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View Full Version : WORST President in History: obama

06-03-2018, 07:33 PM
HOW did this AMERICA HATING SHYSTER ever get elected in the first place? Anyone that thinks that America needs to be "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED" shouldn't even BE HERE. Just the SIGHT of this RANCID pile of DOG SHIT turns my stomach. What a BLACK STAIN on American history...


06-03-2018, 07:53 PM
It starts with a breakdown of the education system. Many people don’t know anything about our history or the Constitution.

Also, many people don’t like to think. They’d rather have a slogan than a debate. As if they knew how to debate to begin with.

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06-03-2018, 11:52 PM
So, this thread REALLY TRIGGERED little Pete. It TRIGGERED him SO BAD that he had to NEG ME, with his ZERO neg power, ... :laugh:

Still the copy cat with no originality calling a conservative "snowflake," a term coined specifically for little melt down, triggered pussies like him... :laugh:

Poor little Pete... poor little TRIGGERED Pete. I guess we know one of your WEAK SPOTS now. No one is ever supposed to say anything BAD about your little kenyan, muslim, messiah dog turd.

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 12:03 AM
So, this thread REALLY TRIGGERED little Pete. It TRIGGERED him SO BAD that he had to NEG ME, with his ZERO neg power, ... :laugh: ... and leave this little CRY BABY comment...

Still the copy cat with no originality calling a conservative "snowflake," a term coined specifically for little melt down, triggered pussies like him... :laugh:

Poor little Pete... poor little TRIGGERED Pete. I guess we know one of your WEAK SPOTS now. No one is ever supposed to say anything BAD about your little kenyan, muslim, messiah dog turd.
I am trying to remember how the software is set up, but it seems when someone is in the red and negs you, your rep power increases. :laugh: did you happen to notice?

06-04-2018, 07:16 AM
I am trying to remember how the software is set up, but it seems when someone is in the red and negs you, your rep power increases. :laugh: did you happen to notice?
I don't think it moved, but you have to be one TRIGGERED little CRY BABY to neg someone KNOWING you have ZERO neg power. Little Pete is the living, breathing, walking, talking, demtard EPITOME of a SNOWFLAKE. He epitomizes exactly why the term was coined by president Trump. That must be why he projects calling others snowflake. He hates being identified as a snowflake. Me starting a thread about his kenyan muslim boi king being the WORST president in history really had to strike a nerve, it triggered him and he had such a bad melt down that he had to NEG me with his ZERO rep power... :laugh: What a buffoon... :laugh:

I think Pete is a nick name for a GIRL, and this is really Pete...


06-04-2018, 09:39 AM
Someone tell us which "poll" they are referencing here. Perhaps a sampling of right-wing zealots? Or a group of white supremacists stuck in an Alex Jones self-flagellation vortex? :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 09:45 AM
Someone tell us which "poll" they are referencing here. Perhaps a sampling of right-wing zealots? Or a group of white supremacists stuck in an Alex Jones self-flagellation vortex? :rolleyes:
I'll remember that next time you cite anything from the guardian.

06-04-2018, 09:45 AM
Someone tell us which "poll" they are referencing here. Perhaps a sampling of right-wing zealots? Or a group of white supremacists stuck in an Alex Jones self-flagellation vortex? :rolleyes:Would require neither group. The last President to walk all over the Constitution as Obama did was Abraham Lincoln. Nobody elected Obama "King"; yet, he acted like one.

Now imagine if Trump acted in the exact same manner as Obama. Every Dem/lefty head would have exploded by now. It is to Trump's detriment that he doing things the legal and right way.

Obama was a piece of unamerican trash. If ANYONE ever deserved to be impeached, it was King Barry.

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 09:47 AM
Would require neither group. The last President to walk all over the Constitution as Obama did was Abraham Lincoln. Nobody elected Obama "King"; yet, he acted like one.

Now imagine if Trump acted in the exact same manner as Obama. Every Dem/lefty head would have exploded by now. It is to Trump's detriment that he doing things the legal and right way.

