View Full Version : Liberal hypocrisy

06-03-2018, 08:50 AM
So this picture started it all. And calling her a "cu**" doesn't matter to broadcasters as much as what Roseanne stated on twitter. Nor what Sally Fields followed up with. Keith Olbermann, Joy Reid, Behar, Goldberg, Maher, Kimmell... I could go on and on. Because of this:


THAT angered them SO much that SO many went off the rails in replying to her. And of course not a single repercussion from anyone in charge. Not much negative feedback from the media or liberal supporters either. Basically, crickets in comparison to when something is stated by someone on the right. This is not everyone on the left, I acknowledge that, but it's those in the media, the pundits, the folks in congress... those that generally lose their lunches over smaller things said by the right, are radio silent over a woman being called MUCH worse than anything I can think of.

06-03-2018, 09:02 AM
You are a few days behind on this one. And you have completely overlooked why some have called out the picture. Doesn't make it less wrong, though.

Black Diamond
06-03-2018, 09:08 AM
Ivanka should tweet:

"i have considered what Samantha Bee said and I decided she's right. Immigration policy needs to change. So I talked to my dad. I told him all illegal aliens should be executed. And like Samantha said, my father listens to me".

06-03-2018, 09:27 AM
You are a few days behind on this one. And you have completely overlooked why some have called out the picture. Doesn't make it less wrong, though.

I'm not a few days behind, I saw your reply. And I didn't overlook anything. But this was a picture of a Mom and her child - there is NO reason or NO excuse to jump on her as such for that, no matter what her father's policies may be. Those issues are being tended to and answered to in the appropriate places - folks don't need to acknowledge those who attack as such. Acknowledging and drawing attention to and discussing things about the president are all fair game. But I don't need to "acknowledge" the why's of folks calling out a daughter that has nothing to do with any of their irrational anger towards her.

06-03-2018, 09:43 AM
You are a few days behind on this one. And you have completely overlooked why some have called out the picture. Doesn't make it less wrong, though.There is NO reason to call out the picture. Most anybody else posts a pic of their baby and you get "what a cute baby", even from people who don't give a crap but want to be nice.

NOTHING justifies the attacks. The Dems/left attacked Bush's daughters and wife, and now anything Trump. For ZERO good reason. The right however, besides the usual kooks everybody has, did no such thing to Obama's kids. Didn't do it to Chelsea Clinton until she stuck her nose into politics, and that was after the fact. Didn't do it to Amy Carter. EVERYBODY loved Jimmy's family regardless the dolt for a President he was.

It REALLY puts a spotlight on just low the left has scraped itself into the sewer. ZERO class.

The comment was tasteless, crude, pointless. It served no purpose but shock value and to get a cheap laugh from a bunch of uneducated, uncouth mindless morons on the left. Most of my family is Democrats and even THEY think the gutter snipe should be fired.

06-03-2018, 09:45 AM
There is NO reason to call out the picture. Most anybody else posts a pic of their baby and you get "what a cute baby", even from people who don't give a crap but want to be nice.

NOTHING justifies the attacks. The Dems/left attacked Bush's daughters and wife, and now anything Trump. For ZERO good reason. The right however, besides the usual kooks everybody has, did no such thing to Obama's kids. Didn't do it to Chelsea Clinton until she stuck her nose into politics, and that was after the fact. Didn't do it to Amy Carter. EVERYBODY loved Jimmy's family regardless the dolt for a President he was.

It REALLY puts a spotlight on just low the left has scraped itself into the sewer. ZERO class.

The comment was tasteless, crude, pointless. It served no purpose but shock value and to get a cheap laugh from a bunch of uneducated, uncouth mindless morons on the left. Most of my family is Democrats and even THEY think the gutter snipe should be fired.


I SO want to go off on some stuff about Chelsea, some not so nice stuff. But I hold back, no reason, she hasn't made policy & I see no reason to go so low class just to attack.

06-03-2018, 10:06 AM

I SO want to go off on some stuff about Chelsea, some not so nice stuff. But I hold back, no reason, she hasn't made policy & I see no reason to go so low class just to attack.

I don't remember which one it was, but either Amy or Chelsea dabbled in politics, probably testing the water, or became an activist or something that put them under scrutiny for THAT PERSON's actions, after they were adults, and long after "Daddy" was out of office. I see nothing wrong with that.

Hillary deserved the attention she got because she was a media attention whore. Half the time you didn't know which Clinton was President. Hillary was a major activist (at doing stupid shit and interfering with government) and used Bill's Presidency as her springboard.

I recall Michelle Obama being criticized when SHE presumed to criticize. She left herself open to a LOT that wasn't seized on.

Ivanka Trump is a kid in a candy store. She's got an office in the WH with no official title :laugh: I mean come the f- on.

Now just imagine if Ivanka decided to retaliate in the same petty-ass, vile and just downright mean manner. All the money and media access she has WITHOUT the WH and Daddy being President? She could destroy Bee in a minute. She had to work for a living in "Daddy's" corporation, not be an unfunny, wannabe comedian on TBS.

06-03-2018, 10:08 AM
I said it was unacceptable to me earlier. Perhaps it wasn't unacceptable to others.
Others are attacking Melania Trump for not being more visible. I suppose people are used to the First Lady being more active and not as reticent as Melania chooses to be. The rumors are beyond weird. Perhaps she has been abducted by spaced aliens. :rolleyes:

06-03-2018, 10:11 AM
I said it was unacceptable to me earlier. Perhaps it wasn't unacceptable to others.
Others are attacking Melania Trump for not being more visible. I suppose people are used to the First Lady being more active and not as reticent as Melania chooses to be. The rumors are beyond weird. Perhaps she has been abducted by spaced aliens. :rolleyes:

Or perhaps she just had kidney surgery? Idiot.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2018, 10:34 AM
I said it was unacceptable to me earlier. Perhaps it wasn't unacceptable to others.
Others are attacking Melania Trump for not being more visible. I suppose people are used to the First Lady being more active and not as reticent as Melania chooses to be. The rumors are beyond weird. Perhaps she has been abducted by spaced aliens. :rolleyes:

Sorry gabs, but the standard of activity that was set my FDR's meddling socialist wife, now so admired and heralded by the dems/left/libs is not one any American citizen should desire, IMHO.
The spouses of our Presidents are not voted into office by we citizens. The fact that dem presidents have had so many activist wives and such damage has been afflicted upon this nation is not a good, positive thing- no matter how such has long been portrayed to be.
Recent times, Hillary and Michelle obama have both given ample proof of that meddling and bad character...
Melania choosing to --NOT- be a meddling activist is a net positive, but dem/leftists are pissed by that because it gives them less things to attack and vent their still raging and insane anger at Trump for defeating that totally corrupt and hideous witch that they tried to install as our dictator.-Tyr

06-03-2018, 10:36 AM
I said it was unacceptable to me earlier. Perhaps it wasn't unacceptable to others.
Others are attacking Melania Trump for not being more visible. I suppose people are used to the First Lady being more active and not as reticent as Melania chooses to be. The rumors are beyond weird. Perhaps she has been abducted by spaced aliens. :rolleyes:

Incorrect. The LEFT is used to the Democrat First Ladies being more "active". Spelled "meddling". They weren't elected to anything. "First Lady" is an honorary title given to the PRESIDENT's SPOUSE. Republican First Ladies tend to let their husbands who are the elected official be President and find some small little pet cause to support that doesn't overshadow the President.

Unlike Hillary Clinton.

Again, there's also a thread on Melania's absence. She had surgery. She likes her privacy. She wasn't elected to do jack sh*t, nor is she obliged to. She sent books to a school and the leftwingnut administrator had a melt down and sent them back. Didn't matter they were books for the children. Trump's wife sent them was more important:rolleyes:

06-03-2018, 06:05 PM
I said it was unacceptable to me earlier. Perhaps it wasn't unacceptable to others.
Others are attacking Melania Trump for not being more visible. I suppose people are used to the First Lady being more active and not as reticent as Melania chooses to be. The rumors are beyond weird. Perhaps she has been abducted by spaced aliens. :rolleyes:

Leave the mother and child alone.

No wonder you have so much hate here.

You NEED to make a snide liberal comment on families?

06-03-2018, 06:40 PM
If it wasn't for liberal lies...they always call rumors that are intended to be THEIR FACTS. They'd have nothing Honest to say...EVER.
Hatred is what makes Liberals, Democrats, and Snowflakes INTENTIONALLY say terrible things...like that BEE idiot, or every other liberal who INSTANTLY, and DISINGENUOUSLY apologize for their accusations, remarks, slanders, and perpetual stupidity...every chance they get.

But...WHOA be it to any Conservative, Republican who happens to state the TRUTH about those Liberal Democrat Snowflakes. Then ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE...and it goes on again.

06-03-2018, 07:10 PM
Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.

06-03-2018, 07:16 PM
Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.
What did Ivanka do to the bee bitch to deserve being called a c--t by a foul mouthed, vile HAG of a democrat wench? Post a picture of her and her son? You call that warranted?

And Kelly had already done her hit job the president with her own cockamamy remarks, Trump was just counter punching.

Seems your comparisons lack any credibility, Rev.

06-03-2018, 07:26 PM
Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.

You have the reasoning of a kindergartner in this one. IF TRUMP CAN DO IT...WHY CAN'T BEE?
You lack logic, and common sense. Since when does ONE WRONG make something else RIGHT?

Black Diamond
06-03-2018, 07:52 PM
****= bimbo. Jim oughta ban the b-word

Black Diamond
06-03-2018, 07:54 PM
You have the reasoning of a kindergartner in this one. IF TRUMP CAN DO IT...WHY CAN'T BEE?
You lack logic, and common sense. Since when does ONE WRONG make something else RIGHT?
Trump didn't go after Megyn's family. And he didn't call her a ****.

06-03-2018, 08:49 PM
Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.Megyn Kelly is a television personality that invites commentary/criticism with her commentary/criticism. It's the name of the game. As a mediator in a debate, she was definitely and obviously harder on Trump than the rest. And I wanted Trump to lose, so don't bother with the "partisan" crap.

Your comparison is a FAIL.

06-03-2018, 09:23 PM
response worse than i thought.

06-03-2018, 09:36 PM
response it worse than i thought.What would you expect a response to ridiculousness be? My opinion has ZERO to do with partisanship, as stated. Your comparison doesn't hold water even at a stretch. Megyn Kelly as a political journalist vs Ivanka Trump, mother of baby in picture. That's not apples-n-oranges. That's apples-n-potatoes.

I don't see why you would think you should get any better response than you purposefully set out to get with your goofy statement. There is no intent to your comment besides pissing some people off.

06-03-2018, 09:53 PM
Why don't you tell us honestly...the last time any Liberal Democrat sincerely apologized for anything. Most of us know, and recognize their DNC directions about ALWAYS APOLOGIZE...Right after you use the foul language, accuse someone with your lies, or pretend YOU ARE SORRY.

06-03-2018, 10:01 PM
Shut the fuck up Rev

You fack Preacher.

All You do is spill liberal garbage.

06-03-2018, 10:06 PM
Wow, just wow! Good thing no one here wants any new folks to join, they might not agree with you. Thus one can accuse someone who I don't think has ever gotten 'foul mouthed' or called people liar-just disagreed with them. But heh, if they don't agree with the givens, they are liberal, right?

06-03-2018, 10:09 PM
Wow, just wow! Good thing no one here wants any new folks to join, they might not agree with you. Thus one can accuse someone who I don't think has ever gotten 'foul mouthed' or called people liar-just disagreed with them. But heh, if they don't agree with the givens, they are liberal, right?Did you get the right thread? Kathianne ?

06-03-2018, 10:19 PM
Kath's got the right board... i mean... thread.

06-03-2018, 10:23 PM
Kath's got the right board... i mean... thread.So you're a comedian as well tonight, huh? Her statement could apply elsewhere and fit better because YOU aren't a noob.

I responded to you twice with legit, on topic responses to your posts. Invisible to you? Or are you too busy looking to be offended? You could always address the point I made. Twice,

06-03-2018, 10:35 PM
Odd thing there were many Republicans Including Carly Fiorina that thought Trump's "blood everywhere" comments was low life scumbagery.
I guess she's a LIBERAL, and didn't know Trump was justified.

But OK if I'm reading some of you guys correctly.
Maybe if Megyn had been holding one of her children, THEN it would have been wrong.
Or if she had never asked Trump any hard questions. Or "unfair" questions. She was so mean, so Trump HAD TO call out her bloody VJJ. Because that's what grown men HAVE TO do to defend themselves from female reporters.

I get it now.

06-03-2018, 10:40 PM
Did you get the right thread? @Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=8) ?
Oh yeah, the same folks going after anyone who doesn't buy what they believe. Rev has his own drummer, but he's far from the evil one.

06-03-2018, 10:48 PM
Odd thing there were many Republicans Including Carly Fiorina that thought Trump's "blood everywhere" comments was low life scumbagery.
I guess she's a LIBERAL, and didn't know Trump was justified.

But OK if I'm read some of you guys correctly.
Maybe if Megyn had been holding one of her children, THEN it would have been wrong.
Or if she had never asked Trump any hard questions. Or "unfair" questions. She was so mean, so Trump HAD TO call out her bloody VJJ. Because that's what grown men HAVE TO do to defend themselves from female reporters.

