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06-20-2018, 09:23 AM
Some more than obvious and some pushing it a little.

The splitting up is made up to an extent. No one cared before, none. And it's always odd to me when I see folks ignoring something from one side and then going nuts if the other does it. This hypocrisy is well known among liberals.

We don't "have" to let anyone in at all. And with America constantly growing in population, and illegals, and crimes, we need to do our due diligence in how this all happens. Refugees or asylum, off to detention no different than an illegal sneaking across the border. Do things the legal route and you avoid this entire issue. All claims should be looked into, not just record an illegal act and send them and their family on their way, never to be heard from again.

Indians. :laugh: Next!

Claiming (R)'s want to convert them to republican voters is hilariously incorrect, since it's the exact opposite.

A wall at our border would make a difference, just as it does at many other countries. Of course it won't solve the issue, but it would help tremendously.

They (illegals) DO take jobs from legal Americans, that's simply a fact. They don't pay jack shit to the government, so they can afford to work for like 30-40-50% less than Americans and still get by. Especially if they have 19 people in one house. :rolleyes:

Americans WILL WILL WILL do these jobs, and claims of otherwise are either naive or haven't worked crappy jobs themselves. I worked as a landscaper for quite a few years. I started with the push mower, weed whacking & getting on my knees and picking weeds and all the other menial jobs that others didn't want to do. My nephew worked for years in Georgia at some chicken houses. So in the stifling heat, after some rigs just emptied the building of chickens, he would spend days cleaning up the chicken shit. I have NEVER smelled anything so bad. You can smell it starting like a 1/2 mile away while doing 55! My brother in law was a shit cleaner as well, but human, as he would go around and suck up the insides of the portable toilets.


The 5 Worst Illegal Immigration Arguments

1. We’re splitting up children from their parents!

Are you an American citizen? Well, if you commit a serious crime tomorrow, you will be separated from your children. Try taking your kid with you to commit a bank robbery and see how far you get arguing that you should be able to take junior with you to Leavenworth. Speaking of which, what kind of idiots want to put 10-year-olds in detention centers with their parents and any random person we catch on the border? It’s a stupid idea that people push so they can virtue signal. “Oh, I’m such a good person and I really care about the children! That’s why I want little Sally locked up with the nice guy we caught on the border, the one with the nasty disposition and face tattoos.” It’s not as if ICE is roaming through Mexico kidnapping children or anything. All you have to do to avoid being split up from your children is the same thing Americans have to do: Obey the law.

2. We must allow people into America because they’re REFUGEES

“Oh, but these illegals should be allowed into America because of... domestic violence/MS-13/drug cartels/anti-gay attitudes/violence….” Here’s an alternate idea: It’s not our problem. MS-13 or a drug cartel is threatening you in your home country? That sounds like something for the government of YOUR COUNTRY to deal with. Only about 40 percent of the world lives in a democracy and roughly 80 percent of the world lives on less than $10 a day. Start adding in war, crime, backward attitudes and the other sundry problems afflicting much of humanity and the number of people who clearly would be better off here than where they live would extend to what? 3 billion? 4 billion? 5 billion? More? I’m sure there are many people who love virtue signaling so much that they’d love to let all those people come here, but there wouldn’t be anything worth calling America left when they were done.

3. But, but, but, the STATUE OF LIBERTY

The Statue of Liberty says "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” That means we have to take unlimited numbers of illegal aliens… or something. It’s hard to understand the logic of this kind of thinking because a statue is not an immigration policy. Nor does it have any bearing on whether we take in legal or illegal immigrants, how many we take in or what conditions we put in place to allow immigration here. The whole idea that we have to take anybody who sneaks into our country instead of setting up a rational policy and following it because of poetic language on a statue is completely insane.

4. We have no right to stop illegal immigrants from coming here since we took this land from the Indians

Do people who make this ridiculous argument realize that there’s not a square inch of land on the entire planet that wasn’t taken from one group or another at some point in time? Do they realize that the “Indians” were not one happy, homogenous group that had been there since the beginning of time? We don’t know exactly where the Indian tribes came from, but it is generally believed that they migrated to North America from Asia. Did they show up and take land from the people that were already there? Yes, probably and even if they didn’t do that, they certainly violently took land from each other on a regular basis. Americans have no more reason to feel guilty about taking land from the Indians than they did for taking land from each other. That has been the way of the world since the beginning of time and it has absolutely nothing to do with what America’s immigration policy should be.

