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View Full Version : Those racist, misogynistic republicans

07-14-2018, 07:44 PM
The long history is documented and inescapable, no matter what crap spews out of Hollywood mouths.


07-14-2018, 08:33 PM
Some propaganda in there but to be expected and mild compared to leftwing crap. The general idea is correct.

07-14-2018, 08:49 PM
Some propaganda in there but to be expected and mild compared to leftwing crap. The general idea is correct.

Really excellent, though!

07-14-2018, 08:57 PM
Really excellent, though!The point is valid, I agree. However, she fails to point out that the Republicans of the 1850s were the leftwingers and the Dems were conservative. Polygamy existed in Utah which was not a state then so nothing Congress passed would have affected i until it finally did when Utah was accepted as a state.

I would have left the Civil War out :)

07-14-2018, 09:00 PM
The point is valid, I agree. However, she fails to point out that the Republicans of the 1850s were the leftwingers and the Dems were conservative. Polygamy existed in Utah which was not a state then so nothing Congress passed would have affected i until it finally did when Utah was accepted as a state.

I would have left the Civil War out :)

Natural Rights is not a left wing agenda. Then and now, the Democrats considered themselves superior to most. It's an elitist thing.

07-14-2018, 09:11 PM
Natural Rights is not a left wing agenda. Then and now, the Democrats considered themselves superior to most. It's an elitist thing."Natural rights"? Never heard of it. If you are referring to slavery, you have every right you are will to fight and die for to be free. Freedom isn't something granted by birth. We just like to pretend so. It's something that is earned and protected. Otherwise it's just a word.

The Southern aristocracy were no more elitist than the Northern elitists. Not defending either. Just saying one was no better than the other. Neither cared one whit about anyone's "Rights" but their own, and having power and control of the US Government.

07-14-2018, 09:34 PM
"Natural rights"? Never heard of it. If you are referring to slavery, you have every right you are will to fight and die for to be free. Freedom isn't something granted by birth. We just like to pretend so. It's something that is earned and protected. Otherwise it's just a word.

The Southern aristocracy were no more elitist than the Northern elitists. Not defending either. Just saying one was no better than the other. Neither cared one whit about anyone's "Rights" but their own, and having power and control of the US Government.

I'm not going to argue the cause(s) of the Civil War, we've done it for years.

Natural rights, like Hobbes, Locke, you remember them? Jefferson borrowed from them heavily in Declaration. Bothered him until the day he died, he knew it was wrong, but he needed the 'help.'

Endowed by their Creator, ring bells?

07-14-2018, 09:56 PM
I'm not going to argue the cause(s) of the Civil War, we've done it for years.

Natural rights, like Hobbes, Locke, you remember them? Jefferson borrowed from them heavily in Declaration. Bothered him until the day he died, he knew it was wrong, but he needed the 'help.'

Endowed by their Creator, ring bells?I understand the basis of our law. "Endowed by the Creator" are words on a piece of paper only as valid as they are defended; otherwise, they are ideals not worth the paper they are written on.

In essence I would say they are "endowed by the Kentucky rifle, tomahawk and hunting knife and the men and women will to use them to defend the ideals". Attila the Hun had ideals. Caesar. Alexander. They were only as good as the sword that kept them in place.

You have a "right" to breathe, just so long as you can defend your ability to breathe. Everything after that is determined by circumstance.

07-14-2018, 10:31 PM
I understand the basis of our law. "Endowed by the Creator" are words on a piece of paper only as valid as they are defended; otherwise, they are ideals not worth the paper they are written on.

In essence I would say they are "endowed by the Kentucky rifle, tomahawk and hunting knife and the men and women will to use them to defend the ideals". Attila the Hun had ideals. Caesar. Alexander. They were only as good as the sword that kept them in place.

You have a "right" to breathe, just so long as you can defend your ability to breathe. Everything after that is determined by circumstance.

Sorry, genitalia never should have determined the suffrage. Melanin should never have determined who could own whom. Wrong is wrong.

07-15-2018, 07:05 PM
Sorry, genitalia never should have determined the suffrage. Melanin should never have determined who could own whom. Wrong is wrong.Wrong is determined by society. Slavery has been prevalent throughout Mankind's history. It still exists today. We call it something else, but it is what it is.

"Difference" has ALWAYS determined enemies, and who has won or lost determined who the slaves and masters are.

Your idea that slavery is "wrong" is based on your Judeo-Christian upbringing in a Judeo-Christian society. It is not inherent. The idea that there IS a universal right and wrong inherent in Man is the basis for misunderstanding between societies since there first two. It is one our GREATEST failures as a Nation when dealing on the international stage.

I will add too that "wrong" changes WITHIN societies as people evolve/devolve. If you were raised in S Carolina in the late 1700s - early 1800s, you would believe that States had the RIGHT to leave the union as freely as they joined; and, that slavery was part of life you gave no thought to. It wasn't wrong until men changed it.

And ... :laugh: ... women not being allowed to vote was also societal law. STILL upheld in many societies. Those societies don't care what we think is right and wrong. One of them for sure is trying to kill us into their way of thinking and believe WE are the ones who are wrong just as closed-mindedly as we as a society believe they are.

07-15-2018, 08:28 PM
Wrong is determined by society. Slavery has been prevalent throughout Mankind's history. It still exists today. We call it something else, but it is what it is.

"Difference" has ALWAYS determined enemies, and who has won or lost determined who the slaves and masters are.

Your idea that slavery is "wrong" is based on your Judeo-Christian upbringing in a Judeo-Christian society. It is not inherent. The idea that there IS a universal right and wrong inherent in Man is the basis for misunderstanding between societies since there first two. It is one our GREATEST failures as a Nation when dealing on the international stage.

I will add too that "wrong" changes WITHIN societies as people evolve/devolve. If you were raised in S Carolina in the late 1700s - early 1800s, you would believe that States had the RIGHT to leave the union as freely as they joined; and, that slavery was part of life you gave no thought to. It wasn't wrong until men changed it.

And ... :laugh: ... women not being allowed to vote was also societal law. STILL upheld in many societies. Those societies don't care what we think is right and wrong. One of them for sure is trying to kill us into their way of thinking and believe WE are the ones who are wrong just as closed-mindedly as we as a society believe they are.

Those people, the ones in S. Carolina in the late 1700s-early/mid/late 1800s, were the product of what sort of upbringing? Not Judeo-Christian?

Slavery bothered many of them, as an institution-letters reflect that. We hear a lot about Jefferson's agonizing over the issue, but truth is it bothered many Southerners too.

Lincoln probably would have let the institution die out, but secession was not going to stand.

07-15-2018, 09:01 PM
The TRUTH always hurts, and the Liberals who hate hearing the truth may shut that video down. HISTORY isn't what Democrats want WE THE PEOPLE to know, or hear.