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View Full Version : Obama Would Have Been Impeached for Kim Summit

06-12-2018, 12:01 PM
Yes, some would have claimed he was meeting with a dictator and this and that...

But if things went the same way as they did now, and the world knew ahead of time the where and why's - the talk of him being impeached would not have happened, IMO. I personally would have supported the move. Getting them to de-nuke could change the entire area forever. No one would have supported impeachment. Sure, some on the right would scream for such, but I can't imagine many, not if ending the Korean war, ending nukes and inspections, that wouldn't support thus.

Along with "photo op", this one states it was a "participation trophy". Even if the worst case scenario, that they don't follow through with anything at all - then nothing is lost. Outside of many on the left hoping that happens... I really don't see a reason to complain just yet. I don't think Trump is going to get played, and I don't think he'll allow for too much concessions and/or removal of any sanctions or anything like that, not until there are verifiable results coming our way. Start tossing shit, give them a hundred thousand, allow for inspections, and fully, give them a little more. Make them earn it.

And comparing it to Obama and Iran? No thanks. And I truly hope that Trump doesn't immediately give them a shitload of cash, taking away their desire to further cooperate.


Erick Erickson: Obama Would Have Been Impeached for Kim Summit

If Barack Obama during his presidency had a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Republicans would have called for him to be impeached, said writer Erick Erickson.

"If Obama had done what (President Donald) Trump just did, Republicans would be demanding his impeachment," Erickson wrote in an opinion piece on his website The Resurgent.

Erickson slammed the meeting, calling the summit a "participation trophy" for Trump.

"Diplomacy to get rid of North Korea’s nukes would be great. But that’s not what happened. Instead, we gave the North Koreans a considerable PR win in Asia, gave them credibility in South Korea, and came with just a participation trophy," Erickson wrote.

The writer compared Obama’s deals with Cuba and Iran to Trump and North Korea. "Your precious Obama glad-handed the Cubans who have now used unknown weapons to assault our diplomats… but Obama decided he wanted to be friends. So spare me your outrage over Trump," Erickson wrote.

“Like with Obama, President Trump should not have engaged in a glad-handing, face time exercise with the North Korean leader where the communist monster gets a propaganda win of North Korean flags at equal display with the American flag," Erickson wrote.

Trump’s disagreements with the other G-7 leaders before the North Korea summit were also "unacceptable," Erickson wrote.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/north-korean-leader-kim-jong-un-gop-erick-erickson/2018/06/12/id/865633/

Abbey Marie
06-12-2018, 12:37 PM
Nah. Obama was a closet Muslim, not a closet Korean.

Now if he’d had a summit with the Ayatollah I would have been pretty upset.
On second thought, it’s probably worse that he gave them all that money.

06-12-2018, 01:17 PM
Erick was one of the original "never Trumpers'' and apparently is still carrying that flag proudly. I wonder how this "true conservative" would have roasted Pres. Reagan for his dealings with Gorbachev? After all he was a Hollywood type, union leader, former Democrat who you just knew would betray his country eventually and give everything away to the commies. Get a life Erick. It's time to get over your petty personal hang ups and root for your own country's success even if it may mean that Pres. Trump may get some credit.

06-12-2018, 02:30 PM
Yes, some would have claimed he was meeting with a dictator and this and that...

But if things went the same way as they did now, and the world knew ahead of time the where and why's - the talk of him being impeached would not have happened, IMO. I personally would have supported the move. Getting them to de-nuke could change the entire area forever. No one would have supported impeachment. Sure, some on the right would scream for such, but I can't imagine many, not if ending the Korean war, ending nukes and inspections, that wouldn't support thus.

Along with "photo op", this one states it was a "participation trophy". Even if the worst case scenario, that they don't follow through with anything at all - then nothing is lost. Outside of many on the left hoping that happens... I really don't see a reason to complain just yet. I don't think Trump is going to get played, and I don't think he'll allow for too much concessions and/or removal of any sanctions or anything like that, not until there are verifiable results coming our way. Start tossing shit, give them a hundred thousand, allow for inspections, and fully, give them a little more. Make them earn it.

And comparing it to Obama and Iran? No thanks. And I truly hope that Trump doesn't immediately give them a shitload of cash, taking away their desire to further cooperate.


Erick Erickson: Obama Would Have Been Impeached for Kim Summit

If Barack Obama during his presidency had a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Republicans would have called for him to be impeached, said writer Erick Erickson.

"If Obama had done what (President Donald) Trump just did, Republicans would be demanding his impeachment," Erickson wrote in an opinion piece on his website The Resurgent.

Erickson slammed the meeting, calling the summit a "participation trophy" for Trump.

"Diplomacy to get rid of North Korea’s nukes would be great. But that’s not what happened. Instead, we gave the North Koreans a considerable PR win in Asia, gave them credibility in South Korea, and came with just a participation trophy," Erickson wrote.

The writer compared Obama’s deals with Cuba and Iran to Trump and North Korea. "Your precious Obama glad-handed the Cubans who have now used unknown weapons to assault our diplomats… but Obama decided he wanted to be friends. So spare me your outrage over Trump," Erickson wrote.

“Like with Obama, President Trump should not have engaged in a glad-handing, face time exercise with the North Korean leader where the communist monster gets a propaganda win of North Korean flags at equal display with the American flag," Erickson wrote.

Trump’s disagreements with the other G-7 leaders before the North Korea summit were also "unacceptable," Erickson wrote.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/north-korean-leader-kim-jong-un-gop-erick-erickson/2018/06/12/id/865633/You should have heard the negative slant coming from CBS This Morning. I watch the local news and it's on after and I was too busy to change the channel.

Trump did everything wrong. Where's the results? They acted like because Un didn't run out a truckload of dismantled nuclear weapons components on the spot it was a complete failure. How does Trump know Un's not lying? Who's going to verify it? Un can still hide stuff all over the place. Un will still his missiles with bio and chemical weapons. Blah - f-ing - blah blah blah :blah:

Sorry leftweenies, but even a meeting and an "I promise ..." is more than any other President has done. The media and left can't even give credit where it's due. The negativity was just absurd.

06-12-2018, 06:22 PM
If Barack Obama during his presidency had a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Republicans would have called for him to be impeached, said writer Erick Erickson.

"If Obama had done what (President Donald) Trump just did, Republicans would be demanding his impeachment," Erickson wrote in an opinion piece on his website The Resurgent.

Erickson slammed the meeting, calling the summit a "participation trophy" for Trump.

I don't know who this Erick Erickson is, other than the fact that his parents have no imagination when it comes to naming kids, and the even clearer fact that he's blubbering fool. You'd have to be virtually brain-dead to think that Barack Obama was ever given anything other than ridiculous and undeserved fawning praise during his entire 8 years in the White House. Actually, you could probably say the same thing his entire life.

I also have to say that, in my personal opinion, that if it ever comes out all the slimy stuff Obama did during his Presidency, and especially during the election, then Obama will have to hire every law firm in Washington just to keep his undeserving butt out of Gitmo.