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View Full Version : Protest, Protest, Protest, Protest, PROTEST... PROTESTOPALOOZA...!!!

07-01-2018, 05:33 AM
One right after another, non stop, endless, seemingly one continuous protest as they all meld one right into another, it's the democrats going absolutely protest INSANE. If there's a protest, its DEMOCRATS, and I can't remember hardly a DAY go by since Trump won that we didn't have to hear and/or see some bunch of pathetic, jackass, screeching, screaming helplessly at the sky, vile, weirdo, often violent, blocking traffic, threatening, unhinged, hysterical, etc, bunch of DEMOCRATS in the streets with their signs making absurd, anti American, anti law enforcement, anarchistic, fascist, socialist, open borders DEMANDS on America and it's people.

I for one am so sick and fucking tired of hearing and looking at PROTESTERS, that whatever it is they're protesting, I'm automatically AGAINST IT, and I can't imagine that I'm the only one. I would bet my bottom dollar that MILLIONS of other Americans have PROTEST FATIGUE just like me, that as soon as they turn on the news and have to hear and watch about the latest, daily protests, they just think FUCK THESE PEOPLE and WHATEVER THE FUCK they want.

So this baffles me. Do the democrats NOT KNOW that what they're doing can and will actually BACK FIRE on them? Have they never heard of over exposure? Like that MY PILLOW commercial, I saw that damn commercial so many times having that freakin' pillow shoved in my face, that when I did see one in a store, I walked around it like it was DANGEROUS POISON. I wouldn't have one if you GAVE it to me. Same with these CONSTANT protests. I see news coverage of a PROTEST now and I TURN THE CHANNEL. Sickening sons a bitches... democrats.

07-01-2018, 08:57 AM

07-01-2018, 09:26 AM

No debating, no refuting, no anything... just trolling... you look like a loser... same as the little anti American, kenyan, muslim dog turd you posted a meme of. You offer virtually nothing to this board.

07-01-2018, 10:41 AM
One right after another, non stop, endless, seemingly one continuous protest as they all meld one right into another, it's the democrats going absolutely protest INSANE. If there's a protest, its DEMOCRATS, and I can't remember hardly a DAY go by since Trump won that we didn't have to hear and/or see some bunch of pathetic, jackass, screeching, screaming helplessly at the sky, vile, weirdo, often violent, blocking traffic, threatening, unhinged, hysterical, etc, bunch of DEMOCRATS in the streets with their signs making absurd, anti American, anti law enforcement, anarchistic, fascist, socialist, open borders DEMANDS on America and it's people.

I for one am so sick and fucking tired of hearing and looking at PROTESTERS, that whatever it is they're protesting, I'm automatically AGAINST IT, and I can't imagine that I'm the only one. I would bet my bottom dollar that MILLIONS of other Americans have PROTEST FATIGUE just like me, that as soon as they turn on the news and have to hear and watch about the latest, daily protests, they just think FUCK THESE PEOPLE and WHATEVER THE FUCK they want.

So this baffles me. Do the democrats NOT KNOW that what they're doing can and will actually BACK FIRE on them? Have they never heard of over exposure? Like that MY PILLOW commercial, I saw that damn commercial so many times having that freakin' pillow shoved in my face, that when I did see one in a store, I walked around it like it was DANGEROUS POISON. I wouldn't have one if you GAVE it to me. Same with these CONSTANT protests. I see news coverage of a PROTEST now and I TURN THE CHANNEL. Sickening sons a bitches... democrats.They piss me off to no end, but not so's you'd know it. THAT is EXACTLY what they want. Get attention and by disrupting everyone else's lives. They don't care about YOUR Rights. Just their "cause du jour".

Technically, protests that infringe on the Rights of others are NOT covered by the US Constitution. The Right to peacefully assemble and redress grievances is a far cry from blocking traffic, violence, interfering with lawful, peaceful protests, etc.

It's like everything else. The left pushes and gets away with it and it hasn't been stopped so they just keep pushing down that slippery slope with a more egregious outrage to keep YOU outraged.

Had the government doubled down after Kent State, you wouldn't see this sh*t. Instead, it caved to clueless crybabies who felt serving the Nation that supports their lame asses was beneath them.

