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View Full Version : Maga hat attacker arrested, faces jail time

07-07-2018, 08:54 PM
So Maxine Waters states to go after any politicians, or Trump supporters, and get in their faces and all that other crap. And some take it for what she says. This guy takes someone's soda, steals his hat and tosses the soda in his face. I hope he had fun and thought he was a tough guy, cause in this day and age you will get outed by someone, somewhere. And actions of dickheads like this one.... and there's lots like him, and it's a big reason for the hostility. You barely see anything if at all coming from the right, it's all from the unhinged left, plain and simple.

(videos at links, twitter videos)


[UPDATE] San Antonio Police Arrest Man Suspected of MAGA Hat Attack

A teen was assaulted on film for wearing a MAGA hat in a San Antonio, Texas, Whataburger, and social media is ablaze with outrage at the behavior of the perpetrator, who many say should be arrested. In the video, you can see a man approach a table of teens and yank a MAGA hat off one of them and throw his soda in his face while yelling obscenities and racist epithets at him.

Sites like Heavy, 4chan, and others have claimed to know the identity of the perpetrator, but that has not yet been verified. San Antonio police say they will not confirm his identity until there's been an arrest. The identity of the person in the white shirt who appears to be filming the offender and leaves with him has not been identified yet.

Carlos Ortiz of the San Antonio Police media services told PJM that the suspect "was reported by many people to us. We cannot confirm that this is the suspect but we are following all leads."

The teen's guardian filed a report this morning regarding the assault and Ortiz says that officers are doing their jobs. "I can guarantee we are actively on it and hopefully by the end of the day we will have the suspect in custody," said Ortiz. "At a minimum, there will be charges filed for assault," he continued. Ortiz informed PJM that the report will never be made public because it involves a minor and, according to Texas law, those reports cannot be made available even after the victim's name has been published.

An arrest and prosecution in the case will be welcome news for Trump supporters who fear that showing their support for the president in public can lead to their injury. In recent days open hostility, including violence and denial of service to Trump supporters, has put the country on edge. Congresswoman Maxine Waters made headlines by appearing to condone protesters assaulting Trump supporters wherever they may be.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/san-antonio-police-poised-to-make-arrest-in-maga-hat-attack/

MAGA Hat Attacker Arrested, Faces Prison Time for 'Theft of Person' Charges

Kino Jimenez was arrested last night on charges of "theft of person," according to San Antonio Police Department reports.

His mugshot is decidedly different than his appearance on the now-famous video, in which he was filmed ripping a MAGA hat off a teenager and throwing a drink in the minor's face.

Jimenez drastically changed his appearance by removing his beard and glasses before his arrest.

Officers reported no difficulties taking him into custody. Jimenez was seen by a magistrate and booked into the Bexar County Jail, where his bail was set at $5000. He was bonded out and released on Friday. A representative from the San Antonio Police Department told PJM, "The charge of theft of person carries a sentence of up to two years in prison.”

"Theft of person" is a confusing term, but carries a greater charge than regular theft according to my reading of the statute. It appears that, according to Texas state code, it involves the theft of something off a person directly. Texas' Penal Code states,

4) a state jail felony if:

(B) regardless of value, the property is stolen from the person of another or from a human corpse or grave, including property that is a military grave marker;

Usually, theft is considered a misdemeanor, but it appears to rise to a felony in Texas if you steal something that is on another person. Jimenez is facing up to two years in prison if convicted for his ill-considered outburst. In addition to his arrest, Heavy is reporting that he has also been kicked out of the Green Party after his stunt came to light.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/maga-hat-attacker-arrested-faces-prison-time-for-theft-of-person-charges/

Black Diamond
07-07-2018, 09:24 PM
Five priors. Dude doesn't get it.

07-08-2018, 07:08 AM
Five priors. Dude doesn't get it.
He's not smart enough to get it.

Abbey Marie
07-08-2018, 10:12 AM
I’m surprised he’s a citizen.

07-08-2018, 11:24 AM
He's not smart enough to get it.


