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View Full Version : Liberals' worst nightmare: a second supreme court pick for Trump

05-31-2018, 01:37 PM
He's installed one conservative SC justice. He's been also filling the federal courts with conservative judges as much as possible. And if Kennedy does retire, which has been a rumor for quite a few years now, that would almost guarantee a court far in conservative favor for many years to come. I don't see this happening unless he wins 2020 though, as I think Kennedy will hold out til then. Now THAT would show some snowflake meltdowns!


Liberals' worst nightmare: a second supreme court pick for Trump

A future conservative nominee could affect issues ranging from women’s reproductive health to LGBT rights

When, just weeks after taking office, Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the supreme court, the newly minted US president made good on a central promise of his campaign: to replace the late justice Antonin Scalia with a bona fide conservative.

That moment foreshadowed what is shaping up to be among the most indelible of Trump’s triumphs – the reshaping of the federal judiciary with the appointment of dozens of judges with an ideological bent toward the administration’s agenda.

Republicans are working with Trump to make a record-breaking number of appointments to federal courts. These new, mostly young, white men will be in a position to rule on legislation that could change America for years.

But the most contentious appointment would be a second nomination to the highest court in the land. The supreme court has over decades delivered landmark decisions on issues from abortion to affirmative action and same-sex marriage. The potential for Trump to install another justice on the nine-seat bench, some legal experts argue, could have profound consequences on issues ranging from women’s reproductive health to LGBT rights.

With speculation mounting over the possible retirement of supreme court justice Anthony Kennedy, Trump could have a lasting impact on reshaping America’s most important court.

“If President Trump fills another vacancy on the court it will have an enormous effect,” said Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley School of Law at the University of California.

“It will create the most conservative court since the mid-1930s,” he added. “It would mean a majority to overrule Roe v Wade and to allow states to prohibit abortions, to eliminate all forms of affirmative action, to eliminate constitutional limits on illegal police conduct.”

The president himself underscored the power of future vacancies earlier this year, when he tweeted that Republicans “must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court!”.

Rest - https://www.theguardian.com/law/2018/may/30/supreme-court-justice-trump-second-nominee-scotus

05-31-2018, 05:31 PM
I wish they'd tone down the stories like this... I think we can all agree that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is already a bit off her rocker, but stories like this will have the liberals propping her up like Weekend at Bernie's.

There's no way she can hold on for another 7 years, but she'll do her best to. Kennedy probably has reservations too, since he prides himself for being on the fence.

05-31-2018, 05:33 PM
I wish they'd tone down the stories like this... I think we can all agree that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is already a bit off her rocker, but stories like this will have the liberals propping her up like Weekend at Bernie's.

There's no way she can hold on for another 7 years, but she'll do her best to. Kennedy probably has reservations too, since he prides himself for being on the fence.Heard that. Was thinking the exact same thing.

05-31-2018, 05:55 PM
There should be term limits for congress, the senate, and the supreme court.

Serving in politics shouldn't be a career. Get elected, serve your time serving your district, then make way for someone new.

Good, bad or indifferent, it should be so.

05-31-2018, 06:42 PM
Kennedy will try to hold on to 2020.

If it is either a blue pres or a blue senate then, he will retire.

05-31-2018, 06:55 PM
Kennedy will try to hold on to 2020.

If it is either a blue pres or a blue senate then, he will retire.
There won't be a dem prez. President Trump is more popular now than he was when he was elected, and the demtrash don't have anyone that could even come close to mounting a challenge.

And the blue wave... pfft... it isn't even a ripple in a piss puddle.

Sorry... but HATE as a platform just isn't working for you losers.

05-31-2018, 07:33 PM
http://buchanan.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/Who-Gave-Us-Justice-Ginsburg-2-700x245.jpghttps://thumbs.mic.com/ZDI2Zjk5NTM5NSMvUFVMVkFqWHJhSGFNQlZwRTc3UnhhenFrWU 1nPS9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6 Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpOnF1YWxpdHkoODApL2h0dHBzOi8vczMuYW 1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9wb2xpY3ltaWMtaW1hZ2VzL3lqamp6bzd0 bDg1ZDBoOWd1bWVpeGJtdWwzZGd5cnlkY2pldzN4ajNxdGUwbG htYjNnZ2NqYjZ3d3R5NHV5bDEuanBn.jpg

05-31-2018, 09:38 PM
President Trump is four to five points less popular than when elected.

The Dems will have to come up with a good candidate.

Anyone who is dismissing a blue wave simply does not have to be taken seriously.

