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View Full Version : Donald Trump Is The Most SUCCESSFUL FIRST YEAR PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME...

06-09-2018, 03:28 PM
At this point, this is INDISPUTABLE... his first year accomplishments have left all other presidents in the DUST. He is on the fast track to becoming THE most successful president of ALL TIME...

The Trump Presidency: A Success Story

Trump’s First Year Accomplishments Compiled In Shockingly Long List

Looking back on President Donald Trump’s first year in office, he has compiled a shockingly strong record and long list of accomplishments. As was also the case with his rise to the presidency, President Trump has broken several records for a first-year commander-in-chief and fulfilled many of his key campaign promises.

Now, that’s not to say he hasn’t had failures and it’s not to mask the fact that many of these accomplishments were unilateral. But it is also true that President Trump has faced an unprecedented level of never-ending obstruction throughout the year. He was the first president in memory to be deprived of the “honeymoon” period after Inauguration Day and, frankly, opposition at times has risen to levels that could arguably constitute downright treason.

Sure, his presidency, much like his campaign, has been unconventional and his governing style appears to pundits and mediates to be rather messy.

And that’s exactly what America should’ve expected.

America didn’t elect Donald J. Trump to get more of the same and D.C. wouldn’t have had such a vial backlash had he not been trying to keep the promises he made to the American people. Had it been business as usual this year, then we would have grown suspect.

Here’s a long but still incomplete list of accomplishments during his first year in office. For those who believe the list isn’t at all long, we challenge you to read the whole article in one sitting. Some you will recognize and some you will not. But these are just some of the actions we believe will impact Americans’ lives and, in some cases, the human race.

READ THE LIST: (incomplete)... http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/political_commentary/commentary_by_richard_baris/trump_s_first_year_accomplishments_compiled_in_sho ckingly_long_list