I get it now.
...Cough...I think my personal opinion of Trump as a person is well documented. Do you just walk into every "new" thread blind, or do you watch and remember what different people do?

Megyn Kelly attacked Trump in a public forum, on nation-wide TV. Trump went after her in return, in public forums. They are both professionals supposedly and should know when they open their mouths they are subject to attack, especially in politics and especially if they attacked first.

That's a far cry from a mother posting a pic with her baby. Ivanka Whatever her last name is is NOT the President. She didn't insult anyone. It had nothing to do with politics, but never to pass up an opportunity for a cheap shot at a Trump, the low-rent left strikes again.

Is what Trump said about Kelly okay? Of course not. Not to me. Does that justify what Bee said about Ivanka? Nope. Not even with the stretch you're going for. You're trying to justify bad behavior with unrelated, out of context bad behavior.

Doesn't work for me.

06-03-2018, 10:50 PM
Oh yeah, the same folks going after anyone who doesn't buy what they believe. Rev has his own drummer, but he's far from the evil one.Rev doesn't bother me. Needs to tighten up that loose screw every once in awhile ....:laugh:

06-03-2018, 10:58 PM
Rev doesn't bother me. Needs to tighten up that loose screw every once in awhile ....:laugh:
Don't we all? :laugh2:

Some folks will just bandwagon the hits, thinking they are with the majority. I'm not big on piling on. At least Rev doesn't have an anal fixation on everyone he doesn't care for; nor does he go off on drunken tirades like some seem to do a tad too often.

He sees things a bit differently, more 'conservatively' than many here. One doesn't have to agree with him, even like him, but he doesn't deserve being trashed.

06-03-2018, 11:05 PM
Megyn Kelly is a television personality that invites commentary/criticism with her commentary/criticism. It's the name of the game. As a mediator in a debate, she was definitely and obviously harder on Trump than the rest. And I wanted Trump to lose, so don't bother with the "partisan" crap.
Your comparison is a FAIL.

see previous reply

What would you expect a response to ridiculousness be?
I thought at least ONE guy here would say something like.
"Well, Trump did cross the line with that comment" and then maybe a "but..."
But everyone here has defended or made excuses for Trump and called me names and told me to STHU for even bringing it up!

you just called it "ridiculousness"
OK whatever.

My opinion has ZERO to do with partisanship, as stated. Your comparison doesn't hold water even at a stretch. Megyn Kelly as a political journalist vs Ivanka Trump, mother of baby in picture. That's not apples-n-oranges. That's apples-n-potatoes.
Ivanka Trump is in white House UNOFFICIALLY and Nepotisticaly helping shape national policies.
She's a valid target ...If you think its OK to Attack woman using nasty language becasue of their job's. Then She is definitively a valid target.

I don't see why you would think you should get any better response than you purposefully set out to get with your goofy statement.
statements not goofy, sadly you just missed the point.

There is no intent to your comment besides pissing some people off.
the comments are TRUE, they point out that both sides use scummy language, and BOTH sides should clean up.
I thought I'd get 1 or 2 partial grudging agreements but it seems you guys are to far gone for even that.

06-03-2018, 11:16 PM
Is what Trump said about Kelly okay? Of course not. Not to me. Does that justify what Bee said about Ivanka? Nope.
reread what i wrote. I'm saying the exact SAME thing.

Not even with the stretch you're going for. You're trying to justify bad behavior with unrelated, out of context bad behavior. Doesn't work for me.

quote me where i tried to "justify bad behavior with unrelated" Gunny.

i CLEARLY said BOTH are wrong. how is that justifying bad behavior?
It's not .
seems to me you and others are READING into my words views that make it easy for you spit out bs kickbacks at me.
You've made me a "straw man".
if you just read what i say, and not what you THINK i really mean, I suspect you'll find we agree more than you think.

06-03-2018, 11:19 PM
see previous reply

I thought at least ONE guy here would say something like.
"Well, Trump did cross the line with that comment" and then maybe a "but..."
But everyone here has defended or made excuses for Trump and called me names and told me to STHU for even bringing it up!

you just called it "ridiculousness"
OK whatever.

Ivanka Trump is in white House UNOFFICIALLY and Nepotisticaly helping shape national policies.
She's a valid target ...If you think its OK to Attack woman using nasty language becasue of their job's. Then She is definitively a valid target.

statements not goofy, sadly you just missed the point.

the comments are TRUE, they point out that both sides use scummy language, and BOTH sides should clean up.
I thought I'd get 1 or 2 partial grudging agreements but it seems you guys are to far gone for even that.You are incorrect. I did NOT defend Trump saying WHAT he said. I defended him defending himself, within context of who, what, when why and where. THAT matters.

Ivanka Trump is in the WH because Daddy's got the coolest house in the US. The rest is conjecture. I live in the same house as MY daughter. It's not like it's unheard of. Like YOU said, she is there UNOFFICIALLY and as I posted ago she has NO OFFICIAL TITLE/JOB.

She's only a "valid target" because her daddy is Donald Trump. That's as bullshit a reason as there is.

I didn't miss any point. You did. Your comparison is crap. There is no comparison. The difference here is my argument isn't because it's "Trump's daughter" -- it could be anybody's in the same situation and I'd say the same thing -- your argument however IS just because she's Trump's daughter,

06-03-2018, 11:36 PM
You are incorrect. I did NOT defend Trump saying WHAT he said. I defended him defending himself, within context of who, what, when why and where. THAT matters.

Ivanka Trump is in the WH because Daddy's got the coolest house in the US. The rest is conjecture. I live in the same house as MY daughter. It's not like it's unheard of. Like YOU said, she is there UNOFFICIALLY and as I posted ago she has NO OFFICIAL TITLE/JOB.

sorry I was wrong, they did make it official.

Mar. 29, 2017, 2:23 p.m.

"...Ivanka Trump is taking on a more formal White House role — with a title but not a paycheck — a move intended to quell ethics concerns raised about her status in her father's administration.
In a statement, the White House noted that the president's elder daughter already had an "unprecedented role" in the administration different from that of previous presidential children.
She now will take the title of special advisor to the president, and therefore assume the same responsibility to abide by ethics standards that other federal employees have, the statement said. The decision demonstrates the administration's "commitment to ethics, transparency and compliance," the administration said.
Although Ivanka Trump already had a West Wing office — as does her husband, senior advisor Jared Kushner — she now will have "increased opportunities to lead initiatives driving real policy benefits for the American public that would not have been available to her previously," a White House spokesman said.
The announcement came on a day when President Trump sought to promote his administration's commitment to empowering women. He delivered remarks at an East Room event that included other top women in his Cabinet, including U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Small Business Administration head Linda McMahon.
Ivanka Trump held a roundtable with female business owners earlier, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said.


06-04-2018, 06:34 AM
sorry I was wrong, they did make it official.

Mar. 29, 2017, 2:23 p.m.

"...Ivanka Trump is taking on a more formal White House role — with a title but not a paycheck — a move intended to quell ethics concerns raised about her status in her father's administration.
In a statement, the White House noted that the president's elder daughter already had an "unprecedented role" in the administration different from that of previous presidential children.
She now will take the title of special advisor to the president, and therefore assume the same responsibility to abide by ethics standards that other federal employees have, the statement said. The decision demonstrates the administration's "commitment to ethics, transparency and compliance," the administration said.
Although Ivanka Trump already had a West Wing office — as does her husband, senior advisor Jared Kushner — she now will have "increased opportunities to lead initiatives driving real policy benefits for the American public that would not have been available to her previously," a White House spokesman said.
The announcement came on a day when President Trump sought to promote his administration's commitment to empowering women. He delivered remarks at an East Room event that included other top women in his Cabinet, including U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Small Business Administration head Linda McMahon.
Ivanka Trump held a roundtable with female business owners earlier, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said.

http://www.latimes.com/politics/washington/la-na-essential-washington-updates-ivanka-trump-taking-on-formal-white-1490822187-htmlstory.htmlUmmm ... yeah ... REALLY dig that "job title" :rolleyes: "Special Adviser to the President". That'd called "Daddy's little princess" around here :slap:

You are being purposefully obtuse. I suppose technically, when she does something in the role of "Special Adviser to Daddy", then it would be appropriate to criticize whatever policy that is. No more bubble gum in the WH, peasants :rolleyes:

None of which lends a simple picture of her with her child to leftwingnut vitriol. There is NO excuse for Bee's attack. Or does the baby have and "official WH position" as well? "First Grandbaby"?

You keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Your argument is fundamentally flawed at the foundation; therefore, has no chance of standing.

You accuse people of "Trump is right no matter what syndrome" in their responses, but YOUR statements are based solely on "Trump is wrong". And whether or not they'll post it, I'm sure more than a couple sets of eyes are rolling at you lumping me into the "Trump is always right" niche. You might as well discard that as some sort of weapon to use with me. You'll have to come up with something else. Like a legit argument.

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 06:41 AM
Don't we all? :laugh2:

Some folks will just bandwagon the hits, thinking they are with the majority. I'm not big on piling on. At least Rev doesn't have an anal fixation on everyone he doesn't care for; nor does he go off on drunken tirades like some seem to do a tad too often.

He sees things a bit differently, more 'conservatively' than many here. One doesn't have to agree with him, even like him, but he doesn't deserve being trashed.
Give me a fucking break. If bush were president, you'd be all over rev about this horseshit. But since he's a never trumper and trump is president, and you hate trump, it's Kath to the rescue. You go to any "diverse" board and say it's ok to call Obama's kids anything unsympathetic for any reason, you'll get the same response. Hell you'd get it here.

06-04-2018, 07:59 AM
Give me a fucking break. If bush were president, you'd be all over rev about this horseshit. But since he's a never trumper and trump is president, and you hate trump, it's Kath to the rescue. You go to any "diverse" board and say it's ok to call Obama's kids anything unsympathetic for any reason, you'll get the same response. Hell you'd get it here.

please quote where i said anything bad about Ivanka.
please quote where i said it was OK to say anything bad about Ivanka.
please quote me where I ever called any of Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, or Trump's family members names of any kind.

You can't.
What i said in this thread was that BOTH Trump and Bee are wrong and should clean up their acts,
and you guys responded like I spit in your coffee.

06-04-2018, 08:18 AM
please quote where i said anything bad about Ivanka.
please quote where i said it was OK to say anything bad about Ivanka.
please quote me where I ever called any of Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, or Trump's family members names of any kind.

You can't.
What i said in this thread was that BOTH Trump and Bee are wrong and should clean up their acts,
and you guys responded like I spit in your coffee.Black Diamond's comment is addressed to kathianne?

06-04-2018, 08:24 AM
Black Diamond's comment is addressed to kathianne?

my comment was address to Black Diamond.
and you address one to me,
see how that happens sometimes.

06-04-2018, 09:15 AM
my comment was address to Black Diamond.
and you address one to me,
see how that happens sometimes.And then you sit an play victim and wonder why people get pissed at you. Quit being obtuse, and trying to play dumb and tailoring the facts to suit yourself. You argument on this topic blows.

Now, I'm babysitting a 1 years. Being as you and your argument are at the 3 years old level, you'll just have to wait. Then again, You're wrong. Repeating common sense, logic, fact and truth have had no impact on you. Enjoy.

06-04-2018, 09:28 AM
Reply in order to point out some hypocrisy, while it comes from someone who needs to be kicked in the head in order to condemn the black man who was in office, and thousands of threads about other wrongdoing.

Nothing but more hypocrisy from a different angle. One thinks they are better because they condemned this or that, but so easily forgetting the things they ignore and have been called out on hundreds of times.

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 09:43 AM
please quote where i said anything bad about Ivanka.
please quote where i said it was OK to say anything bad about Ivanka.
please quote me where I ever called any of Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, or Trump's family members names of any kind.

You can't.
What i said in this thread was that BOTH Trump and Bee are wrong and should clean up their acts,
and you guys responded like I spit in your coffee.
Ok smartass. If a comedian ripped into Obama's kids and someone like you came along with bullshit comparisons like you did in this thread they'd be ripped in half.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2018, 10:23 AM
Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.

As to Trump's comment, why does that matter since it was Ivanka that Bee made the comment about?
You seem to be mixing apples with oranges, IMHO.-Tyr

06-04-2018, 11:17 AM
Oh yeah, the same folks going after anyone who doesn't buy what they believe. Rev has his own drummer, but he's far from the evil one.
Rev has never been nasty to me, so I tried to be as gentle as I could disagreeing with him and why.

06-04-2018, 11:40 AM
Give me a fucking break. If bush were president, you'd be all over rev about this horseshit. But since he's a never trumper and trump is president, and you hate trump, it's Kath to the rescue. You go to any "diverse" board and say it's ok to call Obama's kids anything unsympathetic for any reason, you'll get the same response. Hell you'd get it here.

I am not referring to anyone saying it's ok to go after family members. I didn't think it was OK with Bush twins. Didn't think it was ok with dope and Obama's kid-whom actually seemed a bit lost there for a bit, nor do I think the comment regarding Ivanka and her child was ok, it's not.

Worse are those directed at the young boy or Melenia. Neither of them seem happy with any of the circus, they are just caught up in it all.

