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View Full Version : NeverTrump Mike Hayden: Trump’s Border Policy Like Nazi Slave-Labor Camp

06-17-2018, 03:31 PM
Even though this crap about "camps" has been debunked 50x, liberals just go :lalala: - and then report/discuss the same crap again the next day. Wow, this is a former CIA director. Just more adding on to show the Feds to be a little :cuckoo:


NeverTrump Mike Hayden: Trump’s Border Policy Like Nazi Slave-Labor Camp

The U.S. government’s policy detaining migrant parents while sheltering their children elsewhere is reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s slave-labor camps, according to a Tweet from former intelligence chief and NeverTrump activist Gen. Michael Hayden.

Hayden, who ran the National Security Agency from 1999 to 2005, and was CIA director from 2006 to 2009, Tweeted an image of the entrance to the Birkenau slave-labor camp, with the comment “other governments have separated mothers and children.”


So far, Trump’s policy is sheltering roughly 2,000 children in facilities away from their detained parents.

In contrast, Hitler’s wars killed roughly 30 million people and smashed up numerous countries.

The Birkenau slave-labor camp was located near the Auschwitz killing center, and it housed the laborers who were used to distill fuel and build ammunition. Many of the laborers were killed by the brutal work and guards.

The shelters for the migrants’ children, however, are different from Birkenau, according to journalists who have visited several of the shelters:


Hayden sent out a stream of Tweets defending his Nazi comparison while he was also recommending his favorite wines to other Twitter users.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/2018-elections/2018/06/17/nevertrump-mike-hayden-trump-border-policy-like-nazi-slave-labor-camp/

Black Diamond
06-17-2018, 03:53 PM
Why does everything get compared to Hitler and Nazi Germany every time someone disagrees about something

Black Diamond
06-17-2018, 03:57 PM
The tweet is disgusting.

Black Diamond
06-17-2018, 04:14 PM
Insult to the people Hitler murdered.

06-17-2018, 04:25 PM
Every time I read such UNHINGED PATHETIC GARBAGE from the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, I think of this...


06-17-2018, 06:14 PM
Left wing propaganda plumbs the lowest depths.

Never let it be said that the Left are loyal to the exercising of dispassionate logic when their arguments are weak.

06-17-2018, 08:07 PM
Even though this crap about "camps" has been debunked 50x, liberals just go :lalala: - and then report/discuss the same crap again the next day. / (http://www.breitbart.com/2018-elections/2018/06/17/nevertrump-mike-hayden-trump-border-policy-like-nazi-slave-labor-camp/)

Sounds like an internet message board I used to belong to :)

06-17-2018, 10:55 PM
How can the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency be so intellectually dishonest? The Nazis didn't separate children from their mothers, they marched together directly from the cattle cars into the gas chambers. Take a deep breath Dir. Hayden, just think of them as 5th-55th trimester abortions and the nobility of it will become clearer. Ah, progressiveism, I guess it's hard not to bring up the Nazi comparisons when one holds such deep seated solidarity with their national socialist brethren....


06-18-2018, 01:07 AM
Had a conversation over the weekend with a german; she swore up and down the Nazis - hitler's nazis - were RIGHT wing. See, Hitler's nazis were RIGHT of full-on Communism. Thus, the Nazis were 'more right' than the worst possible outcome of left-leaning political agenda.

People are dumb.

06-18-2018, 01:54 AM
Had a conversation over the weekend with a german; she swore up and down the Nazis - hitler's nazis - were RIGHT wing. See, Hitler's nazis were RIGHT of full-on Communism. Thus, the Nazis were 'more right' than the worst possible outcome of left-leaning political agenda.

People are dumb.

Reminds me of the news coverage back in the day when the prevailing thought was that things would be all sunshine a roses if it wasn't for those right wing reactionaries under Brezhnev messing things up.

06-18-2018, 05:56 AM
Had a conversation over the weekend with a german; she swore up and down the Nazis - hitler's nazis - were RIGHT wing. See, Hitler's nazis were RIGHT of full-on Communism. Thus, the Nazis were 'more right' than the worst possible outcome of left-leaning political agenda.

People are dumb.

Right wing, eh ?

Get your friend to explain the manifesto Hitler came up with for his Party, then, before Hitler had a chance to turn Germany into a dictatorship. Perhaps, in particular, she can explain the 'Right wing virtues' of wholesale State nationalisation ... a prominent bullet point in that very manifesto ??

06-18-2018, 01:33 PM
The left seems to think they've found something worthy of harping about. They were all over CBS this morning with some idiot named Pfeiffer who is just a picture-perfect definition of leftwingbot parrot just beating this this crap to death about how unamerican it was, and against out values.

Never mind the law. Don't want your family split up? Don't bring it.

06-18-2018, 06:43 PM
The left seems to think they've found something worthy of harping about. They were all over CBS this morning with some idiot named Pfeiffer who is just a picture-perfect definition of leftwingbot parrot just beating this this crap to death about how unamerican it was, and against out values.

Never mind the law. Don't want your family split up? Don't bring it.
They're pandering to their radical base. The democrat party has been hijacked, and the democrat propaganda wing knows that if they DON'T spew this moronic pap, they'll be eaten alive.

Cut their nose off to spite their face. They created this radical monster, and now they have to feed it. The problem for them is, they're getting more and more radical and un-American as time goes on, and thus, more and more Americans are going to reject them.

06-18-2018, 07:30 PM
While in appearances it seems a more serious attack right before the mid-terms, one can only hope it backfires on them. I don't want the Dems to get so much as a partial. They have, however, picked a lose-lose topic and misrepresented the Hell out of it.

06-18-2018, 08:00 PM
Democrats only see those illegal children as LOST FUTURE VOTES.

Note....the Dems will never admit the photos of the children behind cage, chain-link-fence were taken during the OBAMA EIGHT YEARS of destroying America.

06-18-2018, 08:18 PM
They're appealing to the emotions of compassionate people. I can understand feeling sorry for the children especially. It really isn't fair at all to them.

Which makes it all the more despicable IMO for the left to use such a serious situation and the plight of others as some BS political ploy. They could care less about those immigrants just the same as they could care less about blacks. They pander for votes. Once they get the votes preying on ignorance, the minorities are discarded like the weekend's trash.

The left has NEVER kept a single promise to minorities. Yet the dummies STILL buy their crap. Look at the Jewish Americans. Obama all but armed Abbas and Hamas against Israel and the American Jews STILL voted Dem. Talk about stupid :rolleyes:

Come to America and pick fruits and vegetables or manicure lawns. Where are you going to live in this country on unskilled labor pay? If you become a citizen and have to pay taxes?

Nowhere is where.