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View Full Version : Full Senate Confirms Haspel As Next CIA Director

05-18-2018, 09:36 AM
OAN newsroom
May 17, 2018
President Trump congratulates Gina Haspel via twitter, as she beHaspel cleared a full Senate confirmation vote 54-45 Thursday and will soon be sworn in.
This comes one day after the Senate Intelligence Committee voted 10-5 to push her confirmation to the full Senate for debate.
Haspel was named acting director of the CIA after former chief Mike Pompeo was sworn in as Secretary of State.
Her extensive intelligence career at the agency began in 1985 and includes (http://www.oann.com/full-senate-confirms-haspel-as-next-cia-director/#) more than 20 different job titles most of which remain classified.
The 61-year-old’s counter-terrorism work in 1998 led to the arrests of two key al Qaeda members following the deadly bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.comes the first female CIA director.


Wow. The Senate accomplished something. Probably have to take 2 weeks off to recover :rolleyes:

05-18-2018, 02:57 PM
Experience at torture and the cover up of torture Is not what I like to see in a CIA chief.
She should be in jail, along with many others. At the VERY least she should have LOST her job.
Not be placed at the head of the agency.
The fact that she's a woman makes no difference. If a woman is waterboarding you or man you still can't breathe.
The choices she made show POOR, immoral, illegal thinking and general lack of moral judgement.

I'm sorry to see so many willing to not only to give her a PASS but move her to the top of the heap rather than those that chose to follow the law, RESIGN or whistle blow on torture to maintain "the law" and the moral and legal standards we PREACH to other countries about.

Her appointment just shows the world again that we're hypocrites. And don't really give a d@mn about rules or morals when it comes down to it.

Abbey Marie
05-18-2018, 03:02 PM
If our daughter was still young, I’d consider Gina a great role model for her.

Black Diamond
05-18-2018, 03:03 PM
Experience at torture and the cover up of torture Is not what I like to see in a CIA chief.
She should be in jail, along with many others. At the VERY least she should have LOST her job.
Not be placed at the head of the agency.
The fact that she's a woman makes no difference. If a woman is waterboarding you or man you still can't breathe.
The choices she made show POOR, immoral, illegal thinking and general lack of moral judgement.

I'm sorry to see so many willing to not only to give her a PASS but move her to the top of the heap rather than those that chose to follow the law, RESIGN or whistle blow on torture to maintain "the law" and the moral and legal standards we PREACH to other countries about.

Her appointment just shows the world again that we're hypocrites. And don't really give a d@mn about rules or morals when it comes down to it.

05-18-2018, 03:14 PM
Experience at torture and the cover up of torture Is not what I like to see in a CIA chief.
She should be in jail, along with many others. At the VERY least she should have LOST her job.
Not be placed at the head of the agency.
The fact that she's a woman makes no difference. If a woman is waterboarding you or man you still can't breathe.
The choices she made show POOR, immoral, illegal thinking and general lack of moral judgement.

I'm sorry to see so many willing to not only to give her a PASS but move her to the top of the heap rather than those that chose to follow the law, RESIGN or whistle blow on torture to maintain "the law" and the moral and legal standards we PREACH to other countries about.

Her appointment just shows the world again that we're hypocrites. And don't really give a d@mn about rules or morals when it comes down to it.Bull. Yours and the left's definition of torture is pussy shit. You can define just about ANYTHING that ANYONE finds uncomfortable as "torture".

Just more playing semantics by the left.

the fact is, it was NOT re-defined as torture at the time, and since the left and John McCain, and apparently you, were kind enough to created a new definition for the word after the fact, waterboarding has not been used and she said she would not use it.'
End of story, Rev. Harp on something else where you might have a chance at being right.

05-18-2018, 03:20 PM

that's the problem.
God help us.

we want our daughters to admire torturers
But Snowden and Assange deserves to be shot for exposing gov't corruption and unconstitutional acts.

I'm not sure why folks pretend to "love" the constitution.
When what they really love is being a bad ass, and the US gov't pissing on anything and anyone in it's way and calling it rain.

...as long as it's not on them or their family.

05-18-2018, 03:28 PM
that's the problem.
God help us.

we want our daughters to admire torturers
But Snowden and Assange deserves to be shot for exposing gov't corruption and unconstitutional acts.

