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View Full Version : Fact-checking the "fact checkers" - 12 truths called lies.

08-02-2018, 04:01 AM
it's not so much they flat-out lied its that they felt comfortable lying.


08-02-2018, 02:26 PM
Pathological liars always believe their lies which makes them so believable. They are so good they can have you doubt your own perspective of what you actually saw/heard.

I listen/watch live events and then watch/listen to how same "facts" are twisted to fit narrative of fact checkers.

And, try reading actual transcripts while watching the reporting and realize tons of facts between the two are missing.

Unfortunately, podcasts like the one posted here don't get to mainstream America which shows the total bias of WaPo fact checking.

Black Diamond
08-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Might as well go to hillaryclinton.com's fact checker she referred to countless times. :laugh:

08-02-2018, 05:29 PM

Even when the Lie has been proven to be a Lie. Today's Radical Liberal, Democrats have been Brainwashed long enough to NEVER DOUBT a Lie...even if they know it's a Lie.

08-02-2018, 05:36 PM
*I*... am a FACT CHECKER.

Let's see... the last thing I was made aware of is whether or not the democrat party was the party of TRASH. So, I did some checking, and I found that they champion, illegal aliens over legal American citizens, (for votes), they harass anyone with an opposing view, at home, at work, out to eat, and have even resorted to violence and at the extreme, SHOT opposing people, they believe in massive government, i.e. socialism, more taxes, free-free-free, which we all know is NOT free, they punish over achievers, they're for open borders and protecting known illegal alien criminals and abolishing crime fighters, ICE, (for votes), they condone sexual perversion and teaching it as soon as a child is born, "theybies," they protect known partisan hacks that give the word corruption new meaning, they believe any form of misinformation and lying is allowed to justify their agenda, and all known cities controlled by democrats are the toilets of America. I know this is an incomplete list, but these are the main tenets, so with my powers of research and deduction, knowing the facts cited above, the conclusion is YES, the democrat party IS the PARTY OF TRASH.

Feel free to have me check anything else. I'll be here for awhile.