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View Full Version : May Report: 20% of US Prison Population is Criminal Aliens

06-09-2018, 09:46 AM
By David Olen Cross
The United States having a significant foreign national population residing within the nations boundaries, be they legally or illegally present in the country, unfortunately includes those who commit crimes.
The extent and impact of foreign national crime (https://docfnc.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/u-s-federal-bureau-of-prisons-criminal-alien-report-may-2018/) on the U.S. citizens and residents of this country is explicitly revealed by a simple search on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) inmates statistics website (https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_age.jsp) under the heading of inmate citizenship (https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_citizenship.jsp).
Here are the countries of origin, moreover, the number and percentage of those countries citizens recently incarcerated in the U.S. BOP prison system (The most recent BOP crime numbers available were from May 26, 2018.).

Inmate Citizenship:
– México 23,532 inmates, 12.8 percent;
– Colombia 1,677 inmates, 0.9 percent;
– Dominican Republic 1,461 inmates, 0.8 percent;
– Cuba 1,156 inmates, 0.6 percent;
– Other / unknown countries 9,063 inmates, 4.9 percent;
– United States 146,331 inmates, 79.9 percent;
Total Inmates: 183,220 inmates.
To clarify the meaning of these preceding criminal alien inmate numbers and percentages, I will translate them into words:
Combining May 26th BOP criminal alien inmate numbers, there were 36,889 criminal aliens in the BOP prison system.
Alien inmates were 20.1 percent of the federal prison population; more than two in every ten inmates were criminal aliens.
With 23,532 Mexican nationals being incarcerated in the BOP prison system, at 63.8 percent, they were the vast majority of criminal aliens in federal prisons.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons breaks down the federal prison population into 13 types of offenses (https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_offenses.jsp). One of the top five offenses, the reason inmates are serving time in federal prisons is for immigration crimes. There were 12,115 inmates in the BOP prison system incarcerated for immigration crimes; they were 7.1 percent of the federal prison population.
David Olen Cross of Salem, Oregon is crime researcher who writes on immigration issues and foreign national crime. The preceding report is a service to federal, state, county and city elected and non elected governmental officials to help them assess the impact of foreign national crime in the United States of America. He can be reached at docfnc@yahoo.com (docfnc@yahoo.com). His past crime reports can be found at http://docfnc.wordpress.com/ (https://docfnc.wordpress.com/).

Our tax dollars hard at work. :rolleyes:

06-09-2018, 01:27 PM
Start deporting 'em... wtf is the hold up?

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 03:12 PM
Start deporting 'em... wtf is the hold up?
I'm guessing the courts.

06-09-2018, 03:14 PM
I'm guessing the courts.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if they're in prison, they've already been to court.

They need the boot.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 03:15 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if they're in prison, they've already been to court.

They need the boot.
Agreed. Courts will say no deport though.

06-09-2018, 03:33 PM
Agreed. Courts will say no deport though.
Depends on the judge... but, after president Trump gets done stacking the courts with conservative hawks that are pro immigration law, we should see a difference.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 03:39 PM
Depends on the judge... but, after president Trump gets done stacking the courts with conservative hawks that are pro immigration law, we should see a difference.
Yes. This stuff may simply take some time.

06-09-2018, 03:51 PM
Lose/lose deal. They're serving time for their crimes. They are supposed to be deported immediately upon release. I'd like to see the percentage that are back on US soil before ICE is done with the paperwork.

Simply deporting them allows them to get off scott-free with their crimes.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 04:00 PM
Lose/lose deal. They're serving time for their crimes. They are supposed to be deported immediately upon release. I'd like to see the percentage that are back on US soil before ICE is done with the paperwork.

Simply deporting them allows them to get off scott-free with their crimes.
Wall wall wall. (I still hate chachi)

06-09-2018, 04:58 PM
Start deporting 'em... wtf is the hold up?

A little thing called due process.

06-09-2018, 05:03 PM
A little thing called due process.
Due Process only applies to American citizens.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 05:05 PM
Due Process only applies to American citizens.
I am curious. This just occurred to me. Could they be labeled enemy combatants?

06-09-2018, 05:15 PM
I am curious. This just occurred to me. Could they be labeled enemy combatants?
Maybe so.

I hear Gitmo has plenty of empty cells since the kenyan let so many terrorists return to the battle field to kill American soldiers.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-09-2018, 05:53 PM
Maybe so.