07-01-2018, 11:09 AM
They piss me off to no end, but not so's you'd know it. THAT is EXACTLY what they want. Get attention and by disrupting everyone else's lives. They don't care about YOUR Rights. Just their "cause du jour".

Technically, protests that infringe on the Rights of others are NOT covered by the US Constitution. The Right to peacefully assemble and redress grievances is a far cry from blocking traffic, violence, interfering with lawful, peaceful protests, etc.

It's like everything else. The left pushes and gets away with it and it hasn't been stopped so they just keep pushing down that slippery slope with a more egregious outrage to keep YOU outraged.

Had the government doubled down after Kent State, you wouldn't see this sh*t. Instead, it caved to clueless crybabies who felt serving the Nation that supports their lame asses was beneath them.


But try telling THEM that. After all, their sainted 'Fearless Leader' Obama condoned it, and it has gotten out of control.

There are silent protesters in front of the County Seat (Court House) building every Friday, rain or shine, dressed in black and holding their
meaningless signs. I do not pay them any attention. Why? Because attention is what they want so they can be further
impressed by themselves.

07-01-2018, 11:13 AM
They piss me off to no end, but not so's you'd know it. THAT is EXACTLY what they want. Get attention and by disrupting everyone else's lives. They don't care about YOUR Rights. Just their "cause du jour".

Technically, protests that infringe on the Rights of others are NOT covered by the US Constitution. The Right to peacefully assemble and redress grievances is a far cry from blocking traffic, violence, interfering with lawful, peaceful protests, etc.

It's like everything else. The left pushes and gets away with it and it hasn't been stopped so they just keep pushing down that slippery slope with a more egregious outrage to keep YOU outraged.

Had the government doubled down after Kent State, you wouldn't see this sh*t. Instead, it caved to clueless crybabies who felt serving the Nation that supports their lame asses was beneath them.
What I find absolutely incomprehensible, is that they're NOT winning ANYONE over. They're actually turning people AWAY from their... ahem... "cause."

Are they too STUPID to realize that?

07-01-2018, 11:20 AM
What I find absolutely incomprehensible, is that they're NOT winning ANYONE over. They're actually turning people AWAY from their... ahem... "cause."

Are they too STUPID to realize that?

Two words to sum it up: Selfish and Deluded.

07-01-2018, 11:46 AM
Two words to sum it up: Selfish and Deluded.
And no defense from any of board leftists in defense of all this non stop, endless, protestopalooza, just a troll meme of the kenyan dog turd.

07-01-2018, 12:00 PM
What I find absolutely incomprehensible, is that they're NOT winning ANYONE over. They're actually turning people AWAY from their... ahem... "cause."

Are they too STUPID to realize that?In most cases I agree. If you or your cause inconvenience me your cause is lost on my ears to me being pissed at YOU.

Honestly, never say never, but we don't have that kind of crap here. Maybe some small, isolated BS most people don't care about that gets little to no support. This is a blue collar city and most people want to get to or from work without your whiny ass in between.

07-02-2018, 01:00 PM
I find it difficult to believe that a board with so many veterans would be upset with protest rallies.
This country was founded by protesters and anti-government agitators. How many thousands of Americans have fought and died to preserve the right of people to protest the actions of politicians and others whose actions defy the will of the people?
As long as the U.S. is burdened with an idiot president and an incompetent administration, there are going to be protests. Large ones and smaller ones. The Revolution will be televised.
Not to mention the fact that massive protests piss off right wing conservatives who have been taught to accept orders without question.

07-02-2018, 02:59 PM
I find it difficult to believe that a board with so many veterans would be upset with protest rallies.
This country was founded by protesters and anti-government agitators. How many thousands of Americans have fought and died to preserve the right of people to protest the actions of politicians and others whose actions defy the will of the people?
As long as the U.S. is burdened with an idiot president and an incompetent administration, there are going to be protests. Large ones and smaller ones. The Revolution will be televised.
Not to mention the fact that massive protests piss off right wing conservatives who have been taught to accept orders without question.

But the beauty and the irony of what you write, is that Trump is rocking and rolling and winning, just as he stated he would. He's keeping promise after promise after promise. The only things that he hasn't lived up to yet aren't his fault and not for lack of trying, but more of ab obstruction issue. But much time left, a shit ton can get accomplished in 6 years, without a doubt. And if he has made such incredible gains in our economy in a quick 2 years, hopefully it will get better and better. It truly cannot get any worse than the shithead placed us in with the prior 8 years of ineptness and debt.

