View Full Version : Great Warrior "Stuff"

Great warrior
05-20-2018, 07:16 AM
American terrorists must be eliminated. They are like cancer for peace-loving Muslims.

May Allah protect Muslims from their evil and accept Muslims as Martyrs.


Great warrior
05-20-2018, 07:21 AM
An American name? We're all immigrants with foreign names. The only American names are Native American names.

Native americans come to mind when zionists tell us that some jews lived there during the time of Prophet David.

05-20-2018, 07:24 AM
American terrorists must be eliminated. They are like cancer for peace-loving Muslims.

May Allah protect Muslims from their evil and accept Muslims as Martyrs.
Go suck pig dick you retarded, rag headed, goat fucking, pedophile worshiping, stone age cultist mongrel.

Great warrior
05-20-2018, 07:28 AM
Americans are the most intellectual individuals you could have a healthy conversation with. This is unnegotiable.

05-20-2018, 07:36 AM
Americans are the most intellectual individuals you could have a healthy conversation with. This is unnegotiable.
You wouldn't know a "healthy conversation" if it bit you in your pedophile worshiping ass.

All you do here is spread moronic islamic bull shit. You're nothing more than a low life steaming pile of pig shit.

You're SHTICK doesn't work on me, ass clown, and don't expect it ever to either. I'd just as soon bump your ass off as look at you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-20-2018, 08:01 AM
Native americans come to mind when zionists tell us that some jews lived there during the time of Prophet David.

My grandfather was full blood Native American and Native Americans do not ever need a lying, muslim offal like you defending them in any way.
Native Americans worshiped the Great Turtle, Nature, the Earth and the Sky-- and your filthy cult book)Koran), would have had your kind exterminating them all.
Dont start that kind of trash here you ffing moron..-TYR

05-20-2018, 11:13 AM

05-20-2018, 09:04 PM
Americans are the most intellectual individuals you could have a healthy conversation with. This is unnegotiable.
Great warrior

This is true, and can be proven by our status as the only Superpower on the planet.

How do you like your internet? Or that computer? Or the electricity that powers it? Air conditioning? Aircraft? Mass production? Light bulbs? Fiber Optics? Lasers? Telephones? Cell Phones? Television?

There is an endless list that the USA has given the world that has made it infinitely better.

Conversely, how is Egypt doing these days? 4,000 years ago you were doing pretty well and carved stone decently, but have been a backwards 3rd world country since islam was invented 1400 years ago. You are a backwards people living off the advancements that we've given you, and you contribute nothing constructive to humankind.

Name one thing you've done in the last 500 years that has benefited mankind.

I can't help but notice that you don't thank us for the millions of US dollars we give you savages every year. That seems like wasted money, given your disrespectful tone towards Americans here on this board.

I think we need to cut you shabby Egyptians off from American taxpayer welfare and let you finance yourself, for a change.