I'm not sure why folks pretend to "love" the constitution.
When what they really love is being a bad ass, and the US gov't pissing on anything and anyone in it's way and calling it rain.

...as long as it's not on them or their family.The problem is misusing the English language to suit a political agenda. Going to the f-ing doctor is torture. Being hospitalized is torture.

Listening to bring-ass people misuse the English language is definitely torture. Just name your poison, Rev.

And oh yeah ... I'm a war "hero" just because I've been in a war and did my job. Shall we continue? I can play semantics as well as anyone.

05-18-2018, 03:40 PM

05-18-2018, 03:51 PM

Your argument is so US Civil War US government simple, and it is very telling insofar as your judgement is concerned.

The US went back after the fact and made it illegal to secede and own slaves then condemned anyone that did when it WAS legal before they did their history revision.

Waterboarding was considered a legal means of coercion at the time Haspel was involved. It has been since been declared illegal by whiner lefties and their sympathizers and y'all want to condemn NOW those that used it THEN. That is absolute, dishonest bullshit.

You should be more concerned with your skewed vision than the means of coercing information from ragheads that are out to kill us. There is nothing humane about war and thinking you're going to sterilize the evil and the dirtiness out of it is is just not thinking. People die. If you don't kill them first, you die too.

05-18-2018, 04:20 PM
Supreme court Wilkerson v Utah 1878
"...the extent of the constitutional provision which provides that cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted; but it is safe to affirm that punishments of torture, such as those mentioned by the commentator referred to (historical references England), and all others in the same line of unnecessary cruelty, are forbidden by that amendment to the Constitution..."

In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian.
Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

"On Jan. 21, 1968, The Washington Post ran a front-page photo of a U.S. soldier supervising the waterboarding of a captured North Vietnamese soldier near Da Nang. The caption said the technique induced "a flooding sense of suffocation and drowning, meant to make him talk." This picture led to an Army investigation and, two months later, the court martial of the soldier."

In 1983, Texas Sheriff James Parker was charged, along with three of his deputies, for handcuffing prisoners to chairs, placing towels over their faces, and pouring water on the cloth until they gave what the officers considered to be confessions. The sheriff and his deputies were all convicted and sentenced to four years in prison. (GW Bush was Governor of the state at that time I believe.)

the "water torture's" never been legal.

05-18-2018, 04:29 PM
Supreme court Wilkerson v Utah 1878
"...the extent of the constitutional provision which provides that cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted; but it is safe to affirm that punishments of torture, such as those mentioned by the commentator referred to (historical references England), and all others in the same line of unnecessary cruelty, are forbidden by that amendment to the Constitution..."

In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian.
Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

"On Jan. 21, 1968, The Washington Post ran a front-page photo of a U.S. soldier supervising the waterboarding of a captured North Vietnamese soldier near Da Nang. The caption said the technique induced "a flooding sense of suffocation and drowning, meant to make him talk." This picture led to an Army investigation and, two months later, the court martial of the soldier."

In 1983, Texas Sheriff James Parker was charged, along with three of his deputies, for handcuffing prisoners to chairs, placing towels over their faces, and pouring water on the cloth until they gave what the officers considered to be confessions. The sheriff and his deputies were all convicted and sentenced to four years in prison.

the "water torture's" never been legal.
Where to start. "Cruel and unusual punishment" is as open-ended and vague as "torture". Life without parole is cruel and unusual punishment to me. Guess we need to execute everyone in prison right? Because prison itself is cruel and unusual punishment to me. Oh I know, you'd rather just turn them all loose back into society. You only want to put good guys in prison.

There was nothing fair and honest about the way either the Germans or Japanese were treated in the aftermath of WWII. That is YOUR part of society that bases everyting in the world on retribution. Got to have your pound of flesh.

You and Pete call me a genocidal maniac but at least I'm honest and kill you to your face. Y'all have to be dishonest and lie to everyone including yourselves about it. Then there are people specifically like YOU. You want the job done. Won't do it yourself. Then bitch and cry about how it gets done.

05-18-2018, 04:50 PM
I've never ask anyone to torture/waterboard for me Gunny.
I've asked... BEGGED that you and others didn't. I was against it when it was 1st mentioned after 9/11.
Not sure why that's hard to comprehend.

