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View Full Version : Israeli policeman strangles a child to death

Great warrior
06-03-2018, 06:43 AM
An Israeli policeman strangles a palestinian Child to death on saturday during the protest of US embassy move to the Jerusalem. The innocent boy even read Kalima e shahadat before dying.

06-03-2018, 06:56 AM
An Israeli policeman strangles a palestinian Child to death on saturday during the protest of US embassy move to the Jerusalem. The innocent boy even read Kalima e shahadat before dying.

Silly question, I know ... but, do you have the smallest intention of DEBATING the subject you've posted on ? Or, is this just another 'drive-by' posting, done purely for propaganda purposes ?

... H'mm ... ?

Tell me that the site you've posted a link to, holds no biases, that what it 'reports' is fair and untainted by any agenda ... if you can ........

06-03-2018, 08:55 AM
..... more crap....

I edited and put in my own thoughts of your posts.

I never let the majority here dictate anything about the rules. BUT, I do listen. And I do read. And I do research - and they are all right, you post crap, and then refuse to answer all the questions and other posts in reply to your crap. So you're left with someone who posts his muslim propaganda BS and moves on. That feels spammy to me. Only worse, as spam offers a product or something in return, usually, whereas all you offer is disgusting islamic brainwashed propaganda material. So go eat shit, and give any left overs to the pedo friend of yours known as muhammed.

Not here buddy. I allow a LOT, but I won't allow muslim BS to be spouted here without being contested - and that's on you. So adios, head for the hills, beat it, begone with you.

06-03-2018, 09:00 AM
He was "strangled to death"; yet, said a prayer to Satan before dying. Post outright lies much? Strangled to death means DEAD. Dead means no further conversation. The body's dying last gasp is trying to get air, not talk.

Strangled doesn't happen like it does in the movies, Allah bin Siskel. It takes at least two minutes and a lot of uninterrupted strength to apply.

What a crock of shit. HERE's a plan: don't allow Abbas to send you off to die for his stupid political causes. Where's his parents? Why is he resisting an officer of the law to the point of being strangled?

And here's a clue: Israel did not move the US Embassy. The President of the Untied States did.

No wonder your side can't win anything. You're too f-ing stupid. Great Warrior :rolleyes: At WHAT? Video games? Running your flap on a message board?

btw ... How come it is you Great warrior aren't over there protesting? One can only hope.

06-03-2018, 10:55 AM
The board has taken on a fresh new aroma.

Must be that pile of muslim pig shit got cleaned out.

How refreshing and delightful.

Black Diamond
06-03-2018, 10:55 AM
The board has taken on a fresh new aroma.

Must be that pile of muslim pig shit got clean out.

06-03-2018, 12:26 PM
Typical wannabe media "star". Bet it never crossed the mind of the flippin' towel head filming the damn thing to maybe intervene? It is Allah's will that he's dead. To prove a point.

Proved a point all right. Your politics/religion and "Jimmy Olson wannabe" delusion let some kid die. Good going champ. You sure showed us :rolleyes:

06-03-2018, 01:48 PM
Looks pretty bad to me. In this case the complaint seems like it might be legit.
not BS. not sure why anyone should assume police/military ANYWAY don't cross the line from time to time.

here's another case. I believe connected.
In the link below it's an American in Israel beaten. this Kid was another victims cousin apparently.



wrong is wrong no matter who does it.
It's not and excuse for any side to claim "justification" for their sides assaults, tortures and murders.
And honest people won't turn a blind eye to wrong done by those PAID, TRAINED and supposedly standing up for Good.
But will admit the wrong and try to correct it.... if they want to be decent about it that is.
But If you just want our side to "win", like U.S. did in the devastation of the Native Americans in of the U.S. " no injuns a good injun" policies.
Why pretend the post is BS?! Just say HE DESERVED it, by virtue of simply being Muslim in Israel.
But Don't act it doesn't or didn't happen by default.
Or act like you're shocked by this as if it's an impossible lie by it's nature. some of ya'll need to get real here.

06-03-2018, 01:49 PM
...more crap...

I edited and put in my own thoughts of your posts.

you did what?

06-03-2018, 01:54 PM
At least they didn't lock him in a tiny cage and dowse him with gas and light him on fire.

06-03-2018, 02:38 PM
you did what?I would say Great Warrior got banned. Wish I'd noticed that before wasting some good material on him :laugh:

And don't get yourself started revelarts . He was warned, in the threads he started, more than once. I moved his stuff to the Steel Cage where you can STILL go look until the rest of the staff/the owner made a determination. Looks like a determination was made.

06-04-2018, 04:55 PM
Happened in 2015 so had nothing to do with embassy location change. Happened in Sweden and boy did not die.

The TruthThe video Kamal Jambu claimed was of an Israeli policeman strangling a Palestinian boy to his death did not happen in Israel… In fact, it did not even happen in the Middle East.
That video clip was originally published by the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan in February 2015. It actually shows a Swedish security guard at the Malmö train station sitting on a Moroccan boy and holding his hands over his mouth. The 9-year old boy can be heard reciting the Shahada in fright.
