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05-25-2018, 08:44 PM
I don't know for sure just how much involvement Obama had himself, but I have no doubt that he had some involvement, and his hand in several cookie jars. Almost everything about Russia somehow comes back to the democrats, Hillary, Obama & so many others looking to ensure a Clinton victory. The spying, FISA warrants... they surely need an investigation in to MANY actions by many parties that keep spilling out.


WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: It’s Time to Impeach the President (Obama)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Liberals will be shocked to hear this. Yes, I finally agree. You’ve won over Wayne Root with evidence and common sense. It’s time to impeach the president.

However, it’s not President Trump I’m talking about. It’s time to impeach former President Barack Obama. And of course, prosecute him too.

Many are starting to come to this conclusion. Tom Fitton, the legal genius behind Judicial Watch (the number one government watchdog in America), has come to the same conclusion. Fitton said this week that amidst a climate of impeachment fervor, the actual evidence points to Obama’s actions warranting impeachment far more than Trump. Fitton reports that ordering surveillance and sending spies into the Trump presidential campaign are all grounds for post-Presidency impeachment and more importantly, prosecution.

None other than greatly respected former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said this week, “I guarantee the answer is yes” as to whether Obama knew the FBI had planted spies into the Trump campaign. He says no FBI Director would dare infiltrate a presidential campaign without the direct approval and authorization of the sitting president.

Welcome to my world. I’ve screamed about Obama’s illegal actions for years. Starting of course with his attempt to use the IRS to destroy my life. But I’m just one of thousands of victims. I have always understood the lengths Obama would go to, to destroy his political opposition.

Obama didn’t just authorize illegal spying, surveillance and FISA warrants based on fraud, paid for by Hillary and the DNC. He ordered it all.

Somehow this must all be getting through. Despite 93% negative news coverage from the mainstream media, President Trump is sitting pretty at 50% approval at Rasmussen (the most accurate pollster of the 2016 election). More shockingly, Reuters generic Congressional poll has shifted from Democrats winning by 16 points back in February, to Republicans up by 6 points this week. YES, I said Republicans are now leading by 6 points.

That’s a 22-point swing in a matter of months. And a 9-point swing in a week. The supposed “blue wave” is finished.

Why do you think this is? Because the average American now understands what happened. It isn’t Trump who did anything wrong. He was clearly framed by Obama, Hillary and their minions in the DC Swamp (FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA).

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/wayne-allyn-root-its-time-to-impeach-the-president-obama/

Black Diamond
05-25-2018, 09:00 PM
Be hilarious if it's Obama that goes to prison or has to leave the country. After the left taunted us about how trump is going to prison or will be removed from office.

05-25-2018, 09:01 PM
How does one impeach a non-sitting President? I could care less if he's thrown in front of a fast moving truck. But it seems to me it's kinda hard to remove him from an office he no longer holds.

Black Diamond
05-25-2018, 09:02 PM
How does one impeach a non-sitting President? I could care less if he's thrown in front of a fast moving truck. But it seems to me it's kinda hard to remove him from an office he no longer holds.
Impeachment is actually the trial portion. Bubba was impeached and remained in office.

05-25-2018, 09:06 PM
Impeachment is actually the trial portion. Bubba was impeached and remained in office.Be a lot quicker to throw him in front of truck. Just sayin ...

I understand what an impeachment is but he is no longer answerable to Congress job-wise. Criminal charges I'm all for as long as there's actual, hard evidence to prove the crime and not he-said/she-said crap that goes nowhere and wastes lots of time and money. Remember, you can only be convicted on hearsay in this country if you have no power and the judge and jury hates you.

Black Diamond
05-25-2018, 09:13 PM
Be a lot quicker to throw him in front of truck. Just sayin ...

I understand what an impeachment is but he is no longer answerable to Congress job-wise. Criminal charges I'm all for as long as there's actual, hard evidence to prove the crime and not he-said/she-said crap that goes nowhere and wastes lots of time and money. Remember, you can only be convicted on hearsay in this country if you have no power and the judge and jury hates you.
Oh I think eventually there will be hard evidence.

05-25-2018, 09:15 PM
How does one impeach a non-sitting President? I could care less if he's thrown in front of a fast moving truck. But it seems to me it's kinda hard to remove him from an office he no longer holds.

They can, just as if someone were still in office - but unfortunately it would be a waste as really the only penalty would be to prohibit from holding future office seats, I believe.