The protests we see generally aren't your normal protests where folks are demanding or looking for change. There are groups out there like antifa, that "tend" to get a wee bit violent at most events, and of course they are supported by those in attendance and applauded by those who couldn't be there. Then we'll see protests of things that are retarded, like the latest protests of shutting down ICE or some protesting to literally CLOSE all border patrol and just let anyone in. The protests are almost all off target, violent, anonymous, mask wearing troublemakers. Very rarely, if any, do you find folks marching like normal human beings for a genuine cause.

And the way they are acting will be the reason that they don't overwhelm and grab a shitload of seats during the mid-terms. I said well over a year ago, that it's typical usually for a large turn over when an 'opposing president' is elected to office. But the very actions of the idiots we have been watching for the last 2 years will prevent any romp from taking place, or worse for them. America is sick and tired of the baby games. The only folks who care are the folks marching. And this is why Trump's numbers have been increasing on a daily basis and stands at a current high, with numbers increasing from the democrats! And of course a record high approval from republicans, independents and unknowns.

Yes, it's nice to be winning all the time. But I couldn't care less if it were Trump, Obama or Shrillary. But the other 2 simply couldn't do it, and still couldn't. Their ways of course would kill us. We saw Obama wipe his ass on the COTUS daily. We watched Hillary do so and she wasn't even in office.

So I say everyone should lean back, let the democrats protests continue, and watch it help the nation come November.

07-02-2018, 03:01 PM
I find it difficult to believe that a board with so many veterans would be upset with protest rallies.
This country was founded by protesters and anti-government agitators. How many thousands of Americans have fought and died to preserve the right of people to protest the actions of politicians and others whose actions defy the will of the people?
As long as the U.S. is burdened with an idiot president and an incompetent administration, there are going to be protests. Large ones and smaller ones. The Revolution will be televised.
Not to mention the fact that massive protests piss off right wing conservatives who have been taught to accept orders without question.
I love chocolate chip cookies, I love pizza, but if you tried to feed me nothing but pizza and/or chocolate chip cookies non stop, I'd vomit at the sight of them after awhile. Such is EXACTLY what is happening with you radical democrats and your non stop protests, and don't think that we don't know that it's the SAME CROWD EVERY TIME. You shift these SOROS paid professional protesters around in buses from one protest to another, non stop, and the only thing that changes is the signs and moronic chants.

What part about people are fed up with it don't you understand? Is that too complicated of a theory for your little brain to comprehend? Why would you radicals continue an activity that actually HURTS your cause? And it doesn't just "piss off right wing conservatives," who by the way are the MAJORITY, but sooner than later these endless, perpetual protests piss off just about EVERYONE.

You people will cut your nose off to spite your face. We know damn well all this is about the "RESIST" movement. You couldn't give a crap less about POOR LITTLE KIDDIES BEING SEPARATED FROM MOMMY, when many of them are here ALONE, and president Trump signed an EO ENDING it two weeks ago, or any other cause you people non stop protest about, it's AAAAAAALLL about RESIST. Ya... we know... you might be fooling a couple here and there, but the vast majority know exactly what you're up to... RESIST... anything the president does, and like that ASS CLOWN, Maher said, "if crashing the economy is bad for Trump, then bring on the crash." So you people don't even care about AMERICA. Your HATE has turned you people into pure anti American EVIL.

We'll see how all this plays out in November. Wanna take any bets? My bet is you people lose BIG. Democrats are going to get their ASSES HANDED TO THEM. So by all means, keep up the non stop PROTESTS, peddle MAD MAXI PAD out some more to INCITE VIOLENCE and scream IMPEACH 45, let the old burnt out hippie woman, Pelosi, talk more about CRUMBS.

You people really are stupid... sorry... it's just the truth.

07-02-2018, 08:15 PM
I love chocolate chip cookies, I love pizza, but if you tried to feed me nothing but pizza and/or chocolate chip cookies non stop, I'd vomit at the sight of them after awhile. Such is EXACTLY what is happening with you radical democrats and your non stop protests, and don't think that we don't know that it's the SAME CROWD EVERY TIME. You shift these Soros paid professional protesters around in buses from one protest to another, non stop, and the only thing that changes is the signs and moronic chants.