Heck, I don't want the military to go overseas to do much of anything at this point. I can't think of one time in the past 30 years where I've wanted the military to go anywhere to fight, or to do much of anything but STAY READY.
That's one of the main reasons I didn't join the Army myself.
Even in HIGH SCHOOL i didn't trust our fearless leaders to send the military to only places that were in simply defense of the country.

so please don't pretend like you know what i want the military ...or you... to do on my behalf.
you're just blowing scat out your butt trying.

Bottom line. Waterboarding has been torture for over 500 years.
It's been Illegal in the U.S. since it's inception. It was illegal in 2002,
NO ONE has to follow Illegal orders.
It's not people like me that court martial those that refuse illegal orders and obey the law and hold to some moral standards.
Even when pressured by superiors. I suspect it's people like you. If we're making up each other's motivations.

Some people in the CIA and other agencies DID refuse to participate. Some whitsle blew the actions becasue they knew they were illegal.
Why weren't they PROMOTED since they knew then, what she claims she's now realizes in Hindsight.

05-18-2018, 05:01 PM
I've never ask anyone to torture/waterboard for me Gunny.
I've asked... BEGGED that you and others didn't. I was against it when it was 1st mentioned after 9/11.
Not sure why that's hard to comprehend.

Heck, I don't want the military to go overseas to do much of anything at this point. I can't think of one time in the past 30 years where I've wanted the military to go anywhere to fight, or to do much of anything but STAY READY.
That's one of the main reasons I didn't join the Army myself.
Even in HIGH SCHOOL i didn't trust our fearless leaders to send the military to only places that were in simply defense of the country.

so please don't pretend like you know what i want the military ...or you... to do on my behalf.
you're just blowing scat out your butt trying.

Bottom line. Waterboarding has been torture for over 500 years.
It's been Illegal in the U.S. since it's inception. It was illegal in 2002,
NO ONE has to follow Illegal orders.
It's not people like me that court martial those that refuse illegal orders and obey the law and hold to some moral standards.
Even when pressured by superiors. I suspect it's people like you. If we're making up each other's motivations.Like I said, you want the job done, you just don't want to do it. You want to miracle it done.

Reality must be a harsh thing for you to deal with. There is no Jimmy Carter, Utopian Shangri-La, rev. Not how the Earth and mankind rolls. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending it does doesn't make any more so.

I f it makes you feel any better (though you'll forget this by next argument -- you always do) I abhor violence. And I don't mean sports/competition violence at which I excel(led). I mena killing people and destroying things violence. You'll find most people that have had to do it feel the same. I will not however hesitate to use it if necessary to protect my family, myself, and the ideals and principles on which this Nation was founded.

You always "talk" Constitution but don't want to defend it and the people that it protects. I don't do a lot of talking when talking time is over. Just what has to be done to accomplish the mission. And yeah, some of it's dirty but I don't see people like you lining up to earn your Rights. You just feel entitled to them without the price tag.

Oh, and I have never waterboarded anyone and wouldn't know how. I'm a combat Marine grunt. I'm WAY more direct.

05-18-2018, 05:17 PM
Like I said, you want the job done, you just don't want to do it.....

either you're not reading what i'm writing.
Or you're somehow unable to understand concepts or people that don't fit you're narrow mental boxes.

and the thread is about Haspel and her Torture record
please stop trying to make it about me and you personally to make you feel better.
bottom line IT"S ALWAYS been AGAINST the law and She should have been FIRED and Jailed NOT promoted.

05-18-2018, 05:24 PM
And @revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) I disagree that you don't ask anyone to "waterboard" for you. Every time you express a political opinion/belief and want it implemented, you are asking someone else to die for your beliefs unless your ass is out front leading the charge. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution did not just miracle themselves into law. They cost blood.

Because implementing your ideals over those of others only comes by force. It's been that way since it was stick and stones over who gets the cave. You can live in your little denial bubble all you want but it doesn't change the reality. And if you don't fight to keep "them" from implementing their ideals over yours, you'll be living by THEIR rules, not yours.

I'm telling you right now there'll be a pile of dead ragheads around my body before I'll every bow down to someone else's stupid ass religion and I will throw the f-ing kitchen sink into the fray if I think it will help. When you're actually THERE the only rule is WIN or DIE.

05-18-2018, 06:20 PM
And @revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) I disagree that you don't ask anyone to "waterboard" for you. Every time you express a political opinion/belief and want it implemented, you are asking someone else to die for your beliefs unless your ass is out front leading the charge. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution did not just miracle themselves into law. They cost blood.