My comment had nothing to do with your complaint. My posts had to do with those that disagree, even those whom aren't sure of what the problem may be, just pile on.

Oh, you don't need a fucking break from me, I rarely address you.

06-04-2018, 11:54 AM
Ok smartass. If a comedian ripped into Obama's kids and someone like you came along with bullshit comparisons like you did in this thread they'd be ripped in half.

So Trump fans are just like Obama fans is what you're telling me here, at least that's what i'm getting from that comment.
ok, in this case, Seems about right.

Look no woman deserves be called a C---, over politics (or for any other reason)
and no woman deserves to have her period mocked and thrown in her face over politics. (or for any other reason)
If you guys can't understand that, well I'm not the guy that can clear that up for ya.
But when i was kid if me or my 2 brothers had come close to doing either my Father or my Grandfather would have the back of their hands across our faces.

Everything you all have said in defense of Trump, in defense of his defense:rolleyes:, about Obamabots would attack you too, is just lame BS.

Bottom line is Both Bee and Trump are wrong.
And both need basic lessons in manners.

And far to many on the right and the left don't really give d@mn about these offenses until someone they like is the target.

06-04-2018, 11:55 AM
As to Trump's comment, why does that matter since it was Ivanka that Bee made the comment about?
You seem to be mixing apples with oranges, IMHO.-Tyr

Agreed. Anyone stating that calling someone a "bimbo" is the SAME as calling someone the C word, is someone looking for a reason to bitch about this administration while also trying to upgrade what the word bimbo means in comparison. Neither is nice, but there really is no comparison. That's like stating that calling someone a turd is the same as calling someone the N word.

And always looking to avoid the articles posted, and then going into history to bring up others - I see little differently than those liberals who for 8 years responded with "Bush did it". Bush did it, Clinton may have done it, Trump has done everything wrong and is a racist - but that great man in between, the one who is married to the "forever first lady", the one who claims he never had a scandal - seemingly got a pass for the overwhelming majority of his actions and words. Become a dentist and pull some teeth and call people out - then you may have saw some condemnation. Folks are calling out Trump somehow for things he has said or done, which are peanuts compared to the ACTIONS of the 8 years prior. And when brought up - you're either somehow labeled a white supremacist by one twit, or you will get very little of a response.

But if it's Trump, in an article about liberals - well then just look back at the length and rambling of some posts.

That there is called TDS.

And you call ignoring one particular mans actions for many years whatever the hell you want.

06-04-2018, 11:57 AM
So what you're saying is.... Ummm, no, how about what I WROTE is what I am saying and meaning. I detest that "So what you're saying...." crap - which is usually followed by the other persons own warped opinion and trying to place words in the others mouth to help ones own argument.

So what you're saying is, he's a racist while one racist gives the other racist a pass, while proclaiming that the election was won by racists and Trump's supporters are all racist.

06-04-2018, 11:59 AM
Kath's got the right board... i mean... thread.

A problem with the board again? And don't act stupid about your response here. Just keep your lame fucking comments about the "board" to yourself, or a PM. But if you truly prefer to condemn the "board" at times - then you know the response you'll get from me.... Which is the very top right of the board. AND, it's quite easy to do, SO much easier than using the quote function!

06-04-2018, 12:02 PM
God Bless ya Jim.

06-04-2018, 12:06 PM
So Trump fans are just like Obama fans is what you're telling me here, at least that's what i'm getting from that comment.
ok, in this case, Seems about right.

Look no woman deserves be called a C---, over politics (or for any other reason)
and no woman deserves to have her period mocked and thrown in her face over politics. (or for any other reason)
If you guys can't understand that, well I'm not the guy that can clear that up for ya.
But when i was kid if me or my 2 brothers had come close to doing either my Father or my Grandfather would have the back of their hands across our faces.

Everything you all have said in defense of Trump, in defense of his defense:rolleyes:, about Obamabots would attack you too, is just lame BS.

Bottom line is Both Bee and Trump are wrong.
And both need basic lessons in manners.

And far to many on the right and the left don't really give d@mn about these offenses until someone they like is the target.

:bsflag:Put it back in context with the situations. Your attempt to sterilize your bogus comparison to equate one with the other other out of context is intellectually dishonest.

06-04-2018, 12:08 PM
My only question is: Why is the "n" word allowed but the "c" word prohibited?
I was on a board recently where the words "Trump," "Obama" and "Clinton" were all replaced by asterisks. :laugh:

06-04-2018, 12:09 PM
God Bless ya Jim.

You know where to stick your blessings. And again, if you detest it here so much that you just HAVE to state such kinds of things all the time - instead of wasting your precious time in continually doing so, I'm of the belief that you can EASILY log out, and find something MORE to your liking, to where you don't need to give your condemnations all the time.

Or you are welcome to stay, show of your hypocrisy and whistling at the wind at black crimes and the black president that was a God to get free passes.

06-04-2018, 12:10 PM
:bsflag:Put it back in context with the situations. Your attempt to sterilize your bogus comparison to equate one with the other other out of context is intellectually dishonest.

Ok, maybe in your world there are contexts where it's appropriate to call women C--- and mock them about their periods,
in mine there isn't.

06-04-2018, 12:10 PM
My only question is: Why is the "n" word allowed but the "c" word prohibited?
I was on a board recently where the words "Trump," "Obama" and "Clinton" were all replaced by asterisks. :laugh:

Because I have an immense respect for the ladies of this board, of which I don't count you one of. And when folks got carried away, I made a change to halt it.

06-04-2018, 12:11 PM
My only question is: Why is the "n" word allowed but the "c" word prohibited?
I was on a board recently where the words "Trump," "Obama" and "Clinton" were all replaced by asterisks. :laugh:You can start a different thread on "Word impact" or whatever, or I was thinking about. I find the topic fascinating, but separate from this one.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2018, 01:30 PM
Sorry gabs, but the standard of activity that was set my FDR's meddling socialist wife, now so admired and heralded by the dems/left/libs is not one any American citizen should desire, IMHO.
The spouses of our Presidents are not voted into office by we citizens. The fact that dem presidents have had so many activist wives and such damage has been afflicted upon this nation is not a good, positive thing- no matter how such has long been portrayed to be.
Recent times, Hillary and Michelle obama have both given ample proof of that meddling and bad character...
Melania choosing to --NOT- be a meddling activist is a net positive, but dem/leftists are pissed by that because it gives them less things to attack and vent their still raging and insane anger at Trump for defeating that totally corrupt and hideous witch that they tried to install as our dictator.-Tyr

I think Dem presidents are fine with whatever their wife wants to do, as long as they are left alone to have umpteen affairs.

06-04-2018, 01:45 PM
I just want to know if I am the evil one? :laugh:

Abbey Marie
06-04-2018, 02:15 PM
There is absolutely no equivocation to be made between that disgusting word, and “Bimbo”.
And Rev, you must know that. As you have said, if you don’t see that, I can’t help you.

There is no equivocation to be made between Trump’s reply to Megyn Kelly’s in-your-face attack in the debates, and Bee’s attack on Ivanka for her 100% passive and sweet pic of herself and her son.

What Trump said to Kelly about bleeding was gross. What Bee said about Ivanka was WORSE. Worse as a term, and worse situationally. It’s as simple as that.

Yes, of course as a woman without a foul mouth, I wish people wouldn’t say any of those things. They’re awful. But don’t make them equivocal. They aren’t.

As for deranged libs such as Bee saying it was done on behalf of illegal immigrants’ children, chew on this: they are free to hug and photograph their children in Mexico any time they want.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2018, 06:37 PM
I think Dem presidents are fine with whatever their wife wants to do, as long as they are left alone to have umpteen affairs.
Right as rain by friend! The dem/left/libs have absolutely no honor. That truth is easily seen when one looks at their massive hypocrisy and their cry of how tolerant they are!
Republicans are not angels but far, far too often when compared to their opposition, ITS HYPOCRISY AND CORRUPTION, they look almost like they are, IMHO.
The Rev. ignored my post. As he does often because it hits him with the glaring truth..
I see that both you and Jim read and agreed with that truth. Thanks, that tis more than enough for me...-- :salute:-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2018, 06:46 PM
Agreed. Anyone stating that calling someone a "bimbo" is the SAME as calling someone the C word, is someone looking for a reason to bitch about this administration while also trying to upgrade what the word bimbo means in comparison. Neither is nice, but there really is no comparison. That's like stating that calling someone a turd is the same as calling someone the N word.

And always looking to avoid the articles posted, and then going into history to bring up others - I see little differently than those liberals who for 8 years responded with "Bush did it". Bush did it, Clinton may have done it, Trump has done everything wrong and is a racist - but that great man in between, the one who is married to the "forever first lady", the one who claims he never had a scandal - seemingly got a pass for the overwhelming majority of his actions and words. Become a dentist and pull some teeth and call people out - then you may have saw some condemnation. Folks are calling out Trump somehow for things he has said or done, which are peanuts compared to the ACTIONS of the 8 years prior. And when brought up - you're either somehow labeled a white supremacist by one twit, or you will get very little of a response.

But if it's Trump, in an article about liberals - well then just look back at the length and rambling of some posts.

That there is called TDS.

And you call ignoring one particular mans actions for many years whatever the hell you want.

I give the REV. full credit for being intelligent, yet that comparison that he made was way, way off.
I guess one could hazard a guess it was made because of dislike/hatred he has for Trump.
Yet Trump was not the one called a "C ---", Ivanka was!
Right, TDS seems to be in play.
Seems to new play by many is that we that support Trump should be vilified for daring to defend him.
While they defended that totally worthless piece of shit obama!
Nobody in this damn universe gets to tell me who I can and can not defend... I simply don't play that...--Tyr

06-04-2018, 06:55 PM
Using the c word is vile.

Bimbo means stupid.

They are not equal.

06-04-2018, 06:57 PM
I don't know whether or not Rev's observations hold water, I do know though that the level of discourse in politics, on social media, and now spilling over in some instances to everyday life is a symptom of the undermining of our political and social fabric.

It's not a 'right' or 'left' stance, it's permeating both and as noted, even those that aren't discussing politics.

All mores have broken their parameters and it's not going to end well.

06-04-2018, 07:23 PM
I just want to know if I am the evil one? :laugh:

AS JOHN WAYNE USED TO SAY: You are probably answering your own question...out of either guilt, or hypocrisy!

06-04-2018, 07:28 PM
Using the c word is vile.

Bimbo means stupid.

They are not equal.

Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever" ...

Trump said -bimbo AND mocked her period-

I put them both together, i never said Bibmo was the same as C--. that's a lame straw man used to dismiss my points.

Look, if some dude came to board and mocked the periods of any of the ladies here or called them a C---,
after the lady had asked them antagonizing questions in a debate. Most of the guys here would explode and rightly so.

BOTH terms are vile and lowbrow.
neither should be part of honest political discussion. Bush never used terms like that, neither did Obama or even Clinton.
Trump has lowered the verbal bar to point where the debate has devolved to assertions of the proper "CONTEXTUAL" use of mocking a woman's period, and how LESS bad that is to using the word C---.
And I'm made out to be a terrible stupid person for defending the line of Unacceptable BEFORE it gets to mocking woman's periods.
But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions.

i got it now.
I have been corrected.

06-04-2018, 07:34 PM
Trump said -bimbo AND mocked her period-

I put them both together, i never said Bibmo was the same as C--. that's a lame straw man used to dismiss my points.

Look, if some dude came to board and mocked the periods of any of the ladies here or called them a C---,
after the lady had asked them antagonizing questions in a debate. Most of the guys here would explode and rightly so.

BOTH terms are vile and lowbrow.
neither should be part of honest political discussion. Bush never used terms like that, neither did Obama or even Clinton.
Trump has lowered the verbal bar to point where the debate has devolved to assertions of the proper "CONTEXTUAL" use of mocking a woman's period, and how LESS bad that is to using the word C---.
And I'm made out to be a terrible stupid person for defending the line of Unacceptable BEFORE it gets mocking woman's periods.
But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions.

i got it now.

TRUMP is not, and doesn't want to be, or like, being a Politician. Every name you mentioned in your defense of past presidents are...Professional Politicians who wouldn't dare speak like a civilian. Namely Trump. That's why you, and others hate him so much. He's not afraid to tell the truth.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2018, 07:58 PM
Trump said -bimbo AND mocked her period-

I put them both together, i never said Bibmo was the same as C--. that's a lame straw man used to dismiss my points.

Look, if some dude came to board and mocked the periods of any of the ladies here or called them a C---,
after the lady had asked them antagonizing questions in a debate. Most of the guys here would explode and rightly so.

BOTH terms are vile and lowbrow.
neither should be part of honest political discussion. Bush never used terms like that, neither did Obama or even Clinton.
Trump has lowered the verbal bar to point where the debate has devolved to assertions of the proper "CONTEXTUAL" use of mocking a woman's period, and how LESS bad that is to using the word C---.
And I'm made out to be a terrible stupid person for defending the line of Unacceptable BEFORE it gets to mocking woman's periods.
But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions.

i got it now.
I have been corrected.

You have deliberately, I guess, decided to ignore all of our points so you can continue to insist that we think Trump’s comments were OK. I don’t see anyone saying that. Which would make you intellectually dishonest, man.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2018, 08:04 PM
I just want to know if I am the evil one? :laugh:

Nah, that’s Gollum.