What part about people are fed up with it don't you understand? Is that too complicated of a theory for your little brain to comprehend? Why would you radicals continue an activity that actually HURTS your cause? And it doesn't just "piss off right wing conservatives," who by the way are the MAJORITY, but sooner than later these endless, perpetual protests piss off just about EVERYONE.

You people will cut your nose off to spite your face. We know damn well all this is about the "RESIST" movement. You couldn't give a crap less about POOR LITTLE KIDDIES BEING SEPARATED FROM MOMMY, when many of them are here ALONE, and president Trump signed an EO ENDING it two weeks ago, or any other cause you people non stop protest about, it's AAAAAAALLL about RESIST. Ya... we know... you might be fooling a couple here and there, but the vast majority know exactly what you're up to... RESIST... anything the president does, and like that ASS CLOWN, Maher said, "if crashing the economy is bad for Trump, then bring on the crash." So you people don't even care about AMERICA. Your HATE has turned you people into pure anti American EVIL.

We'll see how all this plays out in November. Wanna take any bets? My bet is you people lose BIG. Democrats are going to get their ASSES HANDED TO THEM. So by all means, keep up the non stop PROTESTS, peddle MAD MAXI PAD out some more to INCITE VIOLENCE and scream IMPEACH 45, let the old burnt out hippie woman, Pelosi, talk more about CRUMBS.

You people really are stupid... sorry... it's just the truth.


07-02-2018, 08:29 PM
I find it difficult to believe that a board with so many veterans would be upset with protest rallies.
This country was founded by protesters and anti-government agitators. How many thousands of Americans have fought and died to preserve the right of people to protest the actions of politicians and others whose actions defy the will of the people?
As long as the U.S. is burdened with an idiot president and an incompetent administration, there are going to be protests. Large ones and smaller ones. The Revolution will be televised.
Not to mention the fact that massive protests piss off right wing conservatives who have been taught to accept orders without question.

Of course. You are playing liberal word games with your PHONY sadness about veterans being upset over protest rallies.

TAKE NOTE, Oh liberal, liar. Note that none of WE VETERANS are against any protests by anyone AS LONG AS THERE IS NO VIOLENCE in the protests. Then again. You, like your fellow lying liberal, democrats INTENTIONALLY never use the Full Context of your PHONINESS here.
You are about as sincere on this thread as a BAG OF HAMMERS.https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROlVb1xvkTaRSwf2QZyuH1FysT6hUmr JdMkQvYDf7FnqD7Y55iOQ

07-02-2018, 09:06 PM
I find it difficult to believe that a board with so many veterans would be upset with protest rallies.
This country was founded by protesters and anti-government agitators. How many thousands of Americans have fought and died to preserve the right of people to protest the actions of politicians and others whose actions defy the will of the people?
As long as the U.S. is burdened with an idiot president and an incompetent administration, there are going to be protests. Large ones and smaller ones. The Revolution will be televised.
Not to mention the fact that massive protests piss off right wing conservatives who have been taught to accept orders without question.Wrong answer. I completely uphold the Right to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE and REDRESS GRIEVANCES; which, is what the US Constitution states as law. I do NOT uphold your no-n-right to infringe on mine; especially, when you leftwingnuts will protest rain and air. You're like little kids. All you get is bad attention, but then, ANY attention is attention to you, right?

The protests you claim founded this Nation (which they did not) were in fact illegal. The merchants who didn't want to pay taxes to King George that were behind them were in fact traitors to the King, and their actions treasonous. Kind of a bad example for a law and order Dem such as yourself to use, isn't it?

07-03-2018, 05:54 AM
"As long as the U.S. is burdened with an idiot president and an incompetent administration, there are going to be protests."

In whose opinion? Yours? Some pampered, brainwashed college kid? Folks like you who can't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions are written on the bottom? I suspect that most of the clowns protesting do so for two reasons: 1) they are paid to do so, and 2) because they think it's fun. You no doubt understand 2) easily enough... it's why you post the stupid crap that you do in this board.

Maybe you didn't notice but not a whole lot of vets are out there smacking these protesting snowflakes around because they are protesting. Will a vet protect himself if attacked? You bet!