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View Full Version : U.S. Will Not Recognize President Maduro’s Reelection, May Sanction Venezuela

05-21-2018, 03:50 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:32 AM PT — Mon. May 21, 2018Sham elections in Venezuela could trigger a new round of sanctions on the socialist country, but Venezuela is hitting back as the U.S. says it will not recognize the results of its elections.
In a Sunday statement, the State Department said the polls were an “insult to democracy.”
In response, President Nicolas Maduro lashed out at the U.S. in his first address since winning reelection in the disputed vote.
“The permanent aggression of the Ku Klux Klan government of the United States against the people of Venezuela is very discredited,” commented Maduro. “Venezuela isn’t governed by the government or the constitution of the United States.”

Maduro accused the U.S. of trying to discredit the election, because they saw how many Venezuelans participated.
According to the government count, Maduro received nearly six million votes in an election with only 46-percent turnout.
The low turnout may spoil what he said would be the “fiesta” of democracy.
The main opposition candidate Henri Falcon, who ran amid an opposition boycott, also said he will not recognize the result because of irregularities.
“We don’t recognize this electoral process as valid, as having taken place,” said Falcon. “For us, there were no elections — new elections in Venezuela need to take place.”
Falcon also claimed there was only a 30-percent turnout as many members of the opposition party refused to vote.
The election had very light turnout compared to past votes, with those who voted often hoping to receive (http://www.oann.com/u-s-will-not-recognize-president-maduros-reelection-may-sanction-venezuela/#) cash (http://www.oann.com/u-s-will-not-recognize-president-maduros-reelection-may-sanction-venezuela/#) bonuses or new apartments.
Meanwhile, Venezuelans in other countries protested the vote as a farce.
“We just have a fake process in Venezuela that nobody believes is a process, there is not candidates, just Maduro and a friend of his running against him so people believe it’s an election, there is no election, and all the persons going there to put a vote in the ballot are going because they need to eat and they are telling them ‘If you don’t go and we don’t see you went today we’re not going to give you food,’ ” explained activist Maria Dolores Nardi Ariza.
The election may trigger new sanctions from the West, especially against Venezuela’s struggling oil industry. The decision will be made at a G-20 meeting in Argentina Monday.
http://www.oann.com/u-s-will-not-recognize-president-maduros-reelection-may-sanction-venezuela/I agree with Maduro on the bolded part. Telling the world what to do has always bit us in the ass, and it's going to continue to do so.

Trump ratcheting it up sticking his nose into everyone else in the World's business and trying tell them how to live or he'll put sanctions on them is getting on my last nerve. Regardless anyone ooh-rah, ultra-patriotic delusions, we cannot stand alone against the world. The only country he hasn't pissed off lately is Israel. He needs to take a chill pill because if they ALL get a case of the ass, they can fuck us economically and militarily.