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06-16-2018, 10:51 AM
Besides the fact that they haven't been busted lying to America? Sure, they lean right. They have pundits that lean right. They are a conservative news station. But I don't see outright lies. I do see much negative coverage of all kinds of republicans and conservatives and various actions. Of course I see them covering the things listed, which other stations tend to "forget about". I also don't see daily stories that have to be retracted, nor nonstop stories using 'anonymous sources'.


Why Fox News Is No. 1

You wonder why Fox News is Number One in cable?

It's because CNN, MSNBC, NBC and the rest are so relentlessly negative about Donald Trump they force people to watch Fox to find out the truth about the growing economy or the historically low unemployment rates for blacks.

Take this week's Singapore Summit.

No matter what President Trump accomplished in Singapore in his face-to-face meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, for Joe, Mika and their fellow foreign policy experts in the media, it was not enough.

Or it was too much.

Or Trump was naive or stupid.

Or he gave away too much.

Or he didn't ask "Little Rocket Man" about his gulags.

Or he was just trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

My favorite complaint about the Singapore Summit from liberals was that by merely meeting with Kim Jong Un, President Trump gave a thug the legitimacy he didn't deserve.

As if American presidents haven't met with thugs like Kim Jong Un since the beginning of time.

Just two years ago Barack Obama and a delegation of a thousand staffers, insiders and reporters flew into Havana to slobber all over Raul Castro and the ghost of his brother Fidel.

The in-bed-with-Obama embedded media loved Obama's move. They called it historic. They called it a Berlin Wall moment - a step toward the liberation of the Cuban people.

The mainstream media never complained that Obama didn't ask Comrade Raul to be nicer to the impoverished people living under his communist dictatorship or release the gay Cubans held in his prisons.

Not a peep from the MSM. Not even crickets.

Trump, on the other hand, can't win with the mainstream media.

One month they're saying his tough rhetoric about North Korea is going to start World War III. A month or two later they're complaining his Singapore statement wasn't strong enough and he was too soft on Kim Jong Un.

It reminds me of the way the liberal media treated my father back in the 1980s when he was calling the USSR "The Evil Empire" and trying to meet with Soviet leaders about nuclear arms control.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelreagan/2018/06/16/why-fox-news-is-no-1-n2491211

06-16-2018, 12:14 PM
Although not 'squeaky clean', FOX has far and above more integrity than the other
media outlets.

Nothing where a group of human beings is involved will be perfect, but FOX makes the
others look like uneducated, opportunistic idiots.

06-16-2018, 01:14 PM
There is no "mainstream media." There's nothing "mainstream" about it. It's as RADICAL LEFT as RADICAL LEFT can get, and it is PURE PROPAGANDA, VILE propaganda, and yes, the majority of Americans know it and have chosen not to listen to it.


06-16-2018, 03:00 PM
Besides the fact that they haven't been busted lying to America? Sure, they lean right. They have pundits that lean right. They are a conservative news station. But I don't see outright lies. I do see much negative coverage of all kinds of republicans and conservatives and various actions. Of course I see them covering the things listed, which other stations tend to "forget about". I also don't see daily stories that have to be retracted, nor nonstop stories using 'anonymous sources'.


Why Fox News Is No. 1

You wonder why Fox News is Number One in cable?

It's because CNN, MSNBC, NBC and the rest are so relentlessly negative about Donald Trump they force people to watch Fox to find out the truth about the growing economy or the historically low unemployment rates for blacks.

Take this week's Singapore Summit.

No matter what President Trump accomplished in Singapore in his face-to-face meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, for Joe, Mika and their fellow foreign policy experts in the media, it was not enough.

Or it was too much.

Or Trump was naive or stupid.

Or he gave away too much.

Or he didn't ask "Little Rocket Man" about his gulags.

Or he was just trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

My favorite complaint about the Singapore Summit from liberals was that by merely meeting with Kim Jong Un, President Trump gave a thug the legitimacy he didn't deserve.

As if American presidents haven't met with thugs like Kim Jong Un since the beginning of time.

Just two years ago Barack Obama and a delegation of a thousand staffers, insiders and reporters flew into Havana to slobber all over Raul Castro and the ghost of his brother Fidel.

The in-bed-with-Obama embedded media loved Obama's move. They called it historic. They called it a Berlin Wall moment - a step toward the liberation of the Cuban people.

The mainstream media never complained that Obama didn't ask Comrade Raul to be nicer to the impoverished people living under his communist dictatorship or release the gay Cubans held in his prisons.

Not a peep from the MSM. Not even crickets.

Trump, on the other hand, can't win with the mainstream media.

One month they're saying his tough rhetoric about North Korea is going to start World War III. A month or two later they're complaining his Singapore statement wasn't strong enough and he was too soft on Kim Jong Un.

It reminds me of the way the liberal media treated my father back in the 1980s when he was calling the USSR "The Evil Empire" and trying to meet with Soviet leaders about nuclear arms control.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelreagan/2018/06/16/why-fox-news-is-no-1-n2491211

I'm not real keen on Fox News. By that, I mean the pundits. Their actual news just looks like news to me.

I prefer OANN and they make absolutely no bones about supporting Trump, but like Fox (actual) News, it's easy to filter, unlike the leftwingnut mainstream media wher ethey start right off the bat with complete fabrications.