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View Full Version : Nunes Slams Schiff

07-03-2018, 09:41 AM
Schiff claims / brags that Republicans will be 'held accountable' for inquiries:


Right...and the obstructors - Democrats - will not be?

07-03-2018, 10:02 AM
Schiff is another of those morons that represent Democrats that Pete claims doesn't. Some-freakin'-body put his ass in off and my money isn't on any Republican't's.

07-03-2018, 11:37 AM
S(c)hit, is the kind of low life that the modern day democrap party is made up of. They're all trash, one and all. I haven't heard "the truth" or anything "rational" come out of one of these turds for God only knows how long.

07-03-2018, 03:58 PM
Schiff claims / brags that Republicans will be 'held accountable' for inquiries:


Right...and the obstructors - Democrats - will not be?

It's ironic that the democrats have been telling everyone regarding the Russian investigation ... if you are innocent then you should have no worries about what might be revealed. The FBI and DOJ should not be worried if everything is above board.

If everything is copacetic then none of the people being questioned should worry.