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View Full Version : Klukowski: Trump Should Cancel Senate’s August Recess

06-05-2018, 03:00 PM
Now THIS would be a fantastic move! Make them earn their money, make them do their jobs and complete what's on their plate before going on their vacations.


Klukowski: Trump Should Cancel Senate’s August Recess

President Donald Trump should make history by using his constitutional power to recall the Senate (but not the House) in August, canceling the August recess, and force the Senate to stay in session five (or six?) days per week until the Senate confirms a record number of federal judges and fills key positions in his administration to enact his America First agenda.

Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution provides that the president has the power to “convene both Houses, or either of them.” President Trump can call the Senate back into session while leaving the house in recess. No president has ever used that power to recall just one chamber—the Senate—for the specific purpose of confirming nominees.

Congress goes on recess every August, which in election years is critical campaigning time in their home states, especially in years when (as in 2018) voters are particularly (and rightly) fed up with Washington, DC. Every day back home is a day when a senator or congressman can attend town halls and backyard barbeques, promising the voters that the lawmaker stands with those voters, and railing against the Swamp that many of them actually belong to as card-carrying members.

President Trump is not shy about taking unprecedented action (for example, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem). Forcing senators back to D.C. to confirm his well-qualified nominees would be a historic move that would be an unmitigated victory.

Even though the Senate has confirmed a record number of appellate judges at this point, there are even more judicial vacancies today than on January 20, 2017, when President Trump was inaugurated. With the exception of 1991—when Congress created 85 new judgeships—there are more judicial vacancies today than at any point in American history: There are 142 current vacancies with 30 more than are verified to open up in the coming months, for a total of 172 judgeships that need to be filled immediately.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/06/05/klukowski-trump-should-cancel-senates-august-recess/

06-05-2018, 03:01 PM
McConnell just canceled it.

06-05-2018, 03:14 PM
McConnell just canceled it.

Yup, here it is:

McConnell cancels most of August recess

The move will keep vulnerable Democrats off the campaign trail ahead of the hotly contested midterm elections.

Mitch McConnell is canceling all but a week of the Senate's traditional August recess, hoping to keep vulnerable Democrats off the campaign trail and confirm as many of President Donald Trump's judicial and executive branch nominees as possible.

The Senate majority leader said Tuesday that the Senate will only take a break for the first week of August because of "historic obstruction" by Senate Democrats and will stay in session the rest of the month. McConnell was under enormous pressure from his own caucus as well as the president to cancel as much of the recess as possible, but the majority leader also saw an opportunity to unite Republicans and annoy incumbent Democrats.

"The August recess has been canceled. Senators should expect to remain in session in August to pass legislation, including appropriations bills, and to make additional progress on the president’s nominees," McConnell said.

More than a dozen Senate Republicans had been clamoring for McConnell to kill the traditional summer break, particularly after the GOP leader shaved off a week of August recess last year. And while those senators celebrated, they also asked for more, since the Senate is typically only in session from late Monday afternoon until early afternoon Thursday each week.

Rest - https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/05/mcconnell-cancels-most-of-august-recess-625905

06-05-2018, 03:22 PM
Yup, here it is:

McConnell cancels most of August recess

The move will keep vulnerable Democrats off the campaign trail ahead of the hotly contested midterm elections.

Mitch McConnell is canceling all but a week of the Senate's traditional August recess, hoping to keep vulnerable Democrats off the campaign trail and confirm as many of President Donald Trump's judicial and executive branch nominees as possible.

The Senate majority leader said Tuesday that the Senate will only take a break for the first week of August because of "historic obstruction" by Senate Democrats and will stay in session the rest of the month. McConnell was under enormous pressure from his own caucus as well as the president to cancel as much of the recess as possible, but the majority leader also saw an opportunity to unite Republicans and annoy incumbent Democrats.

"The August recess has been canceled. Senators should expect to remain in session in August to pass legislation, including appropriations bills, and to make additional progress on the president’s nominees," McConnell said.

More than a dozen Senate Republicans had been clamoring for McConnell to kill the traditional summer break, particularly after the GOP leader shaved off a week of August recess last year. And while those senators celebrated, they also asked for more, since the Senate is typically only in session from late Monday afternoon until early afternoon Thursday each week.

Rest - https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/05/mcconnell-cancels-most-of-august-recess-625905
Leave it to the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING member Politico to SPIN THIS as to "keep vulnerable democrats off the campaign trail."

Democrat bull shit.

06-05-2018, 03:24 PM
Leave it to the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING member Politico to SPIN THIS as to "keep vulnerable democrats off the campaign trail."

Democrat bull shit.

I laughed when that link came up first, knowing they are a top left wing source, but I just wanted to post confirmation that McConnell made the decision. :)

06-05-2018, 03:26 PM
I laughed when that link came up first, knowing they are a top left wing source, but I just wanted to post confirmation that McConnell made the decision. :)
Dem Obstruction Hits Century MarkSenate Democrats Have Already Forced 100 Cloture Votes On President Trump’s Nominees In His First Two Years Vs. 24 Combined For The Previous 6 Presidents In Theirs
