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View Full Version : Obama Was the Reason Hillary Wasn’t Prosecuted

06-17-2018, 01:14 PM
For starters, I don't like Rush. I don't listen to him and never have. I don't even go to this website, and you'd be hard pressed to find me using him as a source but maybe 3x in 15 years. This story was linked to from elsewhere.

But being a fat slob doesn't mean he can't report some facts here and there, and make valid points with his opinions.

WHEN will the media go mad about being lied to several times by the sitting president of the US? Will Obama get a pass from the media now that he's been busted lying? Will the left and it's supporters condemn his actions?


Obama Was the Reason Hillary Wasn’t Prosecuted

RUSH: I am gonna pat myself on the back for this, because it has been for years that it has been my opinion — and I’ve shared it with you — that the real reason Hillary Clinton wasn’t prosecuted — and, of course, there are many — one, they didn’t want to harm her; two, they wanted to help her. All that’s true.

But above that, they could not prosecute her, because that would have made it official that Barack Obama had lied, and it’s all about her illegal server. Do you know what we learned in this IG report? We learned that this woman was using unsecured email and an unsecured server on a nongovernment protected email address to email the president of the United States while traveling in foreign countries — and that the president of the United States was responding to her.

The secretary of state and Barack Obama were sending classified emails back and forth while she was in capitals of distant nations, some of whom were our enemies. Totally unsecure and unprotected. It’s outrageous what was going on, this casual, lackadaisical attitude toward security! And, I’m telling you, it can only spring… How in the world can this happen? How can the president of the United States and his secretary of state be so cavalier about their communications, knowing full well that cyber trackers are everywhere, that cyber thieves are everywhere?

How can they be so cavalier about this? The answer has to be in they don’t think there that much about America worth protecting! For crying out loud, do you do everything you can to protect your home? Do you do everything you can to protect your kids? Do you do everything you can to protect your possessions? Why in the world were not the president — Barack Obama — and Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, likewise trying to protect sensitive information and secrets about their own country?

I’m here to tell you, there’s no way Barack Obama was gonna be demonstrated to have done this because he was lying about it. Obama lied countless times when he said he never knew she was using an illegal server until he saw it and read about it in the media. Let’s go to the audio sound bites just to document this and get it out of the way. March 7, 2015, CBS Sunday Morning, Bill Plante. Whatever happened to Bill Plante? Does anybody know whatever that happened Bill Plante? Did he retire? I haven’t seen Bill Plante in a long time. Anyway, he was interviewing Obama, and during the interview Plante asks about the email controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton.

PLANTE: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for, uhh, official business while she was secretary of state?

OBAMA: Uhh, at same time, uh, everybody else learned it through news reports.

RUSH: That’s not true. The IG report now indicates she was sending sensitive information — unsecured — using her private email address to Barack Obama, who knew she was using a private email address. The added injury is while she was traveling! She was doing this from foreign countries where, folks, whether you like to admit it ordained, Americans are monitored and spied on in foreign countries just like we constantly spy on, say, the Russian ambassador, Kislyak. Every time he went to lunch, had a conversation, we were wiretapping him.

They do the same thing with us, and she’s trafficking in unsecure data/information, and Obama is responding while she is in foreign capitals. That’s all you need to know, if you’re asking, “Why was Hillary Clinton exonerated and why was she not prosecuted?” That and that alone. Now, there are other reasons, but that’s paramount, because all of this — everything in that IG report yesterday, everything about the Trump-Russia collusion story, every bit of it — happened when Obama was president! All of this happened while the Obama administration was calling the shots and making things happen.


RUSH: Bob in Caldwell, West Virginia, as we get back to the phones. Great to have you, Bob. How you doing, sir?

CALLER: (garbled cell throughout) Doing well, sir. Thanks for taking my call. Because time is precious, I have about three quick points I’d like to make, if I may. No. 1, I spent over 30 years in the government with classified information and a security clearance. For those of us that take our responsibilities seriously, you can assure you, we find this corruption at the FBI reprehensible, and we vote. That’s the point. The next point I’d like to make, you believe there’s two issues that don’t get enough attention or even people are aware of.

One of them is called the “original classification authority,” and President Obama designated the secretary of each department with this authority. Under that authority — they are responsible as the secretary and the original classified — to make sure that all the information that flows through there is properly marked and classified. Obviously, Hillary didn’t do that. Also, they need to look — and I see these two points — at the original classification and the nondisclosure agreement that Hillary signed regarding classified information. They never get enough attention. And I would like to have seen Horowitz address those two issues in his report. To my knowledge, they are conspicuously absent. And — (garbled cell)

RUSH: Well, but Horowitz was not investigating her. He was not… Comey, FBI investigated her, and Comey exonerated her from dealing with classified material because she didn’t know what the circle C meant. She thought it meant “copy.” Horowitz was only investigating the FBI’s investigation of her in terms of whether there was, you know, bias or impropriety or what have you, but not on the guilt or innocence of Hillary. I don’t think he looked at that as his primary purview.


06-17-2018, 01:25 PM
Well, I do listen to Rush, even though I don't especially like how braggadocios he can be at times, he does just hit the nail on the head. He's about the only guy to listen to aside from Levin or Hannity that doesn't play politically correct games. I just want it straight, I want the truth. I don't want to listen to anyone like all the pundits, analysts and assorted talking heads you see on TV, even Fox News. As soon as they say, now let's bring on so and so and get their REACTION, TV goes on MUTE, and it spends a LOT of time on MUTE. I can form my OWN reaction, thank you, just tell me the news and shut the hell up. 2 minutes of reporting a story and then 15 minutes of REACTION, screw that.

What that said, I think the kenyan is the biggest LIAR that ever hit the white house. From his FORGED birth certificate all the damn way up to this scandal, he's a LIAR, a class freakin' A LIAR. He belongs in FORT LEAVENWORTH FEDERAL PENITENTIARY. I loath just the sight on the muslim prick.