "condolences to the martyrs" and reiterated Turkish support for their "Palestinian brothers and sisters."

Gallant also criticized Erdogan's domestic policies relating to his own population. When asked to expand on his comment that the Turkey coup of 2016 was staged, Gallant responded that he sees "the entire thing as one big provocation."

"To arrest hundreds without trial in a country that Ataturk brought from being hundreds of years behind to one advancing the European front, is that reasonable? And to propagate hate between the country's population and some of its citizens, is that reasonable?" said Gallant.

"Erdogan promotes a policy stating that it will bring peace and quiet with Turkey's neighbors, but in reality Turkey has reached a situation of all-out dispute - from Greece to Syria, and with European countries too."

Erdogan called for three days of mourning in solidarity with those killed by the IDF in Monday's protests, which coincided with the dedication of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, and announced that Turkey would be recalling its ambassadors to both the US and Israel.


I hope Erdogan recalls his puppet to the US. He needs to do his math. First, the Israeli Minister is correct in everything he says about Erdogan and Turkey. Second, we needed Turkey during the Cold War as a listening post because we had 1950s-1960s technology; which, has since been replaced by AWCS. Strategically, since Turkey's always been a dick about where we could be and what we could do in their country, screw 'em. Turkey is a convenience, not a necessity in today's world.

Turkey has always declared its "neutrality" and been dicks about who can use the Dradenelles/Sea of Marmara/Bosporous as access to the Black Sea and refused to participate in WW II and supposedly didn't let anyone use the Sea Of Marmara to access the Med/Black Sea.

Really? Then how come the air station we lived on in Karamursel, on the Bosporous, was a former Luftwaffe fighter base? Two-faced, lying assholes.

05-17-2018, 10:48 AM
Gunny, Agreed, Turkey is untrustworthy, pretty much always has been.

Turkey v Israel
"pot calling the kettle black"

05-17-2018, 10:58 AM
Gunny, Agreed, Turkey is untrustworthy, pretty much always has been.

Turkey v Israel
"pot calling the kettle black"I disagree that it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Israel is fighting for its existence, and the Right to. Turkey is meddling in something that is none of its business while waging a war of genocide against the Kurds. Turkey thinks it can just label someone a "terrorist" and its so.

As I posted in another thread, this isn't Tiukey's first go-round at genocide either. They waged a war of genocide against the Armenians in the early 1900s.

Self-defense is justifiable. No one is attacking Turkey. Genocide based on hatred is not. Meddling in a war that is none of its business is not. Inflaming the situation with rhetoric is not.

05-17-2018, 11:35 AM
Another tidbit of info that no one probably cared about and still won't :) : "Turkey" is a nationality, not an ethnicity. That's how it rolls when you live in the crossroads between Asia and Europe.

Turks are a mixture of Asians, Persian, Arabs and Europeans. Just thought I'd toss that out there before Pete calls me a racist. Then again, I doubt he know the Middle East forum exists. His auto search is set on "Trump".

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 12:08 PM
Another tidbit of info that no one probably cared about and still won't :) : "Turkey" is a nationality, not an ethnicity. That's how it rolls when you live in the crossroads between Asia and Europe.

Turks are a mixture of Asians, Persian, Arabs and Europeans. Just thought I'd toss that out there before Pete calls me a racist. Then again, I doubt he know the Middle East forum exists. His auto search is set on "Trump".
How long before erdogan denies Holocaust?

05-17-2018, 01:10 PM
How long before erdogan denies Holocaust? Armenians ALREADY have and DO call the the war of genocide waged against them the "Armenian Holocaust".

Erdogan isn't going to admit to anything. He justifies going after Kurds in someone else's civil war by labeling them "terrorists". Sketchy, but Turkey DOES border Syria and there are militant kurds there trying to carve out their own "-istan".

I don't think it's by accident he went up against us though. As drummond says about Russians ... that bullying and force is all Turks understand. Erdogan thinks he looks cool and is impressing his sheeple by standing up to the US. They hated us when we were there. They were just scared shitless of the Soviets.

As far as Israel/Palestine goes ... back before WWI when the Ottoman Empire thought it was somebody and occupied the Middle East, Palestine was a state within the Ottoman Empire, not its own country. Palestine only existed because Rome dispossessed the Jews of Israel because they kept revolting against Rome. Rome's answer was to erase Israel.

The Jewish holocaust happened because nobody, including the US, would take Jewish refugees. We turned an entire shipload back thats occupants ended up in Nazi camps. No one wanted the Jews after the war either. Palestine at the time was a British mandate and had been since 1918. They gave it the Jews on paper with the Balfour Agreement in 1924 but no one acted on it.

So after WWII they gave the Jews Israel/Palestine and we, the US, was dead against it. David Bengurion took a boatload of fed up Jews down from Europe and took the place and ran the Palestinians off.

Any way you look at it, Turkey had it's empire chopped up and no longer has a say nor any business in the mix except Erdogan wants to flex his muscle and imress a bunch of simple minded Turks.

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 03:40 PM
Armenians ALREADY have and DO call the the war of genocide waged against them the "Armenian Holocaust".