5. Republicans can allow massive numbers of illegal immigrants and covert them to Republicans

One of the most bizarre arguments that you hear on a regular basis from amnesty-loving Republicans is that embracing illegal immigration will BENEFIT Republicans. This makes no sense whatsoever given that Reagan (37 percent of the Hispanic vote) already agreed to an amnesty in 1986 and then when George Bush won in a landslide in 1988, he received 30 percent of the Hispanic vote (Trump got 29 percent). Well wait, what about the most pro-amnesty Republican alive, “Amnesty” John McCain? He did great with Hispanic voters, right? No, he only got 32 percent of the Hispanic vote. So, when you start talking about bringing in millions and millions of Hispanic voters (and new Hispanic immigrants lean even more heavily Democrat than ones who have been here for a while), what you’re really doing is massively tilting the electoral battlefield toward the Left. Why do you think Democrats are so rabidly against any type of border security and so adamant that illegals should be rewarded for breaking the law with American citizenship? It’s because they quite correctly looked at states like California, saw what massively increasing the number of Hispanic voters achieved for them there (from Governor Reagan to a deep blue state) and want to do the same thing for the rest of the country. Can you imagine Democrats supporting an immigration program that brings in heavily Republican blocs of voters with the assumption that somehow, some way they will turn them into liberals down the road? Of course not, because despite their many, many flaws, Democrats are not that stupid. Sadly, many amnesty-loving Republicans are.


7 Truths Liberals Will Never Acknowledge About Illegal Immigration

As Congress is gearing up to discuss a new amnesty, it’s striking how many falsehoods and bad assumptions made by liberals are driving the debate. Maybe it’s time to start talking about the truth.

1. Any sort of legalization or amnesty encourages more illegal aliens to come here

During the Reagan administration, we had a “one-time” amnesty that featured promises of security in return for three million illegals getting to become citizens. Today, most estimates seem to put the number of illegals in the United States somewhere between 11-12.5 million. In other words, seeing that we weren’t serious about enforcing our immigration laws led to more illegals than ever coming here in hopes of getting amnesty. If this amnesty goes through, we can expect to see the exact same problem repeated in a few decades.

2. A wall would make a major difference

A wall was never intended to be a fix for illegal immigration in and of itself. To the contrary, it’s a force multiplier. What we see everywhere that we have full fencing up is that illegals overwhelmingly avoid those areas. In other words, you can use a wall to direct illegals to certain areas and concentrate the border patrol in those areas. As we’ve seen in Israel and even around the White House and the Vatican, walls work. If you’re serious about stopping illegal immigration, you support a wall.

3. Illegal aliens hurt the poorest American workers

Because illegal aliens don’t need health insurance and car insurance and they can lie on their taxes to get the earned income tax credit, they can work cheaper than American workers. So, not only do the 11-12.5 million illegals outright take jobs that citizens would otherwise have, they drive wages down for all the workers competing with them. That’s Economics 101. When supply outstrips demand, the price drops.

4. Illegal immigration is almost entirely about votes for liberals
If illegal aliens voted heavily Republican instead of overwhelmingly liberal, you’d already be able to see the wall between us and Mexico from space. Liberals can use any excuse they want, but for every million illegals that become American citizens, the Democrats add about 600,000 more new potential supporters than Republicans. Because of that, there are no limits to the number of illegal aliens Democrats will support turning into Americans.

5. There are no jobs “Americans won’t do"

This is easy to prove because there isn’t a single field where illegal immigrants make up the majority of the workers. So there are more Americans doing all those jobs we supposedly need illegals to do. If every illegal disappeared tomorrow, within a year or two, wages would rise enough in those professions so that American workers would fill those jobs or alternately, automation would be used to replace the workers. There may be rich business owners who benefit from having cheap illegal labor, but we don’t “need” illegals for anything.

6. The crime committed by illegal aliens is a big problem

As someone who hired a researcher to come up with illegal alien crime research, I can tell you that there is no such nationwide data. Why? I strongly suspect that it’s because if we had data, it would contradict the frequently heard claim that illegals don’t commit very much crime. Certainly there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that illegals commit horrible crimes in America, but in some of the places where there are a lot of illegals and we do have data, the numbers suggest there is an extremely serious crime problem with illegals:

The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;

Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;

Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;

Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.”

* “From 1998 to 2007, 816,000 criminal aliens were removed from the United States because of a criminal charge or conviction. This is equal to about one-fifth of the nation’s total jail and prison population.

7. If you’re not willing to deport people today, you won’t be willing to deport them tomorrow

The argument we’ve been getting for the last 32 years on illegal immigration is that if we do an amnesty for illegals today, then we’ll start deporting people afterward. Except it never works like that. NEVER – and why would it? What reason would there be to deport people tomorrow that isn’t just as good today? We have every reason to believe that if we choose amnesty over deportation today that we’ll do exactly the same thing tomorrow.
