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View Full Version : Rachel Maddow: It’s Time for Americans to Face ‘Worst Case Scenario’ on Trump

07-17-2018, 12:01 PM
Serve the interests of another country? Because he tossed aside American intel agencies while in Putin's presence? Should he have lied, and stated that Russia tried to influence American elections - which everyone knows, and I see no reason to toss away a conference. Should he have admitted at the conference that America does the same, in which we do of course? No reason for that to be the place or time. Probably not the place or time to tell the truth about our intel agencies, their fuckups and lies, but it is what it is. But this all came to that point, to his words - from the very things started by the left, and then he beat ultimately - and now they don't like the fact that he beat it AND speaks out about the very agencies and press.

But c'mon, serving their interests because he spoke out? Please. It was words at a press conference. Like he said, better to be safe for safety than tossing away based on previous politics. NOTHING was "served" to their interests. NOTHING was stomped on, which is what the left wanted. Then they whine and cry instantly and DEMAND that folks on the right condemn, which many did. I'm sorry, I see NO REASON to apologize or condemn, for speaking the truth.

I said a few years ago til now - our intel agencies and the DOJ - all of them - CORRUPT and so so so many things going on, so many details still coming out - and NO ONE on the left being held responsible for anything at all.

Maddow - go whine to the skies and scream - same with all of your lefty supporters. This is what you've done since day one and will continue until Trump leaves. It's a shame that destruction is being done by the left while they obstruct instead of working with anyone at all. They are Monday Morning Quarterbacks that work daily, and their job is to steer someone elses presidency into the ground, whether in reality or in perception via congress and the media.


Rachel Maddow: It’s Time for Americans to Face ‘Worst Case Scenario’ on Trump

“Deep breath,” Rachel Maddow told her MSNBC audience Tuesday night. “This was a big day.”

“Things are at a boil, things are going fast now,” she continued. “This is a time when everyone needs to pay attention.”

MSNBC’s most prominent primetime anchor launched into a deep-dive analysis of the strange relationship between President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in light of the stunning press conference between the two.

“There is no explicable scenario for any of those things, unless you are willing to believe the worst,” Maddow said, gesturing towards a graphic looming behind her that blared: “WORST CASE SCENARIO.”

“We haven’t ever had to reckon with the possibility that someone had ascended to the presidency of the United States to serve the interests of another country rather than our own,” she said. “What’s the corrective to that? How do you remedy that? These are no longer hypothetical questions.”

“No serving US president has ever before taken sides with a foreign government against our own,” Maddow continued. “Let alone a foreign government that has just attacked our country.”

“If the president did that today because he has some reason to serve that other country rather than our own, then a lot that has previously been inexplicable is now explicable. That’s the worst case scenario,” she said. “And, deep breath, it means that we are going to have to come to terms with this as a country. And we’re going to have to come to terms with what we need to do next as a country to fix this. And in order to do that, the blinders have to come off. We have to be real.”

Maddow went on to explain how developments in the unfolding legal case against Paul Manafort will help.

Watch the deep-dive above, via MSNBC.
