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View Full Version : BIG Trouble With ebay...

05-29-2018, 09:38 AM
I will NEVER, EVER, sell another thing on ebay... EVER!

I sold my Galaxy DX-2517 10 meter citizens band radio. Now the guy is saying it doesn't work and wants to return it, so ebay has LOCKED UP my PayPal account and says I need ADD MONEY because it's NEGATIVE. So what ebay is doing is, guaranteeing every single thing sold by using the sellers money, NOT THEIRS, and apparently buried in the endless pages of the ebay agreement, we have all agreed to this. Not me, not for something like this. I tested and photographed this radio fully functioning moments before I packed it up, and I have no idea what this fool that bought it hooked it up to or even if he pulled a fast one and switched some parts to repair a radio of his like it and then said mine is bad or what. But if ebay allows this radio to be returned, RUINED, and thinks I'm refunding this turds money, I will SUE THEM. I'll spend FIVE GRAND to fight them over $400 for principle.

05-29-2018, 09:43 AM
I used to get collectibles on E-Bay in the early-mid 2000's. They they got all stupid and apparently retarded on their bulletin board I never even new they had, but they changed the rules that basically screwed the sellers and a lot of people quit selling on it.

A lot of it was tied to the buyer feedback and a pissing contest between the buyers and the sellers. They also changed their format around that time so I just quit looking altogether.

05-29-2018, 09:54 AM
I used to get collectibles on E-Bay in the early-mid 2000's. They they got all stupid and apparently retarded on their bulletin board I never even new they had, but they changed the rules that basically screwed the sellers and a lot of people quit selling on it.

A lot of it was tied to the buyer feedback and a pissing contest between the buyers and the sellers. They also changed their format around that time so I just quit looking altogether.
I think it has been going downhill. Apparently they own PayPal, so they double dip you every time you sell something with a heavy final value FEE on ebay, and then a FEE for withdrawing YOUR money from PayPal. It's a racket, and I've had my fill. I've been on there a LONG TIME, but after this, I'm done with PayPal for sure, and if I ever sell anything on ebay, it will be for CASH or personal check. I'll just tell people that the item will be sent out when the check has been authenticated as legit and it has been deposited and funds have been received. No PayPal, no double dipping, no cards, cash or good check.

05-29-2018, 10:01 AM
Ouch! Very very sorry :( Just awful. I pretty much hate people. :)

05-29-2018, 10:10 AM
I think it has been going downhill. Apparently they own PayPal, so they double dip you every time you sell something with a heavy final value FEE on ebay, and then a FEE for withdrawing YOUR money from PayPal. It's a racket, and I've had my fill. I've been on there a LONG TIME, but after this, I'm done with PayPal for sure, and if I ever sell anything on ebay, it will be for CASH or personal check. I'll just tell people that the item will be sent out when the check has been authenticated as legit and it has been deposited and funds have been received. No PayPal, no double dipping, no cards, cash or good check.As far as I'm concerned the whole internet has gone that route. Ebay is just a microcosm of the actual problem.

I was by no means early and often on the net. I didn't even have a PC at home util around 99-ish. The last deployment I went on we had internet and nothing beats boredom like being at sea for 6 months. Prior to that, we used it to read the news. But almost everything was FREE. Now, if you so much as have an ad blocker on you aren't getting on a lot of sites and everything is a scam for money.

Since everybody was shopping online last Christmas I actually started using it shop online not so much to get stuff, but to get running shoes I could never find without going to the company. Same with the brand and style of jean shorts I wear.

That, some music, which is no longer unrestricted totally free, this board and google for info is about all I use this thing for.

Cable TVs the same. It started as a cool deal. For a small fee, no commercial and access to some out-of-state channels. I think I had maybe 15 channels to start which ad more quality shows that my however many I get now at the extortion rate and 70% are infommercials.

Like anything else. You get a deal to suck you and then when it becomes part of everybody's lives they start extorting for shoddier services.

When I used E-bay, I was strictly a buy and I'd almost always used the "Buy it Now" option. I never had any trouble nor any problems with the sellers. I quit when E-bay itself started jacking around.

05-29-2018, 10:20 AM
Ouch! Very very sorry :( Just awful. I pretty much hate people. :)
I hate people that think they can get away with screwing me over.

I'm like a pit bull when I know I'm right. I will never let go of an issue until I win, or in some way feel vindicated and compensated for the wrong.

ebay is going to learn this. I know they're a lot richer than I am, but we'll see how well they like spending the money to pay a lawyer to come clear out here to small town USA and defend them in a small town court room that may not be friendly to their gestapo, big money, FEE, FEE, FEE ways.