I am hoping that Kasich will challenge Trump, without other real candidates in the running.

05-31-2018, 10:21 PM
President Trump is four to five points less popular than when elected.

The Dems will have to come up with a good candidate.

Anyone who is dismissing a blue wave simply does not have to be taken seriously.

I am hoping that Kasich will challenge Trump, without other real candidates in the running.
Poor Jake... you just can't accept reality can you, you little ALT LEFT CUCK TWIT?

I guess your fantasies are about the only thing I enjoy about you.

------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

05-31-2018, 10:35 PM
President Trump is four to five points less popular than when elected.

The Dems will have to come up with a good candidate.

Anyone who is dismissing a blue wave simply does not have to be taken seriously.

I am hoping that Kasich will challenge Trump, without other real candidates in the running.

I suspect you and petey operate...either from the same DNC playbook, or you have decided to join forces, and have a TIME SHARE brain transplant that only works to be negative, and Liberal.

Old ridge Runner
06-10-2018, 02:04 PM
President Trump is four to five points less popular than when elected.

The Dems will have to come up with a good candidate.

Anyone who is dismissing a blue wave simply does not have to be taken seriously.

I am hoping that Kasich will challenge Trump, without other real candidates in the running.

What the left hasn't taken into consideration is the Bernie factor. You see with the policy that the DNC just passed stating that anyone running for office under the Democratic Party has to be a registered member of the party. So all Bernie has to do is run for the Presidency as an independent and there goes the dems dream of winning the presidency. Bernie will pull so mny votes away from the dems that they will be crying in their beer for the next 4 years.

Abbey Marie
06-10-2018, 04:47 PM
I wish they'd tone down the stories like this... I think we can all agree that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is already a bit off her rocker, but stories like this will have the liberals propping her up like Weekend at Bernie's.

There's no way she can hold on for another 7 years, but she'll do her best to. Kennedy probably has reservations too, since he prides himself for being on the fence.

Thought the same thing. Everyone now: “Shhhh!”

06-10-2018, 05:40 PM
I am a bit surprised Ginsberg has lasted this long.

That could be TWO seats available in the next few years.

Black Diamond
06-10-2018, 06:21 PM
I am a bit surprised Ginsberg has lasted this long.

That could be TWO seats available in the next few years.
Easily. The election of this president will turn out to have made a tremendous difference.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2018, 08:33 PM
http://buchanan.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/Who-Gave-Us-Justice-Ginsburg-2-700x245.jpghttps://thumbs.mic.com/ZDI2Zjk5NTM5NSMvUFVMVkFqWHJhSGFNQlZwRTc3UnhhenFrWU 1nPS9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6 Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpOnF1YWxpdHkoODApL2h0dHBzOi8vczMuYW 1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9wb2xpY3ltaWMtaW1hZ2VzL3lqamp6bzd0 bDg1ZDBoOWd1bWVpeGJtdWwzZGd5cnlkY2pldzN4ajNxdGUwbG htYjNnZ2NqYjZ3d3R5NHV5bDEuanBn.jpg

I can not stand that leftist, arrogant witch. Her inner ugliness has raced outward and it shows.
They'd keep her rotted corpse in there to hold that position if they could--which points to how they are--ffing evil..
Best thing about that picture is that you can not see her damn hideous face if you only look at the top of it......--Tyr

06-10-2018, 09:38 PM
I know I'm old, but not as old as Ginsberg, but I can't help a little levity...in her behalf here.

Whenever I see her lately, in photo's, or on tv. I am convinced.."She's actually on Life Support".
Better than saying "She's Dead!"
But...with all of the new, medical breakthroughs in science today. "Can anyone HONESTLY prove...She's Alive?"

I've heard people compare her to a DNC trick from Nancy Pelosi and Company...They found a way to make Ginsberg.....Look and act like BERNIE!


Black Diamond
06-10-2018, 09:40 PM
I know I'm old, but not as old as Ginsberg, but I can't help a little levity...in her behalf here.

Whenever I see her lately, in photo's, or on tv. I am convinced.."She's actually on Life Support".
Better than saying "She's Dead!"
But...with all of the new, medical breakthroughs in science today. "Can anyone HONESTLY prove...She's Alive?"

I've heard people compare her to a DNC trick from Nancy Pelosi and Company...They found a way to make Ginsberg.....Look and act like BERNIE!



06-10-2018, 10:54 PM
People like Ruth Bader Ginsburg annoy the Hell out of me. It's like for f*ck's sake would you just die already?