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View Full Version : Barr Was Right About Soros Being A Nazi...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-31-2018, 11:28 AM



His own words in that video show what a miserable sorry excuse for a human the maggot is..

Are you a Nazi, if you only collaborated with them as they murdered your own people?
And if after their fall you are openly unapologetic about your evil deeds??-Tyr

05-31-2018, 11:48 AM
He was also obama's number one donor.

He should be shot on sight.

05-31-2018, 12:05 PM
The 14 year old was no Soros.

Someone want to post some actual objective evidence that Soros is or was Obama's number one donor?

05-31-2018, 12:42 PM
The 14 year old was no Soros.

Someone want to post some actual objective evidence that Soros is or was Obama's number one donor?
Oooooh... Jake... are you going to DEFEND that filthy old Nazi, Soros, the man that wants to see America crippled?

It's common knowledge, Jake, and I know you know it. You're not ignorant as to how to use the internet and you can look up who donated more money to obama and the DNC and democrat orgs as easily as anyone else can, and without rival, it has been since 1990, George Soros. He has more ways to funnel money into democrat campaigns than anyone else in the world. Again, common knowledge, don't play ignorant. I know damn well you're aware of this.


05-31-2018, 01:03 PM

Not surprised at some of the names on this list. Disney (NBC), Google. The number of taxpayer-funded universities is unsat, IMO.

The link is citing Elections Commission data as the source. Soros name does not appear which means absolutely nothing since he masks his donations under layers of other companies.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-31-2018, 04:13 PM
The 14 year old was no Soros.

Someone want to post some actual objective evidence that Soros is or was Obama's number one donor?

Did you even watch the video?
Soros himself as an older man speaks, not a child-- and he showed no remorse, no regrets for his collaborations with the damn Nazi's.
You deny words that he himself spoke.
You know what kind of moron does that?
A damn biased, blinded, lying deceitful one, IMHO.
You try to defend him but deny words he himself is on video speaking, are you that damn daft!??
Or just that damn blind and deceitful???-Tyr

05-31-2018, 04:26 PM
Did you even watch the video?
Soros himself as an older man speaks, not a child-- and he showed no remorse, no regrets for his collaborations with the damn Nazi's.
You deny words that he himself spoke.
You know what kind of moron does that?
A damn biased, blinded, lying deceitful one, IMHO.
You try to defend him but deny words he himself is on video speaking, are you that damn daft!??
Or just that damn blind and deceitful???-Tyr
He's a leftist, pard... that's the way they play.

05-31-2018, 05:23 PM
Did you even watch the video?
Soros himself as an older man speaks, not a child-- and he showed no remorse, no regrets for his collaborations with the damn Nazi's.
You deny words that he himself spoke.
You know what kind of moron does that?
A damn biased, blinded, lying deceitful one, IMHO.
You try to defend him but deny words he himself is on video speaking, are you that damn daft!??
Or just that damn blind and deceitful???-TyrI think it was on NatGeo recently I saw several shows on the 3rd Reich, and Hitler Youth. Most of the Hitler Youth are unapologetic to this day.

Then again, we got David Hogg :rolleyes: ANyway, the Hitler Youth bunch weren't bragging, but they weren't apologizing either. They were just matter-of-fact about it.

I'm not sure what the story is on Soros. Roseanne says he's a Nazi, the WaPo says he was a 14 years old Jew hiding from them. He's barred from his home country for jacking up its economy.

I generally cut through all the minutia. He needs to be terminated. He's a malignant sore on the face of society and needs to be surgically removed before his cancer spreads further.

05-31-2018, 06:00 PM
I think it was on NatGeo recently I saw several shows on the 3rd Reich, and Hitler Youth. Most of the Hitler Youth are unapologetic to this day.

Then again, we got David Hogg :rolleyes: ANyway, the Hitler Youth bunch weren't bragging, but they weren't apologizing either. They were just matter-of-fact about it.

I'm not sure what the story is on Soros. Roseanne says he's a Nazi, the WaPo says he was a 14 years old Jew hiding from them. He's barred from his home country for jacking up its economy.

I generally cut through all the minutia. He needs to be terminated. He's a malignant sore on the face of society and needs to be surgically removed before his cancer spreads further.
Too late, he has spawned an offspring that's just as radical as he is.


That filthy rat fuck should be shot on sight. He has done more to get democrat filth elected in ALL countries than any one individual on earth.

05-31-2018, 06:02 PM
Too late, he has spawned an offspring that's just as radical as he is.


That filthy rat fuck should be shot on sight. He has done more to get democrat filth elected in ALL countries than any one individual on earth.The sell .308 rounds by the twenty, not one at a time. :slap:

05-31-2018, 06:04 PM
The sell .308 rounds by the twenty, not one at a time. :slap:
I buy 7.62x39 FMJ by the thousand... www.bulkammo.com (http://www.bulkammo.com)

George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order


05-31-2018, 06:09 PM
I buy 7.62x39 FMJ by the thousand... www.bulkammo.com (http://www.bulkammo.com)

George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order

What global currency? Closest thing to that is the Euro and last I heard the dollar was up and the Euro was down.

Screw that globalist crap. How does he figure globalism would work for his dumb ass anyway when he can't step foot in certain countries. take away the borders and ...

05-31-2018, 06:22 PM
What global currency? Closest thing to that is the Euro and last I heard the dollar was up and the Euro was down.