Really 'brave' though. Picking on a teen? Try that with a Vet!

07-08-2018, 12:44 PM
Speaking of idiots who take things too personal, toss folks out of restaurants, show up at homes, and take Maxine Waters words literally.

Here's more shitheads going after McConnell after a restaurant visit apparently. "where are the babies". Looks like the first woman behind him may have eaten all of them. "we know where you live too Mitch". WTF? Is that a threat? Either a physical threat, or the obvious, which is to go to his home as well to yell shit and try to keep him up at not. But seriously, these folks got some issues.

Then of course into the "abolish ICE" bs. Effing nitwits. "no comfort for fascists" :laugh: :rolleyes: Then into the "no justice no peace".

My initial feeling is to roll my eyes and be angry that we have idiots out there like this harassing members of congress. Then I feel sorry for them, to be retarded enough to go that far, in a public setting, and thinking and believing they are in the right. The harassment still needs to be made an issue, and be put to a stop. As for after that, there are quote a few million folks at minimum out there that may need to seek out further assistance when all is said and done.



07-08-2018, 01:30 PM
And yet another piece of crap. This one confronts Steve Bannon for absolutely no reason, and then refuses to leave the book store until the cops were called. THEN you have another piece of crap, on twitter, who now calls out the event and the book store and is calling for a boycott of the store. That's just what I was talking about, and shows the mentality of the left and how they cannot simply "coexist" and prefer to whine and cry and protest and boycott and attempt to get places closed down or folks closed. Idiots.


Bookstore owner calls police after a woman verbally harasses Steve Bannon

The owner of a Virginia bookstore called the police after a woman confronted former White House strategist Steve Bannon on Saturday afternoon.

The woman allegedly called Bannon “a piece of trash,” and refused to leave Black Swan Books until the owner, Nick Cooke, called the police.

“Steve Bannon was simply standing, looking at books, minding his own business. I asked her to leave, and she wouldn’t. And I said, ‘I’m going to call the police if you don’t,’ and I went to call the police and she left,” Cooke said to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

“We are a bookshop. Bookshops are all about ideas and tolerating different opinions and not about verbally assaulting somebody, which is what was happening,” Cooke added.

Twitter users have started using the hashtag “BoycottBlackSwanBooks” to show their support for the woman who harassed Bannon.


Bannon can now be added to the list of Trump associates who have been verbally harassed in public.

Earlier on Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was confronted with protesters yelling at him as he left a Kentucky restaurant.

Others who have had similar altercations include White House senior advisor Stephen Miller, former EPA head Scott Pruitt, and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-09-2018, 02:00 PM
Damn, I gotta get me one of those hats to wear.....
I am not joking, let some man start that crap with me for wearing it and I'll give the lesson of civility and common decency that is so damn desperately needed to be given to these asshole, dumb-ass cretins....-Tyr

07-09-2018, 02:11 PM
Damn, I gotta get me one of those hats to wear.....
I am not joking, let some man start that crap with me for wearing it and I'll give the lesson of civility and common decency that is so damn desperately needed to be given to these asshole, dumb-ass cretins....-Tyr

Amen Brotha Tyr!

These cacaroaches pop up out of the wood work...**Liberal (leftist) vermin makes all bad things possible...

`Apolinar Altamirano an illegal in Mesa, AZ a sanctuary city, calmly murdered a young store clerk Grant Ronnebeck, 21, to steal a pack of cigarettes. Altamirano has past conviction of burglary, was released on probation without any jail time`

07-09-2018, 07:16 PM
Amen Brotha Tyr!

These cacaroaches pop up out of the wood work...**Liberal (leftist) vermin makes all bad things possible...

`Apolinar Altamirano an illegal in Mesa, AZ a sanctuary city, calmly murdered a young store clerk Grant Ronnebeck, 21, to steal a pack of cigarettes. Altamirano has past conviction of burglary, was released on probation without any jail time`

Can I have permission to beat the fuck otta that fatass bully fuck? We'll see how he feels about getting bitch stomped by a 63 year old.