View Full Version : 5 Reasons Trump Will Win 40 States in 2020

06-11-2018, 01:39 PM
Wow, 40 states? I don't think so. I'll wait to see who he has to run against before making any wild projections. Of course some will say or think certain things about his "base", but that base was an awful lot of folks in 2016. We can't all be hard headed racists who say 'my way or the highway', or are all sexist or any other of the great labels applied! And if the economy continues as-is, that alone helps him. I also believe the black vote will increase sharply, regardless of the racism claims.


5 Reasons Trump Will Win 40 States in 2020

Delusional progressives are powerless to stop it. Ineffective never-trump laughingstock are dwindling into oblivion.

After every curve-ball has been thrown at him from every conceivable direction, Donald Trump will win 40 states, and do so in a most extraordinary way.

He will have made Americans believe in American greatness once again!

He already is.

In 2006 a full two years prior to his election I was the first to predict that Barack Obama would be elected President.

No one believed me, but I based it on five instinctive realities I could see forming. I indicated if as few of three of the five occurred he’d likely be elected. Four of the five came true.

Here’s why I feel similarly as to President Trump’s re-election.

5. Foreign Policy Dominance

In every move President Trump has made in terms of foreign policy, wildly, he has kept consistent on two levels. He has kept his campaign promises. He has also delivered an America First policy without apology. I use the word apology purposefully. The previous administration apologized for America endlessly. The lack of appreciation for the country that gave Barack Obama everything he ever deemed of value in his life took a psychological toll on our people. But decades of policies allowing trade, security, and immigration imbalances took tolls on our welfare. From NATO to the G7, Saudi Arabia, to Israel, North Korea to Iran, from Russia to China, Trump’s unapologetic stance of advocating for his nation’s best standing is reversing that psychological effect. And he now lives rent free in the minds of all who believed America was weak.

4. Stronger Might, Less War, Safer World

Unrelenting in his belief that a strong America makes a safer world, President Trump has also for the most part kept his campaign promises to not send America’s best into theaters of combat that don’t serve our purpose. He has a budget that is bulking up our fighting hardware. He has deployed missiles. He’s coordinated with our allies. He’s responded to the actions of state sponsored terrorists. He has ISIS all but obliterated. Almost none of it requiring more human boots on the ground. Meanwhile rogue nuclear powers are having their bluffs called, phony agreements torn up, and their futures reconsidered—because America is dealing from strength, not desperation.

3. His Base Is Strongest Of The Era

At two years into his term the base of support he grew to support his candidacy stands almost unmoved from his inauguration at 87%. The only President in the modern era that bests him was George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. His support is largely based upon promises kept in numbers of areas but his particularly aggressive appointments of judges in the appellate system, as well as the Supreme Court of The United States have already secured pro-life, and pro-religious liberties wins. If he does not have the chance to place another appointment to the Supreme Court before the 2018 mid-terms, this becomes an especially effective campaign focus for 2020. The difference then will be that he has a record of delivering on this promise to demonstrate—whereas in 2016 never-Trumpers never believed he’d fulfill this promise. But proving people wrong has been one of President Trump’s most endearing features since gaining office.

2. He Will Garner Record African American Support

Driven largely on great home-ownership numbers, George W. Bush garnered the modern era’s greatest numbers of African American voters. It was all of 11%.

The lock-hold that the American left has handcuffed the African American vote with is both cultural and economic. And while President Trump will — like all GOP Presidents in the era — not likely gain the majority of African American votes, even an increase of 15-20% of their overall votes would trigger a seismic landslide. Consider that Bush was able to improve the lives of many by increased home-ownership. Consider that President Obama oversaw a rapid decline in the lives of African Americans. Then consider that no group has benefitted more from Trump reforms, deregulation, and job creation initiatives than the nation’s African Americans. But also consider the cultural impact President Trump is making on the issue of prison reform, cracking down on dangerous gang activity (of which minorities are the overwhelming majority of victims,) and pardoning African Americans wrongfully imprisoned, and their is a cultural shift occurring that no one is yet reporting. That he is even reaching out to the very sports figures who have opposed him and embracing cultural figures and giving them audience to hear their hearts and minds in order to achieve justice on some social level—is a picture that African American communities are unaccustomed to seeing. President Obama’s went to black churches, put in affected speech patterns, and bemoaned conditions. By contrast President Trump invites them to the White House, listens to their legitimate complaints and plots solutions. I would not be surprised if he were to break 30% of African American support in 2020.

