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View Full Version : The border (faux) outrage continues

06-20-2018, 09:33 AM
Don't place kids in cages, but ignore when Obama did the same. They are internment camps continue, but nothing remotely like that when Obama did the same. Hell, there was pretty much NOTHING when Obama did the same. So I'm being dead honest when I say I really don't understand the outrage compared to the lack of when Obama was in charge. Other than hypocrisy, I can't think of any other reason. Women crying and it's a "crisis". The worse they make it sound, the more hypocritical they appear. John McCain was 100% zero tolerance not long ago - but now that it's Trump - 100% against. Many videos out there of both Obama and Hillary talking in 100% support if removing illegal aliens. Everyone that was against the increasing problem, is for whatever reason now want to let them in without question.

Now they want to remove any ability for federal agents to do their jobs, and to prohibit arrests within 100 miles of the border - even if a felony? And where's the outage about that?


The border (faux) outrage continues

On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast, we talk about how outrage is all the rage on the left when it comes to the border “crisis.”

With all the moral preening by Democrats and the media (redundant?), you’d think they’d be on board with any solution to “stop the suffering.” Weirdly, they are not, as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has rejected any plan to address the situation. Seems they’d rather have the issue than a solution.

The liberal mob, riled up by over-the-top rhetoric from the media, stormed a restaurant in Washington to shout down and chase out Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. This is going to become more common as the left becomes further unhinged.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has a bill to address the issue, and every Senate Democrat has signed on to support it. But, as Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins points out, it would make it illegal to arrest any illegal alien within 100 miles of the border, even if they’ve committed a serious felony. Sounds crazy, right? Feinstein admits that’s what her bill does, and we have the audio to prove it.


06-20-2018, 09:38 AM
Don't place kids in cages, but ignore when Obama did the same. They are internment camps continue, but nothing remotely like that when Obama did the same. Hell, there was pretty much NOTHING when Obama did the same. So I'm being dead honest when I say I really don't understand the outrage compared to the lack of when Obama was in charge. Other than hypocrisy, I can't think of any other reason. Women crying and it's a "crisis". The worse they make it sound, the more hypocritical they appear. John McCain was 100% zero tolerance not long ago - but now that it's Trump - 100% against. Many videos out there of both Obama and Hillary talking in 100% support if removing illegal aliens. Everyone that was against the increasing problem, is for whatever reason now want to let them in without question.

Now they want to remove any ability for federal agents to do their jobs, and to prohibit arrests within 100 miles of the border - even if a felony? And where's the outage about that?


The border (faux) outrage continues

On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast, we talk about how outrage is all the rage on the left when it comes to the border “crisis.”

With all the moral preening by Democrats and the media (redundant?), you’d think they’d be on board with any solution to “stop the suffering.” Weirdly, they are not, as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has rejected any plan to address the situation. Seems they’d rather have the issue than a solution.

The liberal mob, riled up by over-the-top rhetoric from the media, stormed a restaurant in Washington to shout down and chase out Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. This is going to become more common as the left becomes further unhinged.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has a bill to address the issue, and every Senate Democrat has signed on to support it. But, as Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins points out, it would make it illegal to arrest any illegal alien within 100 miles of the border, even if they’ve committed a serious felony. Sounds crazy, right? Feinstein admits that’s what her bill does, and we have the audio to prove it.

http://dailycaller.com/2018/06/20/the-border-faux-outrage-continues/Feinstein seemed to have mellowed out there for awhile but it looks like she's refilled her bat-shit crazy prescription.

06-20-2018, 10:58 AM
They knew they could say one thing and do another when the kenyan was illegally president.

But now that they see they're supply of new democrat voters is beginning to be cut off, they're having a total shit fit. Which just goes to show, they don't personally give a rats ass about the plight of illegal aliens, it's all about votes and hanging onto power.

Same reason they hate Kanye West. He's a dangerous black man because he supports Trump and can peel off black voters to vote republican.

Black Diamond
06-21-2018, 10:18 AM

Abbey Marie
06-21-2018, 04:41 PM
Gonna be brutally honest here:
I look at those photos of children being detained, and I feel nothing.

Unless it counts that I feel sorry for them that their parents knowingly and willingly put them in this situation.

I guess I should turn in my woman card.


06-21-2018, 05:15 PM
Gonna be brutally honest here:
I look at those photos of children being detained, and I feel nothing.

Unless it counts that I feel sorry for them that their parents knowingly and willingly put them in this situation.

I guess I should turn in my woman card.


Now Abbey, don't be so right leaning that you place the majority of the blame
right squarely where it belongs - THE PARENTS.

Be leftist and blame the USA and Trump for enforcing the LAW, the LAW that was
completely ignored by the prior administration. One where defying the LAW was
encouraged, albeit silently.

06-21-2018, 05:30 PM
Gonna be brutally honest here:
I look at those photos of children being detained, and I feel nothing.

Unless it counts that I feel sorry for them that their parents knowingly and willingly put them in this situation.

I guess I should turn in my woman card.


Some parents applied for asylum. So... children should suffer, why?

Abbey Marie
06-21-2018, 07:06 PM
Some parents applied for asylum. So... children should suffer, why?

What percentage?

06-21-2018, 07:25 PM
Some parents applied for asylum. So... children should suffer, why?Different thread -- same argument shot down in the last thread you posted it. Anyone in your family named Jillian, by chance? Don't like getting your ass handed to you? Quit the argument where it's happening and repeat elsewhere :rolleyes:

*yawn* "I'm seeking asylum No one will hand me a job in Central America. And not only am I going to illegally invade YOUR country, I'm bringing my rugrats to use as political ploys as well." :rolleyes:

Gotcha covered.