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View Full Version : FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION On the Rise in the UK

05-22-2018, 09:31 AM
More SICKENING, STONE AGE, IGNORANT, BARBARIC practices brought to you by ISLAM...


05-22-2018, 10:22 AM
Must be watching the same channel :) I saw that shit. The whole topic give me the willies and that's going some to gross ME out.

It should be against the law with the punishment befitting the crime -- all female (bacause they're as bad or worse than the males) AND mail ragheads in the family get the same treatment and rendered incapable of reproduction.

There's just no excuse for that kind of bullsh*t in civilized society. If that's their religion then they need to change the religion or change religions but that kind of crap needs to go.

Same with "honor" killings. F- YOU. What honor do you have as a barbaric, murdering raghead to begin with? Do something useful and go wash and iron your damned bedsheets so you'll have clean clothes for tomorrow. The people around you ill appreciate it greatly.

05-22-2018, 10:30 AM
islam treats women worse than dogs. Rape 'em while they're children and then kill 'em later because they were raped.

Why the civilized people of this earth tolerate such a barbaric, ignorant, made up bloody, stone age cult is beyond me.

islam should be wiped off the face of the planet and made illegal to practice.

And I don't give a flying fuck how many of them there are. Give them the chance to quit such a bloody ignorant man made cult or kill them all.

05-22-2018, 10:43 AM
islam treats women worse than dogs. Rape 'em while they're children and then kill 'em later because they were raped.

Why the civilized people of this earth tolerate such a barbaric, ignorant, made up bloody, stone age cult is beyond me.

islam should be wiped off the face of the planet and made illegal to practice.

And I don't give a flying fuck how many of them there are. Give them the chance to quit such a bloody ignorant man made cult or kill them all.I'm not completely insensitive, but if they keep their stupid habits in their stupid lands where they belong, I got bigger problems than try and tell idiots to quit being idiots.

When you bring it to MY house then it IS MY business.

Abbey Marie
05-22-2018, 10:47 AM
There is no clearer evidence of the incredible insecurity of these Muslim “men”.
Do they have teeny weenies?

05-22-2018, 12:13 PM
There is no clearer evidence of the incredible insecurity of these Muslim “men”.
Do they have teeny weenies?I don't think it's insecurity. It's societal/religious. Not to go off on a tangent just make a small point, Hispanic men, especially ones not from here, raised in Hispanic societies treat women like second class citizens. Not as bad as Arabs though. It's not just their religion but their culture. Women are possessions. They are nothing and have no Rights.

The first thing they tell us (besides hide our religious pendants) when going to the ME is DON'T speak to a woman who is with a man. She can speak to you if he directs her to and THEN you can respond. If you speak to her first he has every right to beat her.

And e all already know about the if you get raped it's your fault thing and you can be stoned to death in many places.

Their culture is barbaric. Yet the West has done very little this time around to stop them from bringing their disease into our countries.

Abbey Marie
05-22-2018, 12:26 PM
I don't think it's insecurity. It's societal/religious. Not to go off on a tangent just make a small point, Hispanic men, especially ones not from here, raised in Hispanic societies treat women like second class citizens. Not as bad as Arabs though. It's not just their religion but their culture. Women are possessions. They are nothing and have no Rights.

The first thing they tell us (besides hide our religious pendants) when going to the ME is DON'T speak to a woman who is with a man. She can speak to you if he directs her to and THEN you can respond. If you speak to her first he has every right to beat her.

And e all already know about the if you get raped it's your fault thing and you can be stoned to death in many places.

Their culture is barbaric. Yet the West has done very little this time around to stop them from bringing their disease into our countries.

But who’s to say these cultural or religious rules didnt stem from insecurity? Why else would a man want his woman’s genitals mutilated in that exact way. Nope, they are extremely insecure sexually.

05-22-2018, 12:33 PM
But who’s to say these cultural or religious rules didnt stem from insecurity? Why else would a man want his woman’s genitals mutilated in that exact way. Nope, they are extremely insecure sexually.I don't know where the rules stem from. It would explain Muhammed's 8 years old wife.

Genital mutilation to ensure the woman does not enjoy sex. One, she is not supposed to for religious reasons; and 2, she's won't have the desire to screw around. I guess you could link the latter to insecurity.

One thing I didn't notice mentioned except off-handedly by me. The women do the mutilating, not the men. The women are also as much or more complicit in honor killings. The mothers in the families are absolutely ruthless where sex, tradition and religion are concerned. The male is FAR too important to deal with such "trivial" matters. After all, he has to train the boys to be men :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
05-22-2018, 01:03 PM
I don't know where the rules stem from. It would explain Muhammed's 8 years old wife.

Genital mutilation to ensure the woman does not enjoy sex. One, she is not supposed to for religious reasons; and 2, she's won't have the desire to screw around. I guess you could link the latter to insecurity.

One thing I didn't notice mentioned except off-handedly by me. The women do the mutilating, not the men. The women are also as much or more complicit in honor killings. The mothers in the families are absolutely ruthless where sex, tradition and religion are concerned. The male is FAR too important to deal with such "trivial" matters. After all, he has to train the boys to be men :rolleyes:

It could indeed explain pedophiles in general, but that’s way too complicated for me.

I don’t doubt that these women know they have to perform these mutilations or face their own consequences.

Ever notice that the Muslim answer to anything they don’t like or agree with is to chop it off? Stone-Age bastards.

05-22-2018, 01:11 PM
It could indeed explain pedophiles in general, but that’s way too complicated for me.

I don’t doubt that these women know they have to perform these mutilations or face their own consequences.

Ever notice that the Muslim answer to anything they don’t like or agree with is to chop it off? Stone-Age bastards.
Exactly... and if I'm not mistaken, if I could be so blunt as to say, the mutilation is cutting out the clitoris, well WHY does a woman HAVE one if it isn't intended to BE THERE?? Didn't GOD/ALLAH, whoever, put it there?

