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08-06-2018, 12:39 PM
I think most here know that I cannot stand "conspiracy theories" low on facts. But now they are all suddenly going to toss him? FB, Twitter and all the others we are finding out are not only political, but seemingly lean to the left. I see friends getting short bans on FB for simply resharing a story or being the originator. Crazy tolerant times.

I have no doubt that some of these places, the best the can, are trying to control what they can, politically related.


Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify ban Infowars' Alex Jones

All but one of the major content platforms have banned the American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as the companies raced to act in the wake of Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by Jones and his Infowars website.

Facebook unpublished four pages run by Jones for “repeated violations of community standards”, the company said on Monday. YouTube terminated Jones’s account over him repeatedly appearing in videos despite being subject to a 90-day ban from the website, and Spotify removed the entirety of one of Jones’s podcasts for “hate content”.

Facebook’s removal of the pages – the Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the Infowars Page and the Infowars Nightly News Page – comes after the social network imposed a 30-day ban on Jones personally “for his role in posting violating content to these pages”.

Following that suspension, a Facebook spokesperson said: “More content from the same pages has been reported to us – upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanising language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies.”

The spokesperson noted that, despite the focus on Jones’s role in spreading conspiracy theories around events such as the 9/11 attacks and Sandy Hook school shooting, “none of the violations that spurred today’s removals were related to this”.

A few hours after Facebook announced its ban, YouTube also terminated Jones’s account on its platform. The company issued a statement that didn’t refer to Jones by name, saying only that: “All users agree to comply with our terms of service and community guidelines when they sign up to use YouTube. When users violate these policies repeatedly, like our policies against hate speech and harassment, or our terms prohibiting circumvention of our enforcement measures, we terminate their accounts.”

Rest - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/aug/06/apple-removes-podcasts-infowars-alex-jones

08-06-2018, 01:18 PM
Another angle - there is a lot of HATE and hate groups on all these social sites, and they even use them for coordinating their hatred events and attacks.


Facebook Bans InfoWars, but Keeps Antifa, Louis Farrakhan

Facebook banned InfoWars from its platform, yet many leftist pages with far worse content still remain.

Facebook’s explanation for the InfoWars ban claims that the site posts material which “glorifies violence,” and also uses “dehumanizing language.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/08/06/facebook-bans-infowars-but-keeps-antifa-louis-farrakhan/

08-06-2018, 02:22 PM
I looked at Louis Farrakhan's facebook page and while he is looney with bible verses, there isn't any hate speech there. While I don't support Anitifa, their facebook page is pretty clean. Mostly reporting on reports of hate and violence.

08-06-2018, 02:31 PM
I looked at Louis Farrakhan's facebook page and while he is looney with bible verses, there isn't any hate speech there. While I don't support Anitifa, their facebook page is pretty clean. Mostly reporting on reports of hate and violence.

Antifa has many groups, so it would be difficult to nail them down to just one, although they do have a primary. Those are just 2 examples. There are many violent type things being tossed around on all the social crap, and more than enough hate for all of us. I couldn't care less about Jones, so no vested interest here. I just get angry when I see such pages being "unequal" in how they do things. We saw this "shadow banning" crap last week too. Politics is simply in more news/social sites out there than I personally had thought.

But I'll guarantee you if called on it, I can find a shit ton of hatred type pages and/or pages that can lead to violence - as in antifa and similar groups. If they are passing along some hatred, and telling folks how to do things when going to a protest, and aligning times and what not... right or left, it would be wrong IMO.

I think Jones and his site are one of the least things to worry about in this age of wacky news, and yet here we are. There are targets out there. And it makes 100% sense if someone leans right or left, that it may show in their running of a company. That is also their right.

