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View Full Version : The Nomination of [FILL IN THE BLANK] to the Supreme Court Means [REALLY BAD THINGS]

07-12-2018, 02:44 PM
That twitter crap, blankly filled out, showed what so many Dems are all about.

Oh, and the nomination of a SC justice means that we go back awhile, that it'll be the wild wild west and shootout time again. Do these idiots know how they sound? And then telling their constituency this crap, and how abortion will be illegal within 6 months? Idiots. If the man upholds the law and precedent as he stated he would, and HAS DONE all the time, then of course this only proves that their scare tactics are crap. They have NOTHING to go on to prove any of their claims, other than "we are upset that Trump gets another pick, so the world is ending, or so we will tell everyone"

Obama needs to call the NYT and set them straight though, that ANY judge leaning right is unacceptable!


The Nomination of [FILL IN THE BLANK] to the Supreme Court Means [REALLY BAD THINGS]

If you're reading this, that means it's not too late. There's still time. We can still prevent this calamity. We can still save America from the doom that's inevitable if the United States Senate is allowed to confirm President Trump's latest nominee to the Supreme Court, [FILL IN THE BLANK].

We all know that Cheeto Hitler is a deep-cover Russian agent who stole the election even though Hillary got the popular vote and it's not fair. (#ButHerEmails!) That's a given, and so far we've put up with it. We've played nice. We've kept our cool. But now it's time to fight back. Now Trump is presenting a direct threat to [LIBERAL AGENDA ITEM] and [ANOTHER LIBERAL AGENDA ITEM] and [YET ANOTHER LIBERAL AGENDA ITEM], via his pick of [FILL IN THE BLANK].

It should go without saying that [FILL IN THE BLANK] is a completely unacceptable nominee, but we'll say it anyway. This cannot be allowed to happen. It's not hyperbole or exaggeration to say that [FILL IN THE BLANK] will destroy America and kill us all, and here are just a few good reasons why:

Did you know that [FILL IN THE BLANK] believes women should be treated as second-class citizens by denying them access to [LIBERAL AGENDA ITEM]? Did you know that [HE/SHE] doesn't agree that [OPINION ALL MY FRIENDS EXPRESS, WHICH I HAVEN'T REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT, BUT I'D BETTER GO ALONG WITH IT OR THEY MIGHT NOT LIKE ME ANYMORE]? I mean... really? It makes you nostalgic for the good old days of [PREVIOUS REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT, WHO I ALSO CALLED "HITLER" ALL THE TIME], doesn't it?

Did you know that [FILL IN THE BLANK] wants to take away your right to [THING THAT ISN'T ACTUALLY A RIGHT, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS WHAT "RIGHTS" ARE ANYMORE]? Um, hello? I literally can't even.

Did you know that corporations are bad? [FILL IN THE BLANK] doesn't! If [HE/SHE] is allowed to sit on the court, corporations will continue to devastate our planet by [PROVIDING GOODS AND SERVICES I USE ALL THE TIME AND FEEL GUILTY ABOUT]. In the words of [LONG-DEAD STATESMAN I JUST GOOGLED]: "[QUOTATION I OBVIOUSLY DON'T UNDERSTAND, WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS]."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/the-nomination-of-fill-in-the-blank-to-the-supreme-court-means-really-bad-things/

Kavanaugh Visits Capitol Hill as Durbin Predicts 'Wild West D.C.' If Confirmed

WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats vowed today to try to use deep investigation and grassroots activism to stop President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court as federal appeals court judge Brett Kavanaugh began making the rounds on Capitol Hill to meet GOP lawmakers.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) declared in a press conference in front of the Supreme Court this morning that "anyone who gets the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval from Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society and from the Heritage Foundation is not moderate, is not mainstream, is hard right and wants to move America back decades."

Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), who has been in the upper chamber for the past 17 Supreme Court nominations, protested that "the Constitution doesn't direct the president to nominate justices with the advice and consent of the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation; the Constitution gives that role to the Senate."

"But I think the president looks at our independent courts like he does the Justice Department," Leahy added. "He thinks the courts, as well as the Justice Department, should be an arm of the White House."

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) charged that "Washington, D.C., where he grew up, would be Wild West D.C. if Judge Kavanaugh had his way," with views on the Second Amendment "straight out of the gun lobby's playbook."

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said Dems are "going to look into what went on and what assurances were made that brought this name to the top of the list."

"There is enormous grounds for suspicion right now about this nominee," he added.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) addressed Parkland student activists, calling Kavanaugh "your worst nightmare" on gun control.

"Give him a seat on this court, and you can say goodbye to the measures in New York and Connecticut and California that have helped save lives," Blumenthal added. "...Now is the time for Americans to rise up, those Parkland students, the survivors and victims of gun violence across the country, women who believe that the government has no place in their doctors' examining rooms or their bedrooms, people who believe that our air and water ought to be clean, that consumers should be protected. We all have a stake in this battle. And if America is heard, if those voices are real, we can win this battle."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kavanaugh-visits-capitol-hill-as-durbin-predicts-wild-west-d-c-if-confirmed/

Hell Freezes Over: NY Times Op-Ed Says Kavanaugh Nomination Is 'Trump's Finest Hour'

This could be filed under "Things No One Expected Today":


The opinion piece was written by Akhil Reed Amar, a Yale law professor who also taught Judge Kavanaugh.

The professor establishes his liberal credentials early, noting that he "strongly supported Hillary Clinton for president as well as President Barack Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Merrick Garland."

He then begins his case for Kavanaugh by saying that, while good appellate judges are devotees who follow the Supreme Court, the "great ones influence and help steer it." Kavanaugh has done the latter, with some of his "most important ideas and arguments" having "found their way into Supreme Court opinions."

Professor Amar praises the fact that Judge Kavanaugh is both a scholar and one who is an intellectual consumer of scholarship, explaining that "he is an avid consumer of legal scholarship. He reads and learns. And he reads scholars from across the political spectrum."

So far, we aren't seeing a picture emerge that would indicate that Kavanaugh is a man who would "threaten the lives of millions of Americans," as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe described him. Nor does he appear to be particularly menacing to high school kids, despite the words of one truth-challenged United States senator:

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/hell-freezes-over-ny-times-op-ed-says-kavanaugh-nomination-is-trumps-finest-hour/

07-12-2018, 03:26 PM
Now see, THIS is where I would attack, guns blazing. All of this BS one-upsmanship and gotcha's don't mean diddly to me. When I get payback I go for the kill.

I'd find me a the most conservative, pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-illegal immigrant, Bible-thumping judge I could hand shove his/her ass right down the Dem's throats the same way they have done us, and will do next time they get a chance. I'd shove it right up their asses and laugh in their faces while they squeal.

THAT is paying their asses back. Not finding so "qualified, hopefully conservative leaning, by the law" justice. We already got John Roberts and Jeff Sessions -- so called conservatives.

When you got a kill shot lined up you take it.

Abbey Marie
07-12-2018, 05:15 PM
It's all just a big s*** sandwich. Sorry.

07-12-2018, 05:20 PM
It's all just a big s*** sandwich. Sorry.Yeah, but I prefer my sammich with Soto-mayor blocked.