05-29-2018, 10:30 AM
As far as I'm concerned the whole internet has gone that route. Ebay is just a microcosm of the actual problem.

I was by no means early and often on the net. I didn't even have a PC at home util around 99-ish. The last deployment I went on we had internet and nothing beats boredom like being at sea for 6 months. Prior to that, we used it to read the news. But almost everything was FREE. Now, if you so much as have an ad blocker on you aren't getting on a lot of sites and everything is a scam for money.

Since everybody was shopping online last Christmas I actually started using it shop online not so much to get stuff, but to get running shoes I could never find without going to the company. Same with the brand and style of jean shorts I wear.

That, some music, which is no longer unrestricted totally free, this board and google for info is about all I use this thing for.

Cable TVs the same. It started as a cool deal. For a small fee, no commercial and access to some out-of-state channels. I think I had maybe 15 channels to start which ad more quality shows that my however many I get now at the extortion rate and 70% are infommercials.

Like anything else. You get a deal to suck you and then when it becomes part of everybody's lives they start extorting for shoddier services.

When I used E-bay, I was strictly a buy and I'd almost always used the "Buy it Now" option. I never had any trouble nor any problems with the sellers. I quit when E-bay itself started jacking around.
I got my first computer around '99 too, probably was 2000. I've been on ebay since Dec. 6th, 2002, long time. It's changed dramatically since then, especially their fees, they're astronomical. They want to force you to pay montly for an ebay STORE. So they're going to NICK you one way or another, greedy sons a bitches. I can use craigslist, or the local news paper, or ever our local radio station. Every Saturday morning they have an hour and half long show called Prime Mover, and you can call in and sell things over the air, pretty damn cool. Sold a lot of stuff on there too. I don't NEED to sell stuff on ebay, and by God after this, I WON'T.

Yep... cable TV... there's probably ten channels I watch out of 150, and even then I try to record everything and never watch anything live, just so I can FF past all the ASININE commercials. If I ever met that MORON pillow man, I'd like kick him right square in the NADS.

05-29-2018, 10:54 AM
I hate people that think they can get away with screwing me over.

I'm like a pit bull when I know I'm right. I will never let go of an issue until I win, or in some way feel vindicated and compensated for the wrong.

ebay is going to learn this. I know they're a lot richer than I am, but we'll see how well they like spending the money to pay a lawyer to come clear out here to small town USA and defend them in a small town court room that may not be friendly to their gestapo, big money, FEE, FEE, FEE ways.You gotta do what you think is right. All I can really say.

I tend to look at things like that in terms of "is me being right going to change anything? And if not, I can really think of only one person I would waste my time paying back, and that one person would STILL have to present me the opportunity. I'm not going of my to try and change a closed mine. And payback to me ain't got nothing to do with rules, or talking or anything else. Just hitting where it hurts most. In my for instance, that would mean harming innocent people who had no part of the transgression and I have yet to sink that low.

ON THE OTHER HAND .... These Kirby f*ckers that sold me a vacuum could very well end u wearing their product around stuff up their backsides. I like the vacuum so that isn't the issue. HOWEVER, what I agreed to with the sales people was one thing and what came back in writing was another and I ain't paying the "an other". I tried to contact them twice (you can call off a deal within 72 hours in Tx and I did in 48). Nothing. I still have the product. So I called the bank and blocked the automatic withdrawal. I figure at some point they might make themselves a bit more available when they realize no cha-ching is coming in. They can give the deal I Jewed their asses down to or come get their shit.

And in THIS case, their office has been in the same place it was when I was in 5th grade and went to school two blocks from it. If I have to deliver, they might not like it. :)

05-29-2018, 11:05 AM
You gotta do what you think is right. All I can really say.

I tend to look at things like that in terms of "is me being right going to change anything? And if not, I can really think of only one person I would waste my time paying back, and that one person would STILL have to present me the opportunity. I'm not going of my to try and change a closed mine. And payback to me ain't got nothing to do with rules, or talking or anything else. Just hitting where it hurts most. In my for instance, that would mean harming innocent people who had no part of the transgression and I have yet to sink that low.