08-06-2018, 02:36 PM
Antifa has many groups, so it would be difficult to nail them down to just one, although they do have a primary. Those are just 2 examples. There are many violent type things being tossed around on all the social crap, and more than enough hate for all of us. I couldn't care less about Jones, so no vested interest here. I just get angry when I see such pages being "unequal" in how they do things. We saw this "shadow banning" crap last week too. Politics is simply in more news/social sites out there than I personally had thought.

But I'll guarantee you if called on it, I can find a shit ton of hatred type pages and/or pages that can lead to violence - as in antifa and similar groups. If they are passing along some hatred, and telling folks how to do things when going to a protest, and aligning times and what not... right or left, it would be wrong IMO.

I think Jones and his site are one of the least things to worry about in this age of wacky news, and yet here we are. There are targets out there. And it makes 100% sense if someone leans right or left, that it may show in their running of a company. That is also their right.

That is true Antifa has many chapters, I was looking at the main one. If others are violent and express hate speech, they should be reported.

Apparently there was no twitter shadowbanning

08-06-2018, 02:39 PM
That is true Antifa has many chapters, I was looking at the main one. If others are violent and express hate speech, they should be reported.

Apparently there was no twitter shadowbanning

I don't even care what they call it, or if that particular one is incorrect. With my own eyes, I have seen SO many bannings, deletions and other crap, on ALL the social sites, and it's been leaning left. Hell, even look at congress and FB and Zuckerberg.... it's not the crime of the century, but it's obvious which ones lean in which direction and what actions are taken as a result - in all directions.

08-06-2018, 02:42 PM
I don't even care what they call it, or if that particular one is incorrect. With my own eyes, I have seen SO many bannings, deletions and other crap, on ALL the social sites, and it's been leaning left. Hell, even look at congress and FB and Zuckerberg.... it's not the crime of the century, but it's obvious which ones lean in which direction and what actions are taken as a result - in all directions.

Whether left or right is not important. It's whether the removal was justified in their terms of service.

08-06-2018, 02:50 PM
Whether left or right is not important. It's whether the removal was justified in their terms of service.

Exactly. And if you DID go by that, he likely deserved the termination. But then it would also further point out their hypocrisy, as I've seen so many on the left do various things, and aren't being "punished" for their actions. C'mon man, it's not like I'm inventing this stuff. If it made it all the way to congress, then I'm not the only one.

And again, it is their right to do so.

08-06-2018, 02:59 PM
Exactly. And if you DID go by that, he likely deserved the termination. But then it would also further point out their hypocrisy, as I've seen so many on the left do various things, and aren't being "punished" for their actions. C'mon man, it's not like I'm inventing this stuff. If it made it all the way to congress, then I'm not the only one.

And again, it is their right to do so.

Do you report these on the left that are violating terms of service? Critical mass might may a part. I don't know.

08-06-2018, 03:08 PM
Do you report these on the left that are violating terms of service? Critical mass might may a part. I don't know.

Nah, I know enough what to read and what to pass on by. I see a LOT of crap posted that I detest - and just like I state here, I do there, which is pass on by if I don't like it.

And not saying you, so save it.... but since the election - the whole tolerance thing disappeared. The whole "when they go low we go high" disappeared along with it. And quite frankly, I don't think those things EVER existed for those folks.

08-06-2018, 03:17 PM
Nah, I know enough what to read and what to pass on by. I see a LOT of crap posted that I detest - and just like I state here, I do there, which is pass on by if I don't like it.

And not saying you, so save it.... but since the election - the whole tolerance thing disappeared. The whole "when they go low we go high" disappeared along with it. And quite frankly, I don't think those things EVER existed for those folks.

It's a big world, with a lot of people. There will always be people in the margins. It doesn't mean they represent the whole. Tolerance by itself was never a good concept. There are many things we should not tolerate. I personally detest the trendy coexist bumper stickers. Customs are not equal, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't treat people with respect and with an open mind even if they are different than we are used to.

08-06-2018, 04:09 PM
Whether left or right is not important.
You wouldn't be saying that if all social media was run by conservatives, and it was ALWAYS you leftists who got banned.

