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View Full Version : The 2018 Democrat Party: "UNHINGED"

06-27-2018, 05:18 AM
Saying there's incivility on BOTH sides of the political spectrum is like comparing a mountain to a mole hill... yes there's a lot of incivility out there today, but the vast, VAST majority of it is being perpetrated by ONE SIDE... the DEMOCRATS... and to deny that is simply being dishonest...


Abbey Marie
06-27-2018, 09:56 AM
A friend just sent that video to me this morning.

Their unhinged behavior is disturbing and sad. But even worse is their shift to Socialism. I just don’t know what is going to happen to this great country. I guess I won’t be around to see most of it. Or I’ll be drooling in a cup somewhere, thinking it’s 1970.

06-27-2018, 10:01 AM
lol really? You think Kathy Griffin, Maxine Waters, Johnny Depp and Bill Mahr etc represent the whole democratic party. Comedians, a coked up actor and a nutjob politician? This is the kind of bullshit we keep talking about.

06-27-2018, 10:09 AM
A friend just sent this to me this morning.

Their unhinged behavior is disturbing and sad. But even worse is their shift to Socialism. I just don’t know what is going to happen to this great country. I guess I won’t be around to see most of it. Or I’ll be drooling in a cup somewhere, thinking it’s 1970.

The shift toward socialism may be a blessing. No longer are they camouflaging their desires as simply 'the loyal opposition'. This may be the tectonic shift that finally breaks the Reagan/Trump Democrats off from the party in a desperate search for sanity. I can't believe that the party of Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn is 100%, all in for the Antifa self immolation prescription for America.

Abbey Marie
06-27-2018, 10:18 AM
The shift toward socialism may be a blessing. No longer are they camouflaging their desires as simply 'the loyal opposition'. This may be the tectonic shift that finally breaks the Reagan/Trump Democrats off from the party in a desperate search for sanity. I can't believe that the party of Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn is 100%, all in for the Antifa self immolation prescription for America.

I truly hope you are right. But a Socialist young woman just won a primary in NYC.

06-27-2018, 10:19 AM
lol really? You think Kathy Griffin, Maxine Waters, Johnny Depp and Bill Mahr etc represent the whole democratic party. Comedians, a coked up actor and a nutjob politician? This is the kind of bullshit we keep talking about.

No, just about 65%.

06-27-2018, 10:24 AM
lol really? You think Kathy Griffin, Maxine Waters, Johnny Depp and Bill Mahr etc represent the whole democratic party. Comedians, a coked up actor and a nutjob politician? This is the kind of bullshit we keep talking about.

Show me the conservatives pulling this kind of crap... non stop...

One thing we can be SURE of, when we see a PROTEST, which are NON STOP on tv, it isn't CONSERVATIVES, you can bet your bottom dollar it's DEMOCRATS, or chasing people out of restaurants, or screaming in someone's face, or making vulgar outrageous comments, or bullying people, or getting violent. 99.9% of the time, it's DEMOCRATS, and there is NO, DENYING, IT.

Abbey Marie
06-27-2018, 10:25 AM
Maybe Hollyweird needs another dose of McCarthyism... You know, clean out the commie riffraff.


06-27-2018, 10:50 AM
Maybe Hollyweird needs another dose of McCarthyism... You know, clean out the commie riffraff.

It might be coming to that. It's certainly one more thing about the new radicals that have taken over the democrat party to use against them in campaign ads.

I think old school democrats like JFK would roll over in their graves if they could see what the democrat party has turned into.

06-27-2018, 10:53 AM
A friend just sent this to me this morning.

Their unhinged behavior is disturbing and sad. But even worse is their shift to Socialism. I just don’t know what is going to happen to this great country. I guess I won’t be around to see most of it. Or I’ll be drooling in a cup somewhere, thinking it’s 1970.

Yes, it is scary. Socialism can ruin any country within one generation. Just ask anyone from Venezuela or Greece.

Socialism is based on one premise: the country can spend like idiots and its bank account will never run out. By the time the country realizes that bank accounts DO run out, its too late and several generations have to live in cardboard boxes and scrounge for food out of garbage cans.

06-27-2018, 10:55 AM
Yes, it is scary. Socialism can ruin any country within one generation. Just ask anyone from Venezuela or Greece.

Socialism is based on one premise: the country can spend like idiots and its bank account will never run out. By the time the country realizes that bank accounts DO run out, its too late and several generations have to live in cardboard boxes and scrounge for food out of garbage cans.
Socialism is based on one premise, and that is that you, the individual, are too STUPID to know what to do with your OWN MONEY. You need to give all your money to the GOVERNMENT, because they're the only ones SMART enough to know how to spend it.

Anyone subscribing to that ideology needs their damn head examined, and evidently that's a lot of idiots in NYC.

06-27-2018, 11:09 AM
I truly hope you are right. But a Socialist young woman just won a primary in NYC.

And in the process brought down the #4 Democrat in the House, the leading contender to Pelosi for the House Dem leadership. The communist left has managed to severely weaken the Dems in the House while solidifying the position of the New Democrats as a fringe, coastal, big city party totally detached from 90% of the country. Just wait until the DNC enforces their new rule that national candidates need to be registered Dems to qualify, a slap in the face to their demi-God, Bernie. Watch the 'Blue Wall' come tumbling down.

06-27-2018, 12:10 PM
Yes, it is scary. Socialism can ruin any country within one generation. Just ask anyone from Venezuela or Greece.

Socialism is based on one premise: the country can spend like idiots and its bank account will never run out. By the time the country realizes that bank accounts DO run out, its too late and several generations have to live in cardboard boxes and scrounge for food out of garbage cans.