Obama was a piece of unamerican trash. If ANYONE ever deserved to be impeached, it was King Barry.
You just made me have one of those random thoughts. If Barry sanders ran against Obama for king of Detroit, which Barry would win ?

06-04-2018, 09:49 AM
You just made me have one of those random thoughts. If Barry sanders ran against Obama for king of Detroit, which Barry would win ?Probably.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2018, 10:31 AM
If this nation survives another hundred years, maybe by then the truth about the ffing maggot obama will have came out.
If that occurs obama will be light-years ahead in the, " Worst President Ever Category".
On that I would quite confidently bet my life.. --Tyr

06-04-2018, 10:32 AM


06-04-2018, 12:04 PM


All I asked was which poll you were citing.
You can't compare Alex Jones to a legitimate news source. He is a known conspiracy theorist and crackpot. For entertainment purposes only.


06-04-2018, 12:13 PM
Someone tell us which "poll" they are referencing here. Perhaps a sampling of right-wing zealots? Or a group of white supremacists stuck in an Alex Jones self-flagellation vortex? :rolleyes:

ONCE AGAIN you prove that you don't even bother before replying. If you listened to the first FIVE SECONDS you would have known it was a Qunnipiac poll.


06-04-2018, 12:13 PM
All I asked was which poll you were citing.
You can't compare Alex Jones to a legitimate news source. He is a known conspiracy theorist and crackpot. For entertainment purposes only.


So's Robert Mueller :whistling2:

06-04-2018, 12:17 PM
ONCE AGAIN you prove that you don't even bother before replying. If you listened to the first FIVE SECONDS you would have known it was a Qunnipiac poll.


Why should I listen to Commie TV? Just list the poll.

06-04-2018, 12:18 PM
Why should I listen to Commie TV? Just list the poll.

Then don't ignorantly reply asking questions and trolling, simple. And it was RT and NOT Jones, so you make ZERO sense.

06-04-2018, 01:45 PM

So's Robert Mueller :whistling2:

19 indictments so far. How many in Benghazi? Trump just tweeted he thinks he could pardon himself. Innocent people don't say that stuff.

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 02:15 PM
19 indictments so far. How many in Benghazi? Trump just tweeted he thinks he could pardon himself. Innocent people don't say that stuff.
And trump isn't going anywhere until 2025. You'll just have to neg-repping people with your zero rep power for the next 6.5 years or so.


06-04-2018, 05:29 PM
And trump isn't going anywhere until 2025. You'll just have to neg-repping people with your zero rep power for the next 6.5 years or so.



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2018, 06:50 PM
19 indictments so far. How many in Benghazi? Trump just tweeted he thinks he could pardon himself. Innocent people don't say that stuff.

If the obama was not protected by globalists, his foreign masters, the dem party , the media and fear of black riots, his sorry, worthless carcass could have ten times that many and still not list them all.--Tyr

06-04-2018, 07:46 PM
19 indictments so far. How many in Benghazi? Trump just tweeted he thinks he could pardon himself. Innocent people don't say that stuff.


06-04-2018, 09:44 PM
If the obama was not protected by globalists, his foreign masters, the dem party , the media and fear of black riots, his sorry, worthless carcass could have ten times that many and still not list them all.--Tyr

First you gotta figure out how to get off that alien ship that keeps probing you

06-04-2018, 09:46 PM

Memes are for people who can't come up with anything themselves. Literally your entire existence here is meme posts.

06-04-2018, 09:51 PM
Memes are for people who can't come up with anything themselves. Literally your entire existence here is meme posts.

MEME'S are ALL you, and your stupidity are WORTH to any of us. You should check out how inspiring your stupid one liners are, filled with stupidity...then you will agree. YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT!
Why should anyone attempt any common sense communications with you when you are unable to be responsible enough to remain civil without being even more dumb than you are?

Black Diamond
06-04-2018, 09:55 PM
Memes are for people who can't come up with anything themselves. Literally your entire existence here is meme posts.

