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View Full Version : Trump urges passage of FART Act

07-02-2018, 12:47 PM
Never mind that it gives Trump the power to bypass Congress. Pass the stinking bill anyway! :cool:


A report that Donald Trump is looking to walk away from the World Trade Organisation and instead adopt a United States Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act, or Fart Act, has been greeted with loud amusement on Twitter.

Axios reported that it had received a leaked early draft of a bill ordered by the president, that would see America take the unlikely step of abandoning WTO rules, allowing Trump to raise tariffs without the consent of Congress.

The bill – the existence of which has not been independently confirmed – would be a dramatic shift in trade policy with wide-reaching impacts, but it was the name of the proposed bill that caught people’s attention.

There were debates about whether the name of the act was intentional, while internet users responded with jokes, memes and even poetry.