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05-28-2018, 10:25 AM
Three Reasons the 'anti-gun' crowd is not jumping all over this.

Two armed citizens stopped the shooter, eliminating the threat:


05-28-2018, 11:06 AM
A well-written article. Too bad the people that need to read it the most won't. As the author of the article states, "It doesn't fit their narrative."

05-28-2018, 11:37 AM
A well-written article. Too bad the people that need to read it the most won't. As the author of the article states, "It doesn't fit their narrative."

Yes. That was quite clear.

05-28-2018, 08:39 PM
Go back and take notice of the DAY of the week, most of the shootings, and mass killings have been taking place.


05-28-2018, 10:30 PM
If these activist CHILDREN sincerely want to disarm the entire nation, then how about they demand all video games and movies remove guns and gratuitous gun violence and killing? Then they can go lay down in the streets in Chicago and demand and end to all the killing there, then maybe we could actually believe that they believe the crap they're spewing, and not just being used by the political left pros as pawns.

05-29-2018, 07:57 AM
If these activist CHILDREN sincerely want to disarm the entire nation, then how about they demand all video games and movies remove guns and gratuitous gun violence and killing? Then they can go lay down in the streets in Chicago and demand and end to all the killing there, then maybe we could actually believe that they believe the crap they're spewing, and not just being used by the political left pros as pawns.This is something I don't understand about the left in general, not specifically firearms.

WHERE is the disconnect in logic? Actual physical science? Minus all the "lefties are stupid" rhetoric, in all seriousness, WHAT makes their brains process in a completely illogical manner that makes them believe they are right?

How can they NOT see the obvious contradictions in their stances from one to the next? And trust me, they believe they are just as right as we believe we are.

As far as the OP, that's leftist-driven politics. The media has controlled info since the first guy wrote a book or gave a speech and some chump was there to report his version of it based on his slant and take. Part of the issue with the media now is the info age has seriously put a dent in its control and they are struggling to get it back using misinformation. Back before Al Gore invented the internet, you snagged the daily rag or watched the evening news and whatever Walter told you was gospel. Info is presented to bring the reader to the conclusion the writer desires; which, is dictated by company policy; which, is dictated by the owner.

Horace Greeley was as responsible for the US Civil War as anyone with his BS rag presented as "news" and "truth". He was a lying sack of sh*t with an agenda that would right in on MSNBC.

Sure they're going to minimize this story. The good guys, using legally owned firearms, used them as intended and the bad guy got taken down before he could do more damage. There's no story. As the author says, there're no dead kids. Only a dead bad guy.

05-29-2018, 10:50 AM
Sure they're going to minimize this story.

The good guys, using legally owned firearms, used them as intended and the bad guy got taken down before he could do more damage. There's no story. As the author says, there're no dead kids. Only a dead bad guy.

The liberal media sensation was vacant.

To them, to hell with a citizen standing up and taking action.

Their 'action' is in protests, violence, looting and burning property.

Are You Listening Gabby and Pete? Or are you ignoring the the obvious
huge elephant in the room?

I do not call out members often, but this is an exception.