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View Full Version : TRUMP APPROVAL RATING HIGHER Than obama/Reagan At Same Point In Presidency

06-09-2018, 04:07 PM
I keep seeing the democrats trying to say the president doesn't have good approval ratings...

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

According to the latest FOX News poll President Donald Trump has a better rating than Presidents Obama and Reagan at the same point in their presidencies.

President Trump’s approval is now at 45%.
And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media.

On June 9, 2010 Barack Obama’s approval number was 46% on the Rasmussen poll.
President Trump’s approval number is at 47% according to Rasmussen today.

Again…. That is with 90% extremely negative coverage for President Trump!


Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 04:09 PM
Reagans war on inflation was tough for his approval rating. 40 is from what I have been told high enough to get reelected.

06-09-2018, 04:15 PM
Reagans war on inflation was tough for his approval rating. 40 is from what I have been told high enough to get reelected.
If we had an election today, Trump would win again without a problem... probably even bigger than he did before.

Now people know damn well he's done a good job, no more guessing about if he would.

He's lost ZERO support. In fact the opposite is true. He's gained support.

Gotta suck to be a democrat or Trump hater right now.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 04:16 PM
If we had an election today, Trump would win again without a problem... probably even bigger than he did before.

Now people know damn well he's done a good job, no more guessing about if he would.

He's lost ZERO support. In fact the opposite is true. He's gained support.

Gotta suck to be a democrat or Trump hater right now.
Election night will be over before midnight

06-09-2018, 06:08 PM
Counting chickens before they hatch. He's ONE mistake away from complete deflation. He's got 3 years to go. Look at how both Bush's started out and ended up. GHW inherited Reaganomics and it caught him the 3rd year of his Presidency. He didn't win Reelection. GWB was fine until the real estate market went bust. In both cases, the Dems rode a couple of losers straight into the Oval Office.

I don't know about polls to begin with, but I DO have a memory. They can say Trump is the most successful President in History to this point in his Presidency, but Reagan was NOWHERE NEAR as hated a Trump is. Reagan untied a fragmented Nation. Trump, and don't shoot the messenger, has been as divisive as Obama. He's broken up more friendships that I personally know of than any other President. The left hates him and half the right hates him. All it's going to take is one setback and a lot of his so-called "more support" will vanish as quickly as it mysteriously appeared.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 06:14 PM
Left doesn't have a Ross Perot they can count on.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 06:41 PM
Incumbents are generally difficult to defeat

06-09-2018, 06:52 PM
Left doesn't have a Ross Perot they can count on.I used to think that. Ross Perot didn't cost Bush anymore votes than he did Clinton. He was basically a wash.

Avid Trump supporters who are not concerned he could still lose didn't pay much attention to how he won. Hillary was a shoe-in. Trump was the Democrats' dream come true for them. They WANTED Trump to be the Republican candidate. They were so damned sure a lot of them didn't bother to vote. They didn't factor in those on the left that found the Hillary stench too much even for them. They HAD the numbers to win and Trump did not.

He's facing the same thing this time around. And what REALLY gets me is the way the avid Trump supporters treat those who are not. They act just like Democrats. The hatred is unreal. That's NOT how you win the hearts and minds and support of others. Good way to lose some.

Starting with an overconfident Trump right. All I'm saying is some people need to quit assuming and start building as much of a voting bloc as they can. If the Dems pull out a candidate that appeals to both the left AND the anti-Trump crowd, he's toast. He doesn't have the numbers.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 07:00 PM
I used to think that. Ross Perot didn't cost Bush anymore votes than he did Clinton. He was basically a wash.

Avid Trump supporters who are not concerned he could still lose didn't pay much attention to how he won. Hillary was a shoe-in. Trump was the Democrats' dream come true for them. They WANTED Trump to be the Republican candidate. They were so damned sure a lot of them didn't bother to vote. They didn't factor in those on the left that found the Hillary stench too much even for them. They HAD the numbers to win and Trump did not.

He's facing the same thing this time around. And what REALLY gets me is the way the avid Trump supporters treat those who are not. They act just like Democrats. The hatred is unreal. That's NOT how you win the hearts and minds and support of others. Good way to lose some.

