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View Full Version : 71% of liberals would rather see NK peace fail, because Trump would gain popularity

06-16-2018, 02:06 PM
I'm not sold on the poll and where it was taken from. With that said, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to find out the numbers would be the same if you polled 350 million people directly. I've been stating for quite some time that many would love to see Trump fail in many areas, even if it's harmful to America and themselves, simply so that he looks bad and doesn't get credit for anything.

We already see it that many don't want to acknowledge Trump's positive accomplishments. That even exists from the MSM who would prefer not to air anything positive. And of course if they do, they find a way to spin it negative anyway.

The good news is, the accomplishments don't disappear just because folks don't want to give him credit. :)


Sick! 71% Of Liberals Don’t Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Gain Popularity

Michelle Wolf, a comedian who is best known for receiving bipartisan condemnation after her lambasting of Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, conducted a snap survey of her viewers on the issue of North Korea.

In the live TV poll taken during Wolfe’s Netflix show, 71% of her mostly liberal audience said that they would rather not have peace with North Korea, because it would contribute to increased political popularity for President Trump.


President Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Pascale tweeted about the poll, saying “Here is the media’s and left’s position in a nutshell. It isn’t about America.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/sick-71-of-liberals-dont-want-peace-with-north-korea-because-trump-would-gain-popularity/

06-16-2018, 02:56 PM
" ... it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to find out the numbers would be the same if you polled 350 million people directly. I've been stating for quite some time that many would love to see Trump fail in many areas, even if it's harmful to America and themselves, simply so that he looks bad ..."

Agreed. Rather childish if you ask me.

06-16-2018, 04:37 PM
As much as I did not care for Obama, I would not be so stupid as to propose such a poll.

After all, I figured his wild schemes would fail on their own merits, or lack thereof. Which they
did - and are still failing.

06-16-2018, 08:59 PM
Don't know about anyone lese, but I'm about tired of these flake-a-zoid, moonbat, nameless, leftwningnut females with big, trashy mouths having shows on TV I've never heard of. They just pop out of woodwork and multiply like Stripe.