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View Full Version : Should we annex Mexico?

Black Diamond
06-20-2018, 04:38 PM
Make them all citizens. Have schools in "both" countries teach English and Spanish from kindergarten on up. Create new states out of what is now Mexico

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2018, 04:46 PM
Make them all citizens. Have schools in "both" countries teach English and Spanish from kindergarten on up. Create new states out of what is now Mexico

Yes! And actually take all of their oil, since the dem/libs claim we do that every country we end up fighting. That way they pay for their keep and for once in their miserable,worthless lives, the ffing lying ass dems will be telling the damn truth!
Would be a win win, if we then executed all of drug cartel leaders and most of the corrupt mexi cali government!!---Tyr

06-20-2018, 04:51 PM
Make them all citizens. Have schools in "both" countries teach English and Spanish from kindergarten on up. Create new states out of what is now Mexico
I've asked the same question many times, and I'm met with rebuttals saying, why would we want to inherit all their corruption?

I think we should annex Mexico and leave the military there, clean the place up. Sure there's lots of bad people there, but there's lots of good people too, and would probably like America to take the place over and restore law and order.

06-20-2018, 05:22 PM
What makes you think Mexico would want to be part of the U.S.?

06-20-2018, 05:29 PM
What makes you think Mexico would want to be part of the U.S.?
What makes you think they don't?

Like if we did annex them we'd ask... :laugh:

Black Diamond
06-20-2018, 05:32 PM
What makes you think Mexico would want to be part of the U.S.?
The fact people do all they can to get here, legally or not. In the extreme heat with rattlesnakes and scorpions (along the Arizona California portion)

Black Diamond
06-20-2018, 05:32 PM
What makes you think they don't?

Like if we did annex them we'd ask... :laugh:
Some Germans in what used to be east Germany want to go back to the way it was during Cold War

06-20-2018, 05:36 PM
Some Germans in what used to be east Germany want to go back to the way it was during Cold War
Anything to get rid of that moronic open borders NWO turd Merkel.

06-20-2018, 05:44 PM
Make them all citizens. Have schools in "both" countries teach English and Spanish from kindergarten on up. Create new states out of what is now Mexico

No. We need to kick their asses out of our country before THEY annex US.

Black Diamond
06-20-2018, 05:49 PM
No. We need to kick their asses out of our country before THEY annex US.
That doesn't seem to be politically viable.

Black Diamond
06-20-2018, 05:49 PM
Anything to get rid of that moronic open borders NWO turd Merkel.
Merkel will do a better job of destroying her own country than hitler did. And she will do it in the opposite way.

06-20-2018, 06:06 PM
.... yes, well. Who, here, can imagine the international furore should the US ever carry out an annexation of Mexico !

Russia's annexation of Crimea received international attention ... but that, as it was, would be as nothing compared to the vitriolic condemnation coming from all quarters if the US tried it with Mexico. The Left would never let Trump and his successors live it down. They'd argue that it was proof of a contempt the US has for freedom itself ....

That so many Mexicans try to leave their country, that by their own efforts, they ally themselves to America purely voluntarily, would be immediately 'overlooked' by attackers' propagandising, of course. As would the inevitable improvement in Mexican living standards.

06-22-2018, 10:43 AM
I would rather we give them Southern California....

06-22-2018, 11:14 AM
.... yes, well. Who, here, can imagine the international furore should the US ever carry out an annexation of Mexico !

Russia's annexation of Crimea received international attention ... but that, as it was, would be as nothing compared to the vitriolic condemnation coming from all quarters if the US tried it with Mexico. The Left would never let Trump and his successors live it down. They'd argue that it was proof of a contempt the US has for freedom itself ....

That so many Mexicans try to leave their country, that by their own efforts, they ally themselves to America purely voluntarily, would be immediately 'overlooked' by attackers' propagandising, of course. As would the inevitable improvement in Mexican living standards.We could have annexed Mexico in 1846. There's a REASON we threw it back in the water :)

06-22-2018, 12:15 PM
Make them all citizens. Have schools in "both" countries teach English and Spanish from kindergarten on up. Create new states out of what is now Mexico

Why annex it?

Lots of Mexicans do not believe in the treaties following the war with Mexico, nor do they recognize
the Gasden Purchase.

They think all of the SW USA still belongs to Mexico.

06-22-2018, 12:54 PM
Or do we need to annex the Third World?


Black Diamond
06-22-2018, 01:39 PM
Or do we need to annex the Third World?

Start with Mexico. See how that goes.