This would be you... you people are the worst hypocrites on the planet... and your epic double standards are well known by all...


08-06-2018, 04:54 PM
You wouldn't be saying that if all social media was run by conservatives, and it was ALWAYS you leftists who got banned.

This would be you... you people are the worst hypocrites on the planet... and your epic double standards are well known by all...

The crying has not remotely subsided. It's grown worse. Everything and anything Trump, must be cried and whined about. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! A minimum of 4 years of scowling and white knuckles & foaming at the mouth. All good clean comedy! :laugh:

08-06-2018, 07:08 PM
I've read several other stories around the 'net on this issue. Now look, as I said, I couldn't care less about Jones and his conspiracy theories - but how does this all happen in one day from all those companies? Was this a concerted effort? I can understand violating rules - but again, all of them on the same day like this? Kinda like a bunch of higher up folks got together and decided to shut him up or whatever. With social media getting as powerful as it is, we're also finding out how much power they have when it comes to politics.

08-06-2018, 08:23 PM
The crying has not remotely subsided. It's grown worse. Everything and anything Trump, must be cried and whined about. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! A minimum of 4 years of scowling and white knuckles & foaming at the mouth. All good clean comedy! :laugh:

All I hear is crying here. DP is a big ol cry fest.

08-06-2018, 08:32 PM
All I hear is crying here. DP is a big ol cry fest.

Pretty sure most folks are thrilled with Trump and the results of his presidency thus far. No need to cry when things are going so well.

And you always use DP as a whole, in general. How many times do you have to be given directions to the exit? Why always find ways to critique the board as a whole, and then always return? Why not just go elsewhere and stop YOUR whining?

Until then, still counting the wins, and still NOTHING from dems or Mueller at all about Russia collusion. Daily whining and yet daily winning. Good times, good times, Pete!

08-06-2018, 08:51 PM
All I hear is crying here. DP is a big ol cry fest.
-------------------- :blabla: ------------------------ :bsflag:

08-07-2018, 09:55 AM
So you’ll have to go directly to their website in order to learn how many child actors were pretending to be murdered at school this week? Such hassle.

08-07-2018, 10:02 AM
So you’ll have to go directly to their website in order to learn how many child actors were pretending to be murdered at school this week? Such hassle.

The majority was conspiracy crap, but he also nabbed some good news here and there. But the person isn't the point, nor their theories - it's major tech companies somehow getting together and making a concerted effort to toss this guy, even if he is an idiot. It's scary to vision the future, and who may be in charge, and who else may disappear.

So you support tossing freedom of speech, so long as the subject is wacky out there and you're in disagreement?

I try to extend it as far as humanly possible, politics or sports or any subject. Obviously there's a line at time, like the yelling "fire" stuff, but that's not the case here. This was just a disliked idiot who they got together and made content disappear.

08-07-2018, 10:19 AM
Freedom of speech means nothing when you agree to the terms and conditions of a platform that you want to use.

08-07-2018, 10:35 AM
Freedom of speech means nothing when you agree to the terms and conditions of a platform that you want to use.

I agree with that. and said repeatedly that they are within their rights of course. But it doesn't change the message being sent, nor change the actions taken. It was still a rather tall list of major companies all taking action at the same time. And they are still major communication hubs, so of course the actions can have far reaching consequences.

And while we all agree to their TOS, far too many I've seen deleted/banned for the lamest of things, simply posting a news story, or sharing a new story, or giving their opinion with no hatred/violence. It happens, even if not all on the level of Infowars. But what can start with them, and then Tommy Robinson - who is next? And what will be the reasoning?

Even at our tiny little corner here, I try to hold those standards. While there may be little things said and what not - the stopping of someone's ability to speak their POV and opinions here would take a major rule breaking, and then even then it's usually just spammers. Big difference, yes, but just showing that I truly believe in such rights, whether here, FB, Instagram...

