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View Full Version : Trump faces backlash after his tweet about Thai cave rescue

07-08-2018, 06:01 PM
More liberal bullshit. Try to make an issue over a benign comment.


Nowhere in his 'tweet' did he even hint at taking any credit in Thailand.

Black Diamond
07-08-2018, 08:04 PM
More liberal bullshit. Try to make an issue over a benign comment.


Nowhere in his 'tweet' did he even hint at taking any credit in Thailand.
people are growing more and more weary....

07-10-2018, 01:44 PM
liberal is as liberal does

07-10-2018, 08:05 PM
And of course, had he said nothing ....?

"Trump's a racist. He hates Thai's. Otherwise he would have said something." :rolleyes:

07-10-2018, 08:18 PM
I saw the tweet and thought nothing of it. It's very benign.

Now I see this liberal outrage crap, and my only other thought is, well, once again the left has shown just how fucking STUPID and full of BULL SHIT they are.

That's all.

07-10-2018, 08:26 PM
I saw the tweet and thought nothing of it. It's very benign.

Now I see this liberal outrage crap, and my only other thought is, well, once again the left has shown just how fucking STUPID and full of BULL SHIT they are.

That's all.
He could probably have said it differently ... like giving all the credit to the Thai's since they're the ones that did it and leaving us out.

Same time, the loons on the left going on the attack for something so trivial IS pretty stupid, childish and desperate-looking.

07-11-2018, 07:59 AM
I saw the tweet and thought nothing of it. It's very benign.

Now I see this liberal outrage crap, and my only other thought is, well, once again the left has shown just how fucking STUPID and full of BULL SHIT they are.

That's all.

More, though ... they're desperate to snipe, and that desperation has reached completely insane levels.

There is literally NO depth they won't stoop to.

07-11-2018, 08:01 AM
He could probably have said it differently ... like giving all the credit to the Thai's since they're the ones that did it and leaving us out.

Same time, the loons on the left going on the attack for something so trivial IS pretty stupid, childish and desperate-looking.
You just don't like Trump AT ALL... do you... :rolleyes:

07-11-2018, 09:19 AM
He could probably have said it differently ... like giving all the credit to the Thai's since they're the ones that did it and leaving us out.

The DoD effort consists of 42 deployed military personnel and one member from the Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group Thailand, Army Col. Rob Manning told reporters at the Pentagon.


POTUS is simply being a cheerleader for our nation. While I wish he would leave twitter forever, it's not untrue to say the USA helped it's friend - Thailand...a nation that jails people for insulting their King.

07-11-2018, 03:14 PM
You just don't like Trump AT ALL... do you... :rolleyes:Figured THAT was coming. I don't think Trump walks on water. Neither do I think he presides over Hell. What I Do think is that there is no winning, nor having a differing opinion with either the former or the latter. The reaction from both is IDENTICAL.

I see no point to having a political message board for the purpose of expressing one's political opinions is one is censored by others, or self-censored for fear of others. I refuse to jump on someone's bandwagon just go go along to get along. I'm also not going to fool myself into believing Trump's the best thing since sliced cheese by ignoring his f*ckups and cheerleading only his good points. He's the President of the United States which means I have to live with his decisions, I voted for his ass, which means I have every damned right to criticize his stupid ones just as quickly as I state I agree with ones I'm okay with.

He's full of himself. He always has been since I first heard of him on the 80s. I couldn't stand his personality then, and that opinion has not changed one bit. If anything he's become more arrogant with more power. He doesn't think he can lose and THAT is his biggest weakness. That and his big mouth. If he could keep THAT in check, his arrogance wouldn't be so obvious.

With great power comes great responsibility. One of those responsibilities is humility. If you HAVE the power, you have nothing to prove, and nothing needs to be said. Only insecurity demands interjecting one's self into someone else's party. Especially when you're really not doing anything but "standing by". A "thoughts and prayers" comment alone would have sufficed and been appropriate.

NOTHING would have sufficed nor been appropriate for the left. If he's snapped his fingers and beamed them out of the cave onto dry land the left would have found fault. Just the way it is and the stupidity and pettiness is glaringly obvious to anyone not wearing their leftwingnut special blinders.