I hear Gitmo has plenty of empty cells since the kenyan *let* so many terrorists return to the battle field to kill American soldiers.

My friend, you mean deliberately ""sent"" --- not "let". I know on that we both agree.
As let could imply it was a simple mistake on his part- we both know it was intentional.
Also the obama maggot traded three of the muslim top commanders for one lousy worthless American traitor!
Had the media and other morons praising the maggot for doing it..
And Fort Hood was a case of simple workplace violence... -- :rolleyes:--Tyr

06-09-2018, 05:55 PM
A little thing called due process."Due process" in this instance is serve your term, then get automatically deported once time is served.

You sure are pick-n-choose about the law, Pete. Illegal alien felons get due process but Trump's a bad guy for wanting to give the "due process" at the border? Hmmm ...

06-09-2018, 06:00 PM
Due Process only applies to American citizens.

Not true

"Constitutional Rights of Aliens: While it is clear that United States citizens enjoy all constitutional rights, the question often arises as to whether a non-citizen or alien is entitled to the same constitutional rights. The courts have held that once an alien enters this country the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment protect them from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. These protections extend to an alien “whose presence in this country is unlawful, involuntary, or transitory.”"

Every illegal immigrant goes through immigration court

06-09-2018, 06:19 PM
Not true

"Constitutional Rights of Aliens: While it is clear that United States citizens enjoy all constitutional rights, the question often arises as to whether a non-citizen or alien is entitled to the same constitutional rights. The courts have held that once an alien enters this country the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment protect them from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. These protections extend to an alien “whose presence in this country is unlawful, involuntary, or transitory.”"

Every illegal immigrant goes through immigration court

Show me where the CONSTITUTION gives illegal aliens rights?

06-09-2018, 06:36 PM
Not true

"Constitutional Rights of Aliens: While it is clear that United States citizens enjoy all constitutional rights, the question often arises as to whether a non-citizen or alien is entitled to the same constitutional rights. The courts have held that once an alien enters this country the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment protect them from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. These protections extend to an alien “whose presence in this country is unlawful, involuntary, or transitory.”"

Every illegal immigrant goes through immigration courtNo kidding. That's why we have Guantanmo Bay. Which would be a perfect place IMO to keep illegal aliens.

I disagree with the ruling, btw. It is in contradiction to the law. Not like THAT's anything new or amazing in THIS country. Only US citizens should have US Constitutional Rights.

06-09-2018, 06:46 PM
Supreme Court rules that detained illegal aliens don't get automatic bond hearings


06-09-2018, 07:21 PM
Not true

"Constitutional Rights of Aliens: While it is clear that United States citizens enjoy all constitutional rights, the question often arises as to whether a non-citizen or alien is entitled to the same constitutional rights. The courts have held that once an alien enters this country the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment protect them from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. These protections extend to an alien “whose presence in this country is unlawful, involuntary, or transitory.”"

Every illegal immigrant goes through immigration court

Once again petey...opened mouth before putting mind (what there is of it) in gear.
You intentionally LEFT OUT THE KEY WORD...not used in the quote above."LEGAL" when speaking of aliens.
How typically Liberal, and Liar-like that makes you.

06-09-2018, 08:11 PM

Show me where the CONSTITUTION gives illegal aliens rights?

I'm talking reality. The courts have ruled they have rights. Each illegal immigrant gets a court hearing, that is the bottleneck. That is happening. I'm not arguing anything. So go fail yourself.

06-09-2018, 08:12 PM
Once again petey...opened mouth before putting mind (what there is of it) in gear.
You intentionally LEFT OUT THE KEY WORD...not used in the quote above."LEGAL" when speaking of aliens.
How typically Liberal, and Liar-like that makes you.

I quoted a passage from the gov website you dumb fuck. Not my words.

06-09-2018, 08:18 PM
I'm talking reality. The courts have ruled they have rights. Each illegal immigrant gets a court hearing, that is the bottleneck. That is happening. I'm not arguing anything. So go fail yourself.
OK... lefty... just ignore the constitution... again.


06-09-2018, 08:42 PM
OK... lefty... just ignore the constitution... again.


What exactly is your malfunction here? I said I wasn't arguing anything. I'm telling you what is reality. Not giving an opinion on it.

06-09-2018, 08:45 PM
I quoted a passage from the gov website you dumb fuck. Not my words.