If it were "The View" with their opinions, or maybe something like the Washington Post which so many times comes down to "anonymous" sources or dud sources, which often turn out to be fake or lies. The hubaloo about things if it were a left organization would be totally different.

But in this case, Jones very well may have deserved it. But the odds of him deserving it, based on various TOS, and repeated actions and such, to somehow magically lineup the stars to all happen at the same time? The issue here is partly such companies censoring & also and more so important the level of a concerted effort that took place here. It certainly makes me wonder how that happened, and if and how it may happen again in the future.

08-07-2018, 10:46 AM
Every social media platform can start handing out lifetime bans to whoever they want, and they can group up together and do it all at the same time, or not at all, none of that infringes on a persons right to free speech.

08-07-2018, 11:00 AM
Every social media platform can start handing out lifetime bans to whoever they want, and they can group up together and do it all at the same time, or not at all, none of that infringes on a persons right to free speech.

I think I've made it clear like 10x in this thread alone that I agree with that statement, and they do have the right to do as they wish with their site.

But it's still scary and still censoring someone.

Be cool when Wikileaks folks and others get their social stuff all shut down, and all domains shut down by their registrars and what not. They can do so if they choose to. Of course you would agree with that if it happened, and shrug shoulders and simply state it's their right to do so?



Liberal Tech Giants Facebook, Twitter, Google-YouTube and Wikipedia have all stepped up their harassment of conservative publishers since the 2016 election.

The far left and Democrats understand that conservatives get their news from online publishers.

Since the election The Gateway Pundit found from traffic analysis that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites.

** Twitter is shadowbanning and censoring conservative lawmakers and conservative publishers. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/shock-study-facebook-has-eliminated-93-of-traffic-to-top-conservative-websites-since-2016-election/)

** Wikipedia is controlled by far left editors who are regularly accused of liberal bias.

** YouTube is shutting down conservative pages and demonitizing several others. (https://dailycaller.com/2017/08/11/conservative-and-independent-youtube-channels-hit-by-censorship-and-demonetization/)

And a Gateway Pundit June study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites.


Facebook began eliminating conservative content after the 2016 election.


On Monday Facebook caved to the leftist media mob demanding censorship of InfoWars and permanently banned their page.

Facebook has permanently BANNED Infowars.

For unspecified "hate speech". They didn't even tell us what the offending posts were.

This sets a chilling precedent for free speech.

To all other conservative news outlets – you are next.

The great censorship purge has truly begun. pic.twitter.com/v7Yo9hI0q3

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 6, 2018

Also on Monday Apple removed Infowars podcasts.
CNBC reported:

Apple confirmed on Monday that it had removed five out of six podcasts, which includes Jones’ infamous “The Alex Jones Show” as well as a number of other InfoWars audio streams. The news was originally reported by BuzzFeed News.

It is interesting that Facebook and Apple would ban Infowars on the same day.
It makes you wonder if these tech giants are working together to throttle conservative content online?
And who is behind the scene pulling the strings?

UPDATE: Google-YouTube just terminated the Infowars account.


Google and YouTube Have Long History of Working with Democrats — Then Ban Alex Jones and Infowars

Google openly supported Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt and other Google top executives and engineers visited the Obama white house 430 times. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3554953/Google-staffers-meetings-White-House-staggering-427-times-course-Obama-presidency-averaging-week.html)

Researchers as SourceFed found that Google was actively altering search recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/investigators-find-google-actively-altering-search-recommendations-favor-hillary-clintons-campaign/)

Google’s YouTube regularly paused the livestream at the Trump rallies.

On Monday Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify banned Infowars and Alex Jones from their platforms in a coordinated attack.
Google and Facebook employees overwhelmingly support Democrats.
And now they are doing their dirty work.