Black Diamond
05-25-2018, 09:26 PM
They can, just as if someone were still in office - but unfortunately it would be a waste as really the only penalty would be to prohibit from holding future office seats, I believe.
What about the prosecution portion?

05-25-2018, 09:34 PM

05-25-2018, 09:39 PM
What about the prosecution portion?

Honestly don't know, no more than what happened the last time they impeached someone out of office already. :)

Just as Trump can be investigated for so long as president, they can look into any issues with Obama and company, and if any laws broken, hopefully prosecute.

05-25-2018, 09:49 PM
Honestly don't know, no more than what happened the last time they impeached someone out of office already. :)

Just as Trump can be investigated for so long as president, they can look into any issues with Obama and company, and if any laws broken, hopefully prosecute.

It just takes a good A.G. willing to follow through with charges for a Grand Jury for Obama, everybody who worked for him, and the Clintons...with the DNC leadership.

All have been shown, and proven to have Ignored the Law, and the Constitution. Why we have to wait so long to see something happen...rests on the results...HONESTLY....of the Mid-Term Elections. If the DEMS retake Majorities in either house....IT WON'T HAPPEN AT ALL.

We have to KEEP them from taking over to DESTROY the country. Taxes will go up, and our Military will become another CLINTON failure.

05-25-2018, 09:54 PM
EVERYTHING that has happened... EVERY-THING... in regards to the IRS scandal, Fast 'n Furious, FISA abuse, Trump campaign spying, wire taping, the fake dirty dossier, having the SC appointed, on and on, the kenyan knew about AAAAALLLL of it, and not by any of stretch of the imagine, probably ORDERED it ALL done, but at the very LEAST... HE KNEW.

That filthy, America hating muslim dog turd belongs in prison. I just wish like HELL Trump would send the US Marshalls or someone to Hawaii with a warrant and just KICK IN DOORS like they did to Manafort and Cohen and search for this fabled obama hard copy birth certificate, and when they don't find one get signed statements under threat of perjury from people that work in the records department that there NEVER WAS ONE, EVER, it was all a BIG LIE, like we all don't know that by now anyway.

I would throw the party of the CENTURY. I would invite everyone I know, everyone from this board, I would flip for the entire thing I'd be so happy to see the kenyan's ass in JAIL.

05-25-2018, 10:07 PM
Oh I think eventually there will be hard evidence.You and high plains drifter. Ever the optimists :laugh:

Seriously, does anyone consider the precedent and possible consequences down the road before they come up with these ideas? In a perfect, fair world with an unbliased judiciary and professional in Congress ... well, that's already asking too much ... yes. he should be charged for the crimes against the Constitution he committed. But here in the real world .... you think Trunp's witch hunt is bad? It is a direct result fo going after Clinton. The left is vindictive, petty and never forget a slight. They wouldn't rest until they destroyed a Republican or conservative President. And as you can see by the Russia probe, facts and reality mean little to nothing to them.

IMO they quit looking for Russian collusion a long time ago. They're trying to find a process crime at this point to save whatever face they think they can. And if it's an unpaid jaywalking ticket it will be the most heinous crime committed since John Wayne Gacy and the left will soak it up like Bud Lite at an outdoor country concert in July in Texas.

If he can't be busted for a felony crime with a mountain of evidence even the left can't ignore, it's probably not worth it. It won;t be painted in light of the facts in the OP. The media and left will paint in the light of "Republicans wanting payback for the Russia probe".

Like I said, the truck would be quicker and easier.

Black Diamond
05-25-2018, 10:18 PM
You and high plains drifter. Ever the optimists :laugh:

Seriously, does anyone consider the precedent and possible consequences down the road before they come up with these ideas? In a perfect, fair world with an unbliased judiciary and professional in Congress ... well, that's already asking too much ... yes. he should be charged for the crimes against the Constitution he committed. But here in the real world .... you think Trunp's witch hunt is bad? It is a direct result fo going after Clinton. The left is vindictive, petty and never forget a slight. They wouldn't rest until they destroyed a Republican or conservative President. And as you can see by the Russia probe, facts and reality mean little to nothing to them.

IMO they quit looking for Russian collusion a long time ago. They're trying to find a process crime at this point to save whatever face they think they can. And if it's an unpaid jaywalking ticket it will be the most heinous crime committed since John Wayne Gacy and the left will soak it up like Bud Lite at an outdoor country concert in July in Texas.