Yeah...we know petey. You, calling me a dumb fuck, while YOU posted it, knowing it was wrong?

So...who's really the Dumb one now?

06-09-2018, 08:54 PM
Yeah...we know petey. You, calling me a dumb fuck, while YOU posted it, knowing it was wrong?

So...who's really the Dumb one now?

It appears the term "legal" or "illegal" wasn't used because it is both. the subject of the bill is "Offenses by Aliens Unlawfully Present in the United States".

06-09-2018, 08:56 PM
"Even if you're in the United States without permission or proper immigration documents, various sections of the U.S. Constitution apply to you. There is a particularly important provision of the Fourteenth Amendment stating that, "No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

06-09-2018, 08:59 PM
What exactly is your malfunction here? I said I wasn't arguing anything. I'm telling you what is reality. Not giving an opinion on it.
You mad? You sound mad...

06-09-2018, 09:38 PM
"Even if you're in the United States without permission or proper immigration documents, various sections of the U.S. Constitution apply to you. There is a particularly important provision of the Fourteenth Amendment stating that, "No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."


That's the excuse always being used by Democrats who DISREGARD, and REFUSE to OBEY the Constitution.

petey. Show us what you know here. Show us WHERE in the Constitution, it says illegal aliens
can come here to enjoy the freedoms of actual Legal Citizens.

06-09-2018, 09:53 PM
You mad? You sound mad...

06-09-2018, 09:54 PM

That's the excuse always being used by Democrats who DISREGARD, and REFUSE to OBEY the Constitution.

petey. Show us what you know here. Show us WHERE in the Constitution, it says illegal aliens
can come here to enjoy the freedoms of actual Legal Citizens.

Seems you have the same malfunction as drifter. I'm not arguing a stance. Just saying how it is. This is happening. Right now every illegal gets a court appearance. I didn't make the rule. Just telling what is happening.

06-09-2018, 10:23 PM
Seems you have the same malfunction as drifter. I'm not arguing a stance. Just saying how it is. This is happening. Right now every illegal gets a court appearance. I didn't make the rule. Just telling what is happening.
Yeah we know all about the democrat activist judges that like to make law from the bench and disregard the constitution as if it was ass wipe, but the fact of the matter is illegal aliens have zero rights under the constitution, and I know that, you know that, the man in the moon knows that.

If the constitution did give rights to illegal aliens you'd have already posted where it says that... but you haven't... because you can't.

06-09-2018, 11:33 PM
Yeah we know all about the democrat activist judges that like to make law from the bench and disregard the constitution as if it was ass wipe, but the fact of the matter is illegal aliens have zero rights under the constitution, and I know that, you know that, the man in the moon knows that.

If the constitution did give rights to illegal aliens you'd have already posted where it says that... but you haven't... because you can't.

I'm with you HPD. Frankly I'm shocked that Pete expresses his support for this country's imperialistic hubris, assuming it has the unilateral right to impose its legal standards on all people of the earth!

06-10-2018, 01:20 AM
I wish the framers had used "citizen" instead of "person". However, I also believe "people" have a right to not be held unjustly.


06-10-2018, 07:32 AM
Yeah we know all about the democrat activist judges that like to make law from the bench and disregard the constitution as if it was ass wipe, but the fact of the matter is illegal aliens have zero rights under the constitution, and I know that, you know that, the man in the moon knows that.

If the constitution did give rights to illegal aliens you'd have already posted where it says that... but you haven't... because you can't.

I'm not giving any effort to that request because I'm not claiming they should have rights. Something you continue to be confused about.

06-10-2018, 07:33 AM
I'm with you HPD. Frankly I'm shocked that Pete expresses his support for this country's imperialistic hubris, assuming it has the unilateral right to impose its legal standards on all people of the earth!

Where have I supported anything here?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-10-2018, 11:26 AM
I'm not giving any effort to that request because I'm not claiming they should have rights. Something you continue to be confused about.

Yes you were claiming they had rights. As in all the rights of true citizens, which is the way the dem /liberal/socialist party and its moronic allies fly with this scourge in our nation.
Our nation is to bestow all Constitutional rights upon the current invaders_criminals, illegals), that is the dem/lib stand..
To coddle and reward them!!!!!
Lets apply that moronic thinking to bank robbers , after all they too are criminals.
Do we tell them to keep the money they stole, gift them all federal aid and demand they get the right to vote??(currently felons lose the right to vote)..

