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07-27-2018, 08:39 AM
One massive problem with today's voters....they are dumb as heck.


07-27-2018, 06:28 PM
One massive problem with today's voters....they are dumb as heck.


When you're fed propaganda, and that propaganda sounds much better than it really IS ... a certain 'braindead' factor creeps in. Then, it's gullibility v rational thought .....

Things are 'free' ... except ... in the end, you pay for them ... !! .....

.... YESS ...... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Those being interviewed should take a long, hard look at the UK's National Health Service. It's been around for SEVENTY years, so, by now, it should be running perfectly. Yes ?

Well, last winter, there were concerns about its being under so much strain that it might go into meltdown.

I could post link after link to support that. Fact is, the NHS looked fine on paper, before being introduced. But, today, it's one massive drain on the public purse, YET, so many people here are brainwashed into thinking it's such a good thing.

Facts barely get a look-in, for those people. The Leftie propaganda predominates.

08-01-2018, 04:33 AM
Facts barely get a look-in, for those people. The Leftie propaganda predominates.

...because people trust feelings over logic. Both come from the brain but both won't save a society. People latch on to things that brief well but in practice fail hard, with terrible consequence. People are dumb.

08-01-2018, 07:58 AM
People are dumb.
Exceedingly so, but especially the young.

When you consider that average IQ of so many nations is only in the double digits, including America, that is pathetic.

08-01-2018, 02:03 PM
Like every other label that gets slapped on political beliefs, the labels have little to do with actual definition of the word. "Socialism" is a Utopian ideal that will NEVER exist so long as there are 2 or more human beings involved. Many who label themselves or are labelled "socialist" nowadays are nothing of the sort, and would cry like little bitches if they had to live in a truly socialist society.

In our bastardized version of socialism, the assumption of "ruling class" still exists, and each so-called socialist presumes to be among them never considering they would just be among the ruled.

08-02-2018, 06:28 PM
Like every other label that gets slapped on political beliefs, the labels have little to do with actual definition of the word. "Socialism" is a Utopian ideal that will NEVER exist so long as there are 2 or more human beings involved. Many who label themselves or are labelled "socialist" nowadays are nothing of the sort, and would cry like little bitches if they had to live in a truly socialist society.

In our bastardized version of socialism, the assumption of "ruling class" still exists, and each so-called socialist presumes to be among them never considering they would just be among the ruled.

I'd say that Socialism is impossible to graft on to any society, so that the Socialism involved remains intact AS Socialism.

Socialism is indeed Utopian. Human beings can grasp the notion of Utopianism, but by the same token, human nature is completely incompatible with it. Individual human interests will always win out. The material betterment of oneself and one's loved ones is something that's a fundamental driving force, and no Socialist Utopian-arianism will ever crush that spirit.

It can't be done. Pit a social structure against human nature, and human nature must always win out. There may be a certain question of how long that takes to happen, and how much damage is done in the interim, but it MUST and WILL occur.

We had so-called Socialist Unions dominating our society at one time, here in the UK. How did their Socialism actually manifest itself ? Answer ... as pernicious pressure-groups always trying to force money out of employers. It devolved down to a question of: 'We are Socialists, standing up for the rights of the downtrodden worker. Our vision of a fair society is you giving us as much money as possible for as little work as possible. Happy Utopia, Brother ...'.

Simply put: Union Socialism = money for nothing; sheer capitalistic opportunism.

Socialism, in real terms, is nonsense. But, it's a dangerous nonsense. It's sheer poison. It cannot succeed in any society, but it IS capable of doing great harm.

It should be resisted. Ultimately, it needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.

The sooner the better.

08-02-2018, 06:34 PM
The simplest way to explain socialism to a child, and I'd say that seems to be the intellect level of most millennials, and evidently many democrats too...


08-02-2018, 07:17 PM

08-03-2018, 08:38 PM
I'd say that Socialism is impossible to graft on to any society, so that the Socialism involved remains intact AS Socialism.

Socialism is indeed Utopian. Human beings can grasp the notion of Utopianism, but by the same token, human nature is completely incompatible with it. Individual human interests will always win out. The material betterment of oneself and one's loved ones is something that's a fundamental driving force, and no Socialist Utopian-arianism will ever crush that spirit.

It can't be done. Pit a social structure against human nature, and human nature must always win out. There may be a certain question of how long that takes to happen, and how much damage is done in the interim, but it MUST and WILL occur.

We had so-called Socialist Unions dominating our society at one time, here in the UK. How did their Socialism actually manifest itself ? Answer ... as pernicious pressure-groups always trying to force money out of employers. It devolved down to a question of: 'We are Socialists, standing up for the rights of the downtrodden worker. Our vision of a fair society is you giving us as much money as possible for as little work as possible. Happy Utopia, Brother ...'.

Simply put: Union Socialism = money for nothing; sheer capitalistic opportunism.

Socialism, in real terms, is nonsense. But, it's a dangerous nonsense. It's sheer poison. It cannot succeed in any society, but it IS capable of doing great harm.

It should be resisted. Ultimately, it needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.

The sooner the better.Completely agree. You just went more in-depth than I. It cannot happen where even one man (or woman) aspires to achieve "more".