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View Full Version : CNN Claims “Russian Bots” Behind #WalkAway Campaign

07-18-2018, 02:09 PM
I've been pointing out a lot of actions in the past few months, and the words of democrats and others - as to why they are harming themselves greatly going into the upcoming mid-term elections. But here we go already with the Russian narrative crap. :rolleyes:

I even pointed out this Facebook page and the beginning of this a few weeks back. They think that no one can NOT like them, and the idea of their supporters, some of them, wanting to "walk away" is impossible and MUST mean it's the Russians - and Trump's name will be involved soon as well, guarantee it! And guaranteed that some will say it was a result of meeting him, even though this started a long time back. :rolleyes:


Fake News CNN Claims “Russian Bots” Behind #WalkAway Campaign to ‘Wound Democrats in Midterms’

The #WalkAway campaign began on Facebook after a handsome, gay hairdresser from New York posted a viral video in May explaining why he was walking away from the Democrat party.

The campaign spread to Twitter like wildfire.

People, Americans, are sick and tired of the hatred, divisiveness, fake news, and violence from the left.

The left overplayed their hand, calling every Trump supporter a racist and a Nazi.

Nancy Pelosi defended MS-13 killers, Maxine Waters called for Trump officials to be harmed and harassed and Senator Gillibrand called for ICE to be abolished.

Enough is enough.

Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are fiercely working to contain the #WalkAway movement by blocking hashtags and thousands of testimonies from people explaining why they left the Democrat party.

Fake News CNN is now running cover for the Democrat party and reported that the #WalkAway campaign isn’t real people, rather it’s just Russian bots that are pushing the hashtag in an effort to ‘wound the Democrat party in the 2018 midterms.’


CNN got pummeled by people for their absurd claim Russian bots are using #WalkAway to wound Dems in 2018.



CNN is reporting the #WalkAway campaign is fueled by Russian bots even though there are videos of real people giving their testimonies.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Perhaps the Democrats and CNN are looking at their internal polling knowing it’s going to be a bloodbath for the Dems so they’re already weaving their ‘Russians hacked the 2018 elections’ fake news rubbish.


07-18-2018, 02:15 PM
Time for full federal voter ID laws, for AAAALLL elections, federal, state and local... PERIOD.

I mean hey, isn't that what the demtards want? Voter integrity?

Ummm... no. They want you to THINK that, but instead of listening to their GARBAGE, just WATCH WHAT THEY DO. Actions speak louder than words, and democraps are LIARS and CHEATS.

07-18-2018, 02:40 PM
^^^ That's what I've said for the longest time now - voter ID laws which are much more strictly tied to a photo ID of sorts.

I forget the politician. But since I saw the video... someone went in and recorded the whole thing. They had no ID with them and claimed to be that very politician in one of the districts here in NY. Then as they brought up the booklet for them to sign, the guy stated outright he had no ID, and they didn't care. Let me peek around and see if I can find it in a minute.

But they DON'T CARE and prefer no laws, this way ANYONE they can get to crawl in will be a vote for them. Or the homeless they can bus in with some pizza and donuts.


Ok, I found it, and the guy was actually trying to vote as ERIC HOLDER no less!!



James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Takes Voter Fraud Video Campaign To D.C. Polls

WASHINGTON — Voters in the District of Columbia went to the polls last week to choose presidential and local candidates in party primaries.

But at one Northwest D.C. polling precinct, a man from the conservative activist group Project Veritas came armed with a hidden camera as part of an effort to “lampoon the mostly Democratic opposition to ‘voter ID’ laws“ around the country, according to The Washington Post.

Project Vertias, led by conservative provocateur filmmaker James O’Keefe, targeted Attorney General Eric Holder’s precinct during the hidden-camera action.

In a video, a man is shown checking into a polling station as “Eric Holder” and asked whether he needed to show identification. When the poll worker tells the man he doesn’t need ID, he says he would feel more comfortable checking in with ID. The man leaves without checking in, saying he’s going to his car to get it.

Rest - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/09/james-okeefe-project-veritas_n_1413588.html

Here is video:


07-18-2018, 02:49 PM
To get a library card a few weeks ago, I needed a government issued ID and a utility bill with my address, including apt #.

I went to the DMV a couple weeks ago to change my address. No ID required. Oh yeah, also was automatically allowed to register to vote here.

07-18-2018, 02:56 PM
To get a library card a few weeks ago, I needed a government issued ID and a utility bill with my address, including apt #.

I went to the DMV a couple weeks ago to change my address. No ID required. Oh yeah, also was automatically allowed to register to vote here.

I'll never get that one, same as you, I know that a photo ID is needed for a billion things. And then anything that may nearly involve voting, then they go away from photo ID. And if you speak with a democrat about it, they will make it seem as if they know HUNDREDS of people out there that live their lives and have NO photo ID. I can't imagine, who they are and how they may do things in life with no ID.