(LZ reference)

06-04-2018, 08:14 PM
Trump said -bimbo AND mocked her period-

I put them both together, i never said Bibmo was the same as C--. that's a lame straw man used to dismiss my points.

Look, if some dude came to board and mocked the periods of any of the ladies here or called them a C---,
after the lady had asked them antagonizing questions in a debate. Most of the guys here would explode and rightly so.

BOTH terms are vile and lowbrow.
neither should be part of honest political discussion. Bush never used terms like that, neither did Obama or even Clinton.
Trump has lowered the verbal bar to point where the debate has devolved to assertions of the proper "CONTEXTUAL" use of mocking a woman's period, and how LESS bad that is to using the word C---.
And I'm made out to be a terrible stupid person for defending the line of Unacceptable BEFORE it gets to mocking woman's periods.
But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions.

i got it now.
I have been corrected.Nope. Still trying to sterilize and twist the argument to suit your story. The word Bee used is worse than bimbo, period. You don't have to like it and I don't really get it at the intellectual level but that it is considered worse by almost everyone IS THE REALITY.

You cannot remove the context under which each word was used. That's intellectually dishonest. Context means EVERYTHING.

Why do you persist in pursuing a failed argument? You lost on the first page of this thread, many posts ago. You are wrong. No matter how many times you say it, wrong. Continually doing the same wrong thing hoping for a different result is pointless.

06-04-2018, 09:39 PM
There is absolutely no equivocation to be made between that disgusting word, and “Bimbo”.
And Rev, you must know that. As you have said, if you don’t see that, I can’t help you.
There is no equivocation to be made between Trump’s reply to Megyn Kelly’s in-your-face attack in the debates, and Bee’s attack on Ivanka for her 100% passive and sweet pic of herself and her son.
What Trump said to Kelly about bleeding was gross. What Bee said about Ivanka was WORSE.
Worse as a term, and worse situationally. It’s as simple as that.
Yes, of course as a woman without a foul mouth, I wish people wouldn’t say any of those things. They’re awful.
But don’t make them equivocal. They aren’t.
As for deranged libs such as Bee saying it was done on behalf of illegal immigrants’ children, chew on this: they are free to hug and photograph their children in Mexico any time they want.

Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever" ...
Trump said -bimbo AND mocked her period-
I put them both together, i never said Bibmo was the same as C--. that's a lame straw man used to dismiss my points.
Look, if some dude came to board and mocked the periods of any of the ladies here or called them a C---,
after the lady had asked them antagonizing questions in a debate. Most of the guys here would explode and rightly so.
BOTH terms are vile and lowbrow.
neither should be part of honest political discussion. Bush never used terms like that, neither did Obama or even Clinton.
Trump has lowered the verbal bar to point where the debate has devolved to assertions of the proper "CONTEXTUAL" use of mocking a woman's period, and how LESS bad that is to using the word C---.
And I'm made out to be a terrible stupid person for defending the line of Unacceptable BEFORE it gets to mocking woman's periods.
But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions.

i got it now.
I have been corrected.

You have deliberately, I guess, decided to ignore all of our points so you can continue to insist that we think Trump’s comments were OK. I don’t see anyone saying that. Which would make you intellectually dishonest, man.
Abbey said:"There is no equivocation to be made ...I wish people wouldn’t say any of those things. They’re awful. But don’t make them equivocal. They aren’t."
what Revelarts actually said: "Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn..."

Abbey said: "You have deliberately, I guess, decided to ignore all of our points so you can continue to insist that we think Trump’s comments were OK."
what Revelarts actually said: "But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions."

did i "insist that" ANYONE thought that what Trump said was "OK"?
no, i did not Abbey. lets all be honest here.

Bottom line Trump lowered the Bar and you and others think it's "gross" and "awful" but somehow justified in "context". and Not so bad to the point of not being equivocal in the slightest measure. So much so that i deserve foul language and various levels of wise and stern correction on the levels of and proper use of gross language. It's kinda laughable, as well as kinda sad.

06-04-2018, 09:45 PM
You honestly should take a step back, take a breath, and put yourself in all of our shoes....for just one moment. Read everything you have said...back to yourself as if YOU were one of US.

Perhaps then..Maybe, you'll understand why most of us seem to be convinced...YOU are the one, true Racist here. You won't permit any of us to say anything...WITHOUT YOUR APPROVAL, and AGREEMENT. Which, to me. Makes you sound just like MAXINE WATERS, or NANCY PELOSI pretending to be a RACIST BLACK WOMAN to get votes, and preserve their MILLIONS in property, and INVESTMENTS in the failure of AMERICA, and AMERICANS.

06-04-2018, 11:05 PM
Abbey said:"There is no equivocation to be made ...I wish people wouldn’t say any of those things. They’re awful. But don’t make them equivocal. They aren’t."
what Revelarts actually said: "Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn..."

Abbey said: "You have deliberately, I guess, decided to ignore all of our points so you can continue to insist that we think Trump’s comments were OK."
what Revelarts actually said: "But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions."

did i "insist that" ANYONE thought that what Trump said was "OK"?
no, i did not Abbey. lets all be honest here.

Bottom line Trump lowered the Bar and you and others think it's "gross" and "awful" but somehow justified in "context". and Not so bad to the point of not being equivocal in the slightest measure. So much so that i deserve foul language and various levels of wise and stern correction on the levels of and proper use of gross language. It's kinda laughable, as well as kinda sad.
.................................... :deadhorse:

Abbey Marie
06-05-2018, 08:47 AM
Abbey said:"There is no equivocation to be made ...I wish people wouldn’t say any of those things. They’re awful. But don’t make them equivocal. They aren’t."
what Revelarts actually said: "Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn..."

Abbey said: "You have deliberately, I guess, decided to ignore all of our points so you can continue to insist that we think Trump’s comments were OK."
what Revelarts actually said: "But hey, Ok, no worries. I'm just talkin' CRAZY talk. mocking woman's period is not so bad after all. Especially when the Bimbo's ask mean questions."

did i "insist that" ANYONE thought that what Trump said was "OK"?
no, i did not Abbey. lets all be honest here.

Bottom line Trump lowered the Bar and you and others think it's "gross" and "awful" but somehow justified in "context". and Not so bad to the point of not being equivocal in the slightest measure. So much so that i deserve foul language and various levels of wise and stern correction on the levels of and proper use of gross language. It's kinda laughable, as well as kinda sad.

Ok, Rev, since you cannot see it, I’m going to just say this: if women are telling you that one of these words is so much worse than the others that they cannot be compared, you should listen. I think we as women get the last word on how it makes us feel, no?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-05-2018, 10:22 AM
Ok, Rev, since you cannot see it, I’m going to just say this: if women are telling you that one of these words is so much worse than the others that they cannot be compared, you should listen. I think we as women get the last word on how it makes us feel, no?

NO!! THOSE THAT SO RIGHTEOUSLY HATE TRUMP GET THE LAST WORD....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Those that are enlightened and understand how stupid and moronic we Trump supporters are , get the first and the last word.
That is in the dem/lib/leftist/socialist handbook.

We that do not fall in lockstep with these massively superior gods ( that see arrogance as a virtue ), must be silent and let them correct our stupidity!
And do so, no matter the methods that they use, -- lying, stealing, corruption, violence, etc....
In fact, if they bake a cake out of human excrement we are to eat it and be grateful...
Such is pretty much the flavor of the dem party and its corruption, its third arm mainstream media, totally infected universities and rabid allies.

Wake up my good friend.

Join the massively superior dem/lib gods in their quest to dominate and destroy liberty and freedom in this country.
If you refuse, then you are just a bible thumping, gun toting, redneck hillbilly that so richly deserves any and all the punishment meted out to you and your filthy kind.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

sarcasm and rant approved by the foundation of having an informed mind--Tyr

06-05-2018, 10:56 AM
Ok, Rev, since you cannot see it, I’m going to just say this: if women are telling you that one of these words is so much worse than the others that they cannot be compared, you should listen. I think we as women get the last word on how it makes us feel, no?

Abbey I'm Black, I've told many whites on several occassions how the words N---- and Monkey make me (and I'll say without qualification most other Blacks) feel. And that they are racist terms. But some of those whites INSIST otherwise.
Should they, Do they listen? or become defensive and double down?

And Abbey I'm not discounting your personal view.
I'm saying that both words/phrases are vile. I'm agreeing with you that they are "GROSS" and "AWFUL".
I said that Trumps was ALMOST as bad. I'm saying neither are an appropriate a part of public (or private) political discussion. So If i'm in error at all it's simply by degree. Plus I'm erring on the side decency and kindness so i don't think i should be wildly reprimanded for it.

Those that use the phrases are the ones that should be the targets of hostility, whoever they are.

As far as the levels of degrees goes I don't think many men would be willing to test women's reactions to either phrase.
we already know both are foul and offensive. So i suspect all the reactions would be negative. Measuring the scale of offense i suspect would vary from 50 to 100% but not from Zero .1 to 100. which is what you seemed to imply somewhat.

06-05-2018, 02:11 PM
Abbey I'm Black, I've told many whites on several occassions how the words N---- and Monkey make me (and I'll say without qualification most other Blacks) feel. And that they are racist terms. But some of those whites INSIST otherwise.
Should they, Do they listen? or become defensive and double down?

Can you show me where you condemned the liberals and others where they endlessly posted pictures of Bush and a monkey side by side in order to mock him? What about not long ago when Wanda Sykes called Trump an orangutan? Same as with the N word. Do you proactively condemn BOTH sides of the political supporters? What about when blacks use it non-stop? Or are insult words owned by races? Are only whites to be condemned over the years for such comparisons? And why only certain folks being called out? And please, save me the crap about how it's OK for blacks to use certain words, but whites are off limits. My personal view on any words that offend me - is that I won't use those words, and especially so while online, and would hope that I would get treated in kind in replies from others.

I think it's VERY offensive when black folks use the word without impunity, especially so again, but within music. And put it out there in the mainstream, and then sit back and condemn anyone outside of the black community that may repeat the lyrics. That very thing just happened, where a white woman was called on stage to sing along with a rapper - sang the EXACT lyrics he wrote, but then he stopped the music in front of tens of thousands, to condemn this girl for daring to use the word.

And if a word is "racist" - then it shouldn't be used by anyone. But folks cannot be hypocritical about it. I'm not saying you are of course, I've never even seen you come close to such a word. But many a times folks here were expected to call out others, and condemned if we didn't say something to the person making the offensive comments. And the same thing should apply in the "real world". But the black community by large is allowing and has always allowed for such words to be front and center in so many lyrics. If white folks are going to hear a band/singer they like using the word non-stop, they very well may end up singing it at the very least. But if folks want to blame Trump for the current culture and what not, then the same applies here. Have such a huge opening of the music and word being used... and it's unfortunately being used MUCH more than just in music. Then it's not going to go anywhere any time soon.

06-05-2018, 09:12 PM
The simple fact that you felt it necessary to remind Abbey, or the rest of us is very telling. And nearly proves my statement about how YOU are what you accuse the rest of us to Be.

In my long experience, growing up with, going to school with, living with, and serving in uniform with Black Americans...I have learned WHO the actual Racists are...from nearly every race I have communicated with, and sadly. The most difficult, unwilling fellow Americans LIKE YOU, who refuse to allow me, or others to talk about race in any way...ARE LIKE YOU, refusing to allow us to talk about race in any manner....because YOU insist...we have never walked in your shoes.

Well, I'm here to tell you now. I have walked in your shoes...because I am a white man who has been threatened, warned, and shouted down by RACIST Black Americans who DO NOT WANT RACE PROBLEMS in America to be solved, or even discussed civilly because it will take away your demands for victimhood from the SLAVERY DAYS, when America didn't observe HUMAN RIGHTS as we do today. But...you still don't want me to talk that way...if it takes away your victimization Thunder as one of the RICH, POOR, VICTIM, BLACK AMERICANS I OWE NOTHING TO FOR ANYTHING.

06-05-2018, 10:31 PM
Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.

Some days you are as dump as tree knot.

liberals run their fukkin' mouths all the time and are not vilified.

You run yours to defend them like you are a Saint.

Weak. All you do is cut and paste liberal opinions, rarely a thought of your own.


06-06-2018, 12:20 AM
Can you show me where you condemned the liberals and others where they endlessly posted pictures of Bush and a monkey side by side in order to mock him? What about not long ago when Wanda Sykes called Trump an orangutan? Same as with the N word. Do you proactively condemn BOTH sides of the political supporters? What about when blacks use it non-stop? Or are insult words owned by races? Are only whites to be condemned over the years for such comparisons? And why only certain folks being called out?

Are these honest question or are they accusations?

And please, save me the crap about how it's OK for blacks to use certain words, but whites are off limits.

I and most civilians wouldn't call any of the marines here "Jarhead", even though they use the word among each other from time to time.
Why is it so hard to grasp that some word used by a portion of the people of a group is acceptable "inhouse".
Why exactly is that so strange and "unfair"?
One family member might call another stupid all day long but if someone outside the family does it, it's inappropriate. and maybe even the cause of a fight.

