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View Full Version : An example of a potential 'Hate Crime' .. ??

06-18-2018, 07:31 AM
Saw this posted on a social media site just minutes ago, as I type. It's part of the overall message left there ....

I just witnessed a pregnant woman get arrested for carrying a union jack. A Muslim was claiming it offended him and about 10 officers arrested her for her own safety. There was 1 Muslim and about 30 Brits all Brits was saying the cops was wrong.

I phone the Oldham police and they told me if a Muslim reports he is uncomfortable with someone holding a flag they will be attested for causing racial hate crime.

We are at war with our government, police forces and Islam.

[... I think that should read, 'arrested' ...]

This is how far the Left have taken us down the appeasement route, here in the UK. Can it ever happen where you are ??

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2018, 08:03 AM
Saw this posted on a social media site just minutes ago, as I type. It's part of the overall message left there ....

[... I think that should read, 'arrested' ...]

This is how far the Left have taken us down the appeasement route, here in the UK. Can it ever happen where you are ??

Yes it can and it is already started here. Dem party and government has already started treated muslims as special citizens.
Special as in having far more rights than we that are not muslim, same way they have done for the blacks when they cry out about anything.
We are maybe 15 to 20 years behind Britain in what will occur, IMHO.
Remember this this old saying, ""A house ("nation") divided can not stand.""
Didnt your government already break up the main brit group that was attempting to stop this muslim scourge and its agenda. Arresting its top members??
The fact the muslims are so special and have that status sanctioned by the Brit government that they can get a native Brit citizen arrested for merely
SAYING THAT CITIZEN CAUSED THEM TO FEEL ILL AT EASE, means all non-muslims there are now already second class citizens.
Michigan is one state that has already surrendered to the ffing scum.-Tyr




06-18-2018, 04:48 PM
Saw this posted on a social media site just minutes ago, as I type. It's part of the overall message left there ....

[... I think that should read, 'arrested' ...]

This is how far the Left have taken us down the appeasement route, here in the UK. Can it ever happen where you are ??What was that stupid movie with Michael Myers where his little Euro car was a Union Jack? I'd order THAT care and drive it around London.

Screw those ragheads. Their religion offends me.

06-18-2018, 05:02 PM
Yes it can and it is already started here. Dem party and government has already started treated muslims as special citizens.
Special as in having far more rights than we that are not muslim, same way they have done for the blacks when they cry out about anything.
We are maybe 15 to 20 years behind Britain in what will occur, IMHO.
Remember this this old saying, ""A house ("nation") divided can not stand.""
Didnt your government already break up the main brit group that was attempting to stop this muslim scourge and its agenda. Arresting its top members??
The fact the muslims are so special and have that status sanctioned by the Brit government that they can get a native Brit citizen arrested for merely
SAYING THAT CITIZEN CAUSED THEM TO FEEL ILL AT EASE, means all non-muslims there are now already second class citizens.
Michigan is one state that has already surrendered to the ffing scum.-Tyr

Yes it's already here, it's been here... far as I'm concerned, they could set up a 50 cal pit and just mow those sons a bitches down.

They don't like it here, then please, GET THE FUCK OTTA HERE!


06-18-2018, 05:03 PM
Yes it can and it is already started here. Dem party and government has already started treated muslims as special citizens.
Special as in having far more rights than we that are not muslim, same way they have done for the blacks when they cry out about anything.
We are maybe 15 to 20 years behind Britain in what will occur, IMHO.
Remember this this old saying, ""A house ("nation") divided can not stand.""
Didnt your government already break up the main brit group that was attempting to stop this muslim scourge and its agenda. Arresting its top members??
The fact the muslims are so special and have that status sanctioned by the Brit government that they can get a native Brit citizen arrested for merely
SAYING THAT CITIZEN CAUSED THEM TO FEEL ILL AT EASE, means all non-muslims there are now already second class citizens.
Michigan is one state that has already surrendered to the ffing scum.-Tyr

Yes it's already here, it's been here... far as I'm concerned, they could set up a 50 cal pit and just mow those sons a bitches down.

They don't like it here, then please, GET THE FUCK OTTA HERE!

We need to play "cowboys and muslims"...