The Culture Chronicles reported: (http://theculturechronicles.com/index.php/2018/08/07/with-the-recent-banning-of-alex-jones-by-youtube-its-time-to-look-back-at-the-cozy-relationship-google-has-had-with-both-obama-and-hillary-clinton/)

With the banning of Alex Jones as well as his content from YouTube being removed, it forces one to look back into the cozy relationship Google and their executives have had with both Obama, Clinton, the DNC, and possibly other deep state entities.

Back in 2012, then CEO of Google Eric Schmidt teamed up with Obama. He started several technology start-ups, all of them with the intention of assisting the Obama campaign with data mining and leveraging Google’s expertise. One of those companies called The Groundwork would later become the main technology vendor to the Hillary Clinton campaign. The company used data mining and other Google technologies to target specific voters.

During that time, Eric Schmidt and other Google top executives and engineers visited the Obama white house 430 times. That would account for nearly weekly meetings between Google and Obama.

But, as leaked emails published by Wikileaks show, Schmidt was much more involved with the Clinton campaign than simply offering technology services.

In one leaked email exchange from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, Podesta writes the following about Schmidt:

“He’s ready to fund, advise recruit talent, etc. He was more deferential on structure than I expected. Wasn’t pushing to run through one of his existing firms. Clearly wants to be head outside advisor, but didn’t seem like he wanted to push others out. Clearly wants to get going. He’s still in DC tomorrow and would like to meet with you if you are in DC in the afternoon. I think it’s worth doing.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/google-and-youtube-have-long-history-of-working-with-democrats-then-ban-alex-jones-and-infowars/

08-07-2018, 11:06 AM
I think I've made it clear like 10x in this thread alone that I agree with that statement, and they do have the right to do as they wish with their site.

But it's still scary and still censoring someone.

Be cool when Wikileaks folks and others get their social stuff all shut down, and all domains shut down by their registrars and what not. They can do so if they choose to. Of course you would agree with that if it happened, and shrug shoulders and simply state it's their right to do so?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2018, 11:06 AM
Whether left or right is not important. It's whether the removal was justified in their terms of service.

Figures that you missed it..
It is about the very biased selective enforcement of the terms of service.
If the action is fair, correct, justifiable ban all-- not just those that that are considered enemies of the dems/libs/leftists and other assorted types of ffing vermin.
Imagine that, you completely ignored that easily seen reality/ truth, while attempting to pass off an inaccurate and covering up for, spill.
I'll catch you every time you try such Saul Alinksy type tactics here, if I find them. -Tyr

08-07-2018, 11:15 AM

Fair enough then, at least your consistent. But I know you supported Wiki if I recall correctly, and wouldn't think you would be cool with an attack of sorts on them to completely shut them down. And I also recall you not agreeing with all of the payment processing companies shutting them down financially. But I could be wrong, that may have been Rev...

Personally, I wouldn't agree with any concerted attack on them either, to take everything and anything from them, without good reason. Of course with Wiki it brings in quite a few countries and their laws. Not in general.

Nor would I agree if it were a left agency of some sort, not without dang good reason, IMO.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2018, 11:17 AM
Every social media platform can start handing out lifetime bans to whoever they want, and they can group up together and do it all at the same time, or not at all, none of that infringes on a persons right to free speech.

" Every social media platform can start handing out lifetime bans to whoever they want,"

Can?? Why sure I ---can--- do many things that are wrong or biased. Just because they ---can--- does not necessarily mean it is right or that it is being fair.
It is a matter of principle, decency, fairness and morality my friend. Targeting conservatives to selectively ban is a blatant attempt in aiding one side to continue its promotion of hatred, darkness, illegality and general aim to destroy this nation as it was founded, IMHO.
You are not American, thus would not understand that some of us find this sickening and needing correction..
Lord help these vermin should that ever cause a great divide, one resulting in a civil war...
As the righteous wrath of Justice finally being delivered, is a terrible thing to behold, IMHO... -Tyr