ON THE OTHER HAND .... These Kirby f*ckers that sold me a vacuum could very well end u wearing their product around stuff up their backsides. I like the vacuum so that isn't the issue. HOWEVER, what I agreed to with the sales people was one thing and what came back in writing was another and I ain't paying the "an other". I tried to contact them twice (you can call off a deal within 72 hours in Tx and I did in 48). Nothing. I still have the product. So I called the bank and blocked the automatic withdrawal. I figure at some point they might make themselves a bit more available when they realize no cha-ching is coming in. They can give the deal I Jewed their asses down to or come get their shit.

And in THIS case, their office has been in the same place it was when I was in 5th grade and went to school two blocks from it. If I have to deliver, they might not like it. :)
Yeah it's a matter of principle. I don't like crooks and shysters that think they can just bowl over people. I'm sure the way they make their money us is more people than not just chose to take getting screwed, I don't. You really picked the wrong guy if that's what you think. You either make it right or it's going to cost you MORE than had you just done that. You will regret it.

05-29-2018, 11:34 AM
Ebay is extremely purchaser friendly. Someone only need to open a case and offer a sliver of proof - and now Ebay will give them their money back way too quickly. Had the same happen to me, pard!

05-29-2018, 11:36 AM
Yeah it's a matter of principle. I don't like crooks and shysters that think they can just bowl over people. I'm sure the way they make their money us is more people than not just chose to take getting screwed, I don't. You really picked the wrong guy if that's what you think. You either make it right or it's going to cost you MORE than had you just done that. You will regret it.my BIGGEST issue with Kirby playing 1960s car dealer is that big-ass "Made Proudly in the USA" stamp all over every side of their box. It's a perfect example oh how Toyota, Datsun and Opel stayed in business in the US. People piss and moan about it, but when I can get a better product for less or the same, and that product is a mandatory requirement, I'm going with the superior quality without getting ripped off the second I walk into the finance manager's office over bragging it's made in America. My relatives own half the car dealerships in Huntsville, AL I know the deal :)

In Kirby's case, they DO sell a quality product. Or did. I bought one around 85 when my daughter was born and I had that thing still when she went off to the Army. I think I finally parted ways with in 09. Never had a problem with it.

I agree it is the principle of ripping me off. Car dealers piss me off with that shit and i'll walk on them too. Just got squeeze that extra $5 per payment out of you and that extra couple hundred down. Not from me.

Kirby IS

05-29-2018, 01:30 PM
I have never used eBay, PayPal, etc. Have only used Craig's list to place ad to rent out my rental.

I don't sell anything of mine ... I donate/give away. I also don't buy anyone's used stuff.

I just don't like dealing with strangers.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2018, 02:10 PM
Ebay is extremely purchaser friendly. Someone only need to open a case and offer a sliver of proof - and now Ebay will give them their money back way too quickly. Had the same happen to me, pard!

Yeah as a buyer I was very happy when eBay refunded the money I spent on an item I never received. You do have to give the seller a couple of attempts to respond to your emails and make it right, first. But then the money was totally refunded. I could be mistaken, but I think it was eBay’s money I received, then they go after the seller?

On the the selling side, I once had to refund money to a seller who said they never received the item, but luckily it was just a t-shirt.

I used to love eBay when it was mostly full of antiques and odd collectibles. Now it seems to be mostly new stuff from warehouses sold by umpteen different people. Although I did get a sweet pair of Bose barely-used noise-cancelling headphones for a good price.

My guess is they are buyer-friendly due to an imbalance of a zillion sellers vs not so many buyers.

05-29-2018, 02:13 PM
I have never used eBay, PayPal, etc. Have only used Craig's list to place ad to rent out my rental.

I don't sell anything of mine ... I donate/give away. I also don't buy anyone's used stuff.

I just don't like dealing with strangers.
I'll have to admit I've made a lot of money on ebay. I'll buy stuff at auctions or whatnot and "flip it" on ebay. I surely would have made more money had I sold it else where though and not paid their exorbitant fees. I won't be selling anything on there anymore though. Not going to give them the chance to pull this crap again, and same with PayPal, I'm done with them too. You only get a chance to fuck with me like this once.

05-29-2018, 05:28 PM
I will NEVER, EVER, sell another thing on ebay... EVER!

Welcome to the club. My mom used to sell things on e-bay. Her and a couple of other teachers designed and sold items they would make. They sold one item for $200 and shipped it to a buyer, who had to sign a postal form verifying delivery. Soon after, the buyer disputed the sale, saying they never received the item. When my mom sent a copy of the postal receipt, the buyer disputed that the signature was his. When it went to arbitration, e-bay stated that it was "policy" to believe the buyer in a dispute.
My mom transferred all her funds out of paypal and had the bank lock her account. E-bay responded by banning her as a "disreputable seller."