You end up with no bank account. No payroll. No check cashing. No alcohol. No smoking. No welfare or food stamps! No credit cards. The list goes on and on.

07-18-2018, 03:01 PM
To get a library card a few weeks ago, I needed a government issued ID and a utility bill with my address, including apt #.

I went to the DMV a couple weeks ago to change my address. No ID required. Oh yeah, also was automatically allowed to register to vote here.
That's insane.

I had to jump through flaming hoops when I moved to AZ and changed my DL from WI. I even had to retake a test... but then I have a Class A CDL. That was, however, back in 2004. Wonder how easy it would be now?

07-18-2018, 03:36 PM
You've made my day! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You, YOURSELVES, Americans, SIGNED that you ALL be MANIPULATED from OVERSEAS for a couple thousands bucks.
My Congratulations, Americans! You nominated the price you're worth YOURSELVES! :clap::clap::clap:

Black Diamond
07-18-2018, 03:45 PM
You've made my day! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You, YOURSELVES, Americans, SIGNED that you ALL be MANIPULATED from OVERSEAS for a couple thousands bucks.
My Congratulations, Americans! You nominated the price you're worth YOURSELVES! :clap::clap::clap:
Wait I thought you left.

07-18-2018, 03:57 PM
Wait I thought you left.
You are right.
But... this is a SPECIAL case, as you used to say when YOU bombed people in Yugoslavia and ruined this State and its borders. :laugh:

07-18-2018, 05:01 PM
You've made my day! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You, YOURSELVES, Americans, SIGNED that you ALL be MANIPULATED from OVERSEAS for a couple thousands bucks.
My Congratulations, Americans! You nominated the price you're worth YOURSELVES! :clap::clap::clap:
Whether you know it or not, bubble head, we've manipulated plenty in Russia too. Evidently we're just better at it than you are, because you haven't found it yet.

Get a clue.

Black Diamond
07-18-2018, 05:04 PM
Whether you know it or not, bubble head, we've manipulated plenty in Russia too. Evidently we're just better at it than you are, because you haven't found it yet.

Get a clue.
Careful. . He will put you on ignore.

07-18-2018, 05:23 PM
You've made my day! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You, YOURSELVES, Americans, SIGNED that you ALL be MANIPULATED from OVERSEAS for a couple thousands bucks.
My Congratulations, Americans! You nominated the price you're worth YOURSELVES! :clap::clap::clap:

The ONLY ONLY ONLY reason that Trump and/or the United States talks to your country and Putin is because of nuclear weapons that Russia has. The USA is still the lone superpower out there by far. Russia is a has been at this point and means very little outside of their little garbage going on with their even weaker neighbors.

You guys have hackers that are very good! I'll give you that much. But outside of hacking computers and servers, and owning nuclear weapons - Russia is absolutely nothing at this point.

Did you enjoy the shellacking you were given while most of us yawned? Hell, we barely looked at Syria and the Russian "soldiers" done fell dead! True story!!Another minimum of 200-300 injured in addition. Good times, good times. :beer: :laugh2:

07-18-2018, 05:43 PM
Russia has the economy about the size of Texas... just ONE of our states. Russia is very POOR as a nation.

The United States ECLIPSES Russia in every way possibly, aside from the number of nuclear war heads we each have, and even then, it's rather irrelevant when we both possess enough of them to destroy the entire planet. There is no winning anything if full nuclear war ever broke out. There wouldn't be anything left for anyone to claim. We'd ALL be DEAD.

07-19-2018, 11:00 AM
Russia has the economy about the size of Texas... just ONE of our states. Russia is very POOR as a nation.
You made my spaniel descend with laughter.:laugh:
1. Russia is THE FIRST exporter of wheat in the World.
2. Do buy trampolines to fly to the ISS
3. Think about your Boeing without our titanium alloies
4. I remember about our couple LPG vessels when you were freezing previous winter.

American, you are so stupid as any of those, who ever nominated themselves as UNIQUE. :laugh:

07-19-2018, 11:15 AM

07-19-2018, 11:17 AM
You made my spaniel descend with laughter.:laugh:
1. Russia is THE FIRST exporter of wheat in the World.
2. Do buy trampolines to fly to the ISS
3. Think about your Boeing without our titanium alloies
4. I remember about our couple LPG vessels when you were freezing previous winter.

American, you are so stupid as any of those, who ever nominated themselves as UNIQUE. :laugh:

The numbers are a FACT and Russia's money is about as big as ONE of our states, and that's Texas, and it's a FACT.

Oh joy, you have wheat & trampolines!! And dumb enough to think we were freezing? If I go outside, perhaps, but my home has AC and heat and is never "freezing" unless I want it to be!

You are naive, and kinda funny. But you can't beat the facts, no matter how hard you try. But you never do try. You ignore facts, then you ignore folks who provide facts for you.