Erdogan isn't going to admit to anything. He justifies going after Kurds in someone else's civil war by labeling them "terrorists". Sketchy, but Turkey DOES border Syria and there are militant kurds there trying to carve out their own "-istan".

I don't think it's by accident he went up against us though. As drummond says about Russians ... that bullying and force is all Turks understand. Erdogan thinks he looks cool and is impressing his sheeple by standing up to the US. They hated us when we were there. They were just scared shitless of the Soviets.

As far as Israel/Palestine goes ... back before WWI when the Ottoman Empire thought it was somebody and occupied the Middle East, Palestine was a state within the Ottoman Empire, not its own country. Palestine only existed because Rome dispossessed the Jews of Israel because they kept revolting against Rome. Rome's answer was to erase Israel.

The Jewish holocaust happened because nobody, including the US, would take Jewish refugees. We turned an entire shipload back thats occupants ended up in Nazi camps. No one wanted the Jews after the war either. Palestine at the time was a British mandate and had been since 1918. They gave it the Jews on paper with the Balfour Agreement in 1924 but no one acted on it.

So after WWII they gave the Jews Israel/Palestine and we, the US, was dead against it. David Bengurion took a boatload of fed up Jews down from Europe and took the place and ran the Palestinians off.

Any way you look at it, Turkey had it's empire chopped up and no longer has a say nor any business in the mix except Erdogan wants to flex his muscle and imress a bunch of simple minded Turks.lot of truth in there. I wonder if erdogan will deny the Armenian one and the Jewish one.

05-17-2018, 05:00 PM
lot of truth in there. I wonder if erdogan will deny the Armenian one and the Jewish one.I don't recall Turkey ever commenting on either. They have generally done what they want, and because they are NATO allies and DO hold a strategically significant piece of land, we've just ignored its occasional tantrums.

During the First Gulf War I know we waited until the very last second before they finally gave us permission to use their airspace. It was nothing more than a self-important power play.

Turkey is a perfect example of "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 05:13 PM
I don't recall Turkey ever commenting on either. They have generally done what they want, and because they are NATO allies and DO hold a strategically significant piece of land, we've just ignored its occasional tantrums.

During the First Gulf War I know we waited until the very last second before they finally gave us permission to use their airspace. It was nothing more than a self-important power play.

Turkey is a perfect example of "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"
They were probably our "friends" because they didn't want to lose the Bosporus and Dardenelles straits to the Russians. Enemy of my enemy is my.....

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 05:51 PM
I don't recall Turkey ever commenting on either. They have generally done what they want, and because they are NATO allies and DO hold a strategically significant piece of land, we've just ignored its occasional tantrums.

During the First Gulf War I know we waited until the very last second before they finally gave us permission to use their airspace. It was nothing more than a self-important power play.

Turkey is a perfect example of "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"
And they probably haven't commented but trump seems to have a talent for exposing people's hatred.

05-17-2018, 06:13 PM
And they probably haven't commented but trump seems to have a talent for exposing people's hatred.Trump has done absolutely NOTHING about Turkey. This is twice Erdogan has basically just said "fuck us". First with the Kurds he knows we're supporting against ISIS, and now, this BS with Israel knowing we are its closest and strongest ally.

Trump doesn't mind pissing off our allies or some little nobody in NK. He needs to get on his little tweet machine he like to run his mouth on and tell Erdogan to go fuck himself and piss off an enemy in all facets except name only. NATO ally. Fuck the place.

Every swinging dick I can think of in the ME except Bahrain and UAE are at war under one guise or another. Maybe we ought to put a little thought into building up some forces? Erdogan is a thousand times worse than Putin or Assad because he actually believes he can win or bully himself into one with his mouth.

I said this way back win ... at some point Trump was going to have to put up or shut up. He's wasting time as far as I'm concerned.

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 06:23 PM
Trump has done absolutely NOTHING about Turkey. This is twice Erdogan has basically just said "fuck us". First with the Kurds he knows we're supporting against ISIS, and now, this BS with Israel knowing we are its closest and strongest ally.

Trump doesn't mind pissing off our allies or some little nobody in NK. He needs to get on his little tweet machine he like to run his mouth on and tell Erdogan to go fuck himself and piss off an enemy in all facets except name only. NATO ally. Fuck the place.

Every swinging dick I can think of in the ME except Bahrain and UAE are at war under one guise or another. Maybe we ought to put a little thought into building up some forces? Erdogan is a thousand times worse than Putin or Assad because he actually believes he can win or bully himself into one with his mouth.

I said this way back win ... at some point Trump was going to have to put up or shut up. He's wasting time as far as I'm concerned.
Erdogan isn't reacting to trump moving the embassy??

05-17-2018, 06:54 PM
Erdogan isn't reacting to trump moving the embassy??

It's just another excuse for justification. If not Jerusalem, it would be something else.

He's been smashing the democracy and playng all sides against each other. It's just what Turkey did before and after WWII.

05-17-2018, 07:14 PM
Erdogan isn't reacting to trump moving the embassy??Oh, did I leave THAT out? THAT was THE stupidest, most pointless move of his administration. It has done nothing but stir up shit. And if he's going to stir up shit, he needs to step up to the plate with some wood in his hands, not empty rhetoric.