1. Jobs

When people used to not have the dignity of work, they will be exceedingly hesitant to turn to options that will adversely affect that reality. With the economy growing 4-6% annually (which is possible by 2020,) and unemployment bouncing below 4%, along with the greatest number of workforce participants in two decades, people simply vote their pocketbook. Over the course of our history people’s economic realities have continued to be some of the most reliable indicators of electoral success. That he continues to push records and new thresholds of success for people vis-a-vie wages, vertical job opportunities, and exploding entrepreneurial environments there will be great hesitation to change horses midstream.

In 2006 I was right on 4 of the 5 conditions for Obama’s election. Should at minimum 3 of these 5 conditions hold I believe Donald Trump will be overwhelmingly re-elected almost irrespective of who the Democrats decide to run.

He campaigned on promises he could keep.

He’s now keeping the promises he made.

He will in all likelihood be given a chance to make and keep more promises to the people who gave him the chance the first time.

This ain’t rocket science!


06-11-2018, 04:22 PM
AL (notso) SHARPTON.....Just to name a few.

Black Diamond
06-11-2018, 04:25 PM
God takes all five. :)

06-11-2018, 04:27 PM
Trump will not run in 2020. You can mark my words right here and now.
Trump will bow out either for health reasons, or his own party will reject him and run Pence.
You heard it here first. :cool:

Black Diamond
06-11-2018, 04:27 PM
Trump will not run in 2020. You can mark my words right here and now.
Trump will bow out either for health reasons, or his own party will reject him and run Pence.
You heard it here first. :cool:
We marked your words when you said vote trump get Hillary. Thanks

06-11-2018, 04:38 PM
Trump will not run in 2020. You can mark my words right here and now.
Trump will bow out either for health reasons, or his own party will reject him and run Pence.
You heard it here first. :cool:

Sure, more liberal pipe dreams. Continue to get used to him, or live off your dreams.

And likely, once he wins in 2020, it'll guarantee almost that he gets to nominate another SC justice. Good times! :beer:

06-11-2018, 04:39 PM
We marked your words when you said vote trump get Hillary. Thanks

Yeah right, good memory, how many times did we hear that crap? And OCA talking smack over and over about Hillary 45. :laugh:

06-11-2018, 04:40 PM
We marked your words when you said vote trump get Hillary. Thanks

I will be correct this time. :salute:

06-11-2018, 04:41 PM
I will be correct this time. :salute:

:alcoholic: :wine: :420:

06-11-2018, 04:50 PM
Trump will not run in 2020. You can mark my words right here and now.
Trump will bow out either for health reasons, or his own party will reject him and run Pence.
You heard it here first. :cool:


Black Diamond
06-11-2018, 04:52 PM
Obama tweeting on late night tv still takes the cake.

06-11-2018, 06:52 PM
Trump will not run in 2020. You can mark my words right here and now.
Trump will bow out either for health reasons, or his own party will reject him and run Pence.
You heard it here first. :cool:


06-11-2018, 07:24 PM

YES, she does believe it. Just like all the radical leftists who have been brainwashed to believe all of their lies...they call FACTS. Just laugh at gabby. The Trump Derangement Syndrome has turned all of the gray matter between her ears to DNC Kool-aid from the Cesspool we call THE SWAMP.

P.S. Sassy. people like gabby also predicted the same about George W. Bush too!