Starting with an overconfident Trump right. All I'm saying is some people need to quit assuming and start building as much of a voting bloc as they can. If the Dems pull out a candidate that appeals to both the left AND the anti-Trump crowd, he's toast. He doesn't have the numbers.
I thought of all that but hillary isn't the incumbent and I don't think trump himself is taking anything for granted. The guy works hard. He hasn't really stopped campaigning.

I read an article a year or so ago from a leftist rag that said trump will he reelected because.. In it it said "The democrats need a Ronald Reagan and they don't have one".

i think that's still true.

He also knows how to fire up his base. Took ten seconds with the national anthem and everyone picked a side.

i also think bush sr and carter approval ratings were in the 20s.

06-09-2018, 07:26 PM
I thought of all that but hillary isn't the incumbent and I don't think trump himself is taking anything for granted. The guy works hard. He hasn't really stopped campaigning.

I read an article a year or so ago from a leftist rag that said trump will he reelected because.. In it it said "The democrats need a Ronald Reagan and they don't have one".

i think that's still true.

He also knows how to fire up his base. Took ten seconds with the national anthem and everyone picked a side.

i also think bush sr and carter approval ratings were in the 20s.Trump can't out-campaign the media hammering him for screwing up. The risks he's taking are enormous. If the tariff thing backfires, he's toast. If he fails in Korea that's probably a wash. If his threats of sanctions on countries doing business with Iran backfires, toast. If all his bluster in the Middle East doesn't produce, toast. He's stuck his crank in a BIG door. Any or all of the above will negate any gains made so far in the economy.

The Mueller thing has not gone on this long with them going home empty-handed. And it doesn't matter if it's BS when the left gets done with shit. Look how many criminals they have walking free right now. They can't find Wasserman-Schultz's server? Anyone check Hillary's bathroom linen closet?

This is what REALLY pissed me off ... there's NO plan in the RNC. After Bush, then what? Whoops. We forgot to have a plan even though we had 4 years to groom a successor that wasn't a RINO turncoat. Bush couldn't run again.

They had no plan this last election. They threw a dozen yucksters on TV and let them destroy one another in front of a National audience. Brilliant. Everybody's brain is stuck in right this minute -- a disease that afflicts the US and the West in general -- they don't know what they'll be doing next week. Except letting Iran have nukes but THAT's okay because it's next week, not now.

This hit and miss shit drives me nuts. There should be an overall strategy WITH some tactics to move forward with and without Trump. How did we ever win a war? Oh yeah. We threw bodies and materiel at the bad guys until they ran out.

06-09-2018, 07:33 PM
Trump can't out-campaign the media hammering him for screwing up.
He already did.

06-09-2018, 07:33 PM
He's ONE mistake away from complete deflation.
Total bologna.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 07:34 PM
Trump can't out-campaign the media hammering him for screwing up. The risks he's taking are enormous. If the tariff thing backfires, he's toast. If he fails in Korea that's probably a wash. If his threats of sanctions on countries doing business with Iran backfires, toast. If all his bluster in the Middle East doesn't produce, toast. He's stuck his crank in a BIG door. Any or all of the above will negate any gains made so far in the economy.

The Mueller thing has not gone on this long with them going home empty-handed. And it doesn't matter if it's BS when the left gets done with shit. Look how many criminals they have walking free right now. They can't find Wasserman-Schultz's server? Anyone check Hillary's bathroom linen closet?

This is what REALLY pissed me off ... there's NO plan in the RNC. After Bush, then what? Whoops. We forgot to have a plan even though we had 4 years to groom a successor that wasn't a RINO turncoat. Bush couldn't run again.

They had no plan this last election. They threw a dozen yucksters on TV and let them destroy one another in front of a National audience. Brilliant. Everybody's brain is stuck in right this minute -- a disease that afflicts the US and the West in general -- they don't know what they'll be doing next week. Except letting Iran have nukes but THAT's okay because it's next week, not now.

This hit and miss shit drives me nuts. There should be an overall strategy WITH some tactics to move forward with and without Trump. How did we ever win a war? Oh yeah. We threw bodies and materiel at the bad guys until they ran out.
I have wondered, aside from my personal feelings, why Cruz and Rubio attacked one another for how many debates instead of going after trump. Same with the other candidates. The tariffs you love so much will play well in Pennsylvania and Michigan, states that put him where he is.