Abbey Marie
07-19-2018, 11:18 AM
Well, looks like someone has dropped the facade.
I guess he is that frustrated with our success.

07-19-2018, 11:41 AM

I should have read this first and left it be, instead of giving him what he wants.

Well, looks like someone has dropped the facade.
I guess he is that frustrated with our success.

Agreed! He was who he was all along I supposed. But now that we have some success in the financial department, and then Russia keeps getting attacked fairly, and then some of their folks get prosecuted, fairly, then I guess we aren't buddies anymore. :)

07-19-2018, 12:01 PM
You made my spaniel descend with laughter.:laugh:
1. Russia is THE FIRST exporter of wheat in the World.
2. Do buy trampolines to fly to the ISS
3. Think about your Boeing without our titanium alloies
4. I remember about our couple LPG vessels when you were freezing previous winter.

American, you are so stupid as any of those, who ever nominated themselves as UNIQUE. :laugh:
Couldn't deny your country is POOR, could you... no problem... we know.

Just look at Russia on google earth. Check out your cities and towns. The vast majority of your population lives in ramshackle high rise apartments, and most homes are run down little shacks. The only rich people in Russia are your KGB thug president and his croonies, who rob your people and your nation blind, and you're too stupid to admit it.

07-19-2018, 01:17 PM
Couldn't deny your country is POOR, could you... no problem... we know. ...
You are so stupid, that are NOT ABLE to understand and follow YOUR President - Let's make America Great AGAIN!
You wear Chinese, drive European, Japanese and Korean cars, use Russian engines for your spaceships... You've lost AU, NZ,African, Middle East, Asian and European car markets FOREVER! You have a foreign trade DEFICIT with EU as your items are NOT competitive. To sum up you are LOSERS. UNIQUE losers if consider your State deficit. You all live in debt at the expense of the others. And this is a fact!

07-19-2018, 01:55 PM
You are so stupid, that are NOT ABLE to understand and follow YOUR President - Let's make America Great AGAIN!
You wear Chinese, drive European, Japanese and Korean cars, use Russian engines for your spaceships... You've lost AU, NZ,African, Middle East, Asian and European car markets FOREVER! You have a foreign trade DEFICIT with EU as your items are NOT competitive. To sum up you are LOSERS. UNIQUE losers if consider your State deficit. You all live in debt at the expense of the others. And this is a fact!


07-19-2018, 02:14 PM

Go on! :laugh::laugh::laugh:


07-19-2018, 02:15 PM

07-19-2018, 02:28 PM
You are so stupid, that are NOT ABLE to understand and follow YOUR President - Let's make America Great AGAIN!
You wear Chinese, drive European, Japanese and Korean cars, use Russian engines for your spaceships... You've lost AU, NZ,African, Middle East, Asian and European car markets FOREVER! You have a foreign trade DEFICIT with EU as your items are NOT competitive. To sum up you are LOSERS. UNIQUE losers if consider your State deficit. You all live in debt at the expense of the others. And this is a fact!


07-19-2018, 05:29 PM
Go on! :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Ah, Balu, you're back. I have missed your particular brand of entertainment.

You think of your economy as any form of world leader ? POSSIBLY when it comes to investing in your military ... though I'm sure America has you soundly beaten on that score, too.

But tell me. If your Russian economy is such a dynamic one, how come so many of your people live in abject poverty ? Maybe .. it's the only way they can maintain their military expenditures, h'mm ?

Balu, you know that I've posted on this before. You must know that my description of mass poverty is accurate. And, yet ... you just can't concede an embarrassing truth.

You're a sad troll, my son ...

... but, entertaining (.. in your limited way). I have to give you that .....:laugh::laugh::rolleyes:

07-19-2018, 06:07 PM
Ah, Balu, you're back. I have missed your particular brand of entertainment.

You think of your economy as any form of world leader ? POSSIBLY when it comes to investing in your military ... though I'm sure America has you soundly beaten on that score, too.

But tell me. If your Russian economy is such a dynamic one, how come so many of your people live in abject poverty ? Maybe .. it's the only way they can maintain their military expenditures, h'mm ?

Balu, you know that I've posted on this before. You must know that my description of mass poverty is accurate. And, yet ... you just can't concede an embarrassing truth.

You're a sad troll, my son ...

... but, entertaining (.. in your limited way). I have to give you that .....:laugh::laugh::rolleyes:
You're welcome at my little ranch any time you want to visit America, brother @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287). It's an open invite. I'll give ya the $10 tour in an American super car... :beer:

07-20-2018, 06:58 PM
You're welcome at my little ranch any time you want to visit America, brother @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287). It's an open invite. I'll give ya the $10 tour in an American super car... :beer:
High_Plains_Drifter ... That's very appreciated, friend ! Though I don't think I'll be leaving the UK any time soon, though ... probably not for years.

[For what it's worth ... I have been to America ... visited New York a handful of times, back in the Eighties and Nineties ...]