View Full Version : False Rape Accuser Heading To Prison

06-08-2018, 10:23 AM

This woman attempted to utterly ruin two innocent lives on a whim. That's the definition of a psychopath.

Let's hope this starts a very popular trend of punishing false accusers harshly.

Last year a young woman from Long Island who was attending Sacred Heart University in Connecticut came to the police with a harrowing tale. Nikki Yovino told the authorities that two football players from the school had trapped her in the bathroom at a party they were attending and raped her. Police immediately began investigating the horrible crime and quickly identified the suspects. They claimed that the sex was consensual but the victim was adamant. Or at least she was adamant until others came forward to testify that the football players were telling the truth.

Eventually, Yovino retracted her story and admitted that she had engaged in sex with the boys at the party willingly. Later she decided to make up the rape story to win the support and affection of a different boy she had wanted to date. Then, in a shocking turn of events which we rarely if ever see in such instances of false accusations, Yovino was charged with a crime over her lies. Now, following a very generous plea deal, she’s heading off to prison.


Abbey Marie
06-08-2018, 10:53 AM
And... had sex with two ​guys at the same party? Girl, you a ho.

06-08-2018, 11:50 AM
And... had sex with two ​guys at the same party? Girl, you a ho.Not saying a whole a bunch about the guys either. Sharing a chick? Ewww....