But personally I don't think people inhouse or outside should be used some phrases AT ALL. But the contextual difference doesn't bother me as it seem to bug others. It happens in other context ALL the time and there are no complaints.
--why i can't I call Marines Jarheads Too! they use it all the time. it's in songs it's not fair. it's hypocritical. etc etc--
sorry. it's EASY to understand, I get it, marines get to call each other WHATEVER they want and if they tell me I'm not Included OK no problem. NO big deal. I don't want to use any words to put down marines anyway. And if i did what to put one down there are plenty of generic less Marine specific words to use. It's just Unnecessarily inflammatory to use certain words to certain groups and people.
So i don't get that gripe being applied to blacks use of some words as "unfair".
that complaint has never made sense to me.

My personal view on any words that offend me - is that I won't use those words, and especially so while online, and would hope that I would get treated in kind in replies from others.

I think it's VERY offensive when black folks use the word without impunity,

I think the word is offenses no matter who uses it. But it doesn't bother me that they use it with "impunity." I don't get why that should upset anyone. (see above) . I don't WANT to use the word and I think it's counterproductive for ANYone to use it. But if some Blacks are -IMO- too blind to see the destructive nature of it, I'm not upset that they can get away with using it. Some Younger blacks i know DON'T use it when they are around me, I don't even have to ask them not use it. but I've overheard them using it on the phone and around friends.

especially so again, but within music.

I hate it in music, and so do plenty Black adults.

And put it out there in the mainstream, and then sit back and condemn anyone outside of the black community that may repeat the lyrics. That very thing just happened, where a white woman was called on stage to sing along with a rapper - sang the EXACT lyrics he wrote, but then he stopped the music in front of tens of thousands, to condemn this girl for daring to use the word.
I agree that that's hypocritically BS. If they didn't want it sung then don't put it in music.
Same with lyrics about suicide, and drugs and drinking, gangs, and sex.
And then folks whining about teen suicide, drug use, drinking, gangs violence, out of wedlock babies and STDs
A rock, rap, some pop all parts of the music industry have been destructive ... for decades in a lot of ways. the use of racist words is just one.

And if a word is "racist" - then it shouldn't be used by anyone.
I agree, If you me and other don't use them and encourage other to do the same that's a start.
rather than trying to make excuse TOO use it.

But folks cannot be hypocritical about it.
we can point out hypocrisy like the rapper above but lets not say that ALL blacks agree with rapper. WE DON'T.
Every place i've worked the backs didn't want the word used in Music. the Liberal black reporters at the newspaper i worked at agreed with the black Christians that worked their that it was foul and self destructive, along with calling woman B--- and Hos in lyrics.

I'm not saying you are of course, I've never even seen you come close to such a word.
thanks, and I'm hardly the only one.

But many a times folks here were expected to call out others, and condemned if we didn't say something to the person making the offensive comments. And the same thing should apply in the "real world". But the black community by large is allowing and has always allowed for such words to be front and center in so many lyrics.
Some Black pastors have BULLDOZED rappers CDs, many black activist old and young have advocated for rappers to stop using the word (and more), heck even some older rappers hypocritically admit they don't even let THEIR OWN children listen to their music or use various words or phrases. But some folks just don't get it or don't really care.
We can choose to join the voices, Black and White, that advocate disuse as well, but please start by not assuming that "the black community" approves of it.

If white folks are going to hear a band/singer they like using the word non-stop, they very well may end up singing it at the very least. i never let my kid listen to some music, as best i could that is. just becasue it's popular don't mean it's coming in my house. that's the last line of defense for all families .

But if folks want to blame Trump for the current culture and what not,
As a celebrity and president of the U.S he's a bandwagon leader , for good or ill, there's no doubt.

then the same applies here. Have such a huge opening of the music and word being used... and it's unfortunately being used MUCH more than just in music. Then it's not going to go anywhere any time soon.
Yes musicians have a LOT to answer for. there's no doubt. it's a conversation I've had with people for over 20 years in the real world. Sadly the wider culture, instead of condemning it's use in music, embraces it and as you say perpetuates it.
If people stopped BUYING it it would stop. I have to wonder why it sells so well.
We vote with our dollar in the case of music.

but all that is kind of off topic but .. hey there ya go.

06-06-2018, 12:51 AM
Are these honest question or are they accusations?

I AM Now pissed.

You think YOU with the Cut and pastes
It is holier than others?

You Say NOW you are BLACK!
What country? Nigeria? Gold Coast?

Your Avatar Shows You to be a Liar.

All you are is a cut and paste fool with no logic, no thought,
and a LIAR.

How many Internet Scams do you try?

I can trace You, LAIR.

06-06-2018, 01:47 AM
This thread reflects our society today ... So full of anger.

06-06-2018, 05:08 AM
I'm very skeptical rev is black. In fact pretty much don't believe it.

06-06-2018, 05:14 AM
Personally, I don't really care what race anyone is. For the record though, Rev has been 'black' for all but 1 year that I've known him. LOL! He was probably black that first year too, but since he hadn't said, I didn't know. ;)

Abbey Marie
06-06-2018, 08:23 AM
Rev is wrong, IMO, and I’ve argued with him in several posts in this thread.

But he doesn’t deserve these personal attacks.

For God’s sake, it’s a debate board. Debate.

06-06-2018, 11:12 AM
Are these honest question or are they accusations?

Honest questions, but I already know the answer to them, at least where this board is concerned. And the other questions are to prove a point as well. They are not accusations though. I'm simply showing that you point out your own views/accusations, but that even you aren't immune to a little hypocrisy.

I and most civilians wouldn't call any of the marines here "Jarhead", even though they use the word among each other from time to time.
Why is it so hard to grasp that some word used by a portion of the people of a group is acceptable "inhouse".
Why exactly is that so strange and "unfair"?
One family member might call another stupid all day long but if someone outside the family does it, it's inappropriate. and maybe even the cause of a fight.

But personally I don't think people inhouse or outside should be used some phrases AT ALL. But the contextual difference doesn't bother me as it seem to bug others. It happens in other context ALL the time and there are no complaints.
--why i can't I call Marines Jarheads Too! they use it all the time. it's in songs it's not fair. it's hypocritical. etc etc--
sorry. it's EASY to understand, I get it, marines get to call each other WHATEVER they want and if they tell me I'm not Included OK no problem. NO big deal. I don't want to use any words to put down marines anyway. And if i did what to put one down there are plenty of generic less Marine specific words to use. It's just Unnecessarily inflammatory to use certain words to certain groups and people.
So i don't get that gripe being applied to blacks use of some words as "unfair".
that complaint has never made sense to me.

Why? You surely can't expect a very large portion of our nation running around using a word whenever they please, even into the mainstream, and then get angry or whatever when another large portion of the nation dares say the word.

I'd call a marine a jarhead in a moment - even Gunny. That might be insulting but also humorous, IMO, and I would think that successful marines would know it's respectful. Comparing the N word to "jarhead" is almost as bad as comparing the C word to bimbo.

And it's hardly "inhouse". IF it were brothers for example, and using words within the confines of their privacy/homes, I would agree with you. But we're talking about folks using it in the streets, in stores, in music, in restaurants... basically everywhere and anywhere.

IMO, if a word is a "bad word", then ALL folks should treat it as such. There should be NO DIVISION at all in America, whether a single word, an alphabet, a school attendance, politics...

I think the word is offenses no matter who uses it. But it doesn't bother me that they use it with "impunity." I don't get why that should upset anyone. (see above) . I don't WANT to use the word and I think it's counterproductive for ANYone to use it. But if some Blacks are -IMO- too blind to see the destructive nature of it, I'm not upset that they can get away with using it. Some Younger blacks i know DON'T use it when they are around me, I don't even have to ask them not use it. but I've overheard them using it on the phone and around friends.

One of my main issues is, for example, what happened with the singer I spoke of. Or the endless videos/stories of where someone gets KTFO for using the word. Or someone being placed on blast on social media by a black person because they used the word. Other folks are 'punished' for using the word, while there are still no punishments out there for black folks using the word. Again, division, treated differently.

I hate it in music, and so do plenty Black adults.

Oh, no doubt, I know a few elderly black folks that can't stand today's music and a lot of other things as well. While I sometimes speak in generalities, I never intend to speak of everyone.

I agree that that's hypocritically BS. If they didn't want it sung then don't put it in music.
Same with lyrics about suicide, and drugs and drinking, gangs, and sex.
And then folks whining about teen suicide, drug use, drinking, gangs violence, out of wedlock babies and STDs
A rock, rap, some pop all parts of the music industry have been destructive ... for decades in a lot of ways. the use of racist words is just one.

Absolutely. Same applies to ALL musicians out there. They are responsible for their own lyrics. Unfortunately, the N word is unique in the manner that it's used all the time, and it's considered extremely offensive to the same side using it in the lyrics.

I agree, If you me and other don't use them and encourage other to do the same that's a start.
rather than trying to make excuse TOO use it.

I have a rather extensive vocabulary. :) Probably no word that I've 'never' spoken. But sometimes things change when folks mature. While I'm still a sailor mouth, a lot of the filth disappeared after younger ages. And most certainly respect for others, especially in public settings.

we can point out hypocrisy like the rapper above but lets not say that ALL blacks agree with rapper. WE DON'T.
Every place i've worked the backs didn't want the word used in Music. the Liberal black reporters at the newspaper i worked at agreed with the black Christians that worked their that it was foul and self destructive, along with calling woman B--- and Hos in lyrics.

I never intend to speak for everyone, even if it comes off as addressing everyone at times. That's why I very often just use "folks".

thanks, and I'm hardly the only one.

I know that. I've known many black folks from my younger years playing baseball and football, and of course so many folks/friends over the years. I usually won't see eye to eye with the one that would use it freely.

Some Black pastors have BULLDOZED rappers CDs, many black activist old and young have advocated for rappers to stop using the word (and more), heck even some older rappers hypocritically admit they don't even let THEIR OWN children listen to their music or use various words or phrases. But some folks just don't get it or don't really care.
We can choose to join the voices, Black and White, that advocate disuse as well, but please start by not assuming that "the black community" approves of it.

Dang, I know it's not everyone, nor the entire community. That's why I wrote the black community BY LARGE, the part you didn't quote when placing your own quotes around my words. :(

i never let my kid listen to some music, as best i could that is. just becasue it's popular don't mean it's coming in my house. that's the last line of defense for all families .

I said that a million times. It all starts with parenting. It's the reason for a host of negative issues in the world today, IMO.

As a celebrity and president of the U.S he's a bandwagon leader , for good or ill, there's no doubt.

Not once in my 50 years of life have I ever even come close to letting anyone in politics change "who I am", or how I speak. or anything in the world about race - actually, for that fact, I don't learn anything or do anything or whatever about the presidents or others that are in office. I tend to have learned from family, life, work and other things. The president may lead folks politically, but one has to be weak if they change their life or language or racial outlook based on politics. I say the same about TV and video games. I enjoy them, but they sure as F aren't going to change me, or lead me.

Yes musicians have a LOT to answer for. there's no doubt. it's a conversation I've had with people for over 20 years in the real world. Sadly the wider culture, instead of condemning it's use in music, embraces it and as you say perpetuates it.
If people stopped BUYING it it would stop. I have to wonder why it sells so well.
We vote with our dollar in the case of music.

but all that is kind of off topic but .. hey there ya go.

I don't think they need to answer for anything, but rather just stop using words that they wouldn't want to hear themselves.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 01:40 PM
Rev is wrong, IMO, and I’ve argued with him in several posts in this thread.

But he doesn’t deserve these personal attacks.

For God’s sake, it’s a debate board. Debate.

Sorry but I disagree. What he said is outlandish and incendiary. And If i went to a leftist board and said Sasha and Malia are fair game to be called niggers after posting a picture with their child because daddy said X ... And none of you complained when daddy said it...

I wouldn't expect to be treated nicely.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2018, 02:34 PM
Sorry but I disagree. What he said is outlandish and incendiary. And If i went to a leftist board and said Sasha and Malia are fair game to be called niggers after posting a picture with their child because daddy said X ... And none of you complained when daddy said it...

I wouldn't expect to be treated nicely.

And you can and should make those arguments if you feel that way.

I’m talking about personal insults.
There is no need for that.
And I don’t think I’ve seen Rev do that, either.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 02:45 PM
And you can and should make those arguments if you feel that way.

I’m talking about personal insults.
There is no need for that.
And I don’t think I’ve seen Rev do that, either.
It gets personal when such behavior is defended. Ivanka posts a picture of her and her little one. Comedian calls her you know what. Rev says she's fair game because dad said...
I'm with elessar. Leave the kids out. And I understand his being ready for bear.

06-06-2018, 02:49 PM
It gets personal when such behavior is defended. Ivanka posts a picture of her and her little one. Comedian calls her you know what. Rev says she's fair game because dad said...
I'm with elessar. Leave the kids out. And I understand his being ready for bear.

funny thing is, i never defended the behavior and never said she was "fair game" BD.
I said the outrage was a bit hypocritical, and all similar acts should be condemned left and right.
people decided to read into it what you just described... and went off.

06-06-2018, 02:54 PM
funny thing is, i never defended the behavior and never said she was "fair game" BD.
I said the outrage was a bit hypocritical, and all similar acts should be condemned left and right.
people decided to read into it what you just described.. and got triggered.

There's nothing hypocritical about it, and there is no comparison.