It's just IGNORANT and CAVE MAN'ISH to CUT THAT OFF a woman, ESPECIALLY when the reason why is so she CAN'T ENJOY SEX... that's just... beyond words for STUPID, and indicative to ISLAM.

Abbey Marie
05-22-2018, 01:18 PM
Exactly... and if I'm not mistaken, if I could be so blunt as to say, the mutilation is cutting out the clitoris, well WHY does a woman HAVE one if it isn't intended to BE THERE?? Didn't GOD/ALLAH, whoever, put it there?

It's just IGNORANT and CAVE MAN'ISH to CUT THAT OFF a woman, ESPECIALLY when the reason why is so she CAN'T ENJOY SEX... that's just... beyond words for STUPID, and indicative to ISLAM.

Good point about Allah.

I’ll be blunt, too: the only reason to do it is because they’re afraid they can’t satisfy a woman. If she can’t enjoy it, you can’t look bad, right?

05-22-2018, 01:43 PM
Good point about Allah.

I’ll be blunt, too: the only reason to do it is because they’re afraid they can’t satisfy a woman. If she can’t enjoy it, you can’t look bad, right?No. Sex is for procreation not enjoyment is the reason. It's okay if the man likes it though. Clear hypocrisy.

They rape women for defying them by daring say "no" to them. It's about power, and degradation, not sex. Africans do the sexual mutilation thing as well. I don't know what their reasoning is. Probably some similar tribal crap.

When African Muslim militants go into a 'ville, the completely mutilate all the women sexually and torture them.

05-22-2018, 02:19 PM
It's ignorant and barbaric.

Great warrior
05-22-2018, 03:36 PM
For Education purpose:

05-22-2018, 04:04 PM
Looks like all the civilized ones. The fact anyone even has ti have a law about it is ridiculous And just shows you can't fix stupid. Got to have a law for everyone just to cover the morons.

05-22-2018, 05:11 PM
For Education purpose:
You're the one that needs to be fuckin' educated.

05-22-2018, 07:24 PM
Believe it or not, the practice of FGM is not exclusive to Islam. It is widely practiced in Hindu and even Christian faiths. In all instances, it is carried out only by extremists facts. Some extreme religious factions in the U.S. and the U.K. use FGM to "prevent sin." They it prevents women from seeking "sinful pleasures of the flesh."
Modern Islamic clerics have banned the use of FGM, as purposeful body mutilation is against the tenets of Islam. Which is why men don't shave or cut their hair. It is only the fringe elements that practice such.
FGM is more prevalent in Africa and India than anywhere else.

05-22-2018, 07:36 PM
Believe it or not, the practice of FGM is not exclusive to Islam. It is widely practiced in Hindu and even Christian faiths. In all instances, it is carried out only by extremists facts. Some extreme religious factions in the U.S. and the U.K. use FGM to "prevent sin." They it prevents women from seeking "sinful pleasures of the flesh."
Modern Islamic clerics have banned the use of FGM, as purposeful body mutilation is against the tenets of Islam. Which is why men don't shave or cut their hair. It is only the fringe elements that practice such.
FGM is more prevalent in Africa and India than anywhere else.
Are you defending islam and the spread of FBM, as reported in the OP?

Abbey Marie
05-22-2018, 07:40 PM
Believe it or not, the practice of FGM is not exclusive to Islam. It is widely practiced in Hindu and even Christian faiths. In all instances, it is carried out only by extremists facts. Some extreme religious factions in the U.S. and the U.K. use FGM to "prevent sin." They it prevents women from seeking "sinful pleasures of the flesh."
Modern Islamic clerics have banned the use of FGM, as purposeful body mutilation is against the tenets of Islam. Which is why men don't shave or cut their hair. It is only the fringe elements that practice such.
FGM is more prevalent in Africa and India than anywhere else.

Can you link link us to evidence of Hindu, and especially, Christian FGM?

05-23-2018, 01:56 AM
islam treats women worse than dogs. Rape 'em while they're children and then kill 'em later because they were raped.

Why the civilized people of this earth tolerate such a barbaric, ignorant, made up bloody, stone age cult is beyond me.

islam should be wiped off the face of the planet and made illegal to practice.

And I don't give a flying fuck how many of them there are. Give them the chance to quit such a bloody ignorant man made cult or kill them all.

The only way to do that is for the members to rise-up themselves and take-back their faith. To install leaders who make them understand "Not every fucking piece of fucking instruction to every fucking fucker in the Quran is tantamount absolute instruction for every fucking muslim from then until the end of time."

Man, with a billion of them running around and hundreds of millions advocating violent take-over or forced conversions or death?

Keep tight to your bible and your guns, bro. We are becoming a minority.

05-23-2018, 06:43 AM
The only way to do that is for the members to rise-up themselves and take-back their faith. To install leaders who make them understand "Not every fucking piece of fucking instruction to every fucking fucker in the Quran is tantamount absolute instruction for every fucking muslim from then until the end of time."

Man, with a billion of them running around and hundreds of millions advocating violent take-over or forced conversions or death?

Keep tight to your bible and your guns, bro. We are becoming a minority.
There's nothing to "take back," man. islam is a violent, bloody, murderous cult. Always has been, always will be. If you're a moslem and you speak out against the practice of anything about islam, you'll be killed. That's the thing with islam, if you're not a moslem, or if you are and say something about it should change, you're just KILLED. That's the only thing they understand, for the last 1,400 years, DEATH is all they understand. They are as inflexible now as they were 1,400 years ago. Look at the dumb fuck moslem posting on the board, he sounds like a brain dead recording from 1,400 years ago.