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Abbey Marie
06-11-2018, 10:39 AM
My SIL told me that the Casa Grande schools allow local churches to send folks to pray on school grounds before school starts. How awesome that you will be teaching in such a school system.

I guess the Anti-Christian Liberal Union hasn’t heard about it yet.

@Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=8)

06-11-2018, 10:55 AM
My SIL told me that the Casa Grande schools allow local churches to send folks to pray on school grounds before school starts. How awesome that you will be teaching in such a school system.

I guess the Anti-Christian Liberal Union hasn’t heard about it yet.

@Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=8)
Interesting you mention that. In both the HR director's office and the principal's office there were posters that were definitely morality based. Interesting.

06-11-2018, 04:37 PM
Here in liberal Southern California, My daughter's high school has a student prayer group that meets before classes begin. It's a non-denominational group and all are welcome to participate. It's not an official school group, for legal reasons. But they do have complete freedom of speech and activity.

06-11-2018, 06:02 PM
Here in liberal Southern California, My daughter's high school has a student prayer group that meets before classes begin. It's a non-denominational group and all are welcome to participate. It's not an official school group, for legal reasons. But they do have complete freedom of speech and activity.
Wait until Center For American Progress find out.

06-11-2018, 07:47 PM
Wait until Center For American Progress find out.


06-12-2018, 09:35 AM
My self radicalized daughter has become more liberal than I am. She is also one of the group leaders.
Gotta hand it to high school kids. They can discuss and debate Christianity and Islam with no hatred or preconceived notions.
Imagine a group where kids with liberal and conservative parents can discuss serious topics and still remain friends. The next generation may succeed where we have failed.

Abbey Marie
06-12-2018, 09:45 AM
My self radicalized daughter has become more liberal than I am. She is also one of the group leaders.
Gotta hand it to high school kids. They can discuss and debate Christianity and Islam with no hatred or preconceived notions.
Imagine a group where kids with liberal and conservative parents can discuss serious topics and still remain friends. The next generation may succeed where we have failed.

It’s easy to stay friends when you discuss religion intellectually. The problem is that intellectually-driven faith tends to be hollow. And therefore rather pointless. Also, you cannot truly believe in Christ and other religions at the same time. He’s an all-or-nothing kinda guy.

06-12-2018, 10:04 AM
My self radicalized daughter has become more liberal than I am. She is also one of the group leaders.
Gotta hand it to high school kids. They can discuss and debate Christianity and Islam with no hatred or preconceived notions.
Imagine a group where kids with liberal and conservative parents can discuss serious topics and still remain friends. The next generation may succeed where we have failed.That is a ridiculous comment. Our children, especially the radical progressive ones are taking this country on a one way ride to Hell. Smarter than we are? Not even close. A piece of paper that says you're some kind of genius will win you exactly ZERO fights.

ROme was THE most advanced Nation in the World in its day. How many times was Rome sacked and inevitably lost? Because ....? Because all the so-called "thinkers" and politicians were so afraid of their own armies it was illegal to have a standing Army inside Rome itself. THAT worked out great. For Attila the Hun and the Visigoths. They didn't have to do any work. Heathens with swords will destroy all the intellect in the world with the simple stroke of a sword. Words aren't going to stop them.

This country is going to fall from within, just as Rome did. All Islam has to do is sit and wait, and infiltrate, use our own laws against us as they are doing, and all you little lefties are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of the very power you give them with your progressive BS. Tweeting how outraged you are isn't going to change a thing.

06-12-2018, 02:40 PM
My self radicalized daughter has become more liberal than I am. She is also one of the group leaders.
Gotta hand it to high school kids. They can discuss and debate Christianity and Islam with no hatred or preconceived notions.
Imagine a group where kids with liberal and conservative parents can discuss serious topics and still remain friends. The next generation may succeed where we have failed.

Wait ..... Life experience has tendency to change minds and hearts.