You're attempting to defend the indefensible, and failing miserably.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 03:00 PM
funny thing is, i never defended the behavior and never said she was "fair game" BD.


06-06-2018, 03:04 PM
There's nothing hypocritical about it, and there is no comparison.

You're attempting to defend the indefensible, and failing miserably.
last try.

what's hard to understand about saying BOTH are wrong.
how is that a DEFENSE of one?

player 1: RATS are bad. they should be exterminated.
player 2: the rats and roaches in this place should be killed, people have been ignoring all the roaches round here for a while.
player 1: WTH!! WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THE RATS!!! You Rat lover!!!! racist! stupid! idiot! RATS are far worse than roaches. Plus the place deserve the roaches for good reason. roaches are bad but not nearly as bad as Rats theres NO comparison, it's offensive to bring them up. Bullshit Comparison!!! what's your REAL reason for attacking and bringing up roaches all the time, we already know, You're a Rat loving #$%^& **&!!!! raaaarrrghhh!
player 2: wth?!!

06-06-2018, 03:05 PM
funny thing is, i never defended the behavior and never said she was "fair game" BD.
I said the outrage was a bit hypocritical, and all similar acts should be condemned left and right.
people decided to read into it what you just described... and went off.

In all fairness, they are acting like at least 75% of the entire population now, whether on the 'right' or 'left' though it's becoming more and more difficult to differentiate between them. Incivility is the word of the decade.

06-06-2018, 03:15 PM
last try.

what's hard to understand about saying BOTH are wrong.
how is that a DEFENSE of one?

player 1: RATS are bad. they should be exterminated.
player 2: the rats and roaches in this place should be killed, people have been ignoring all the roaches round here for a while.
player 1: WTH!! WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THE RATS!!! You Rat lover!!!! racist! stupid! idiot! RATS are far worse than roaches. Plus the place deserve the roaches for good reason. roaches are bad but not nearly as bad as Rats theres NO comparison, it's offensive to bring them up. Bullshit Comparison!!! what's your REAL reason for attacking and bringing up roaches all the time, we already know, You're a Rat loving #$%^& **&!!!! raaaarrrghhh!
player 2: wth?!!
Both ARE wrong, but you're trying to say that they're EQUAL, and that's just not the case.

06-06-2018, 05:09 PM
So I open my Spotify to throw on some tunes, and on the home page there's an ad to listen to Kayne's new album, so thinking ya, just see what this sounds like from president Trump's supporter, and within the FIRST 35 SECONDS and in the FIRST THINGS he's "rapping," there's NIGGER.

NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER... if they can say, so can I, and don't tell me they don't LIKE IT either, because they just CAN'T STOP SAYING IT.

NIGGER... I'm just going to say NIGGER all the time now.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2018, 07:52 PM
It gets personal when such behavior is defended. Ivanka posts a picture of her and her little one. Comedian calls her you know what. Rev says she's fair game because dad said...
I'm with elessar. Leave the kids out. And I understand his being ready for bear.

Why does it get personal? You disagree on a point. You argue the point.
Ad hominem attacks are a sign of weakness.
I am so sick of all this name-calling.
As a fellow poster.

06-06-2018, 08:03 PM
Why does it get personal? You disagree on a point. You argue the point.
Ad hominem attacks are a sign of weakness.
I am so sick of all this name-calling.
As a fellow poster.

I thought people would get back to their regular behaviors after some time. It's not happening. The left is still all for impeachment and the right is all about crushing their enemies.

Mind you, I'm well aware that most on the right and left are not going to these extremes, but those that feel invested are. It honestly scares me, I fear for our republic.

06-06-2018, 08:09 PM
I thought people would get back to their regular behaviors after some time. It's not happening. The left is still all for impeachment and the right is all about crushing their enemies.

Mind you, I'm well aware that most on the right and left are not going to these extremes, but those that feel invested are. It honestly scares me, I fear for our republic.
The "right is about crushing their enemies?" Kathianne... REALLY?

When was the last time "the right" kept an ENEMIES LIST?
When was the last time "the right" weaponized the IRS?
When was the last time "the right" SPIED on a democrat campaign?
What was the last time "the right" PAID for a fake dossier and used the DOJ and FBI to take out a sitting president?

Oh my... I could go on and on... you have got to be kidding me...

I think there's a very good reason people are up in arms.

06-06-2018, 08:15 PM
Why does it get personal? You disagree on a point. You argue the point.
Ad hominem attacks are a sign of weakness.
I am so sick of all this name-calling.
As a fellow poster.


06-06-2018, 08:15 PM
The "right is about crushing their enemies?" Kathianne... REALLY?

When was the last time "the right" kept an ENEMIES LIST?
When was the last time "the right" weaponized the IRS?
When was the last time "the right" SPIED on a democrat campaign?
What was the last time "the right" PAID for a fake dossier and used the DOJ and FBI to take out a sitting president?

Oh my... I could go on and on... you have got to be kidding me...

Both sides. Nixon attempted all those things, as did Kennedy and likely Johnson. I certainly wouldn't rule out that any of those things could be going on now, just as we KNOW they did under Obama.

I am not kidding you, politicians have often been as corrupt as they can get away with, right now and for the administration before, there is little that their fans won't applaud or excuse. "Hey, tit for tat," we're done being the ones playing by the rules.

I get it.

There are no moderates allowed, you're either for impeaching, regardless of lack of reason if you want to keep your left creds.

You are for going back, indicting everyone in the past administration, screaming that there's not a damn thing wrong from this President, other than his tweets and sometimes his being non-PC, which we 'love' and 'shaking things up.'

Not long before fisticuffs, that will be fun. Sort of like Iran's parliament.

06-06-2018, 08:19 PM
Both sides. Nixon attempted all those things, as did Kennedy and likely Johnson. I certainly wouldn't rule out that any of those things could be going on now, just as we KNOW they did under Obama.

I am not kidding you, politicians have often been as corrupt as they can get away with, right now and for the administration before, there is little that their fans won't applaud or excuse. "Hey, tit for tat," we're done being the ones playing by the rules.

I get it.

There are no moderates allowed, you're either for impeaching, regardless of lack of reason if you want to keep your left creds.

You are for going back, indicting everyone in the past administration, screaming that there's not a damn thing wrong from this President, other than his tweets and sometimes his being non-PC, which we 'love' and 'shaking things up.'

Not long before fisticuffs, that will be fun. Sort of like Iran's parliament.
Oh come on... Watergate was kiddie camp campared to what the democrats have been up to.

Lets have some proof Nixon or Kennedy or Johnson did anything as bad as what we see now?

I'm old enough to remember those days, and we saw NOTHING like the level of corruption we're seeing now... NOTHING... but if you have proof it happened, I'd love to see it.

06-06-2018, 08:22 PM
Oh come on... Watergate was kiddie camp campared to what the democrats have been up to.

Lets have some proof Nixon or Kennedy or Johnson did anything as bad as what we see now?

I'm old enough to remember those days, and we saw NOTHING like the level of corruption we're seeing now... NOTHING... but if you have proof it happened, I'd love to see it.

I'm not playing those games. Nixon would have been removed, we're both old enough to remember that. He cared enough about the country to resign, the country let him go away.

We're never going to have 'proof' of JFK, LBJ, in large measure by the THEN corrupt FBI under Hoover. I'm not going to find what you demand. Yeah, I know. Obama was this and that. Nixon was better. Trump is god.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 08:23 PM
Why does it get personal? You disagree on a point. You argue the point.
Ad hominem attacks are a sign of weakness.
I am so sick of all this name-calling.
As a fellow poster.
Because what Samantha Bee said was horrendous. Making false equivalence as was done here is also horrendous.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 08:28 PM
In all fairness, they are acting like at least 75% of the entire population now, whether on the 'right' or 'left' though it's becoming more and more difficult to differentiate between them. Incivility is the word of the decade.
Incivility is something you readily engage in. Every time trump allegedly fucks up, you come out of your hole and bash trump supporters for voting for him in the 2016 primaries (and the general) It never fails. So get off your high horse.

06-06-2018, 08:28 PM
I'm not playing those games. Nixon would have been removed, we're both old enough to remember that. He cared enough about the country to resign, the country let him go away.

We're never going to have 'proof' of JFK, LBJ, in large measure by the THEN corrupt FBI under Hoover. I'm not going to find what you demand. Yeah, I know. Obama was this and that. Nixon was better. Trump is god.
Ya... OK... whatever...

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 08:30 PM
Ya... OK... whatever...
Now you see.

06-06-2018, 08:40 PM
Now you see.
Kinda like comparing a picture of a mom holding her kid a c to calling someone a bimbo.

06-06-2018, 08:52 PM
Incivility is something you readily engage in. Every time trump allegedly fucks up, you come out of your hole and bash trump supporters for voting for him in the 2016 primaries (and the general) It never fails. So get off your high horse.

No. I. Don't. I. Have. Not.

You are seeing what you think I would do, not what I HAVE done.

You have failed to see any of the pro-moves I've seen Trump make. You fail to hear when I acknowledge the unfairness of the media and the left.

What you hear are the valid points of what the 'right' has become and will continue to be in all likelihood.

In any case, I don't give a flying fuck what hole you fall into and how badly your head is smashed in. There, now I've managed to be as uncouth as yourself.

06-06-2018, 09:00 PM
Incivility is something you readily engage in. Every time trump allegedly fucks up, you come out of your hole and bash trump supporters for voting for him in the 2016 primaries (and the general) It never fails. So get off your high horse.I'm going to have to disagree with this statement. Kathianne rarely engages in political discussion at all. Which I find annoying because I have no problem arguing with her. And we HAVE argued a time or two over the years :) She chose to censor herself to keep her friends. I on the other hand have not. If my friendship is based on my thinking for myself, I need new friends.

I agree with most of what she says about the lack of civility and that the right is becoming as intolerant and hateful as the left. I don't think rev should keep trying the same shit with a different color paint trying to get one to stick. His argument was crushed 2 pages ago. Same time, it's hard to tell who is beating the dead horse here. The responses are just getting nastier.

It takes two. Rev won't debate himself that I've ever seen.

06-06-2018, 09:24 PM
I agree with most of what she says about the lack of civility and that the right is becoming as intolerant and hateful as the left.
Ya know... that's probably true, especially for me because I've never taken shit from the left, but they have ALWAYS been the first ones to dish it out on any board I've ever been on. I treated them the way I wanted to be treated, right up until they trashed on me.

But you want to see some vile shit? Join twitter and get a load of what the left says on there. It's like, how long will you let someone get in your face and say FUCK OFF before YOU get pissed and dish it back?

The "conservatives" have historically ALWAYS been the ones to say, "oh, we're above that, don't lower yourself to their level," well, just how long does one have to be SPIT ON before they get TIRED OF IT?


06-06-2018, 09:25 PM
Using my earned FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS as prescribed by our Constitution that REV obviously doesn't agree with, or like. My previous post directed at Rev. will go unanswered because TELLING THE TRUTH about Known Racists...anywhere in America...gets you on a HIT LIST, or, in this case..IGNORE.
If rev chooses to pretend he is ignoring my post, directed at him. That makes me feel SO GOOD. He knows...because he felt obliged to remind someone he is Black...that his racism is alive, and well by the way he Intentionally Ignores being confronted with Honesty, and Truth.

How sad it must be for rev. to be such a miserable, hypocrite...that everyone SEE'S.

06-06-2018, 09:29 PM
So I open my Spotify to throw on some tunes, and on the home page there's an ad to listen to Kayne's new album, so thinking ya, just see what this sounds like from president Trump's supporter, and within the FIRST 35 SECONDS and in the FIRST THINGS he's "rapping," there's NIGGER.

NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER... if they can say, so can I, and don't tell me they don't LIKE IT either, because they just CAN'T STOP SAYING IT.

NIGGER... I'm just going to say NIGGER all the time now.

I've put up with a lot of sh-t on this board.
but this is to much.
I'm the only black guy on this board and I've told you all that I don't like the use of the word.
so the only reason to use it is to attack and offend me. period.
that post was way out of bounds.
I'd appreciate an apology here.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 09:30 PM
No. I. Don't. I. Have. Not.

You are seeing what you think I would do, not what I HAVE done.

You have failed to see any of the pro-moves I've seen Trump make. You fail to hear when I acknowledge the unfairness of the media and the left.

What you hear are the valid points of what the 'right' has become and will continue to be in all likelihood.

In any case, I don't give a flying fuck what hole you fall into and how badly your head is smashed in. There, now I've managed to be as uncouth as yourself.
That's a good one, Kath. Did your priest teach you that one?

06-06-2018, 09:32 PM
I've put up with a lot of sh-t on this board.
but this is to much.
I'm the only black guy on this board and I've told you all that I don't like the use of the word.
so the only reason to use it is to attack and offend me. period.
that post was way out of bounds.
I'd appreciate an apology here.
Apologize for WHAT? Saying what all your brother's say?

If you don't like it, then tell it all your brothers to quit saying it.

And just for the record, I don't believe you're black anyway.

06-06-2018, 09:34 PM
I've put up with a lot of sh-t on this board.
but this is to much.
I'm the only black guy on this board and I've told you all that I don't like the use of the word.
so the only reason to use it is to attack and offend me. period.
that post was way out of bounds.
I'd appreciate an apology here.

