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View Full Version : Romney: Trump's Policies Better Than Expected, But He's No Role Model

05-29-2018, 01:57 PM
MANY things Trump stated he would do, he has done already. He acts as if his policies are much better than he had expected - even though his policies are by large identical to what he ran on in his campaign. Why be surprised? Or more like latch on a little bit now that he's had success.

As for his role model comments, I'll respond 2 parts. I agree with him. I would tell a kid to look more at someone like Ronald Reagan. Look him up, study him and watch all the videos. He would be a great role model. I think Trump is being a great president, but I also agree that personally, he's no role model for your children. I AGREE WITH MITT on that. I wanted to toss political correctness aside, and I got it. :)

But I would more likely steer a kid to look at their parents for role models. THAT is where their focus should be! Kids shouldn't be looking to Hollywood and elsewhere to want to emulate someone, when they hopefully have decent parenting at home. This builds a strong foundation within a family, which seems to be lacing more and more these days. :(


Romney: Trump's Policies Better Than Expected, But He's No Role Model

Mitt Romney said he would not recommend his grandchildren use President Donald Trump as a role model.

Romney, who is running for the Senate seat in Utah, made his comments in an interview with NBC News.

"I don't think that I would point to the president as a role model for my grandkids on the basis of his personal style," Romney said. "He has departed in some cases from the truth, and has attacked in a way that I think is not entirely appropriate.

"I think that his policies have been by and large a good deal better than I might have expected. But some of the things he has said are not ones that I would aspire for my grandkids to adopt."

Romney had criticized Trump during the presidential campaign in 2016.

He recently remarked: "But I'm an honest enough person that if he does something right — and by the way, he's done a number of things right — I'll be fully supportive of those things."

In his interview with NBC News, the former Republican presidential nominee also weighed in on U.S. negotiations with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un over a planned summit.

"I don't think we could possibly understand exactly what's going on in Kim Jong Un's mind, but the potential to reach our goal, which is denuclearization of North Korea on a permanent basis and a verifiable basis is something we all hope for and I'm encouraged that the president will speaking ultimately to Kim Jong Un, apparently," he said.


05-29-2018, 04:32 PM
RINO Romney thinks saying something nice about president Trump will get him elected.

05-29-2018, 04:47 PM
RINO Romney thinks saying something nice about president Trump will get him elected.

He's talking out both sides, covering his lame ass.

05-29-2018, 04:47 PM
Whatever the f*ck. My grandkids say crazier sh*t than Trump does :laugh: That's kind of a stupid comparison if you ask me. Romney must not be around his much.

"Look kids, if you eat all your veggies you can grow big and tall and be a RINO just like Granpa Mitt".:rolleyes: