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View Full Version : Pres. Trump Slams Obama-Era CIA Director, Mueller Probe

06-02-2018, 01:29 PM
OAN NewsroomUPDATED 8:50 AM PT – Sat. June 2, 2018President Trump slams Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan and criticizes the Mueller probe.
The president quoted former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino in a series (http://www.oann.com/pres-trump-slams-obama-era-cia-director-mueller-probe/#) of tweets Saturday, saying nobody in U.S. history has done more to discredit the intelligence community than Brennan.

Bongino was also quoted saying the Mueller probe is a scam investigation, adding that Americans ‘know’ there was only collusion between Russia and the Democrats.
Bongino also said the special counsel’s team is filled with Clinton people who work against the president.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)Donald J. Trump


“John Brennan, no single figure in American history has done more to discredit the intelligence community than this liar. Not only is he a liar, he’s a liar about being a liar.” Dan Bongino on @foxandfriends (https://twitter.com/foxandfriends)
7:06 AM - Jun 2, 2018 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1002884227753480193)

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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)Donald J. Trump


....“$17 million spent, it’s a scam Investigation. Americans are being worked. We now know there was Russian collusion, with Russians and the Democrats. The Mueller team is stacked with anti-Trumpers, who actually represented Clinton people (& gave $’s to Crooked H).” Dan Bongino
7:40 AM - Jun 2, 2018 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1002892787803676673)

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I guess the President is making up for screwing off last weekend and doing nothing newsworthy.

Not only is he (Brennan) a liar, he’s a liar about being a liar.” :laugh2:

06-02-2018, 06:01 PM
Whatever happened to the infamous "wall" set up between the intel community and the FBI by the Clinton administration. Slick Willie's Deputy AG, Jamie Gorelick, set up the wall to keep the CIA from telling the FBI everything it knew about the millions of dollars the Clinton re-election campaign received from the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in exchange for a commitment to transfer missile guidance technology via Loral which also "donated" $1.5 mill to the Clinton campaign. With the "who cares" attitude of the media at the time (remember when the media didn't give a damn about a communist nation influencing a Presidential election?) the wall served to protect the Clinton Crime Family. Unfortunately, the wall also kept the CIA from letting the FBI know about Al Qaeda affiliated folks taking flying lessons in the states a couple of years later. And we all know how well that worked out. Fortunately for the Arkansas Mafia, Gorelick weaseled her way on to the 9/11 Commission and she managed to divert attention from her handiwork and convince everyone "it's Bush's fault". Isn't it interesting how quickly the wall crumbled once the Dems controlled the CIA, DNI, NSA & FBI. It's amazing just how seamlessly these agencies worked hand in glove to give the Deep State the justification it needed to go after the Trump administration. The part that really bothers me is Gorelick's connection to Ivanka and Jarred Kushner:

06-02-2018, 06:53 PM
Whatever happened to the infamous "wall" set up between the intel community and the FBI by the Clinton administration. Slick Willie's Deputy AG, Jamie Gorelick, set up the wall to keep the CIA from telling the FBI everything it knew about the millions of dollars the Clinton re-election campaign received from the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in exchange for a commitment to transfer missile guidance technology via Loral which also "donated" $1.5 mill to the Clinton campaign. With the "who cares" attitude of the media at the time (remember when the media didn't give a damn about a communist nation influencing a Presidential election?) the wall served to protect the Clinton Crime Family. Unfortunately, the wall also kept the CIA from letting the FBI know about Al Qaeda affiliated folks taking flying lessons in the states a couple of years later. And we all know how well that worked out. Fortunately for the Arkansas Mafia, Gorelick weaseled her way on to the 9/11 Commission and she managed to divert attention from her handiwork and convince everyone "it's Bush's fault". Isn't it interesting how quickly the wall crumbled once the Dems controlled the CIA, DNI, NSA & FBI. It's amazing just how seamlessly these agencies worked hand in glove to give the Deep State the justification it needed to go after the Trump administration. The part that really bothers me is Gorelick's connection to Ivanka and Jarred Kushner:

I'm probably going to take a beat down for this, but WTH. Won't be the first time. For all of the good points in Trump's favor which are most of hi business decisions since he's a businessman he is STILL a rookie at politics and it shows. His judgement when it comes to selecting people is one of those areas it shows. I'm just glad he'll fire the idiots as fast as he hires them. His foreign relations is in the tank as far as I'm concerned.

I wouldn't think Ivanka would knowingly put her father at risk. Doesn't seem the sort. The Trumps ar going to have all kinds of friends and connections that may not be political nor Republican. Donald Trump was not a Republican a couple years ago. He was a reality show host and member of the WWE Hall of Fame.

I'd see this more as that slimy "B" slithering her way in under false pretenses.

Remember how Linda Tripp played Monica Lewinsky to get dirt on Clinton? THAT is what I am talking about when I speak of the bureaucracy. What you call the "deep state". They don't care if you're President if you piss one of them off. Clinton pigeon holed Tripp, she sidled up to a naive intern to get info and hit the jackpot.

This Gorelick is probably doing the same damned thing.