If he can't be busted for a felony crime with a mountain of evidence even the left can't ignore, it's probably not worth it. It won;t be painted in light of the facts in the OP. The media and left will paint in the light of "Republicans wanting payback for the Russia probe".

Like I said, the truck would be quicker and easier.
If Cosby can go down, anyone can. :)

05-25-2018, 10:21 PM
If Cosby can go down, anyone can. :)You must have missed the complete passes Obama got on flat-out lying, EO's up the ass that violated the Constitution and/or federal law, and end-running Congress to make a deal with a terrorist Nation that he got a walk on and the left didn't bat as much as an eyelash over it.

Black Diamond
05-25-2018, 10:24 PM
You must have missed the complete passes Obama got on flat-out lying, EO's up the ass that violated the Constitution and/or federal law, and end-running Congress to make a deal with a terrorist Nation that he got a walk on and the left didn't bat as much as an eyelash over it.
I have a feeling there will be more. He won't be tried in Congess though.

05-25-2018, 10:39 PM
I have a feeling there will be more. He won't be tried in Congess though.I have zero problem with him being taken down. I'd like to see him taken down so far that all his EO's were declared null and void. I'm STILL wondering how an EO that violates the Constitution (DACA) can be upheld by a lower court. That makes absolutely no sense. Yet, there it is ...

05-26-2018, 10:20 AM
As I have said before, no liberal with any common sense (which excludes grandstanding politicians looking to make names for themselves) wants Trump removed from office. Better to allow him to destroy the Republican party from within. And no one really wants the Rev. Pence in the Oval Office.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2018, 11:30 AM
As I have said before, no liberal with any common sense (which excludes grandstanding politicians looking to make names for themselves) wants Trump removed from office. Better to allow him to destroy the Republican party from within. And no one really wants the Rev. Pence in the Oval Office.

While there should be logic to what you say, for liberals, I know lots of regular folks who want nothing more than to see the President brought down. Of course, they are reacting with emotion, instead of logic, which is the liberal way.

05-26-2018, 11:35 AM
You and high plains drifter. Ever the optimists :laugh:

Seriously, does anyone consider the precedent and possible consequences down the road before they come up with these ideas? In a perfect, fair world with an unbliased judiciary and professional in Congress ... well, that's already asking too much ... yes. he should be charged for the crimes against the Constitution he committed. But here in the real world .... you think Trunp's witch hunt is bad? It is a direct result fo going after Clinton. The left is vindictive, petty and never forget a slight. They wouldn't rest until they destroyed a Republican or conservative President. And as you can see by the Russia probe, facts and reality mean little to nothing to them.

IMO they quit looking for Russian collusion a long time ago. They're trying to find a process crime at this point to save whatever face they think they can. And if it's an unpaid jaywalking ticket it will be the most heinous crime committed since John Wayne Gacy and the left will soak it up like Bud Lite at an outdoor country concert in July in Texas.

If he can't be busted for a felony crime with a mountain of evidence even the left can't ignore, it's probably not worth it. It won;t be painted in light of the facts in the OP. The media and left will paint in the light of "Republicans wanting payback for the Russia probe".

Like I said, the truck would be quicker and easier.
Gotta keep the faith, brother, even in the darkest of times.

If we don't have hope, what do we have?

05-26-2018, 11:37 AM
While there should be logic to what you say, for liberals, I know lots of regular folks who want nothing more than to see the President brought down. Of course, they are reacting with emotion, instead of logic, which is the liberal way.
Also in lieu of the truth.

05-26-2018, 12:54 PM
They can, just as if someone were still in office - but unfortunately it would be a waste as really the only penalty would be to prohibit from holding future office seats, I believe.I missed this. That's kinda what I thought.

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 12:56 PM
I missed this. That's kinda what I thought.
Yes but I am wondering if he can still be prosecuted for things he did as president. It just wouldn't be by congress

05-26-2018, 12:58 PM
As I have said before, no liberal with any common sense (which excludes grandstanding politicians looking to make names for themselves) wants Trump removed from office. Better to allow him to destroy the Republican party from within. And no one really wants the Rev. Pence in the Oval Office.Might want to get a consensus from your fellow Dems/leftwingnuts before speaking for all of them in THIS because they sure got a funny way of showing what you just stated. Tried to f- him over in the election and when that didn't work the cheaters accused HIM of cheating. Gotta admit, that takes some gall.