05-29-2018, 05:38 PM
Welcome to the club. My mom used to sell things on e-bay. Her and a couple of other teachers designed and sold items they would make. They sold one item for $200 and shipped it to a buyer, who had to sign a postal form verifying delivery. Soon after, the buyer disputed the sale, saying they never received the item. When my mom sent a copy of the postal receipt, the buyer disputed that the signature was his. When it went to arbitration, e-bay stated that it was "policy" to believe the buyer in a dispute.
My mom transferred all her funds out of paypal and had the bank lock her account. E-bay responded by banning her as a "disreputable seller."
The seller horror stories just keep rolling in... ebay is telling me I might have to file an "altered item return" dispute... yeah... right. In the meantime I sold another item for $117 and I can't get the money. I told ebay it could technically be considered "theft," and the ass clown on the phone quickly pointed out that "I agreed to ebay's terms" which evidently gives them permission to "SEIZE" YOUR MONEY. No more... never again. After this I'll be calling my bank and locking down my accounts against PayPal and ebay, and closing those accounts. They will not have permission to touch a cent.

05-30-2018, 06:12 PM
The buyer requested this "return" and then hasn't sent the radio back or responded for a week, so finally I had the option to open a case against him, and I let 'er rip. I'm actually confident that ebay will decide in my favor, but we'll see. They said it will be settled within 48 hours. If they decide in his favor, I will sue ebay. Win, lose or draw, I'll cost them a lot more than what they screwed from me with a bogus return decision.

05-31-2018, 04:23 AM
Welcome to the club. My mom used to sell things on e-bay. Her and a couple of other teachers designed and sold items they would make. They sold one item for $200 and shipped it to a buyer, who had to sign a postal form verifying delivery. Soon after, the buyer disputed the sale, saying they never received the item. When my mom sent a copy of the postal receipt, the buyer disputed that the signature was his. When it went to arbitration, e-bay stated that it was "policy" to believe the buyer in a dispute.
My mom transferred all her funds out of paypal and had the bank lock her account. E-bay responded by banning her as a "disreputable seller."
YEP... YOU WERE RIGHT! Even though I provided PROOF that the item I sold was PROPERLY FUNCTIONING when I SOLD IT, and now it's NOT, ebay is FORCING ME to PAY for RETURN SHIPPING of my radio that is NO LONGER WORKING. So I sold a 100% functioning radio, the buyer RUINED it, and now ebay is allowing them to send it back and TAKING MONEY from me for the REFUND AND SHIPPING, total cost to me OVER $500.


As far ebay goes, I'll settle up with them and chalk it up to lesson learned, and CLOSE the account and darken their website again, or PayPal. But the BUYER, I'm not done with that fucker, I have his name and address, and he's going to PAY, one way or another, he's going to PAY.

And yes there are PLENTY of horror stories online about sellers getting absolutely FUCKED by ebay and unscrupulous buyers because ebay will side with the buyer no matter what. ebay has been sued plenty of times too.

05-31-2018, 10:45 AM
Well, I just spoke with Walcott Radio, a very well known and respected CB radio outlet and repair shop in Walcott, IA, and explained what happened, their first reaction was this was not the first time they heard this sort thing with ebay, and their second reaction when I told them the buyer said the radio was way off frequency, he said that that's "common with the Galaxy base stations," and that it's nothing more than a wire that came lose on the circuit board. So, why couldn't the buyer, mister big radio setup himself, have found out the same information? It's like a $25 repair, or just fix it yourself, which I'll probably do. He got a $525 radio for $380. He's stupid for not asking questions and having it checked out. But I guess with this new information I'll go along with the return. It very well could have not have been working correct when the buyer got it. These radios go for $350 even not working, because they're so simple to repair. The buyer is a moron, plain and simple.

In any case, I learned a lot about ebay's corrupt, one sided policies from this, so regardless, I will be closing my ebay and PayPal account. Actually I might keep the PayPal, but I'll most certainly close the ebay. I think they're policies are corrupt. Gabs was right, it's "the buyer is always right" no matter what proof you have to the contrary, the facts don't matter.

05-31-2018, 12:07 PM
Ebay (and Amazon) have done exactly what RGS has posted: they use the Sellers' money to guarantee the product and take no liability of its own.

Try the "Buy Sell and Trade" in your area. The customers are limited, but it is to control trolls who try to interfere with your legitimate efforts, and it is generally quick and painless.