I don't think, no matter who the RNC groomed, they would have defeated Obama after the financial crisis. It was just too easy for him to blame bush even though it wasn't his fault. And mclame voted with George W 80 percent of the time. Yada yada.
Without the financial meltdown we would be complaining about mclame being a rino instead of Obama being anti American communist....

06-09-2018, 07:37 PM
He already did.No he didn't. He hasn't actually done anything they can tag him for. Yet. part of their frustration. It's easy to beat fabricated bullshit. Not so easy to beat facts.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 07:39 PM
No he didn't. He hasn't actually done anything they can tag him for. Yet. part of their frustration. It's easy to beat fabricated bullshit. Not so easy to beat facts.
If he can overcome the Billy bush tape he can overcome anything.

06-09-2018, 07:40 PM
No he didn't. He hasn't actually done anything they can tag him for. Yet. part of their frustration. It's easy to beat fabricated bullshit. Not so easy to beat facts.
They've thrown everything at him including the kitchen sink already, since he stared his campaign and it hasn't quit, and he just keeps getting more popular.

The man is clean. What part about that don't the haters understand yet?

The only dirt on him is the dirt they FABRICATED.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 07:41 PM
They've thrown everything at him including the kitchen sink already, since he stared his campaign and it hasn't quit, and he just keeps getting more popular.

The man is clean. What part about that don't the haters understand yet?

The only dirt on him is the dirt they FABRICATED.
Gunny is wondering about things that are not fabricated.

06-09-2018, 07:42 PM
You know that, man.

06-09-2018, 07:42 PM
Gunny is wondering about things that are not fabricated.
Ya... what things?

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 07:43 PM
Ya... what things?
Nothing yet. Part of why I brought up the billy bush tape.

06-09-2018, 07:44 PM
Nothing yet. Part of why I brought up the billy bush tape.
So unless he cigar dips an intern in the Oval Office or lies to congress, he should be OK.

06-09-2018, 07:47 PM
I have wondered, aside from my personal feelings, why Cruz and Rubio attacked one another for how many debates instead of going after trump. Same with the other candidates. The tariffs you love so much will play well in Pennsylvania and Michigan, states that put him where he is.

I don't think, no matter who the RNC groomed, they would have defeated Obama after the financial crisis. It was just too easy for him to blame bush even though it wasn't his fault. And mclame voted with George W 80 percent of the time. Yada yada.
Without the financial meltdown we would be complaining about mclame being a rino instead of Obama being anti American communist....

Those tariffs can cost him in places they hurt. Gaining a few states doesn't mean much if you lose some. Those other countries are going to hit states that don't do steel, but rely on exports nonetheless.

McCain never had a chance. Ask HPD. Unless he changed his mind, he and a few other righties on the board I was running were pissing off voting in 08 because whoever their favorite boy was wasn't running. I had the same argument then I make now. I held my nose and voted against the Dems.

I think that whole 12 people or 15 people on a debate stage with supposedly impartial moderator was a complete farce. That was not a debate. I've been against those stupid debates almost from the start. I think the ones between Carter and Ford and Carter and Reagan were okay. The rest have been doing the Dems' jnb in character assassination.

The RNC needs to get an actual platform to run on for starters. And screw the compromise candidate bullshit. You pick the candidate that best embodies the Republican platform and everybody's on board or blackballed.

Guess if we were lucky they might actually pick a conservative but I'm not holding my breath. Actually not even on them getting as far as a platform. Both parties seem content with "We're not them".

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 07:47 PM
So unless he cigar dips an intern in the Oval Office or lies to congress, he should be OK.
Clinton would have been reelected in spite of Monicagate.

I agree trump isn't going anywhere until 2025. I understand Gunny's concerns. I also think we will know a lot more after next week

06-09-2018, 07:49 PM
Clinton would have been reelected in spite of Monicagate.

I agree trump isn't going anywhere until 2025. I understand Gunny's concerns. I also think we will know a lot more after next weekI agree. Dole was just dull. I never thought he had a chance. Monicagate was after the reelection anyway.

06-09-2018, 07:54 PM
Those tariffs can cost him in places they hurt. Gaining a few states doesn't mean much if you lose some. Those other countries are going to hit states that don't do steel, but rely on exports nonetheless.