Then there's ongoing year and a half and counting meltdown everywhere you look. Looks to me like most of your own disagree with you.

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 01:03 PM
As I have said before, no liberal with any common sense (which excludes grandstanding politicians looking to make names for themselves) wants Trump removed from office. Better to allow him to destroy the Republican party from within. And no one really wants the Rev. Pence in the Oval Office.
Yeah no one wants him removed except the 90 percent who do.

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 01:05 PM
Might want to get a consensus from your fellow Dems/leftwingnuts before speaking for all of them in THIS because they sure got a funny way of showing what you just stated. Tried to f- him over in the election and when that didn't work the cheaters accused HIM of cheating. Gotta admit, that takes some gall.

Then there's ongoing year and a half and counting meltdown everywhere you look. Looks to me like most of your own disagree with you.
Be hilarious if trump were removed and then pence made it 20 times harder for fags, trannies, and illegals.

05-26-2018, 01:06 PM
As I have said before, no liberal with any common sense (which excludes grandstanding politicians looking to make names for themselves) wants Trump removed from office. Better to allow him to destroy the Republican party from within. And no one really wants the Rev. Pence in the Oval Office.
The establishment republicans are doing a fine job of destroying the party without any help from the president.

I don't think I'd vote for Pence either. But if it came down to him or a demtard, Pence it would be.

05-26-2018, 01:07 PM
Be hilarious if trump were removed and then pence made it 20 times harder for fags, trannies, and illegals.
Probably wouldn't be long before we'd see another coup of Pence from the democrat corruption mill.

05-26-2018, 01:08 PM
Be hilarious if trump were removed and then pence made it 20 times harder for fags, trannies, and illegals.Does he not like them? I admit, I know almost nothing about Pence except he comes from a questionable state, IMO. I never pay much attention to the VPs. They usually just get all the mandatory Presidential shit details :laugh:

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 01:21 PM
Does he not like them? I admit, I know almost nothing about Pence except he comes from a questionable state, IMO. I never pay much attention to the VPs. They usually just get all the mandatory Presidential shit details :laugh:
Lol. Yeah. Trump was the first republican to reach out to LGBTQ how many fucking letters are we up to...
At the republican convention during his nomination speech.

But if you listen to the left trump is inrersted in decorating his house with queer lampshades.

Pence is a hardass Marine with a history of "intolerance ". It would be talked about more if Adolf Drumpf hadn't come along.

05-26-2018, 02:39 PM
Yes but I am wondering if he can still be prosecuted for things he did as president. It just wouldn't be by congressI would say that depends. Anything he did that is criminal and does not have a statute of limitations on it I'd say is fair game in criminal court, and/or if the charges are filed before the statute of limitations runs out.

05-26-2018, 02:42 PM
Lol. Yeah. Trump was the first republican to reach out to LGBTQ how many fucking letters are we up to...
At the republican convention during his nomination speech.

But if you listen to the left trump is inrersted in decorating his house with queer lampshades.

Pence is a hardass Marine with a history of "intolerance ". It would be talked about more if Adolf Drumpf hadn't come along.I looked that up when you mentioned it before. I found absolutely nothing that indicates Pence was a Marine. He went from lawyer to radio/tv talk show host to Congress.

If you got something else I'm all ears.

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 02:45 PM
I looked that up when you mentioned it before. I found absolutely nothing that indicates Pence was a Marine. He went from lawyer to radio/tv talk show host to Congress.

If you got something else I'm all ears.
Ok lemme look

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 02:48 PM
Ok lemme look
Oops. I can't find it either. His son in the marines training to be a pilot. I think that means quantico.

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 02:55 PM
Gunny. Here's a preview of how the left will react to President Pence.


05-26-2018, 03:02 PM
@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30). Here's a preview of how the left will react to President Pence.

https://www.haaretz.com/amp/us-news/whoopi-says-gays-meeting-with-pence-is-like-jews-meeting-nazis-1.5824061Y'know, there's a special place in Hell for people who put "surprise" pop-up pics of whoopi goldberg on other people's screens. :slap:

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 03:04 PM
Y'know, there's a special place in Hell for people who put "surprise" pop-up pics of whoopi goldberg on other people's screens. :slap:
Are you saying you don't have jungle fever for her ? :laugh:

05-26-2018, 03:33 PM
Oops. I can't find it either. His son in the marines training to be a pilot. I think that means quantico.Nope. Pensacola or Miramar is Navy pilot training. Quantico is Officer Candidate School (OCS). That means he got a degree somewhere other than the Naval Academy and applied to be a Marine Officer. If he's training as a pilot that means e passed OCS and whatever quals for flight school.