08-07-2018, 11:20 AM
Can?? Why sure I ---can--- do many things that are wrong or biased. Just because they ---can--- does not necessarily mean it is right or that it is being fair.
It is a matter of principle, decency, fairness and morality my friend. Targeting conservatives to selectively ban is a blatant attempt in aiding one side to continue its promotion of hatred, darkness, illegality and general aim to destroy this nation as it was founded, IMHO.
You are not American, thus would not understand that some of us find this sickening and needing correction..
Lord help these vermin should that ever cause a great divide, one resulting in a civil war...
As the righteous wrath of Justice finally being delivered, is a terrible thing to behold, IMHO... -Tyr

Do you think Alex Jones is representative of Conservatives? I don’t.

08-07-2018, 11:29 AM
Do you think Alex Jones is representative of Conservatives? I don’t.

I agree, I don't think he is either. BUT, he supports the conservatives, and does get out some regular good news pretty often as well. And with that said, I don't watch or read any of his stuff.

But even if this were the weirdos at democrat underground, I would still SMH and speak out against and hope it wouldn't be a beginning of anything.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2018, 11:31 AM
Do you think Alex Jones is representative of Conservatives? I don’t.

It is not that he is conservative or a great person . It is that this new way of attacking those the left sees as its enemies is wrong and reeks of a corruptive and well organised political influence.
As well as it having free speech ramifications that are pointedly negative..-Tyr

08-07-2018, 11:42 AM
It is not that he is conservative or a great person . It is that this new way of attacking those the left sees as its enemies is wrong and reeks of a corruptive and well organised political influence.
As well as it having free speech ramifications that are pointedly negative..-Tyr

It's been that way since the election, to literally try and shut folks down. We saw this in all the tech companies now. Prior, with the marches and protests and everything else - and then anyone they have an issue with they go for jobs and personal things and anything they can. People with years old comments are getting shitcanned and ostracized. Well, 'cept for Jeong at the NY Times apparently.

And this applies to congress as well, where leaders stated they would obstruct from day one. It's literally been a "fight" because folks disagree and didn't like the results of the election.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2018, 12:19 PM
It's been that way since the election, to literally try and shut folks down. We saw this in all the tech companies now. Prior, with the marches and protests and everything else - and then anyone they have an issue with they go for jobs and personal things and anything they can. People with years old comments are getting shitcanned and ostracized. Well, 'cept for Jeong at the NY Times apparently.

And this applies to congress as well, where leaders stated they would obstruct from day one. It's literally been a "fight" because folks disagree and didn't like the results of the election.

These tech companies are all in with the dem party agenda..
This they have in common with the dem party and their allies the muslims- total hatred for those they see as enemies!
Willingness to punish in any way available, and to do so, to the deepest degree possible..
Another example of why the dem party supports this nation's enemies, the globalists and the muslims, IMHO. -Tyr

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 03:48 PM
From Facebook:

Alex Jones is now an unperson, straight out of the plot of Nineteen Eighty-Four. YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Facebook have all colluded to deplatform Infowars in a massive Orwellian purge. Regardless what you think of him, this is the digital equivalent of book burning and sets a horrifying precedent for mass censorship by Big Tech.

08-07-2018, 03:54 PM
It's been that way since the election, to literally try and shut folks down. We saw this in all the tech companies now. Prior, with the marches and protests and everything else - and then anyone they have an issue with they go for jobs and personal things and anything they can. People with years old comments are getting shitcanned and ostracized. Well, 'cept for Jeong at the NY Times apparently.

And this applies to congress as well, where leaders stated they would obstruct from day one. It's literally been a "fight" because folks disagree and didn't like the results of the election.

Kinda like when the president tells everyone the media is the enemy of the country?