Screw that globalist crap. How does he figure globalism would work for his dumb ass anyway when he can't step foot in certain countries. take away the borders and ...
If you ever figure out what's going on inside one of these radical, leftist, progressive, liberal, fascist Nazi's heads, let me know.

05-31-2018, 06:43 PM
If you ever figure out what's going on inside one of these radical, leftist, progressive, liberal, fascist Nazi's heads, let me know.
"What" is easy. "Why" a totally different critter. Maybe it's like the fags say ... they're hard-wired from birth that way :laugh:

05-31-2018, 07:07 PM
"What" is easy. "Why" a totally different critter. Maybe it's like the fags say ... they're hard-wired from birth that way :laugh:
I do believe that could be entirely true. I do believe leftists are born that way, although I also believe they're nurtured and brain washed by those around them... group think... peer pressure... followers not leaders.

I believe that because my brain doesn't work like a leftist, never could, just won't work. I don't let my emotions and others around me influence what I think. I know right from wrong, facts from fantasy, lies from the truth. I could never be a leftist democrat.

05-31-2018, 07:20 PM

Clinton and Obama influenced by George Soros

By Roy Sturwold - Contributing columnist

George Soros is 86 years old and has a worth of $24.5 billion. He is an Atheist who wants to delete Christianity from the face of the earth. He gives billions to left wing causes. He wants the U.S. to be subservient to international law. He wants one world government. He wants to destabilize the U.S. Government by weakening it through huge welfare programs like opening our borders to thousands of refugees, giving them food, medical care, housing and clothing. He wants to eliminate voter ID so non-citizens can vote, promotes legalization of Marijuana, and favors the Trans Pacific Partnership, with his inclusion of China. He supports amnesty to illegal immigrants. He provokes election crises in many countries around the world. He funded the Ferguson protests.

Soros gave $27 million to the 2008 campaign of Obama for president because he felt that the values of Barack Obama and himself were very similar. In 2016 George Soros gave Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates $25 million and was very influential in her decisions previously as Secretary of State. Soros has five children and some are involved in liberal causes.

George Soros advises officials to control the news and TV networks.

05-31-2018, 07:24 PM

05-31-2018, 09:39 PM
Sturwold is a neo-fascist of the most disturbing sort.

06-01-2018, 07:22 AM
Sturwold is a neo-fascist of the most disturbing sort.I see nothing fascist about being against what Soros is for/doing. I see EVERYTHING fascist in what Soros is trying to do.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-01-2018, 07:33 AM
I see nothing fascist about being against what Soros is for/doing. I see EVERYTHING fascist in what Soros is trying to do.

Soros, a globalist puppet, was a Nazi collaborator and shows zero remorse for his helping the Nazi vermin murder his fellow citizens.
That this Jake seeks to defend Soros, which to me points to his being either a fool, a blind man or a raving lib/leftist, IMHO.
Soros represents truest of evil in this world and that reality, those like him seek to keep hidden.
Jake defending Soros, to me, is close to that of a person trying to defend Hitler and his actions--it marks him as a lost soul, devoid of intelligence or else a demented soul that embraces evil and delights in its destruction, IMHO.-Tyr

06-01-2018, 08:37 AM
Soros, a globalist puppet, was a Nazi collaborator and shows zero remorse for his helping the Nazi vermin murder his fellow citizens.
That this Jake seeks to defend Soros, which to me points to his being either a fool, a blind man or a raving lib/leftist, IMHO.
Soros represents truest of evil in this world and that reality, those like him seek to keep hidden.
Jake defending Soros, to me, is close to that of a person trying to defend Hitler and his actions--it marks him as a lost soul, devoid of intelligence or else a demented soul that embraces evil and delights in its destruction, IMHO.-Tyr

Aside from that, it irritates me when the left slings the words "fascist" and "Nazi" around at the right when they are in obvious need of a dictionary. Nazi's were fascists who are extremist socialists which is a characterization of the behaviors exhibited by the left, not conservatives. Conservatism is the antithesis of fascism.

Not so's you'd think according to the left and its bombarding a lie into everyone's heads daily, year after year. AntiFa is nothing more than jaw-dropping, eyes-rolling, walking-talking dictionary-perfect definition of fascism; yet, they'd have you believe are the opposite. I hope mommy and daddy are proud of the education they paid for :rolleyes:

06-01-2018, 08:46 AM
Fascism, like any Big Government Progressive movement, depends of it to make political (eg., get rid of pro-abortion laws or protect the 2dA), economic (end TrumpCare, eg.), narrow the boundaries of free speech (political), etc.

The fact remains that the Dem has more fascist elements, particularly economic, than the GOP, which would curtail more civil liberties.

What the Far Right hates is that Progressivism is a part of the entire American spectrum.

06-01-2018, 10:46 AM
Fascism, like any Big Government Progressive movement, depends of it to make political (eg., get rid of pro-abortion laws or protect the 2dA), economic (end TrumpCare, eg.), narrow the boundaries of free speech (political), etc.

The fact remains that the Dem has more fascist elements, particularly economic, than the GOP, which would curtail more civil liberties.

What the Far Right hates is that Progressivism is a part of the entire American spectrum.When Progressivism is "progressing" in a downward spiral in our society, it's easy to see why anyone with common sense would hate it. This country used to be a LOT nicer place to live.

06-01-2018, 11:09 AM