06-04-2018, 09:57 PM


06-04-2018, 10:39 PM
All I asked was which poll you were citing.
You can't compare Alex Jones to a legitimate news source. He is a known conspiracy theorist and crackpot. For entertainment purposes only.
"I" didn't cite any poll. I posted an article about a poll.

Although I really don't have to point it out since just about everyone here already knows it, you're the crackpot. Got your head buried too far up your radical democrat snowflake ass.

06-04-2018, 10:46 PM
19 indictments so far. How many in Benghazi? Trump just tweeted he thinks he could pardon himself. Innocent people don't say that stuff.
19 indictments, NONE of which have ANYTHING to do with RUSSIAN COLLUSION, ALL of which are PROCESS crimes, MANY of which will probably never wind up with a conviction, and even then would probably be overturned or pardoned, and all of which has NOTHING to do with President Trump.

You got anything else, snowflake?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-05-2018, 06:32 AM
First you gotta figure out how to get off that alien ship that keeps probing you

So typical. You think because you were probed and escaped that everybody was once there.
I got news for you hoss, those guys aren't aliens but they are gay , and you'd best be very careful because aids is a real ass kicker!
Now do tell us , why you keep going back for more , "probings" -Tyr

06-05-2018, 07:32 AM
19 indictments, NONE of which have ANYTHING to do with RUSSIAN COLLUSION, ALL of which are PROCESS crimes, MANY of which will probably never wind up with a conviction, and even then would probably be overturned or pardoned, and all of which has NOTHING to do with President Trump.

You got anything else, snowflake?

you still haven't read the mandate have you. So confused, all this time.

06-05-2018, 08:15 AM
you still haven't read the mandate have you. So confused, all this time.
You still think Mueller and his team of democrat hack hit hem are legitimate... talk about confused... you're worse than confused, you're a liar and a hack just like they are.

How does someone like you get so stupid? How can ignore the truth so casually and pretend a lie is the truth? Is that like a prerequisite to be a democrat, you have to be able to suspend reality and lie like a rug?

You people are truly disgusting trash.

06-05-2018, 08:49 AM
You still think Mueller and his team of democrat hack hit hem are legitimate... talk about confused... you're worse than confused, you're a liar and a hack just like they are.

How does someone like you get so stupid? How can ignore the truth so casually and pretend a lie is the truth? Is that like a prerequisite to be a democrat, you have to be able to suspend reality and lie like a rug?

You people are truly disgusting trash.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein have been registered republicans decades.

So much hate in your posts these days. I do hope you find some peace, go out and enjoy life a bit. I think over a beer you'd find me quite pleasant.

Black Diamond
06-05-2018, 09:18 AM
Both Mueller and Rosenstein have been registered republicans decades.

So much hate in your posts these days. I do hope you find some peace, go out and enjoy life a bit. I think over a beer you'd find me quite pleasant.
So has McCain. What's your point ?

06-05-2018, 09:21 AM
Both Mueller and Rosenstein have been registered republicans decades.

So much hate in your posts these days. I do hope you find some peace, go out and enjoy life a bit. I think over a beer you'd find me quite pleasant.
Yes I hate liars. Too bad all you democrats appear to be liars and shysters nowadays. Guess you'll just have to find a way to deal with it, you little cry baby.

Black Diamond
06-05-2018, 09:23 AM
Yes I hate liars. Too bad all you democrats appear to be liars and shysters nowadays. Guess you'll just have to find a way to deal with it, you little cry baby.
Careful. He will "neg" you again.

06-05-2018, 01:13 PM
Yes I hate liars. Too bad all you democrats appear to be liars and shysters nowadays. Guess you'll just have to find a way to deal with it, you little cry baby.

I'm just fine. You are the one appearing to not handle it well.

06-05-2018, 02:10 PM
I'm just fine. You are the one appearing to not handle it well.
Sorry, Greasy Pete, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm going to be in your nasty little face every chance I get, so you might as well quit crying about it.