McCain never had a chance. Ask HPD. Unless he changed his mind, he and a few other righties on the board I was running were pissing off voting in 08 because whoever their favorite boy was wasn't running. I had the same argument then I make now. I held my nose and voted against the Dems.

I think that whole 12 people or 15 people on a debate stage with supposedly impartial moderator was a complete farce. That was not a debate. I've been against those stupid debates almost from the start. I think the ones between Carter and Ford and Carter and Reagan were okay. The rest have been doing the Dems' jnb in character assassination.

The RNC needs to get an actual platform to run on for starters. And screw the compromise candidate bullshit. You pick the candidate that best embodies the Republican platform and everybody's on board or blackballed.

Guess if we were lucky they might actually pick a conservative but I'm not holding my breath. Actually not even on them getting as far as a platform. Both parties seem content with "We're not them".
Yeah McLame was a farce, even though I voted for him, it was a vote against the democrats.

The tariffs... they'll hurt other nations worse than America. We're the big dog on the block, and all president Trump is asking for is to be fair. Watch if morons like Canada or Germany play stupid, Trump will have a summit with Russia and China they'll be begging to be let in on the deal. These countries blowing smoke right now really don't have any cards to play. They been screwing us for decades and they AAAAALLLL know it, and the American public knows it. If there is a trade war, that's a war we can win. They're tugging on superman's cape... and when it comes to money, fuck Canada, if the only way to do business with America is the fair way now, then that's what they'll have to do if they want to make money, and money rules.

Black Diamond
06-09-2018, 08:02 PM
Yeah McLame was a farce, even though I voted for him, it was a vote against the democrats.

The tariffs... they'll hurt other nations worse than America. We're the big dog on the block, and all president Trump is asking for is to be fair. Watch if morons like Canada or Germany play stupid, Trump will have a summit with Russia and China they'll be begging to be let in on the deal. These countries blowing smoke right now really don't have any cards to play. They been screwing us for decades and they AAAAALLLL know it, and the American public knows it. If there is a trade war, that's a war we can win. They're tugging on superman's cape... and when it comes to money, fuck Canada, if the only way to do business with America is the fair way now, then that's what they'll have to do if they want to make money, and money rules.
Tariffs will affect other states, question is which ones and will it be enough to take away any of the Romney states or Florida.

06-09-2018, 08:17 PM
Yeah McLame was a farce, even though I voted for him, it was a vote against the democrats.

The tariffs... they'll hurt other nations worse than America. We're the big dog on the block, and all president Trump is asking for is to be fair. Watch if morons like Canada or Germany play stupid, Trump will have a summit with Russia and China they'll be begging to be let in on the deal. These countries blowing smoke right now really don't have any cards to play. They been screwing us for decades and they AAAAALLLL know it, and the American public knows it. If there is a trade war, that's a war we can win. They're tugging on superman's cape... and when it comes to money, fuck Canada, if the only way to do business with America is the fair way now, then that's what they'll have to do if they want to make money, and money rules.We're the big dog on OUR block. And it is little comfort that something is going to hurt someone else more than me IF I STILL GET HURT. I don't want pay to artificially prop up a failed industry that failed because it can't compete fairly.

Ironic that Trump is using "fair" as the buzz word for everyone else to suck it up and pay for an industry that can't compete on a fair market.

06-09-2018, 08:22 PM
We're the big dog on OUR block. And it is little comfort that something is going to hurt someone else more than me IF I STILL GET HURT. I don't want pay to artificially prop up a failed industry that failed because it can't compete fairly.

Ironic that Trump is using "fair" as the buzz word for everyone else to suck it up and pay for an industry that can't compete on a fair market.
You still talking about steel being a failed industry?

Why? Because our gutless politicians sold us down the river and started importing.

That can change, brother, and it is.

06-09-2018, 08:24 PM
You still talking about steel being a failed industry?

Why? Because our gutless politicians sold us down the river and started importing.

That can change, brother, and it is.Actually, the steel industry wouldn't modernize and American union overheads priced US steel off the market.

It failed because it could not compete in a fair market.

06-09-2018, 08:28 PM
Actually, the steel industry wouldn't modernize and American union overheads priced US steel off the market.

It failed because it could not compete in a fair market.
Well right, exactly, but I think the plug has been pulled on a lot of the unions. If they want a job they'll chill.