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View Full Version : Crooked Comey’s Latest Tweet Has People Saying ‘He’s Running in 2020’

06-16-2018, 02:00 PM
No way is the man running. First off, I disagree with the folks take that this means he's running. But even if he did, and even if Trump weren't around - his actions that have been brought to light would prove him to be a disaster of a candidate, IMO. But like I said, I disagree with folks jumping to this reaction over a twitter post. If anything, he would likely be messing with folks.


Crooked Comey’s Latest Tweet Has People Saying ‘He’s Running in 2020’

Fired FBI Director James Comey fired off a tweet Saturday that had people saying, ‘he’s running in 2020.’

Crooked cop Comey was skewered by the Inspector General’s report which was released on Thursday.

The FBI was a total disaster of corruption and leaks under Comey’s Directorship.

FBI agents under Comey’s watch were given improper gifts by reporters in exchange for leaks.

James Comey even used a GMail account to conduct official FBI business even though he lectured his agents they would be in “huge trouble” for doing the same thing.

In a grotesque display of unabated hubris, Comey continues to tweet out jokes and photos of himself.

Comey posted a picture of himself standing in a field in Iowa with a caption that read, “So good to see growth in Iowa and across the country.”

The Iowa reference had people saying, ‘Comey’s running in 2020.’

Presidential hopefuls visit Iowa because it’s the first state ballots are cast.

Of course some of Comey’s sycophants cheered him on.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/crooked-comeys-latest-tweet-has-people-saying-hes-running-in-2020/

06-16-2018, 04:23 PM
Just how deluded can he and his fans be?

Oh, yeah...I almost forgot the deluded Clinton Camp of 2014-2016 (and beyond)!:lmao: