View Full Version : Top 10 Reasons Why the Mueller Investigation is Unconstitutional

06-05-2018, 03:12 PM
Do I think that overall the entire investigation is one big unconstitutional grab? Not really. BUT, I think there are definitely good points to be made here by Levin for sure.

Valid points - #1, and it cannot be denied as written. #2, and I think that it should have been much more narrowly focused and written beforehand. #3 - if there truly are conflicts of interest, that should have been recognized from the get go. #6, it went from Russian collusion, to anything we can fairly quickly.


Top 10 Reasons Why the Mueller Investigation is Unconstitutional

Legal scholar, author and radio host, Mark Levin was on Sean Hannity’s show on FOX News last night. He stated what we at TGP detailed some time ago – the Mueller investigation is unconstitutional.

In the video below, Levin stated –

The defect here is not that every Special Counsel’s appointment is unconstitutional. Every Special Counsel’s appointment is not unconstitutional. This Special Counsel’s appointment is unconstitutional. Because the Deputy Attorney General Mr. Rosenstein hasn’t educated himself against the appointment’s clause. He does not have the power to substitute his will for the President and the Senate.

The Mueller investigation is criminal and corrupt and above all unconstitutional. We agree with Levin and provided a list of 10 reasons in April describing why the Mueller investigation is unconstitutional. (Levin’s argument is in item #2 below)

Here is our list –

1.Rosenstein’s special counsel order identifies collusion as the crime but no such crime exists in US Law.

Gregg Jarrett at FOX News wrote when Mueller initially brought charges against Manafort that Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable because there is no such thing as the crime of collusion with foreign countries in the US statutory code.

Jarrett wrote the most succinct article about the Trump – Russia Collusion investigation to date. In his post Jarrett makes many statements that are almost shocking, but none more than the fact that the entire investigation is lawless. Jarrett states the following about the recent charges reported in the Russia collusion story –

George Papadopoulos pled guilty to a single charge of making a false statement to the FBI. He was not charged with so-called “collusion” because no such crime exists in American statutory law, except in anti-trust matters. It has no application to elections and political campaigns.

It is not a crime to talk to a Russian. Not that the media would ever understand that. They have never managed to point to a single statute that makes “colluding” with a foreign government in a political campaign a crime, likely because it does not exist in the criminal codes.

2. Mueller’s investigation exceeds the scope of special counsel law which requires the scope of a special counsel to be specific. Rosenstein created the special counsel with a scope that is so broad it is not supported by this law.

Paul Manafort sued the DOJ, Mueller and Rosenstein because what they are doing is not supported by US Law as noted previously by Jarrett. Manafort’s case also argues in paragraph 33 that the special counsel put in place by crooked Rosenstein gave crooked and criminal Mueller powers that are not permitted by law –

But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

After Rosenstein and Mueller provided a document to the court this past week, Gregg Jarrett tweeted that it was additional support that Mueller’s investigation is unconstitutional –

3. Mueller accepted the special counsel position with known conflicts of interest.

Gregg Jarrett also called for Mueller to resign in June of 2017 stating the special counsel has an egregious conflict of interest.

In a previous Fox News column, Jarrett stated:

The Washington Post reported that that Robert Mueller is now investigating President Trump for obstruction of justice, examining not only the president’s alleged statement to James Comey in their February meeting, but also the firing of the FBI Director.

If true, this development makes the argument even more compelling that Mueller cannot serve as special counsel. He has an egregious conflict of interest.

The special counsel statute specifically prohibits Mueller from serving if he has “a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the investigation or prosecution.” The language is mandatory. He “shall” disqualify himself. Comey is substantially involved in the case. Indeed, he is the central witness.

The two men and former colleagues have long been friends, allies and partners. Agents have quipped that they were joined at the hip while at the Department of Justice and the FBI. They have a mentor-protégé relationship. The likelihood of prejudice and favoritism is glaring and severe.

So, it is incomprehensible that the man who is a close friend of the star witness against the president… will now determine whether the president committed a prosecutable crime in his dealings with Mueller’s good friend.

4. Rosenstein and Mueller’s entire team have known conflicts of interest.

Rod Rosenstein signed a FISA application to spy on Trump but he never recused himself from the Mueller investigation. In addition, Mueller brought in a team of Obama and Clinton lackeys to form his investigative team who had no intention of performing an independent and objective investigation. The entire team is corrupt lefties who have represented the Clinton Foundation or let Hillary go in her obvious crimes related to her email scandal. This group included the texting FBI scoundrels Peter Strzok and Lisa Page whose texts lead to bias and potential criminal actions. (This past Friday Senator Graham sent Rosenstein a request to respond why he is not recused from the investigation. A response has not yet been received.)

5. The Investigation exceeds the scope of Jeff Sessions’ recusal of only 2016 campaign related matters. Mueller’s scope is much broader.

Attorney Robert Barnes tweeted this argument this past week –

6. Rosenstein’s original authorization to Mueller extended to “Russia government collusion” in 2016 campaign only. By pressing charges against Manafort for 2006 actions, Mueller’s scope is much broader.

7. Rosenstein does not have authorization over tax crimes. Only the Assistant Attorney General in charge of Tax Division can authorize indictments of tax crimes.

8. Rosenstein’s letter tells Mueller only to look to Rosenstein for clarification of Mueller’s authorization. Rosenstein is not the Attorney General of the United States, and could not monopolize supervision of Mueller for matters that did not relate to Sessions’ recusal.

9. By Rosenstein issuing his expanded authorization to Mueller in secret, Rosenstein created a secret inquisitor, unelected and un-appointed by elected officials, with all the powers of the federal criminal law enforcement, but none of the democratic checks and balances.

10. The special counsel law requires that the Attorney General create the special counsel when a criminal investigation is warranted. There was no reason for Rosenstein to create the special counsel that could not have been addressed with other means, if necessary.

According to the Cornell Law School, the law states that the grounds for setting up a special counsel require the following –

The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted.

Because President Trump had committed no crimes, there was no reason to create the special counsel in the first place. Some may argue this and say Rosenstein had every right to create the special counsel but now we know that Rosenstein created the special counsel and appointed former FBI Head Robert Mueller to lead the investigation because they wanted unlimited resources to investigate the President and to remove him from power by any means possible.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/here-it-is-top-10-reasons-why-the-mueller-investigation-is-unconstitutional-june-update/