Because implementing your ideals over those of others only comes by force. It's been that way since it was stick and stones over who gets the cave. You can live in your little denial bubble all you want but it doesn't change the reality. And if you don't fight to keep "them" from implementing their ideals over yours, you'll be living by THEIR rules, not yours.

I'm telling you right now there'll be a pile of dead ragheads around my body before I'll every bow down to someone else's stupid ass religion and I will throw the f-ing kitchen sink into the fray if I think it will help. When you're actually THERE the only rule is WIN or DIE.
1st of all,
please give me the historical points where George Washington and crew waterboarded (or otherwise tortured) British soldiers.
As far as i know it wasn't done, or asked for or necessary. In fact Washington Forbid it. Guess he wanted to win by a "miracle" or something huh? Or does that mean we don't have to use the kitchen sink to win in many cases?

the "detainees" were already captured. ZERO threat of death from the detainees. they already LOST. we WON.
it's just getting info at that point.
There was NEVER a threat of the end of the U.S. if none of them talked.
Neither you or I were going to DIE if they weren't tortured Gunny.
the CIA reports admitted that nothing really was gained. (why? torture is piss poor interrogation, even Napoleon knew this)

No live or Die situations, simply as that.

Not everything backs out to the dichotomy of "the f-ing kitchen sink" or DIE.
that's something that seems to get past you a lot.

Look, simply question,
do parents sincerely threaten, torture or kill children if they don't obey?
hey maybe some do but that's a line TOO FAR, it's wrong. it's too much.
It's not that the parents are pussies if they don't make every rule a life or death matter.

Do police and courts have to threaten threaten, torture or kill get compliance with traffic violations?
sorry dude but It's NOT necessary to back every law with the extreme threat of death and torture.

Now it's funny becasue it really seems like you're the one speaking conceptually.
That all law and the constitution TODAY is founded on blood and continued extreme force and blood letting.
But look, you often try to reign in my conceptual talk down to more PRACTICAL down to earth realities on the ground... in the real word.

The fact is here, It really IS NOT necessary to waterboard to maintain the U.S. constitution today, Gunny.
Never was. So i'm not asking.
It is not necessary to waterboard to defeat terrorist.
It is not necessary to waterboard to make the U.S. look butch.
it simply is not.

"f-ing kitchen sink" Bloody Force is NOT the real world every day answer to every problem Gunny.
At best it's a LAST resort.

05-18-2018, 07:04 PM
Every time you vote you are asking someone to implement YOUR policy(ies) over other policies and people, KNOWING it going to cause conflict. You can't just have your way. The world ain't Burger King.

You also know the more radical the policy, the more radical the response is coming. ANY result from implementing YOUR policy(ies) over others is a DIRECT result of YOUR policy. Violent or not. The history of mankind dictates violent rebellion. YOU caused the rebellion with your plicy, and YOU caused the violent reaction to the violent rebellion against YOUR policy.

That's so simple a jarhead can get it. And how YOU WANT others to react is irrelevant to how they historically react where the rubber meets the road -- the real world.

You can deny all you want but you are just as much part of the problem as anyone else is. Might want to turn off your DVD COpy of Billy Jack with the "One Tin Soldier" soundtrack look at a history book sometime. They're full of tales of appeasement and what happened to the appeasers if they didn't fight back.

Even Billy Jack finally had to fight back, regardless his ideals.

05-18-2018, 07:16 PM
Experience at torture and the cover up of torture Is not what I like to see in a CIA chief.
She should be in jail, along with many others. At the VERY least she should have LOST her job.
Not be placed at the head of the agency.
The fact that she's a woman makes no difference. If a woman is waterboarding you or man you still can't breathe.
The choices she made show POOR, immoral, illegal thinking and general lack of moral judgement.

I'm sorry to see so many willing to not only to give her a PASS but move her to the top of the heap rather than those that chose to follow the law, RESIGN or whistle blow on torture to maintain "the law" and the moral and legal standards we PREACH to other countries about.

Her appointment just shows the world again that we're hypocrites. And don't really give a d@mn about rules or morals when it comes down to it.

Rev. You really didn't need to post all of the expected negativity above. Most of us already knew you would be against her, like you are against everything the President does, says, or thinks. Must be a sad life you have. You sound so Liberally Uninformed...what a shame.