06-18-2018, 05:41 PM
Yes it can and it is already started here. Dem party and government has already started treated muslims as special citizens.
Special as in having far more rights than we that are not muslim, same way they have done for the blacks when they cry out about anything.
We are maybe 15 to 20 years behind Britain in what will occur, IMHO.
Remember this this old saying, ""A house ("nation") divided can not stand.""
Didnt your government already break up the main brit group that was attempting to stop this muslim scourge and its agenda. Arresting its top members??
The fact the muslims are so special and have that status sanctioned by the Brit government that they can get a native Brit citizen arrested for merely
SAYING THAT CITIZEN CAUSED THEM TO FEEL ILL AT EASE, means all non-muslims there are now already second class citizens.
Michigan is one state that has already surrendered to the ffing scum.-Tyr



I think the 'main Brit group' you must be referring to is Tommy Robinson and his people.

Ah .. BUT ... thanks to media spin, they were never seen as any 'main' group, but always marginalised as far-Right 'loons'. Robinson is just starting a jail sentence, I believe. The fact is that to work to act against Muslims, AS Muslims, is illegal here.

There was also 'Britain First' ... a separate group, demonised as 'fascistic'. Its senior people also received jail sentences. See ....


Jayda Kaleigh Fransen is the deputy leader of Britain First, a far-right British fascist political organisation in the United Kingdom, and served as its acting leader for six months after incumbent leader Paul Golding was imprisoned in December 2016. In addition to online anti-Islamic activism, she has regularly marched, brandishing a white cross, in "Christian patrols" through predominantly Muslim districts of British towns.

In March 2018, Fransen was sentenced to 36 weeks imprisonment after being convicted of three counts of religiously aggravated harassment.

If you go down the same path as we have, you'll eventually find - in the name of 'enlightened thinking' - that to hold, and freely express, thoughts and opinions not in keeping with the 'approved' line, will be demonised as illegal and worse.

06-18-2018, 05:58 PM
I think the 'main Brit group' you must be referring to is Tommy Robinson and his people.

Ah .. BUT ... thanks to media spin, they were never seen as any 'main' group, but always marginalised as far-Right 'loons'. Robinson is just starting a jail sentence, I believe. The fact is that to work to act against Muslims, AS Muslims, is illegal here.

There was also 'Britain First' ... a separate group, demonised as 'fascistic'. Its senior people also received jail sentences. See ....


If you go down the same path as we have, you'll eventually find - in the name of 'enlightened thinking' - that to hold, and freely express, thoughts and opinions not in keeping with the 'approved' line, will be demonised as illegal and worse.
This is how wars are started, and I see another war brewing between islam and the WORLD. At some point, this shit is going to hit critical mass, and the shit is going to hit the fan.

History will repeat itself because we didn't learn the first time. As long as islam is allowed to flourish, this garbage will never end, ever. islam should be eradicated from the face of the earth, or relegated to their own shit hole sand pits and not allowed out.

06-18-2018, 06:04 PM
I think the 'main Brit group' you must be referring to is Tommy Robinson and his people.

Ah .. BUT ... thanks to media spin, they were never seen as any 'main' group, but always marginalised as far-Right 'loons'. Robinson is just starting a jail sentence, I believe. The fact is that to work to act against Muslims, AS Muslims, is illegal here.

There was also 'Britain First' ... a separate group, demonised as 'fascistic'. Its senior people also received jail sentences. See ....


If you go down the same path as we have, you'll eventually find - in the name of 'enlightened thinking' - that to hold, and freely express, thoughts and opinions not in keeping with the 'approved' line, will be demonised as illegal and worse.

I consider "enlightened" thinking as recognizing a threat for what it is, calling it for what it is, and terminating it for what it is.

06-18-2018, 09:58 PM
This is how wars are started, and I see another war brewing between islam and the WORLD. At some point, this shit is going to hit critical mass, and the shit is going to hit the fan.

History will repeat itself because we didn't learn the first time. As long as islam is allowed to flourish, this garbage will never end, ever. islam should be eradicated from the face of the earth, or relegated to their own shit hole sand pits and not allowed out.

I'd suggest that this incarnation has potential to be even worse. It isn't just that we haven't 'learned from the first time'. This time around, we aren't even being PERMITTED to learn.

Combine a relentless media propaganda onslaught with the full force of the law, and you've got an Orwellian '1984' scenario on your hands, where you can only perceive what the almighty State deigns to LET you see ... where the language of what you are expected to identify with is pre-written for you.

Example: opposition to Islam = 'Islamophobia'; 'Bigotry'; 'Racism'.

'English Socialism' ? Nothing so parochial these days. If Leftists have their way, it'd become a global Socialist phenomenon. To think as you are expected to think, and ONLY as you are expected to think.