I will apologize for him IF, and WHEN you get that WORD taken off the radio, CD'S, TV, and off the streets where the word is used like taking a breath for many.

Better yet. How bout you apologize for demanding....that since you are the lone Black member here...you cut the rest of us HONKIES some slack, and start treating us like Human Beings if you'd like get the same??? But then again. You will ignore me. So...IGNORE the apology too!

06-06-2018, 09:34 PM
Ya know... that's probably true, especially for me because I've never taken shit from the left, but they have ALWAYS been the first ones to dish it out on any board I've ever been on. I treated them the way I wanted to be treated, right up until they trashed on me.

But you want to see some vile shit? Join twitter and get a load of what the left says on there. It's like, how long will you let someone get in your face and say FUCK OFF before YOU get pissed and dish it back?

The "conservatives" have historically ALWAYS been the ones to say, "oh, we're above that, don't lower yourself to their level," well, just how long does one have to be SPIT ON before they get TIRED OF IT?

Me... IMMEDIATELY.I don't know. If you act just like them then what makes you any better than they are? Why have two parties in that case? everybody can just be straight up assholes to each other and he who has the biggest vilest mouth gets to be king?

What's the point to silencing/drowning out the opposition? Oh yeah. Fear. If the party that represents me is going to act like the one that doesn't, then I need a new party. This one's broken.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2018, 09:34 PM
Because what Samantha Bee said was horrendous. Making false equivalence as was done here is also horrendous.

If you read my posts in this thread, that is exactly what I’ve been saying over and over. Without calling anyone here names.

06-06-2018, 09:37 PM
I don't know. If you act just like them then what makes you any better than they are? Why have two parties in that case? everybody can just be straight up assholes to each other and he who has the biggest vilest mouth gets to be king?

What's the point to silencing/drowning out the opposition? Oh yeah. Fear. If the party that represents me is going to act like the one that doesn't, then I need a new party. This one's broken.
How do you win a war, Gunny? By knuckling under and being passive?

No, you win it by being just as mean and badass as your opponent.

They want a fight, give it to them, only worse.

06-06-2018, 09:40 PM
Apologize for WHAT? Saying what all your brother's say?
If you don't like it, then tell it all your brothers to quit saying it.
And just for the record, I don't believe you're black anyway.
I don't listen to the music.
And none of them used the word toward me personally HPD,
no one has in Years.
you did.
I'm talking to YOU.

06-06-2018, 09:41 PM
Apologize for WHAT? Saying what all your brother's say?

If you don't like it, then tell it all your brothers to quit saying it.

And just for the record, I don't believe you're black anyway.

THAT is fucking enough. I don't give a damn about any politics at this point. Nobody's dumb here and you aren't using the word in general. You aren't using it PERIOD as it pertains personally to a black member. I won't tolerate that shit. You'll be explaining it Jim if I see it again.
revelarts ... you know racism is not board policy. I will apologize on behalf of the board. It's unsat.

06-06-2018, 09:41 PM
I've put up with a lot of sh-t on this board.
but this is to much.
I'm the only black guy on this board and I've told you all that I don't like the use of the word.
so the only reason to use it is to attack and offend me. period.
that post was way out of bounds.
I'd appreciate an apology here.

I'm guessing that if you aren't able to speak for 'all blacks' the least you could do is make all the rappers and writers stop using the words that most blacks find offensive. I mean, you ALL know each other, right? :laugh:

06-06-2018, 09:44 PM
THAT is fucking enough. I don't give a damn about any politics at this point. Nobody's dumb here and you aren't using the word in general. You aren't using it PERIOD as it pertains personally to a black member. I won't tolerate that shit. You'll be explaining it Jim if I see it again.
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) ... you know racism is not board policy. I will apologize on behalf of the board. It's unsat.

I may have misunderstood Jim earlier, I'm pretty sure he said he doesn't like the word, doesn't use it much, but wouldn't ban it. Shouldn't be necessary, but I'm betting there's going to be many laws, not too mention rules that will be necessary soon, as civil discourse turns violent more often.

06-06-2018, 09:44 PM
Sorry, Rev, but beating your head against the wall isn't going to work here. White Supremacists are never going to learn how to be civil and mannerly. They are still fighting the Civil War and begetting reasons why minorities are second class citizens.
It is especially disturbing to see a veteran (well, sort of) putting down the rights of others. We owe a great deal of gratitude to those who fought for the freedoms that everyone enjoys today. But there are some whose brains have slipped into a jar, to the point where they have become a disgrace to their uniform. You see them on Stormfront and other hate sites, proclaiming how white males deserve credit for all things American.
A true Christian person would express love and respect for all. The presence of hate mongers proves that Satan continues to possess weak souls and use them to spread his ideals. It's a sad blasphemy of God's word, but part of the struggle that each person must fight.
Rev, I urge you to continue to fight the good fight. Do not give in to evil, hatred and false witness. There will always be those who continue to live in 1963, donning white sheets and looking for crosses to burn. Better to turn your back than to look Satan in the eye.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2018, 09:49 PM
I may have misunderstood Jim earlier, I'm pretty sure he said he doesn't like the word, doesn't use it much, but wouldn't ban it. Shouldn't be necessary, but I'm betting there's going to be many laws, not too mention rules that will be necessary soon, as civil discourse turns violent more often.

That is my understanding as well. I assume we can revisit it.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 09:50 PM
If you read my posts in this thread, that is exactly what I’ve been saying over and over. Without calling anyone here names.
I know you haven't. And that's good. But people were hurt by what Samantha said. When someone calls you a hypocrite for being hurt or upset, that's personal in my opinion. It can make things 10x worse.

06-06-2018, 09:53 PM
THAT is fucking enough. I don't give a damn about any politics at this point. Nobody's dumb here and you aren't using the word in general. You aren't using it PERIOD as it pertains personally to a black member. I won't tolerate that shit. You'll be explaining it Jim if I see it again.
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) ... you know racism is not board policy. I will apologize on behalf of the board. It's unsat.
Don't worry, I've had about enough... I'm out... I can't stand double standards, those who support them, hypocrisy and capitulation.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 09:55 PM
Sorry, Rev, but beating your head against the wall isn't going to work here. White Supremacists are never going to learn how to be civil and mannerly. They are still fighting the Civil War and begetting reasons why minorities are second class citizens.
It is especially disturbing to see a veteran (well, sort of) putting down the rights of others. We owe a great deal of gratitude to those who fought for the freedoms that everyone enjoys today. But there are some whose brains have slipped into a jar, to the point where they have become a disgrace to their uniform. You see them on Stormfront and other hate sites, proclaiming how white males deserve credit for all things American.
A true Christian person would express love and respect for all. The presence of hate mongers proves that Satan continues to possess weak souls and use them to spread his ideals. It's a sad blasphemy of God's word, but part of the struggle that each person must fight.
Rev, I urge you to continue to fight the good fight. Do not give in to evil, hatred and false witness. There will always be those who continue to live in 1963, donning white sheets and looking for crosses to burn. Better to turn your back than to look Satan in the eye.
A thread wouldn't be complete without gabby swiping at board veterans, now would it?

06-06-2018, 09:57 PM
I may have misunderstood Jim earlier, I'm pretty sure he said he doesn't like the word, doesn't use it much, but wouldn't ban it. Shouldn't be necessary, but I'm betting there's going to be many laws, not too mention rules that will be necessary soon, as civil discourse turns violent more often.I'm not going for a word ban.

I don't think use of the word in discussion is the same as using the word in a personal manner to purposefully insult and inflame a a specific member of the board. I've used it, in general, when speaking of a stereotype. I've NEVER used it to insult anyone personally. If Jim decides otherwise, fine. I think it's crossing a line.

06-06-2018, 10:01 PM
Don't know whether to thank gabby, or slime her at this point. IMAGINE gabby calling other people WHITE SUPREMACISTS to cover up her own...liberal, hidden identity of hypocrisy????

Gabby. You no longer deserve to be welcome here. You are being as divisive as Obama, and the entire Democrat, Liars whom you follow so closely.
You and rev should get together since both of you are as racist as anyone could ever expect from you. Bet you agree with rev about none of us being permitted to talk about racism, or race too!

Your endless hypocrisy bleeds stupidity, ignorance, and intolerance for honest conversations.

06-06-2018, 10:02 PM
Don't worry, I've had about enough... I'm out... I can't stand double standards, those who support them, hypocrisy and capitulation.What double standard? I don't see one. Don't see any hypocrisy nor capitulation either.

That some who demand respect for themselves show little or none to others? THAT hypocrisy?

06-06-2018, 10:04 PM
Sorry, Rev, but beating your head against the wall isn't going to work here. White Supremacists are never going to learn how to be civil and mannerly. They are still fighting the Civil War and begetting reasons why minorities are second class citizens.
It is especially disturbing to see a veteran (well, sort of) putting down the rights of others. We owe a great deal of gratitude to those who fought for the freedoms that everyone enjoys today. But there are some whose brains have slipped into a jar, to the point where they have become a disgrace to their uniform. You see them on Stormfront and other hate sites, proclaiming how white males deserve credit for all things American.
A true Christian person would express love and respect for all. The presence of hate mongers proves that Satan continues to possess weak souls and use them to spread his ideals. It's a sad blasphemy of God's word, but part of the struggle that each person must fight.
Rev, I urge you to continue to fight the good fight. Do not give in to evil, hatred and false witness. There will always be those who continue to live in 1963, donning white sheets and looking for crosses to burn. Better to turn your back than to look Satan in the eye.

Just shut up, Gabby. Don't you get enough trouble without trying to? Your entire comment is pointless and just bullshit.

06-06-2018, 10:07 PM
A thread wouldn't be complete without gabby swiping at board veterans, now would it?

There is a difference between veterans you respect and veterans you tolerate. I don't respect bigots. If you are a White Supremacists, you have turned your back on the very ideals that most veterans fought (and died) for.
If the jack boot fits, wear it.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 10:10 PM
There is a difference between veterans you respect and veterans you tolerate. I don't respect bigots. If you are a White Supremacists, you have turned your back on the very ideals that most veterans fought (and died) for.
If the jack boot fits, wear it.
Yeah you go girl.

06-06-2018, 10:50 PM
What double standard? I don't see one. Don't see any hypocrisy nor capitulation either.

That some who demand respect for themselves show little or none to others? THAT hypocrisy?
Really Gunny? You see no double standard of hypocrisy when it comes to the N word? Really? Well BULL SHIT form here to the bottom side of your hypocrisy.

And respect? I show LITTLE OR NONE to others? Is that the shit your're going to crap out at me? I've been as CIVIL to ANYONE and EVERYONE on this board as THEY HAVE BEEN TO ME, and I'm by NO MEANS any WORSE than YOU ARE.

You can give your Marine shit to anyone you want here, but I'm not going to TAKE IT when it's OFF THE WALL.

I was making a POINT, and the POINT I made is VALID. It IS A DOUBLE STANDARD when it comes to the N word and YOU CAN'T DENY IT.

That's what I'm talking about.

For Christ sake.

06-06-2018, 11:04 PM
Really Gunny? You see no double standard of hypocrisy when it comes to the N word? Really? Well BULL SHIT form here to the bottom side of your hypocrisy.

And respect? I show LITTLE OR NONE to others? Is that the shit your're going to crap out at me? I've been as CIVIL to ANYONE and EVERYONE on this board as THEY HAVE BEEN TO ME, and I'm by NO MEANS any WORSE than YOU ARE.

You can give your Marine shit to anyone you want here, but I'm not going to TAKE IT when it's OFF THE WALL.

I was making a POINT, and the POINT I made is VALID. It IS A DOUBLE STANDARD when it comes to the N word and YOU CAN'T DENY IT.

That's what I'm talking about.

For Christ sake.You know as well as I do the difference between blacks calling each other "nigga'" and whites using it as an insult. Don't insult my intelligence. You know what is an isn't acceptable.

Your "point" is about as valid as Rev's at the beginning of the thread and i'll shoot it down with the same thing I did his: you can't remove the context of the word. Her's a double standard" Make an argument over being offended by a word by using an unacceptable, offensive word.

As far as the respect thing goes, I didn't say your name specifically. I was responding to your post.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2018, 11:28 PM
In case anyone is wondering, it was I who moved this to the Cage.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 11:29 PM
You know as well as I do the difference between blacks calling each other "nigga'" and whites using it as an insult. Don't insult my intelligence. You know what is an isn't acceptable.

Your "point" is about as valid as Rev's at the beginning of the thread and i'll shoot it down with the same thing I did his: you can't remove the context of the word. Her's a double standard" Make an argument over being offended by a word by using an unacceptable, offensive word.

As far as the respect thing goes, I didn't say your name specifically. I was responding to your post.
Did he call rev that word ?

06-06-2018, 11:51 PM
You know as well as I do the difference between blacks calling each other "nigga'" and whites using it as an insult. Don't insult my intelligence. You know what is an isn't acceptable.
No, I don't know the difference, Gunny... why don't you go into detail and explain it to me.