05-26-2018, 03:38 PM
Lol. Yeah. Trump was the first republican to reach out to LGBTQ how many fucking letters are we up to...
At the republican convention during his nomination speech.

But if you listen to the left trump is inrersted in decorating his house with queer lampshades.

Pence is a hardass Marine with a history of "intolerance ". It would be talked about more if Adolf Drumpf hadn't come along.
I didn't know Pence was a Marine... hmmm...

EDIT: ok... didn't read into the second page first...

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 03:39 PM
I didn't know Pence was a Marine... hmmm...
I don't think he is

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 03:43 PM
Nope. Pensacola or Miramar is Navy pilot training. Quantico is Officer Candidate School (OCS). That means he got a degree somewhere other than the Naval Academy and applied to be a Marine Officer. If he's training as a pilot that means e passed OCS and whatever quals for flight school.
Yeah I meant that he had been through quantico. Only way he could possibly be a marine and a pilot??

My my brother in law flies Cobras. He went through quantico. His wife flies Romeos. She went to Annapolis. I think they met in Milton/Pensacola.

05-26-2018, 04:08 PM
Yeah I meant that he had been through quantico. Only way he could possibly be a marine and a pilot??

My my brother in law flies Cobras. He went through quantico. His wife flies Romeos. She went to Annapolis. I think they met in Milton/Pensacola.
Impressive... :salute:

05-26-2018, 04:12 PM
Yeah I meant that he had been through quantico. Only way he could possibly be a marine and a pilot??

My my brother in law flies Cobras. He went through quantico. His wife flies Romeos. She went to Annapolis. I think they met in Milton/Pensacola.Annapolis is the US Naval Academy. You pass 4 years there and you're a Naval officer and usually on the short track for promotion. Let me back up. After 2 years, Midshipmen declare whether they want to go "Blue" (Navy) or "Green" (Marine). You do the next two years then go to the service you chose. If they are slated for pilot training, they will go to P-Cola. I said NAS Miramar earlier but I'm not sure if they have pilot training there. I know they have Navy and Marine fighters there.

If you go the OCS route, you already have a degree. OCS is just like officer boot camp. I think it's about 3 months. Then you go from there to your MOS (job) school.

05-26-2018, 04:15 PM
I have serious regrets getting out when I did. Hind sight is always 20-20.

Wish I could get a do-over.

05-26-2018, 04:27 PM
I have serious regrets getting out when I did. Hind sight is always 20-20.

Wish I could get a do-over.Makes you fell any better, so do I. The person (wife) that was the main reason (out of many) I retired when I did I haven't seen in about 10 years. Wonder if I can declare her dead?:)

I would have stayed probably but I was scheduled to deploy again and she started melting down about it. The way she acted whe I was deployed you've have thought SHE was the one deployed. All this suffering she was doing back at home with the phone, car, Jack in the box up the road, bars, civilian clothes, a real bed, your own food, me paying all the bills was just killing her:rolleyes:

Black Diamond
05-26-2018, 04:37 PM
Annapolis is the US Naval Academy. You pass 4 years there and you're a Naval officer and usually on the short track for promotion. Let me back up. After 2 years, Midshipmen declare whether they want to go "Blue" (Navy) or "Green" (Marine). You do the next two years then go to the service you chose. If they are slated for pilot training, they will go to P-Cola. I said NAS Miramar earlier but I'm not sure if they have pilot training there. I know they have Navy and Marine fighters there.

If you go the OCS route, you already have a degree. OCS is just like officer boot camp. I think it's about 3 months. Then you go from there to your MOS (job) school.
We went to SIL graduation at Annapolis. The speaker rotates between the president, sec of state, and whatever Leon pinetta was. So we were either going to get Obama, Hillary or pinetta depending on the rotation. We got Pinetta.

And yeah some midshipmen there graduated into the marines.

05-27-2018, 01:29 AM
I could care less if he's thrown in front of a fast moving truck.

They should raffle off tickets for who gets to drive the fast moving truck. They might be able to fix the national debt.

Black Diamond
05-27-2018, 09:13 AM
They should raffle off tickets for who gets to drive the fast moving truck. They might be able to fix the national debt.
Pay per view.