Do we then give billions more to illegal invader's families that they smuggled in to leech off of our nation , while we citizens pay taxes, and
otherwise and primarily, such aid is only happily given if the recipient is black and votes dem?
Your massive hypocrisy is staggering in its utter ignorance AND DENIAL OF REALITY. , IMHO..--Tyr

06-10-2018, 03:01 PM
Yes you were claiming they had rights. As in all the rights of true citizens, which is the way the dem /liberal/socialist party and its moronic allies fly with this scourge in our nation.
Our nation is to bestow all Constitutional rights upon the current invaders_criminals, illegals), that is the dem/lib stand..
To coddle and reward them!!!!!
Lets apply that moronic thinking to bank robbers , after all they too are criminals.
Do we tell them to keep the money they stole, gift them all federal aid and demand they get the right to vote??(currently felons lose the right to vote)..

Do we then give billions more to illegal invader's families that they smuggled in to leech off of our nation , while we citizens pay taxes, and
otherwise and primarily, such aid is only happily given if the recipient is black and votes dem?
Your massive hypocrisy is staggering in its utter ignorance AND DENIAL OF REALITY. , IMHO..--Tyr

The courts have ruled that, not me.

Black Diamond
06-10-2018, 03:06 PM
Seems you have the same malfunction as drifter. I'm not arguing a stance. Just saying how it is. This is happening. Right now every illegal gets a court appearance. I didn't make the rule. Just telling what is happening.
Should be ruled enemy combatants. I came up with that all on my own. :)

Black Diamond
06-10-2018, 03:07 PM
The courts have ruled that, not me.
I was afraid that was the case.

06-10-2018, 07:02 PM
Seems you have the same malfunction as drifter. I'm not arguing a stance. Just saying how it is. This is happening. Right now every illegal gets a court appearance. I didn't make the rule. Just telling what is happening.

Yes, in theory, and if done correctly. However, as ICE and the DOJ have both announced. Those Illegals ARE given a DATE to appear in court. But you, petey, have once again failed to be totally honest by intentionally leaving out the most important ASPECT of those supposed court appearances...SUCH AS...99.9% of those Illegals NEVER SHOW UP. They get lost and almost never SEEN AGAIN. But...you can't tell us that in order to tell yourself HOW RIGHT YOU THINK YOU ARE.

06-10-2018, 10:36 PM
Yes, in theory, and if done correctly. However, as ICE and the DOJ have both announced. Those Illegals ARE given a DATE to appear in court. But you, petey, have once again failed to be totally honest by intentionally leaving out the most important ASPECT of those supposed court appearances...SUCH AS...99.9% of those Illegals NEVER SHOW UP. They get lost and almost never SEEN AGAIN. But...you can't tell us that in order to tell yourself HOW RIGHT YOU THINK YOU ARE.

Intentionally left out? You're so desperate. Right I am about what? What claims have I made. You are so dumb. You are arguing with yourself. I make no claims. Just telling what is happening.

06-10-2018, 11:02 PM
Intentionally left out? You're so desperate. Right I am about what? What claims have I made. You are so dumb. You are arguing with yourself. I make no claims. Just telling what is happening.As far as I'm concerned? They shouldn't get a hearing. They should be sent back the same way they came. Load them in a truck, drive them to the border and dump them out.

At least I'm humane and would put them in the back of an open military vehicle and give 'em a box lunch. Otherwise, they rate NOTHING else at US taxpayer expense.

We cut our own throats trying to portray this humane, wonderful society that in actuality is selfish, self-serving and hedonistic. We aren't fooling anyone in the World but ourselves. Allowing them to destroy our society and social infrastructure for what boils down to nothing more than leftwingnuts selling our future for votes is no better than loading them in trucks and dumping them back where they came from. At least the latter is honest.

06-11-2018, 04:14 PM
Intentionally left out? You're so desperate. Right I am about what? What claims have I made. You are so dumb. You are arguing with yourself. I make no claims. Just telling what is happening.

You are so right I am desperate. Desperate to find out from you if it's true. The real way to make a Liberal like you mad, is actually..."Getting you to tell the truth?

Of course I know you didn't intentionally LEAVE OUT the true facts. You can't, and wouldn't dare Lower Your Liberal Standards to be Honest if you aren't smart enough to know the TRUE facts.