It's a WORD, and it's either acceptable or it's NOT, PERIOD. It's like trying to tell me that C_NT is or isn't acceptable under certain circumstances... it's the SAME WORD, well... NO... it's NOT... and I don't care how or what DIALECT you use to PRONOUNCE IT, it's the SAME WORD, PERIOD, END OF STORY. This is a BLATANT, HYPOCRITICAL DOUBLE STANDARD. There is no more GLARING example of it ANYWHERE when it comes to the N word.

Your "point" is about as valid as Rev's at the beginning of the thread...
Pure BULL SHIT. Rev was comparing two DIFFERENT words... I'm NOT.

Why does it appear that people are AFRAID to admit this? Why don't you wonder why blacks keep saying the N word when it's supposed to be SO BAD... SUCH A BIG INSULT? I'll tell you why, because they think it's CUTE to be able call each other nigga, nigger, whatever, and YOU AND/OR I CAN'T. They LAUGH at that. Yeah we got one over on the CRACKERS... HA FUCKIN' HA.

I don't play them games, man... and I was NOT directing it at REV... AT ALL... I was merely making a POINT.

06-06-2018, 11:53 PM
Just shut up, Gabby. Don't you get enough trouble without trying to? Your entire comment is pointless and just bullshit.

I disagree. I feel I am correct and totally on point. You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't tolerate bigots. And I don't care who knows about it.
The entire argument over rap music is lame and repetitive. The language of the street takes on a totally different meaning when used in a different context. Just like military lingo is different. It's called cultural appropriation.

Black Diamond
06-06-2018, 11:53 PM
No, I don't know the difference, Gunny... why don't you go into detail and explain it to me.

It's a WORD, and it's either acceptable or it's NOT, PERIOD. It's like trying to tell me that C is or isn't acceptable under certain circumstances... it's the SAME WORD, well... NO... it's NOT... and I don't care how or what DIALECT you use to PRONOUNCE IT, it's the SAME WORD, PERIOD, END OF STORY. This is a BLATANT, HYPOCRITICAL DOUBLE STANDARD. There is no more GLARING example of it ANYWHERE when it comes to the N word.

Pure BULL SHIT. Rev was comparing two DIFFERENT words... I'm NOT.

Why does it appear that people are AFRAID to admit this? Why don't you wonder why blacks keep saying the N word when it's supposed to be SO BAD... SUCH A BIG INSULT? I'll tell you why, because they think it's CUTE to be able call each other nigga, nigger, whatever, and YOU AND/OR I CAN'T. They LAUGH at that. Yeah we got one over on the CRACKERS... HA FUCKIN' HA.

I don't play them games, man... and I was NOT directing it at REV... AT ALL... I was merely making a POINT.
So you were pointing out a double standard by saying the word ?

06-07-2018, 12:35 AM
So you were pointing out a double standard by saying the word ?
Got called on it didn't I?

Point made.

06-07-2018, 12:38 AM
I disagree. I feel I am correct and totally on point. You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't tolerate bigots. And I don't care who knows about it.
The entire argument over rap music is lame and repetitive. The language of the street takes on a totally different meaning when used in a different context. Just like military lingo is different. It's called cultural appropriation.
That's where you show everyone that you're nothing more than a low life little trailer trash bitch.

That's why you think calling Ivanka Trump a C is ok.

You could walk under a snake and you'd have to reach up to scratch it's belly, you pathetic little sack of puss.

You wouldn't know the definition of bigot if it slapped you on your fat pimpled ass... look in the mirror, twat.

Black Diamond
06-07-2018, 12:39 AM
Got called on it didn't I?

Point made.so rev thinks you called him the n word and you didn't ?

06-07-2018, 12:42 AM
so rev thinks you called him the n word and you didn't ?
Did I quote him or otherwise direct any of my comments towards him?


I was listening to music and related what I heard, period.

Black Diamond
06-07-2018, 01:00 AM
Did I quote him or otherwise direct any of my comments towards him?


I was listening to music and related what I heard, period.
This misunderstanding is why you're in trouble.

06-07-2018, 01:21 AM
This misunderstanding is why you're in trouble.
Rev had to report the post, and evidently it was thought to have been directed towards him, or, he just didn't like seeing the N word.

Must have really struck a nerve, but then that makes my point in spades. It can be used by blacks under virtually ANY circumstances, but don't dare say it if you're WHITE, or among hypocrites, or among the politically correct.

That's the point I was making, and it sure exploded.

There should be a national discussion on just that. Why is it that blacks CONTINUE to say nigger/nigga, whatever, the only difference is if you're speaking ebonics or not, why do blacks keep saying it?

I know why... because it's an in your face double standard directed at anyone that isn't black. Us crackers can just go pound sand, they can say it all they want and love it, but if you or I say it, OH MY FREAKIN' GOD, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT, IT'S SO INSULTING... ummm, really? Why is it insulting? I just heard you rapping nigger up one side and down the other in your music. Sounded like you liked it to me, so why don't you like me calling you nigga/nigger? Oh... I see... because I'm not black... that makes perfect sense... :laugh:

It's pure bull shit. It's one of the most blatant double standards and hypocrisy of black people there is.

06-07-2018, 02:34 AM
Rev did not report anything, he handled the questionable post straight up, direct, the way folks all say they 'like it.' He didn't come whining that people were being mean, he said he was offended by the word, indeed if anyone had read through the entire thread he'd made that clear time and again.

Shockingly, he has zero control over the music industry or even those that perform. He can't stop the punks on the corner either. I asked, seems he doesn't know their names which is sorta weird, being black and all.

He is black, just so you know.

06-07-2018, 09:05 AM
I disagree. I feel I am correct and totally on point. You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't tolerate bigots. And I don't care who knows about it.
The entire argument over rap music is lame and repetitive. The language of the street takes on a totally different meaning when used in a different context. Just like military lingo is different. It's called cultural appropriation. Your opinion is not as valid as mine when it's as based on bigoted stereotypes as the one you're bitching about. Se how that works?

06-07-2018, 09:11 AM
Rev had to report the post, and evidently it was thought to have been directed towards him, or, he just didn't like seeing the N word.

Must have really struck a nerve, but then that makes my point in spades. It can be used by blacks under virtually ANY circumstances, but don't dare say it if you're WHITE, or among hypocrites, or among the politically correct.

That's the point I was making, and it sure exploded.

There should be a national discussion on just that. Why is it that blacks CONTINUE to say nigger/nigga, whatever, the only difference is if you're speaking ebonics or not, why do blacks keep saying it?

I know why... because it's an in your face double standard directed at anyone that isn't black. Us crackers can just go pound sand, they can say it all they want and love it, but if you or I say it, OH MY FREAKIN' GOD, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT, IT'S SO INSULTING... ummm, really? Why is it insulting? I just heard you rapping nigger up one side and down the other in your music. Sounded like you liked it to me, so why don't you like me calling you nigga/nigger? Oh... I see... because I'm not black... that makes perfect sense... :laugh:

It's pure bull shit. It's one of the most blatant double standards and hypocrisy of black people there is.Rev didn't say a word. You crossed the line and you of ALL people, a MILITARY VET , KNOW you crossed the line.

What you did is EXACTLY what this thread is about and why everyone was arguing with rev to begin with. You won't excuse Trump's daughter being called a C- word, but have ZERO problem using a just as unacceptable word to incite and insult a member of this board. Then you call us the hypocrites:rolleyes:

It's NOT okay because it's YOU are the one doing it. Wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it.

Black Diamond
06-07-2018, 09:26 AM
Rev didn't say a word. You crossed the line and you of ALL people, a MILITARY VET , KNOW you crossed the line.

What you did is EXACTLY what this thread is about and why everyone was arguing with rev to begin with. You won't excuse Trump's daughter being called a C- word, but have ZERO problem using a just as unacceptable word to incite and insult a member of this board. Then you call us the hypocrites:rolleyes:

It's NOT okay because it's YOU are the one doing it. Wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it.
I think he was making a point.

06-07-2018, 09:45 AM
I think he was making a point.He's not making a point. Everyone knows blacks have a double standard about the word. The board does not. If rev was using the word to insult others, or another black member was using it, I would have the same reaction. This a case of exactly what rev is doing with the c-word .... trying to wordsmith out of context a wrong into a right.

Completely irrelevant to using it to insult a member of the board. You pay attention more than you like to let on so you KNOW I generally disagree with rev. I don't need a racial slur to win and I sure as Hell don't want some visitor looking this place over and seeing THAT. Not like we got standing room only and a line waiting to get in.

It's not like he wears his skin color under everyone's noses. I've known him for years I didn't even know he was black. Just a little screwy. That doesn't come in colors.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2018, 09:50 AM
The simple fact that you felt it necessary to remind Abbey, or the rest of us is very telling. And nearly proves my statement about how YOU are what you accuse the rest of us to Be.

In my long experience, growing up with, going to school with, living with, and serving in uniform with Black Americans...I have learned WHO the actual Racists are...from nearly every race I have communicated with, and sadly. The most difficult, unwilling fellow Americans LIKE YOU, who refuse to allow me, or others to talk about race in any way...ARE LIKE YOU, refusing to allow us to talk about race in any manner....because YOU insist...we have never walked in your shoes.

Well, I'm here to tell you now. I have walked in your shoes...because I am a white man who has been threatened, warned, and shouted down by RACIST Black Americans who DO NOT WANT RACE PROBLEMS in America to be solved, or even discussed civilly because it will take away your demands for victimhood from the SLAVERY DAYS, when America didn't observe HUMAN RIGHTS as we do today. But...you still don't want me to talk that way...if it takes away your victimization Thunder as one of the RICH, POOR, VICTIM, BLACK AMERICANS I OWE NOTHING TO FOR ANYTHING.

Dead on the mark my friend. Whites are not allowed to talk, to point out the massive racism that most blacks engage in on a daily basis.
In fact, schools are engineered to condition white children to be blind to it or feel guilty by default.
I am 64 years old, do not feel guilty about a damn thing I say, do or see in regards to blacks.
If it is true yet is a negative thing about that race we are told it is racist to shine any light on it.
Truth should never be hidden and no damn race is special.
I am totally sick of this damn ever growing-- dem/lib/leftist,/ black hypocrisy.-Tyr

Black Diamond
06-07-2018, 10:24 AM
He's not making a point. Everyone knows blacks have a double standard about the word. The board does not. If rev was using the word to insult others, or another black member was using it, I would have the same reaction. This a case of exactly what rev is doing with the c-word .... trying to wordsmith out of context a wrong into a right.

Completely irrelevant to using it to insult a member of the board. You pay attention more than you like to let on so you KNOW I generally disagree with rev. I don't need a racial slur to win and I sure as Hell don't want some visitor looking this place over and seeing THAT. Not like we got standing room only and a line waiting to get in.

It's not like he wears his skin color under everyone's noses. I've known him for years I didn't even know he was black. Just a little screwy. That doesn't come in colors.
Pale didn't even think rev was black. Fact he thought he wasn't. How can he be inciting him the as claimed if he doesn't even know what color he is ?
and fwiw it's the same thing dr Laura said

Abbey Marie
06-07-2018, 10:55 AM
A reminder to all:
The board literally prohibits the use of the "c" word. Jim has stated in the past, and I 100% agree, that it is unacceptable to try to get around that by typing slight variations of the word. Including leaving out just one letter. If you must reference the word, as I just had to, one letter is sufficient. Really, we get it. And by no means will we allow anyone here to be called this word, regardless of spelling.

If you have a problem with other words being allowed, please let staff know in a PM. I'm really not interested in having a debate right here over which words should be prohibited.

06-07-2018, 03:38 PM
The only word banned here is the C word. Society has determind that the C word was reprehensible, and it's not often used in the USA, other than to truly insult someone. There's no valid use of it, not even part of a discussion or news article and certainly not in today's music culture. It's loosely used to describe a part of a woman's anatomy, and is considered disgusting and degrading by all walks of American life. The ban went back long prior to DP even.

The N word is not banned. Maybe we'll someday see this word treated the same as the other vulgar word. Right now, there seems to be too much use of it to go away anytime soon. The N word is NOT to ever be used here as a name to call anyone on this board. It really shouldn't even be used to call folks outside of the board. My thoughts have always been that it can be used as part of a discussion. There have been many articles over the years using the word, although not mainstream. Discussion about music, and of course about society, culture and comparisons. For example, the video/event I spoke of where a rap star called a white woman on stage to participate in his song, but then stopped the music and called her out for using the N word. I still wouldn't use it, but I can see if someone posted lyrics for example as part of such a story.

I think the majority of society has also deemed this word quite offensive. It's obviously used many times to call someone names. If/when that happens, it is unacceptable, IMO. Discussion is one thing, but name calling with such a word would be totally different.

The argument between HPD and Rev is not my beef. As to an apology, one has to want to give that on their own.

What I will say, is that it's unfortunate and sad that Rev is black and feels like he's attacked with such a word, and I DO NOT want that, ever. I can disagree with Rev, even on racial discussions, and not use such a word in front of him. That's respect to him, and also myself.

I DO understand some being angry at the double standard. I understand where it comes from and I don't have an answer. But there's certainly no need for any of us to go out of our way to use the word, knowing it's offensive. And if not, we all know now about Revelarts being black. And whether folks disagree with him vehemently and passionately on any subject out there - he certainly doesn't go out of his way to use offensive terms. Those that should be questioned are those that put it out there in the music for their fans & perhaps those that freely use the word.