08-07-2018, 03:55 PM
From Facebook:

Alex Jones is now an unperson, straight out of the plot of Nineteen Eighty-Four. YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Facebook have all colluded to deplatform Infowars in a massive Orwellian purge. Regardless what you think of him, this is the digital equivalent of book burning and sets a horrifying precedent for mass censorship by Big Tech.

ok snowflake, deal with it, these companies are free to do what they want. Enjoy not using their services.

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 04:10 PM
ok snowflake, deal with it, these companies are free to do what they want. Enjoy not using their services.
neither I nor the person who posted that ever said the companies weren't free to do anything.

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 04:16 PM
Kinda like when the president tells everyone the media is the enemy of the country?
I don't know if trump actually said that, but by and large, they are.

08-07-2018, 04:23 PM
neither I nor the person who posted that ever said the companies weren't free to do anything.

I hope they continue, I'm not tired of the winning.

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 05:12 PM
I hope they continue, I'm not tired of the winning.
Yes. Y'all should keep doing what you're doing. It's worked so well for you.

08-07-2018, 05:12 PM
Kinda like when the president tells everyone the media is the enemy of the country?

Big difference between how millions and millions out there respond and act - and how Trump reacts to news that is incorrect, made up, bogus anonymous sources.

Fact is, the left had a terrible time dealing with Trump from the day he was elected. They went all in when it came to condemning him and outright laughing at the possibility that he could win the presidency. Then that had to be swallowed whole. Then they went all in for Hillary and just assumed that the presidency was hers, just as Newsweek did and had to quickly retract all the magazines sent out with "madame president". And the left had to swallow that loss of hers, and it hurt many, proven by the endless crying that evening. And it's continued.

And the media does in fact lean in certain directions, each place has their own foothold. And there's a lot of left leaning MSM agencies out there, and they were none to happy about Trump winning, and then his continued efforts to always point out the incorrect news with the anonymous sources, and then turned it into fake news eventually.

Enemy of the country. No, that's wrong of him to say, at least without some serious clarification. IMO, it would be just fine to use that wording, but as in enemy based on feeding unreliable and/or incorrect and/or wishful thinking articles and/or attack and made up articles.

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 05:14 PM
Big difference between how millions and millions out there respond and act - and how Trump reacts to news that is incorrect, made up, bogus anonymous sources.

Fact is, the left had a terrible time dealing with Trump from the day he was elected. They went all in when it came to condemning him and outright laughing at the possibility that he could win the presidency. Then that had to be swallowed whole. Then they went all in for Hillary and just assumed that the presidency was hers, just as Newsweek did and had to quickly retract all the magazines sent out with "madame president". And the left had to swallow that loss of hers, and it hurt many, proven by the endless crying that evening. And it's continued.

And the media does in fact lean in certain directions, each place has their own foothold. And there's a lot of left leaning MSM agencies out there, and they were none to happy about Trump winning, and then his continued efforts to always point out the incorrect news with the anonymous sources, and then turned it into fake news eventually.

Enemy of the country. No, that's wrong of him to say, at least without some serious clarification. IMO, it would be just fine to use that wording, but as in enemy based on feeding unreliable and/or incorrect and/or wishful thinking articles and/or attack and made up articles.
I still want that Madame president mag.

08-07-2018, 05:19 PM
I hope they continue, I'm not tired of the winning.

The winning is beyond even what I had hoped for. Far from perfection, and maybe even just an 'above average' rated president at this point. But with all things considered, and enemies lined up hitting from all directions the entire time - and yet the winning happens anyway, in so many ways and areas.

And then the winning that the left enjoys is trying to incite violence, or being involved in violence, trying to intimidate others or get them fired, or tossed from public places, censoring & then satisfaction out of that censorship on platforms that the left can control all by themselves, and call that winning. :laugh: :rolleyes:

08-08-2018, 06:32 PM
Kinda like when the president tells everyone the media is the enemy of the country?
Not all the media. Just the democrat propaganda wing...


Black Diamond
08-08-2018, 09:25 PM