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View Full Version : President Meets With Rosenstein/Wray At White House Monday

05-21-2018, 04:18 PM
May 21, 2018
Washington, D.C.- Emerald Robinson, Chief White (http://www.oann.com/president-meets-with-rosenstein-wray-at-white-house-monday/#) House (http://www.oann.com/president-meets-with-rosenstein-wray-at-white-house-monday/#) Correspondent
President Donald Trump called Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray to a Monday afternoon meeting at the White House. The White House also confirmed to One America News that National Intelligence Director Dan Coates also attended the meeting. The meeting comes after a Sunday text where President Trump indicated that he would be directing the DOJ/FBI to look into whether either agency conducted politically motivate surveillance of the Trump Campaign in 2016.


The White House said that the meeting was a previously scheduled meeting, asserting that the meeting was not scheduled in light of the President’s Tweets. The White House also said that it is not unusual for Rosenstein to attend the regular meetings. However, the presence of both Director Wray and Coates is not typical and hints to the nature of the meeting. A White House official confirmed to One America News that the presidents request would be a topic of discussion. That same official would not commit to if the President has confidence in the DOJ to investigate itself or if the President has sent an official directive, other than via Twitter, for the the DOJ/FBI to look into this potential misconduct.
Reports in the last several days indicate that the FBI used an informant within the Trump campaign to gather counterintelligence. Congressman Devin Nunes said in an interview that if that is the case, such an action is crossing a “redline” on the part of the previous administration and its intelligence and justice agencies.

Remains to be seen how this is going to turn out. I have no faith in the DOJ or the FBI to investigate themselves. Or tell the truth.

05-21-2018, 04:28 PM
With the present level of absolute corruption, stonewalling and deep state anti Trump activities, I'd say it's utterly ASININE to expect the DOJ/FBI to investigate themselves... "yep... sure thing Mr. President... we'll get right on that... YOU CAN TRUST US."

I don't care if it makes people squeamish or not, we a SECOND S.C. The IG can't do it either because they don't have subpoena power.

05-21-2018, 05:12 PM
With the present level of absolute corruption, stonewalling and deep state anti Trump activities, I'd say it's utterly ASININE to expect the DOJ/FBI to investigate themselves... "yep... sure thing Mr. President... we'll get right on that... YOU CAN TRUST US."

I don't care if it makes people squeamish or not, we a SECOND S.C. The IG can't do it either because they don't have subpoena power.I'm not squeamish about a second Special Counsel. Especially investigating REAL as opposed to imaginary crimes. I just want one every bit as thorough and nit-picky and with the same latitude Mueller has to completely rape the DOJ and FBI. I want them to feel violated in places they don't even know they have.

I DON'T want another Hillary investigation white wash.

IMO, and I've stated this from the beginning, Trump needs to put his foot up Sessions' ass or replace him. I've got a slow, Southern drawl too, but this guy's is apparently attached to his brain.

05-22-2018, 01:57 PM
I'm not squeamish about a second Special Counsel. Especially investigating REAL as opposed to imaginary crimes. I just want one every bit as thorough and nit-picky and with the same latitude Mueller has to completely rape the DOJ and FBI. I want them to feel violated in places they don't even know they have.

I DON'T want another Hillary investigation white wash.

IMO, and I've stated this from the beginning, Trump needs to put his foot up Sessions' ass or replace him. I've got a slow, Southern drawl too, but this guy's is apparently attached to his brain.

I'm not against a second SC but I think that a faster approach might be taking the IG's report, impaneling a Federal Grand Jury and selecting a trusted, aggressive US Attorney to prosecute cases immediately. Many of the charges should be slam dunks and an aggressive prosecutor should be able to flip a few of the lesser players to turn State's evidence on the bigger players.

05-22-2018, 02:02 PM
After a few successful prosecutions, enough public interest in nationally televised Congressional Hearings "a la the Watergate Hearings" could result to lay out the big picture for the general public so government reforms to drain the swamp would garner broad support.

05-24-2018, 09:15 PM
Aaaaaaand nothing has happened... shocker.

