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View Full Version : 1st the black community & now the hispanic community - unemployment records

07-07-2018, 04:42 PM
Unemployment numbers for the Hispanic/Latino community is now at the lowest level ever recorded. At the very least this is one thing some of us, definitely myself, said that Trump would do good by our economy, and he's lived up to that thus far. Or one could be like a few of my liberal friends around here, and still cherry picking ways to give Obama credit. Sure thing!! :laugh:

If the black community is at level records, and now the hispanic community, and of course regular numbers tallied without adding in race are all excellent thus far. Which shouldn't be anyway, if not for liberals and the racist word they call everyone and anyone that dares disagree with them. But any way you add them up, all good all the way around. And it would appear that Trump owns all the records, and then it skipped Obama and the last record was for GWB. :laugh:


Hispanic-Latino Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record in June

The national seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos in the U.S. labor force fell to the lowest level on record in June of 2018, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released Friday show.

In June, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos, aged 16 and up, was 4.6%, down from its May level of 4.9%. Before June’s record, the lowest monthly Hispanic-Latino unemployment rate since BLS began tracking the statistic in 1973 was 4.8%.

While the Hispanic-Latino unemployment rate had been as low as 4.8% in five months, four of those months were during the administration of President Donald Trump; the lone exception being October of 2006:

June 2018: 4.6%
October 2006: 4.8%
June 2017: 4.8%
October 2017: 8%
November 2017: 4.8%
April 2018: 4.8%

During the 17 full months of the Trump administration, beginning in February 2017, Hispanic-Latino unemployment has averaged 5.0%.

In contrast, the national Hispanic-Latino unemployment rate averaged 9.4% during President Barack Obama’s eight years (96 months) in office, impacted by the 2008 recession, which officially ended in June of 2009, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Hispanic-Latino unemployment was 11.3% during Obama’s first full month in office, February of 2009. By January of 2017, the Hispanic-Latino unemployment rate had dropped to 5.9%. Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/craig-bannister/hispanic-latino-unemployment-rate-hits-lowest-level-record-june