Truth, Scandinavia a fucking scary! Damn I never want to go there. Totally chaos.

06-27-2018, 12:26 PM
Truth, Scandinavia a fucking scary! Damn I never want to go there. Totally chaos.

So you've been to Sweden recently I see:


06-27-2018, 12:29 PM
Truth, Scandinavia a fucking scary! Damn I never want to go there. Totally chaos.


You think that crap is so great, move there.

Black Diamond
06-27-2018, 12:30 PM
Truth, Scandinavia a fucking scary! Damn I never want to go there. Totally chaos.
Nah you and the rest of the left can leave this racist place before we throw you in the oven.

06-27-2018, 12:31 PM
And the thread being hijacked away from the democrats being UNHINGED hasn't gone unnoticed either.

Abbey Marie
06-27-2018, 01:42 PM
Truth, Scandinavia a fucking scary! Damn I never want to go there. Totally chaos.

Lol, totally ignoring the vast # of Socialist failures, I see.

Not to mention how letting in Muslim refugees will ruin Scandinavia even faster. Lots of smart decisions there.

06-27-2018, 03:36 PM
Lol, totally ignoring the vast # of Socialist failures, I see.

Not to mention how letting in Muslim refugees will ruin Scandinavia even faster. Lots of smart decisions there.

Your inability to understand the vast difference between countries like Venezuela and and Norway is laughable. The US is in no danger of becoming Venezuela. That is PURE fear mongering.

06-27-2018, 03:38 PM
So you've been to Sweden recently I see:


I was in Finland last summer. Stop fear mongering and listening to the propaganda that reinforces your closely held ideology.

06-27-2018, 04:09 PM
I was in Finland last summer. Stop fear mongering and listening to the propaganda that reinforces your closely held ideology.
If it's so great, why don't you move there?

It's an honest question... I'm curious...

Abbey Marie
06-27-2018, 10:28 PM
Your inability to understand the vast difference between countries like Venezuela and and Norway is laughable. The US is in no danger of becoming Venezuela. That is PURE fear mongering.

Venezuela has tons of oil reserves. And was doing better before Socialism. So exactly what “laughable” advantages do you think Norway has over Venezuela? Cause right now I’m wondering if you have a serious bias against Latin Americans.

Black Diamond
06-27-2018, 10:36 PM
Venezuela has tons of oil reserves. And was doing better before Socialism. So exactly what “laughable” advantages do you think Norway has over Venezuela? Cause right now I’m wondering if you have a serious bias against Latin Americans.

06-28-2018, 02:20 AM
I was in Finland last summer. Stop fear mongering and listening to the propaganda that reinforces your closely held ideology.

Great to hear that you occasionally escape your socialist bubble in Milwaukee! I hope you had a good time in Finland. It's a great country. People are very friendly. My wife and I were invited for coffee and cake after attending Sunday service at the large Lutheran church on the University Square in Helsinki, a very nice time. My wife is a goldsmith and struck up a relationship with a local gem merchant who she still uses to this day. I hate to nit pick, since you are a Nordic/Finnish expert, but I thought your initial comment in this thread dealt with ridiculing Russ for his baseless fear of Scandinavian socialism. Surely you must know from your extensive travels that Finland is a parliamentary republic in which the parliament is the predominant political force. And of course you must know that of the 200 seat parliament the Centre Party (center right) - 49 seats, the Finns Party (far right) - 38 seats and the National Coalition Party (center right) - 37 seats make up the ruling coalition. Far from the socialist paradise you incorrectly assume exists in all Scandinavian states (sucks being an ugly American), Finland is actually a center right government that has been cutting back its' welfare state and privatizing various government functions for some time now. I guess that's why the country seems to be running so well.

I apologize for not using an accepted news authority like CNN or MSNBC when I linked a story about the current difficulties in Sweden's No Go Zones. I guess I'm just a sucker for propaganda sources that validate my bigoted, ignorant world view.

06-28-2018, 01:34 PM
Your inability to understand the vast difference between countries like Venezuela and and Norway is laughable. The US is in no danger of becoming Venezuela. That is PURE fear mongering.

Hey Pete, apparently VP Pence is aware of the vast difference between Venezuela and a Workers Paradise:


06-28-2018, 08:47 PM
"Purveyor of Daily, Fabricated, DNC DIS-information."

Where truth, honesty, and proven facts are ignored, twisted, and called LIBERAL FACTS.



06-29-2018, 06:13 PM
"Purveyor of Daily, Fabricated, DNC DIS-information."

Where truth, honesty, and proven facts are ignored, twisted, and called LIBERAL FACTS.



This gets nearer to the whole truth.

It isn't just about what is done with an economy. Socialism seeks to succeed through mass approval, but the big difference to Socialists is that they seek to win the hearts and minds by crafting how people think.

People may be 'happy' in high taxation Scandinavian countries, but this is because they're conned into accepting standards as 'normal' when in fact many in America would disagree. They believe high taxation equals civic duty. That it's 'right and proper' to have that status quo. Why ? Because their Socialists have had sufficient sway in society to make people believe it.

Here in the UK, we see our NHS falter, struggling to operate well. But the consensus here is that to maintain our NHS - regardless of cost - is still the 'desirable' and 'civilised' thing to do. Why ? Because several generations have been indoctrinated, by Socialists, into thinking nothing else.

I'm far from 'expert' in knowing anything in detail about your Democrats. I'm wondering, though, whether all that's happening is that it's showing its true, control-freaky, Socialist 'soul'. It's trying to evoke such a reaction to Trump as to kick-start something as polar opposite to him as possible --- and as speedily as possible.

In this way, I think they hope to avoid decades of the usual indoctrination process that other societies have gone through.