The goings on in Washington are so ever loving DYSFUNCTIONAL that it's enough to make a guy ILL.

05-24-2018, 09:22 PM
Aaaaaaand nothing has happened... shocker.

The goings on in Washington are so ever loving DYSFUNCTIONAL that enough to make a guy ILL.I'm going to make a disbeliever out of you yet :)

05-24-2018, 09:26 PM
I'm going to make a disbeliever out of you yet :)
Maybe... I like to think I'm a positive guy and always hoping for the best... but I think when it comes to Washington, I might as well... :bang3:

05-24-2018, 09:37 PM
Maybe... I like to think I'm a positive guy and always hoping for the best... but I think when it comes to Washington, I might as well... :bang3:Oh I'm quite positive. I'm positive they're going to drag this out to a trickle, bust some privates on the bottom rung for appearances and slime on by.

05-24-2018, 09:48 PM
Oh I'm quite positive. I'm positive they're going to drag this out to a trickle, bust some privates on the bottom rung for appearances and slime on by.
Well I'll tell you what... if people DON'T go to JAIL over this current scandal, then a LOT, and I mean a LOT of people are going to COMPLETELY lose faith in our justice system... AND THE DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS.

Course there's a few that are doing ALL the heavy lifting like Nunes, Jordan, Gaetz, Gowdy, etc... I'm thankful for the FEW that support our president that actually have a pair in their sack.

05-24-2018, 09:58 PM
Well I'll tell you what... if people DON'T go to JAIL over this current scandal, then a LOT, and I mean a LOT of people are going to COMPLETELY lose faith in our justice system... AND THE DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS.

Course there's a few that are doing ALL the heavy lifting like Nunes, Jordan, Gaetz, Gowdy, etc... I'm thankful for the FEW that support our president that actually have a pair in their sack.I lost faith in the Republican'ts a LONG time ago. When we gave them what they wanted in the late 90s and then Bush as President and they did nothing. Tried to get along after 8 years of Clinton shoving things down our throats. Harry Reid was the Minority Leader and he had the Republicans scared to death and doing as he said.

We're just doing a repeat. Eight years of Obama shoving unconstitutional shit down our throats and the Republicans are too busy fighting about Trump to get anything done. I wish there was an actual conservative party out there that could get its shit together and had some balls and shove these wimps out.

05-24-2018, 10:08 PM
I lost faith in the Republican'ts a LONG time ago. When we gave them what they wanted in the late 90s and then Bush as President and they did nothing. Tried to get along after 8 years of Clinton shoving things down our throats. Harry Reid was the Minority Leader and he had the Republicans scared to death and doing as he said.

We're just doing a repeat. Eight years of Obama shoving unconstitutional shit down our throats and the Republicans are too busy fighting about Trump to get anything done. I wish there was an actual conservative party out there that could get its shit together and had some balls and shove these wimps out.
I registered as an independent when they ran Juan McLame. I liked Palin but not enough to make me stomach McLame. I still voted for them but that was actually voting AGAINST the kenyan muslim dog turd.

I'm disgusted with the republicans. I get mail from the republican party sometimes asking me for a donation. I'd like to shit in the envelope and send it back... but that's illegal... :rolleyes:

05-25-2018, 07:20 AM
I registered as an independent when they ran Juan McLame. I liked Palin but not enough to make me stomach McLame. I still voted for them but that was actually voting AGAINST the kenyan muslim dog turd.

I'm disgusted with the republicans. I get mail from the republican party sometimes asking me for a donation. I'd like to shit in the envelope and send it back... but that's illegal... :rolleyes:I registered as an independent for the 1980 Presidential election. Prior to THAT ... (wait for it :laugh:) ... I was a registered Democrat. After Carter I said never again will I join a party and let them use my name and number as one of theirs. I joined the Marine Corps for THAT :laugh2:

Proved to be the right choice, IMO. I wouldn't register as a Republican now without a $2M signing bonus, and the Dems, as we already know from the news and Wasserman-Schulz, don't have enough money left to buy me :)