05-17-2018, 07:20 PM
And they probably haven't commented but trump seems to have a talent for exposing people's hatred.Kathianne is exactly right. Erdogan thinks he can bully his way through this with his mouth. Why should Turkey, a secular, nationalist state care about a religious site? It's just an excuse to insult us because unfortunately, no one ever does anything and he knows it.

He's doing the same damned thing Un is doing, only he has a real army. And he knows one of our biggest fears (an obsolete one) is that Turkey will ally itself with Russia. But they can appreciate Russia. That bully mindset is something they understand.

Turkey has played both sides against each other, and always kissed the ass of the stronger side. They have no respect for us. They did respect our power, but I guess they must be working a better deal.

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 07:30 PM
Oh, did I leave THAT out? THAT was THE stupidest, most pointless move of his administration. It has done nothing but stir up shit. And if he's going to stir up shit, he needs to step up to the plate with some wood in his hands, not empty rhetoric.
I don't know if you left it out. I have a feeling it was in another of your threads. I use the activity stream so I don't always know which thread has what content.

Moving the embassy makes a statement. And we are moving it so that isn't empty rhetoric. Some made fun of trump saying in 8 years the embassy would still be in tel aviv after he initially ran his mouth about moving it.

05-17-2018, 08:30 PM
I don't know if you left it out. I have a feeling it was in another of your threads. I use the activity stream so I don't always know which thread has what content.

Moving the embassy makes a statement. And we are moving it so that isn't empty rhetoric. Some made fun of trump saying in 8 years the embassy would still be in tel aviv after he initially ran his mouth about moving it.It's a stupid, pointless statement was better left not made.

It is empty rhetoric if it's not backed up. As I have pointed out many times before, I'd rather he back off a stupid statement/action than continue on with the madness just to try and prove something or because he refuses to back of his mouth. He had and has enough issues with enemies in THIS country; yet, he wants to run around pissing off the world.

There was and is nothing to prove here and I find it mind-boggling that KNOWING how pissy and sensitive Arabs are about thei f-ing religious bullsh*t that Trump insisted on purposefully antagonizing them to move an office space from place to another. Because THAT is all it is to us. An office space.

Now, in case everyone paying so much attention to Mueller and the Democrats they're missing the rest of the world, we're on the edge of another world war. Some people need to pull their heads out of their asses quick, and they could start by not needlessly sticking us in the middles of it. Well, too late for that, but somebody better get their shit together. As it stands, we don't have the National will to win another world war. Too many pussies live here.

Black Diamond
05-17-2018, 08:50 PM
It's a stupid, pointless statement was better left not made.

It is empty rhetoric if it's not backed up. As I have pointed out many times before, I'd rather he back off a stupid statement/action than continue on with the madness just to try and prove something or because he refuses to back of his mouth. He had and has enough issues with enemies in THIS country; yet, he wants to run around pissing off the world.

There was and is nothing to prove here and I find it mind-boggling that KNOWING how pissy and sensitive Arabs are about thei f-ing religious bullsh*t that Trump insisted on purposefully antagonizing them to move an office space from place to another. Because THAT is all it is to us. An office space.

Now, in case everyone paying so much attention to Mueller and the Democrats they're missing the rest of the world, we're on the edge of another world war. Some people need to pull their heads out of their asses quick, and they could start by not needlessly sticking us in the middles of it. Well, too late for that, but somebody better get their shit together. As it stands, we don't have the National will to win another world war. Too many pussies live here.
I don't necessarily think he moved it to shut people up about him not backing up what he says. Moving the embassy makes a statement that we consider Jerusalem Israels capital. It's been our policy since 1995 but no one has had the balls to move it. It also shows we are moving in the opposite direction of Obama. It says that very strongly. That and the Iran deal pullout. It's good we are backing off the last 8 years of kissing Euro and Arab ass and pissing on Israel.

05-17-2018, 08:58 PM
I don't necessarily think he moved it to shut people up about him not backing up what he says. Moving the embassy makes a statement that we consider Jerusalem Israels capital. It's been our policy since 1995 but no one has had the balls to move it. It also shows we are moving in the opposite direction of Obama. It says that very strongly. That and the Iran deal pullout. It's good we are backing off the last 8 years of kissing Euro and Arab ass and pissing on Israel.

Again, "we" don't/didn't need to make that statement. Jerusalem is the Holy city for 3 different, antagonistic religions. It's been at the heart of the issue since 1967. It was not our problem to solve until we interjected ourselves into it.

I have no problem being Israel's ally and stomping the shit out of Muslims. Only we don't. It WAS their political football and I prefer playing my cards close to the vest rather than declaring up front just to try and sound like some Billy Badass.

As far as I'm concerned, we should have stayed out of it and let Israel kick the shit out of the Pali's. If you recall in 83, Israel had run them all the way into Beirut. But do-gooder, unrealistic idealism us, we had to go stick our noses right in the middle and try strong-arming a peace process that started when I was 7 years old. We've done nothing but needlessly interfere from word go.

Now we're throwing kerosene on the fire.